Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1)

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Revival of a King (Black Hallows Book 1) Page 11

by G N Wright

  Chapter 16


  Ithought avoiding Marcus would be easy but he is everywhere. It’s been weeks since the incident at the loft and I have done my best to keep my distance from him but not for his lack of trying. He is everywhere all the time.

  After a week of my ignoring his pleas to talk he eventually stopped trying but I still see him watching me, analyzing me. It's like he thinks if he stares at me long enough the secrets I’m keeping will just burn onto my skin for him to read. Which isn’t too farfetched, if I let him close enough to see the scars on my body the story would tell itself and then we would all be doomed.

  I refuse to bring him into my darkness even as he battles to make his own way in. I will fight him at every turn. He doesn’t understand, he can’t. He is so focused on what he thinks he knows that there isn’t room for anything else.

  Which is why he can’t be involved in this, people think Ash is bad, that the Donovan blood pulsing through his veins creates that monster lurking beneath the surface but he has control. He may lose it sometimes, but he ultimately knows the long game we have to play if we are going to win and that’s why I trust him with my life. He knows what I need to get vengeance and he will fight with everything he has to give it to me but only when the time is right.

  Marcus is too much like his father, doesn’t think before he acts. Michael came for me without thought and look where that got him. That same impulsive mindset runs through his son's veins. He was the same when we were kids, always getting us into trouble. If he found out the truth about what happened to me, about what they did to me and everything that has happened since, he wouldn’t hesitate. He would go straight to Donovan's house and attempt to put a bullet in his brain before he even realized that Elliot’s guards had gotten him first.

  I’m surprised he hasn’t ever tried it before considering what they did to his father, but Michael was a grown man, he had his own sins to atone for. None as bad as Donovan and his sick twisted friends and none that warranted his execution but still. I think that is the only thing that is keeping Marcus at bay, he is waiting, biding his time until he is strong enough to wipe them all out and get his father’s justice.

  All that would be out of the window in a second if he knew Donovan's real truth, his real crimes. Not his drugs or his guns but his girls. Donovan is too smart for that though; his secrets are too well hidden that even someone as skilled as Lincoln wouldn’t be able to fully uncover them unless he knew where to look. Zack found them because Zack knew, I told him. Gave him as much information as I could remember and then Ash filled in the rest. Between us we have a lot of knowledge of his true darkness and it’s still not enough.

  If Marcus knew what he did to those girls, what he did to me and what he had planned for me, he wouldn’t wait for anyone to get revenge. He would rip this town apart trying to avenge me without a thought. There is too much on the line for me to allow that to happen. I have too much at stake to let his recklessness get in the way of my plans for revenge. In light of all that and my lucky escape with the Octopus I have been biding my time and working more carefully. Not just to protect myself and my family but also to protect my truth from Marcus.

  I have been spending my time training with Z and Ash to keep my skills on point, I have even done some run throughs with Linc. We have done a few more stake outs together all a lot less bloody than our first as we were just gathering intel. Following targets, learning their habits, their weaknesses, bugging their houses, photographing their crimes, hacking their computers that sort of thing.

  All boring but necessary stuff, it turns out having someone to help me hasn’t been so bad after all. It’s nice to know someone other than Zack and Ash has my back and I suppose Linc isn't terrible company. He is quiet and focused which is how I like to work. The only problem is that he has access to all our gathered intel, and I know he knows what is going on here and I see the questioning stares he throws at me when he thinks I’m not paying attention.

  I know he wants to ask me why I’m doing this, although I am certain he has already figured it out, it’s not hard too. He knows, but he is also the type of person who wants the version straight from a person's mouth rather than drawing his own conclusions. He wants to ask but he won’t break my rules and I like him even more for that fact, but I still don’t want him too close.

  Outside of our jobs I have taken to avoiding him as well as Marcus. The key to avoiding Marcus has been to stay out of sight outside of class. I arrive late, leave early, and hide out at lunchtime and so far, it seems to be working. Add that to the fact he isn’t actively seeking me out outside of school yet means I have some form of haven from him.

  At lunch I lay at the top of the bleachers at the back of the school. The football team here on the south side is so shitty that the bleachers barely see any action. I like it here, it's peaceful, helps me think and relax. It also gives me a clear view of the school so I can see anyone before they can reach me.

  I knew I would be found sooner or later but it’s not the Rebel I expect to interrupt me.

  I spot Jace's cocky swagger emerging from the bleachers next to me as he looks to be buckling up his pants and then I see a girl trail behind him wiping down her skirt and I know exactly what he has been up to and let out a laugh.

  The sound draws his attention immediately and my presence lights up his whole face and he turns and starts towards me jogging up the steps until he reaches me and plops down next to me.

  “Naughty princess, do I even need to ask what you’re doing out here?”

