Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3)

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Mafia Prince (Mafia Royalty Book 3) Page 13

by Cala Riley

  “Although, it seems like Bastiano may have found trouble on his way. Whose blood are you wearing?” Franco Garza says teasingly.

  “Enough,” Massimo Pisano, the unofficial leader of the commission, growls. “Let’s get to this. I have things to do.”

  “Thank you all for gathering,” I start. “There have been constant attacks for a while now. Some of these attacks were internal, while it has been brought to my attention that one of these attacks was from another family. The Rossis to be exact.”

  “That’s absurd. We have no reason to come after you, Catalini.” Sal Rossi scoffs.

  “So, you’re saying this attack was not sanctioned?” I ask, building my case for immunity.

  “If there was an attack, it was not sanctioned by myself or my family. We have a working relationship. Why would I burn that?”

  “Good question. Still, the proof is in the photos.” I pull out a manila envelope from the pocket inside of my suit jacket and throw it on the table in front of him. “These photos show Kevin and Karrisa, my sister, plotting against the Catalini family with Fillipo, whom we already have established has been attacking my family.”

  “Photos do not prove anything. You will have to have more than this if you want what I think you want,” Massimo states.

  “I’m glad you said that. Along with the photos, we have video and audio proof.” I take the flash drive out of my pocket and slide it across to Massimo. “This should be everything you need to absolve me of my crimes.”

  “Crimes?” Massimo asks.

  “The blood I wear is that of Kevin and Karrisa Rossi. I eliminated them prior to my arrival tonight. While I know this was not approved prior to the act, it was a necessity. Had it been someone in my family, which I feel like it was as it was my own blood who committed the crime, I would not have blinked at allowing any one of you to take them out. There are few laws we abide by, and one of those is conspiring to murder another don and/or anyone in his immediate family. This crime is more serious than the crime I committed in my eyes. I will no longer be viewed as weak. I am the head of my family, not some child playing don. From this point forward, I will no longer be questioned, nor will you bully me into decisions against what I believe in. For now, it is your decision. What shall my punishment be?”

  I sit back and watch as everyone speaks at once. I wasn’t lying to Sofia. I will walk out of this room back to her. I only hope it won’t be through the blood of the men sitting before me.


  I pace the empty room Lo brought me into as soon as Bash disappeared from sight. I protested, but ultimately, I knew he was right. Standing in the hall wasn’t safe. We all knew what the plan was for tonight. Not that this room was much safer—an empty office down the hall from the conference room. I refused to allow Lo to lead me any further.

  A knock on the door causes me to pause. Lo opens it to find a foot soldier on the other side. He takes the bag from his hand before closing the door again.

  “The bathroom is through that door. Go clean up. Isabella put a change of clothes in there for you as well.” He hands me the bag before nudging me toward the door.

  “No. How can I do anything when, for all we know, he could already be dead?” A brief flicker of emotion flashes in Lo’s eyes before he hardens again.

  “He won’t die. Bash is the strongest man I know. He’s smart and cunning. You know that if anyone could make it out of this alive, it will be him. He would never leave you alone in this world. Now go clean up and change. Be the queen he needs.”

  His sharp, harsh words have the desired effect. I throw a sneer at him but do as he says. He’s right. I need to be strong now. Not only for Bash, but for our family, friends, and our people. I may not have always been a part of this world, but they accepted me as one of their own. I hear the whispers they say about me.

  Beautiful. Humble. Kind. Fierce. Loyal.

  Words that bring a tear to my eye. I never thought I would find a place where I belong. A man who holds my heart in his hand and protects it with his life. A family who would do anything for one another.

  I steel myself against the tears threatening to fall down my face. I can lose it later. Right now, I need to stay strong. I need to be Sofia Catalini, queen of the Catalini empire.

