Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina, Vol. 2

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Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina, Vol. 2 Page 16

by Jougi Shiraishi


  “It seemed like a good idea to leave before the end of the day.”

  “If you’re feeling up to it, come back in a month. By then, I’m sure our country’ll be back to normal—in fact, it should be even better than it was before.”


  I replied with silence, then looked over her shoulder. The survivors were all gathered together, punting the ghoul head. I didn’t watch for long.

  “Well, if I feel like it, I might come again.”

  In the end, I left the country without making any definite promises.

  But, well, eventually, I would probably end up coming back. Because I still hadn’t gotten my chance to experience the country in the way I’d hoped after being excited for so long.

  One month later.

  I followed the same road, proceeded toward the same walls inscribed with writing, and made it through the door that had an OPEN sign on it.

  And then I soared through the country on my broom, same as before.

  Well, what do you think I found there?






  …What’s going on?

  “It’s completely in ruins…”

  It was completely in ruins.

  To clarify, all the familiar faces had, without exception, been changed into ghouls. Anna, Mr. Helmet (I forgot his name), the rich-looking lady, the hooting lads, the drunk man, the couple.

  They were all ghouls. Not a single living soul was left.

  “Huh… But why?”

  My mouth hung agape in astonishment. What had happened in the month since I had left?





  I watched them for a little while, dumbfounded, and saw Ghoul-Anna hand a perfume bottle to Mr. Helmet and, in return, receive a notebook from him.

  The notebook had Armor Diary written on it in big letters.

  I immediately snatched it from above, ignoring a sad groan from Ghoul-Anna, and flew back up into the sky.

  I thought I might learn what had happened in the course of the past month if I read the diary.


  So I opened it.

  XX Month / XX Day

  My armor is in excellent condition again today. The way it shines is especially splendid. I want to ignore my research and pour all my energy into my armor. I really love my armor. I love it.

  “Oh. Who cares?”

  I skipped ahead.

  XX Month / XX Day

  Today we were able to take the first steps toward the restoration of this country, thanks to a witch.

  Anna is very happy, too. We had a party, an advance celebration of the restoration. Using the head of that mage as a ball was so fun. After the party, the woman who was looking for her dog disappeared somewhere. Oh well.

  XX Month / XX Day

  Three days have passed since we began preparations for the restoration. Everyone’s really motivated. Anna is absorbed in her research, so I’m keeping busy by brainstorming attractions. Everyone else chipping in, according to their specialties. The older woman is still missing, but oh well. It’s probably nothing to worry about.

  XX Month / XX Day

  The woman who was searching for her dog finally came back, but not before she had been turned into a ghoul. She must have run out of perfume.

  XX Month / XX Day

  Something terrible happened.

  While we were prepping one of the attractions, one of the youngsters was bitten by a ghoul. Not by a human ghoul. By a dog ghoul. And it had a tag on its neck that said Madonna.

  It seems that Anna’s perfume doesn’t have any effect on dog ghouls. Apparently, they can detect human smells even when it’s mixed in with ghoul scent.

  The people I had been working with on the restoration preparations were bitten one after the other. Anna, too. Actually, I’m the only one left. This sucks.

  By the way, I was safe because I was wearing my armor. Even though I was bitten, it’s impossible for a dog’s fangs to pierce metal.

  Thank goodness I had on my armor.

  My plan right now is to try to escape tomorrow morning. Right now, I’m just so…sleepy…

  XX Month / XX Day

  They got me while I was asleep. I thought I was only dreaming that my helmet was torn off by some doglike creature. This is the worst.

  XX Month / XX Day


  The diary ended there.

  And there you have it. The plan looked perfect on paper, but it came apart at the seams—These were words Anna had once spoken to a certain someone.

  In her own mind, there’s no doubt that the strategy of making ghoul-repelling perfume was a perfect one. However, that unraveled in a way that no one expected.






  If I were to describe what Ghoul-Anna had been doing ever since I took the book from her, she seemed to be doing business with the other ghouls. She was taking notebooks, rotting meat, and clothing from the ghouls, and in return, she was handing them boxes stuffed with perfume bottles.

  Apparently, the ghoul-scented perfume was popular among ghouls, as those who received the boxes all doused themselves with it and moaned with ecstatic expressions while drooling.


  I guess even death couldn’t extinguish her shrewd soul of a saleswoman.

  I left the country soon after that.

  There wasn’t really anything else to do, so after witnessing the people’s fate, I left. In the end, I still hadn’t been able to experience the country I had long looked forward to seeing, but in exchange, I had gotten to see something rather amusing.

  From now on, this country would be the land of the resurrected, hanging on by a thread in a remote corner of the world. Living people were no longer needed there. It could be a paradise for the dead only.