  “I’d say out of the two of us I’m the one doing no wrong here, pretty boy. Enjoy your lunchtime delight?” I ask sweetly and he throws his head back with a laugh.

  Just because I have been avoiding the Rebels, well the two of them that don’t permanently stalk me, doesn't mean that I haven't been watching them. Marcus and Lincoln’s eyes are always on me with caution but Jace always offers me his friendly smile.

  “Meh, it was okay for a Wednesday afternoon,” he shrugs his shoulder like it’s no big deal that he has girls fighting for his attention every day. I’m sure the guys are accustomed to that kind of affection, but I can’t help but wonder if they have ever felt something more. They all aged out of the foster system recently, so I know they don’t have any blood relation that matters to them.

  “Have you ever felt a true connection with someone, Jace? You know like more than lust and sex?” I ask and I notice his face fall before his mask slips back into place. I wish he didn’t feel like he had to wear that around me, but I suppose we don’t know each other well enough for him to let it go.

  “Have you?” he throws back to me.

  “Have I felt something more than lust and sex?” I repeat the words slowly like I’m testing how they feel on my tongue but really, it’s to delay my answer. “Yeah, more is all I have felt and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for it.”

  “Yeah and your little psycho feels the same given the threats he gave to Marcus.'' His usual playful tone is there but I feel the hint of disapproval which I’m sure comes from being Marcus' friend.

  “Yeah, Asher and I have a special connection.” It’s the truest thing I’ve ever said to him but how do you explain to someone a bond forged by experiencing and witnessing one of the worst things imaginable?

  “Yeah and what about Marcus?” his tone becomes serious in an instant and I can see how much he wants a true answer.

  “Marcus and I were inevitable until we weren’t,” I answer honestly. “Sometimes things don’t work out and life gets in the way, this is just one of those times.”

  I give him the truth because I know he needs to hear it. His soul is bright, and his intentions are pure, he thinks he can play matchmaker and bring his friend some happiness in a world of darkness. He doesn’t realize bringing us together would cast the biggest shadow of all.

  “That’s bullshit. Life only gets in the way if you let it, Elle.”

  “Yeah well, M
arcus can’t even decide whether he hates me or not, so I don’t think it matters.” I try to play it off like I don’t care but I’m sure he can see how much pushing Marcus away hurts me and the thought of him actually hating me cuts me deep.

  “Marcus is just confused; he’s still pissed as hell at you but is struggling to control his feelings towards you because of your past and how hot you are.”

  “Oh, so you think I’m hot, pretty boy?” I tease desperately trying to bring the conversation back to safer pastures but it’s pointless. As playful as Jace is he sees right through me.

  “Hotter than the devil princess, but Marcus would murder me on the spot if I even thought about touching you and you know that.”

  His words shouldn’t satisfy me, but they do. It’s a feeling that I can’t let manifest.

  “Look, Jace, I know you care about Marcus and you think bringing us together would be great, but it wouldn’t. I have so many things going on in my life, things I can’t let Marcus into. Things with my family and this town and then there’s Ash--”

  He cuts me off before I can finish “Yeah princess, I get it you chose Asher.” He practically spits his name, and it hurts me to hear it. If only people knew the true angel he is instead of the devil he portrays himself as. I should end this now, tell him that things aren’t like that with me and Asher but at least this way it keeps Marcus at bay even if it does hurt him in the process.

  I would rather him be heartbroken than dead.

  I don’t get to answer him either way before the bell rings cutting us both off. He gives me one last look before shaking his head and leaving me to my thoughts as he disappears back into school.

  I don’t even debate going back to class, I grab my things and skirt around the side of the building and head for my jeep. Once inside I dial Z.

  “Hi sweetheart, everything okay?” He pretty much answers the phone the same way every time I call, and it always offers me instant comfort.

  “Yeah, all good, just wondering if you wanna play hooky with me and head to the range?” I cringe slightly asking him, hoping he won’t call me out for wanting to ditch.

  “You know what? Yeah, that sounds great I’ve had a shitty morning of meetings and could do with letting off some steam.”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling.”

  “Okay well let me wrap some things up and I’ll meet you there soon.”

  “Cool see you soon, love you.”

  “You too, bye.”

  I put my phone away and go to start my jeep when a shadow approaching catches my eye and I look to see Linc coming my way. I roll the window down as he comes to my driver’s side.

  “Hey is everything okay?” I ask looking around knowing that we agreed to keep our contact at school as minimal as possible.

  “Yeah fine just passing on some intel that could be interesting,” he slips a file into my hand and I flip it open to take a look. It looks like a shipping order of some kind with codes that I don’t understand but it has a delivery location and tomorrow's date on it.

  “Donovan?” I ask and he just nods. “Where’d you get it?”