  After my internal pep talk, I get to work cleaning up. I peel off my blood-soaked dress as carefully as I can. Then I place it inside the empty bag my change of clothes came in. I use the sink to clean up, washing the blood from my skin. Once mostly clean, I use a small hand towel to dry myself before slipping into the new dress. The dress is black and floor length with long sleeves and covers my back and clavicle as well. It’s the most conservative dress I’ve worn since moving to New York, but I can see why Izzy picked it. It hides most of my skin, meaning any blood I missed will be hidden.

  Finally put back together, I exit the bathroom and find Lo on the phone, leaning against the desk.

  “I should go, mio piccolo angelo. Yeah, I will tell her. I love you too.” He hangs up before turning to me.

  “How is she doing?” I lean against the desk next to him.

  “As good as she can. She wants to be here but understands why we didn’t want her here. She’s worried about all of us. I think she’s still slightly hormonal.” He shrugs like it is no big deal.

  I let out a chuckle, and by the small smile on his lips, that was what he was hoping for. “Don’t let her hear you say that. You might lose a ball or two.”

  “Nah, she loves my balls.”

  I give him another smile while shaking my head at him.

  The doorknob suddenly starts turning, startling both of us. Next thing I know, I’m being pushed behind the desk and onto the floor. Lo stands above me, gun pointed at the door.

  “What—” I start, but Lo shushes me.

  My heart begins to race.

  Is this how it ends? I don’t want to die.

  My breath catches. There was once a time when death didn’t scare me. I had nothing left to live for. The nightmares that plagued me would have eventually caused me to go insane. Bash changed everything for me. He became my beacon of hope, my dark king here to protect and take care of me. He dragged me from that pit and pulled me into his world.

  I don’t want it to end.

  The doorknob jiggles again, causing my heart to race as a myriad of thoughts rush through my head. I played out a million scenarios of how this could go. Then I hear it, a voice that moments ago I thought I may never hear again.

  “Open the door. It’s me.” Bash’s hushed whisper pulls me from the floor and sends me rushing to the door.

  Lo pulls me back against his chest, stopping me. “Wait,” he says in my ear.

  “For what?”

  He clears his throat and calls out, “Bash, my friend, what are you doing down here?”

  Bash chuckles, causing goose bumps to skitter down my arms. “I was just thinking about taking the boat out for a fishing trip. Now will you open the goddamned door?”

  Lo lets out a breath he was holding before loosening his arm. He steps around me, making his way to the door. As soon as it opens, I don’t hold back. I run toward Bash to throw myself at him. He gives me a blinding smile as he catches me.

  “I told you I would be fine, tesoro.”

  “I never doubted it. You could walk through the depths of hell and you would still come home to me. I know that.”

  He pulls back before taking my lips with his. After what seems like hours, but was most likely only minutes, he pulls away. “Let’s finish this.” He sets me down before taking my hand.

  I notice that he’s cleaned up as well. Giovanni must have had a change of clothes for him. It amazes me how well they were prepared for tonight. In order to protect us, we were only told what our portion of the plan would be.

  “I love you, Bash. More than anything.”

  He squeezes my hand before leaning down and kissing me once more.

  “I wasn’t living until I met you, tesoro.
I love you with every breath in my lungs.”

  I smile at his words, knowing I have found my purpose in life.


  “You look gorgeous tonight,” Giovanni whispers as he passes by me.

  I give him a small smile as I continue to watch the room. He hasn’t been more than five steps away from me since Bash and Sofia left the room. While he’s trying to put me at ease by whispering sweet words to me, I’m still on alert.

  We watched our best friends commit murder. I almost wish I was at home with Mia. At least then this would have all been a story relayed to me. Witnessing it myself caused my stomach to roll. A foreboding feeling has weighed on me ever since. The danger in the room and of what lies beyond plagues me.

  Will we ever make it out of here alive tonight?