  Therefore, in order to allow them to immerse themselves in their own world—my final responsibility, as someone who had been involved—I returned to the sign on the small door of the gate.

  Then I flipped it around from OPEN to CLOSED.


  For the Sake of My Hometown

  Squat, sand-colored mountains stretched over the horizon.

  The small cluster of trees and plants were like specks on the desolate landscape, providing the tiniest smattering of color. But the sky was engulfed in ash-gray clouds, which must have been why even the vegetation was totally immersed in shadow.

  A girl flew past the barren scenery on a broom. Looking witchy as ever in her black robe, pointy hat, and a star-shaped brooch, she was, in fact, a witch and a traveler.

  Her hair was the same shade as the clouds, billowing in the arid wind that scattered the sand, and her lapis-colored eyes remained focused on her destination.

  But her next country was not yet in sight.

  Yet something strange had caught her eye.

  The young lady gazed out over the unforgiving terrain ahead. Oh, who on earth could she be?

  That’s right. She’s me.


  I was supposed to be heading in the direction of the corpse of a fox-like animal that looked large enough to swallow a human whole—if I remember correctly, a type of giant fox. Swarming around its carcass were the figures of several men and women.

  They were standing on the back of the dead fox, shearing off its sandy fur. With saws in hand, they were hacking away its thick, heavy tail and had pried its large mouth open, trying to remove its teeth.

  Paying absolutely no attention to the congealed black blood leaking out of the corpse, they were chopping the body up.

  “We caught a big one today,” one said, chummy.

  “This sho
uld fetch us a nice price,” another commented in high spirits.

  Their faces beamed with pride.


  I slowed my broom and stopped when I got close to them. For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to pass them by.

  Plus, there was something I wanted to confirm.

  When I dismounted, a cloud of sand whipped up around my feet for a few moments before disappearing. It was then that the people noticed me.

  “…?” They stopped and turned their faces toward me all at once.

  A man on top of the fox, who had been hacking away with a sword, spoke to me. “Hey. What is it? Do you have some business with us?”

  I didn’t sense any hostility or distrust. That was a bit of a relief.

  I took a big breath and shouted so everyone there would be able to hear me. “Um, I want you to tell me the way!”

  “Ah, I see. You’re lost, huh? Did you run away from home or something?”

  “I’m a traveler.”

  “Oh. And you’re lost?”


  I didn’t want to admit it, but I had no idea where I was. Though the visibility was good in this mountainous terrain, I couldn’t see my destination. On top of that, this whole desert was mostly empty, devoid of established kingdoms. After all, it would be hard to live in a place without much water.

  Because of that, there was often quite a distance separating country from country in the dry zones.

  I had been camping in the open air for the past several days. Occasionally, I had even lost my way and flown off to some strange places. If I could help it, I really wanted to avoid doing that again; that was my reason for interrupting them midhunt.

  The man on top of the giant fox said, “Ha-ha! I see. But unfortunately, Miss Witch, we’re not familiar with this area, either. We’re foreigners ourselves.”

  I could feel myself beginning to sink into despair, but the man smiled.

  “However, we do know the location of the closest country. We’ll show you.”

  He had a great smile, but since his face and his sword and his skin were completely plastered with blood, it was a strangely disgusting sight.

  Oh dear.

  The one who pointed me in the direction of the closest country was an older girl who I had seen earlier with her hands deep in the giant fox’s mouth. She was pretty, with dark-brown skin and glossy black hair.

  “Let’s see. For starters, this is where we are right now, so—”

  Her finger was tracing over my map that we had spread out on top of a boulder conveniently close by.

  A fierce odor surrounded the girl, which must have been because she had previously had both hands in the mouth of a giant corpse. There are flies buzzing around you. Are you okay with that?

  “In that case, the country closest to us is this one,” the girl said, pressing her finger to the map.

  “Oh?” I urged her to continue as I resorted to breathing through my mouth.

  “I don’t know how fast your broom can go, but if you go by horse, it’s about a day, maybe?”


  Then I can arrive in several hours. Great!

  “There are no mountains in between, so you can get there if you just head straight. Like this.” Squish, squish.


  “…You’ve been breathing heavily for a while now; are you all right?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I nodded. “So which way should I go from here?”

  The girl looked back and forth between the map and our location several times. “Um… Ah. It’s this way. You should head this way.” She turned to me with a smile, pointing a finger into the distance.

  Okay, then.

  And that’s how I got back on track after getting lost.

  “Thank you very much. With your help, I should be able to arrive at the next country today.”

  “It’s fine, really. Giving someone directions is no trouble at all.”

  Beneath the girl’s exterior—a chaotic mix of pungent smells and buzzing flies—beat the heart of a good person. Meanwhile, her companions continued their grisly work.

  They stripped off the fox’s pelt, carried it away, and cut off the tail.

  “What are they—? I mean, what are you all doing?”


  Her reaction made it seem like she really wanted to ask, “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “That’s a giant fox, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Have you seen one before?”

  “Never. Not a live one, at least.”

  Though I’ve heard they’re ferocious enough to eat people.

  “We can sell its fur and teeth for a lot of money. That’s why we’re hunting in this area.”


  “And then we take the money back home—and help the people in our hometown.”


  I tilted my head in confusion at this extraordinary development, and she told me the situation.

  According to her, these people were travelers who had come here to try to save their hometown that had been overrun by a terrible disease.

  By hunting the giant foxes and selling their fur and fangs in a large country nearby, they could earn enough to buy medicine to cure the epidemic. One by one, they hunted down the giant foxes that roamed the desert, and before long, they had become quite well-known in the surrounding lands. Now they had been tasked by the nearby countries with eliminating the giant foxes entirely.

  The girl told me proudly how, in the three months since they had fled their hometown, they had saved up enough money to help their friends and families suffering back home.

  She brought over a money pouch from a nearby cart and dropped it into my hand. I could feel its considerable heft.

  The pouch was full of powder. This must be the medicine.

  “This is the medicine,” she told me, just as I expected. “By the way, Miss Witch, as thanks for showing you the way…well, not really, but if possible, there’s something that I’d like to ask you to do while you’re traveling.”

  “What’s that?” I tilted my head.

  “If you happen to visit our hometown on your travels, could you please give this to the village chief? We have to keep hunting here for a little longer.”

  “Is it all right for a traveler like me to bring it to him?”

  “You don’t seem like a bad person.”

  “…You’re very trusting.”

  Well, it’s not like I would swipe it or anything. I didn’t have any use for it, after all.

  Plus, I do owe her for showing me the way.

  “Could you show me where your country is?”

  She looked deeply moved when I asked. “Thank you! This is a huge weight off our shoulders! Let’s see; our country is—”

  She lowered her eyes to the map; screwing up her face, she walked her fingers over the sheet of paper.

  “Huh? It’s not on here. It should be around—” Squish, squish.

  She was pointing to the edge of the map.

  To a place I had visited once.


  “I’m sorry; I’m not going that way. I’m planning to go to the country closest to here and then flying in the opposite direction, away from your hometown,” I said, feigning composure.

  “Oh really…”

  “I’m sorry. You went through the trouble of showing me the way, and yet…”

  “You don’t need to worry about that. I’m the one who should be sorry. It was rude of me to ask.”


  I returned the purse containing the medicine to the disappointed girl.

  The heavy burden had been taken from my hand.

  “……” After being at a loss for what to say, I finally blurted out something foolish. “I hope you all are able to return safely to your hometown.”

  That was all I could think to say.

  “Thank you. You’re very kind.” The girl smiled sadly.

  Her e
xpression made my heart ache.

  I had been to the place she pointed out on the map once before.

  It was exactly two months ago.

  Before I had acquired my map of the area.


  It was no accident that their home village was not recorded on the map.

  Because it didn’t exist anymore.

  When I had visited two months prior, the place had been full of corpses. They belonged to lots of giant foxes, lots of soldiers, and lots of citizens. Their bodies had been piled up on top of mountains of rubble. There were people who had died with their eyes open, people with their guts spilling out, whose bodies had been mauled, and clumps of matter that were no longer human-shaped. The area was rife with death.

  It was such a gruesome sight, it made me want to cover my eyes.

  However, there had been survivors. In the place that had once been the village, they were swarming over the remains of the giant foxes, just as the people here had been doing earlier.

  I asked them what on earth had happened.

  The men gathered around the giant foxes told me.

  “We’re soldiers deployed from the surrounding countries. We heard that giant foxes had been appearing more frequently around these parts, so we were sent in to investigate.”

  “By the time we realized what was going on, this village was already done for. As you can see, the villagers were completely annihilated.”

  “It sounds like some idiots drove the giant foxes out of their home territory—they don’t really live in these kinds of climates.”

  “Because of those assholes, the devastation has reached as far as our home countries. It’s just deplorable.”

  “According to a merchant, there’s some gang overhunting the giant foxes. They’re probably the reason for this disaster.”

  “The damage won’t stop here. Driven from their desert homes, the giant foxes are gradually devouring everything in sight. It’s only a matter of time before they attack our houses.”

  Then one of the soldiers entreated me and said, “Miss Witch, if you happen to see a group hunting them over the course of your travels, would you please tell us? I won’t be satisfied until I kill those fools.”


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