  My eyes meet Matt’s from across the room. He gives me a small smile. He understands the turmoil I am in. I was not built for this life, but it’s one that I opted into. Giovanni’s the love of my life while Sofia and Mia are my sisters. Add in the strong loyalty and protectiveness I feel for Lo, Bash, and Matt, and I knew I could not just sit at home while they completed their mission.

  I understand why the show of force was necessary. But that doesn’t mean it sits well with me. Not only because of the crime committed, but I can’t help but think about the two small children they left parentless. We took the people they love and depend on most and erased them from the world. What will happen to them now? Will Bash and Sofia take them in?

  My heart sinks at the thought of Bash abandoning them because of who their parents are. Most dons would have erased the entire family line due to their betrayal. I know Bash wouldn’t harm the children, but I don’t know if he will care for them.

  A graze against my ass brings me back to the present.

  “You have the best ass. Have I told you that?” This time, instead of passing by, Giovanni steps behind me, pulling me into his arms.

  “You might have mentioned it a time or two.” I can still hear the distracted tone in my voice.

  My eyes are still roaming the room, looking for any sign of betrayal. Most of the partygoers have already gone back to drinking and dancing. Small groups whisper off to the sides of the room.

  Right after Sofia and Bash exited the room, a clean-up crew came in and sectioned off the front corner of the room. I guess that is one good thing about hotel banquet halls. The partition blocked off the entire front of the room where the stage was, but I know that behind the wall they are disposing of the bodies and cleaning up the evidence.

  Even if someone from tonight is stupid enough to say something, there will be no evidence. Everything will be disposed of before their statement could even be taken.

  “Are you okay, cuore mio?” Giovanni holds me a little tighter as I let my eyes fall closed.

  “I don’t know,” I reply honestly.

  He turns me in his arms and places a quick kiss to my forehead. “That’s okay. You don’t have to be. Take your time. Process what you need to.”

  I give him a small smile. “Thank you for being you. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The doors on the other side of the room open, causing me to turn toward them. My breath catches as I wait to see who is on the other side. It whooshes out of me as soon as I see Sofia and Bash walk into the room hand in hand. I don’t stop the smile that takes over my face at the relief of knowing they are okay. The room quiets as they stop right inside the door.

  “Let’s celebrate a long reign of Don Bastiano, leader of the Catalinis, and his queen, Sofia,” Lo yells from behind them.

  Everyone cheers as they walk further into the room. Each person crowds to them, wanting to shake their hands or speak to them.

  “Does that mean this is over?” I whisper to Giovanni.

  He leans over my shoulder before turning my head to his. “It does. This is the beginning of a new way of life for us. Bash earned the respect he has been missing since his father passed. Things will be different now.”

  My mind flashes back to Karrisa and Kevin’s children. “Can I ask you something? I need you to be honest.”

  I see hurt flash across his eyes. “Always. I will never lie to you.”

  We are still in a vulnerable place. We love each other and we’re taking a real shot at this, but my insecurities get in the way sometimes. They have gotten better, but wounds don’t heal overnight. They take time.

  “Sorry,” I murmur.

  He kisses me softly. “Don’t be. What do you want to know?”

  “What will happen to their kids?” I whisper the question, not wanting to be overhead.

  He understands who I mean immediately. “Well, Bash doesn’t want his mother to take them in. She’s already volatile, and this will make her even worse. He’s sending her to Italy to get her away from Sofia. He thinks she will blame her.”

  “Knowing Mama Catalini, he isn’t wrong to worry,” I mutter.

  He smiles. “Exactly. He thought about sending the kids to live with the family in Italy as well, but felt that wouldn’t be fair to them.”

  I nod, agreeing with the statement.

  “He doesn’t want them to know what they did, but he knows that one day they may hear whispers. They don’t want to take them in themselves for fear of later resentment from the children. Even though they’re only two and four years old, you know how other kids can be. There will be whispers of tonight decades from now.”

  “What did they decide?” I ask, my heart aching for the children.

  “They want them to stay with family. I told them we would take them in and give them a loving home.” His eyes don’t leave mine, searching for my reaction.

  My eyes tear up at his thoughtfulness. “You did?”

  “I did. Should I have asked you first? I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  I kiss him hard. “It’s more than okay. I know it will be rough with them having lost their parents, but my heart couldn’t take them being abandoned or sent off. They need stability. I’m happy you feel the same.”

  “You always wanted a family. It isn’t conventional, but you will be the best mother figure to these children. You will give them everything that Bash says they never got from Karrisa.”

  “I love you so much, Giovanni Catalini.”

  “Not nearly as much as I love you, Isabella Dellaco.”


  “Shhh, it’s okay, Elena. Daddy will be home soon.” I talk away to our beautiful daughter, even though she doesn’t understand.

  Lo is out doing what he does best—protecting the family, which includes this little family we have built. My chest has hurt since the moment he walked out the door. I know if I go into the living room, at least five guards will be at different points around the house. Another ten are outside the house, protecting the perimeter. I wanted to go with them. I should be there in case they need me. I am their doctor, after all. Not only that, but I’m family.

  I feel my blood starting to boil again. Not one of them would agree to let me go. I thought Isabella might have been on my side since she is all for independent women, but no. She agreed that I needed to stay home.

  Elena cries out again, so I stop my pacing and negative thoughts and sit in the rocker.

  “I know, baby girl. I needed to be here for you. I know that. I just want to be there for them too.”

  She quiets down as soon as I position her for her feeding. I always thought breastfeeding was a little bit weird, but after researching throughout pregnancy, I decided to give it a try. I thought Lo might object, but he wholeheartedly agreed. He said he only wants the best for his baby.


  I never thought he would be the man he is today. He is still the same dark Lo, but now I see some of the light inside him. Every time he holds Elena, his eyes shine with the pride only a father could have. He is so gentle with her.

  Then there are the tender moments with us. We still have a wild side that would cause a church girl to faint, but s
ometimes he brings the vanilla into the room, making sweet love to me. For a man who was so against giving this a shot, he sure has put himself all in.

  I look down at my phone again, waiting for another update. Still nothing. My heart constricts in my chest. I talked to Lo about an hour ago, but he couldn’t give me much. All he could tell me was he was protecting Sofia and that Bash had not come back yet.

  Please let them be okay.

  I send the prayer up to whatever god will listen.

  I sit here humming quietly to Elena, letting myself get lost in my thoughts. Sometimes thinking about the past while others worrying about our future.

  I hear the front door open, and I tense.

  We have a getaway plan in place. If things go south, the men here at the house are to whisk me away to an undisclosed location. Once there, I will be put on a plane and sent somewhere with a new passport and enough money to last me the rest of mine and Elena’s life.

  Without Lo.

  Without anyone from the family.

  That is the deal. I will have to leave the entire family behind because if things go south, no one is to be trusted.

  The door to the nursery slowly opens. The tears fall freely as I see Lo slide in.

  “What are you doing up?” he whispers, not wanting to wake our now sleeping baby in my arms.

  “I couldn’t sleep. Plus, you know your baby’s fussy.” He smiles at my words. He loves when I call her his.

  “I know. How has she been?” He leans over and gently takes her from my arms before leaning in to kiss me.

  “Hungry.” I chuckle. “She was good. I think she was just fussy because I’ve been tense. How is everyone?”

  He smiles. “Everything went just as Bash planned. That man is scary when he needs to be. I can take fighting and physical stuff, but the way his mind works is wicked. I wouldn’t want to try and out strategize him.”

  “So, Sofia, Izzy, Gio, and Matt? All are okay?”

  “Yes, mio piccolo angelo. Everyone’s home now. Safe and sound. I saw to it before I came home myself.”

  He may think he’s the devil, but Lo has always had this caring side to him. If you are one of the few lucky enough to win his loyalty, he goes to the ends of the earth to protect you.


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