  “I sent a virus to his board email address for HP on the off chance he would open on his personal laptop and he did, so I was able to hack into his personal email. There wasn’t much of use apart from this.”

  “This is great Linc we will definitely go check it out.”

  “What did Jace want?” he switches the topic abruptly which I have learned is his usual manner. He never uses more words than necessary and will always move on quickly.

  I release a slow breath, “He wants the world to be all sex, puppies, weed and rainbows,” I say with a sigh. “He was grilling me about Marcus, I guess he thinks if he asks me enough my answers will change, and he can hook me and Marcus up.”

  “And will it? Change I mean?” his stare is so intense I have to look down to avoid it.

  “We don’t always get what we want, Lincoln.”

  “So, what no sex, puppies weed and rainbows for you huh?” He senses my solemn mood.

  I laugh, “I’m an eighteen year old virgin, allergic to dogs who doesn’t smoke but I guess a few rainbows in my life would be nice,” I answer honestly and swing my gaze back to him only to be greeted by his furrowed brow. I realize I have just let it slip that I’m a virgin and I can see his mind working and wondering. He is probably more confused than ever by my relationship with Asher now.

  I don’t let him ask any more questions and quickly start the engine.

  “Thanks for this,” I hold up the file. “I’ve got somewhere to be, but I’ll text you later and arrange our activities for tomorrow.”

  He just nods watching me closely, not in the way Marcus does but still trying to work me out all the same. God, I wish I didn't have so many alpha assholes in my life.

  By the time I get to the shooting range Zack is leaning against his SUV completely zoned in on his phone. Always working. He looks exactly like your young billionaire CEO with his dusty blonde hair tousled over stylishly, a light stubble coating his chin and his grey three-piece suit molds to his body like a second skin. He really is handsome.

  He glances up as I approach and his whole face lights up in my presence like it always does and it cheers up my day.

  “Sup kid?” he ruffles my hair playfully with a smile.

  “Ready to shoot some shit,” I smile back.

  “Shall we have a wager?” he asks as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  “Oh, you are sooooo on,” I agree. “Loser cooks dinner?”

  He smiles knowing I am going to lose. I always do, “Cool I’m in the mood for tacos.”

  The little shit knows tacos is the only thing I can make well.

  We head inside and once we are strapped and have our targets up; I share with him the intel that Lincoln gave me. We discuss back and forth as we take turns hitting our targets.

  “It seems legit,” I shrug watching as he lines up to take his shot.

  “I’m sure it will be, Lincoln is a very talented young man, and I am glad you’ve brought him on board.”

  I scoff, “Like I had a choice.”

  He smiles looking over at me and takes his winning shot without even looking, smug bastard.

  “I mean I’m glad you let me have someone watch your back, you’re not indestructible, sweetheart. You think the worst thing has already happened but trust me we both know it could be much worse. I just want you to be careful.”

  “I am, I’ve got more to live for now than I ever did. I don’t plan on leaving our family behind.”

  He pulls me in for a hug as he speaks, his voice muffled by my hair.

  “Sweetheart, they are lucky they are still breathing after what they did to you. Me and Ash plan on killing those bastards as slowly as possible.”

  I don’t reply because what can I say that sounds perfect to me and I am so grateful to have two amazing guys willing to shed blood in my honor. I look forward to it.

  He pulls back and smiles, “Come on I’m starving, and my dinner is being cooked for me tonight.”

  I go to punch him, but he darts backwards, “Ah Ah don’t be a sore loser!” he yells over his shoulder as he turns and walks away. Smug smug bastard.

  Chapter 17


  Best friend, enemy, stranger, stalker.

  That sums up my relationship with Ells from past to present. I thought I felt empty during the three years that we were apart. Out of sight but never out of mind. That hollowness is nothing compared to what I feel now. The ache of seeing her everyday makes it hard to talk, think, breathe.

  We are together but separate. Close, yet never further apart. I watch her, both consumed and infuriated by her presence. Eyes as blue as the ocean and a smile that could turn the world.

  Trying to figure out what happened three years ago is like trying to complete a jigsaw without the final image and some of the pieces missing. It’s impossible and it’s even worse when the answers hide inside a package
of pure perfection. A package that is dead set on forgetting I ever existed.

  She likes to pretend she hasn’t been watching me too, but she has. Always when she thinks I’m not looking at her which is stupid really because I am always looking at her. When you have a sunset in your view you don’t let your gaze wander from it. I see how she tracks my whereabouts every time she enters a room or how her jaw ticks whenever a girl tries to talk to me, and she always looks murderous if they touch me. She thinks I don’t see that, but I do.

  You’d think someone going out of their way to avoid you would mean you wouldn’t see them and I guess that would work if I wasn’t actively making sure I get in her path every chance I get. The only time I give her solace is when she heads to the bleachers for lunch. I followed her the first day she went there but was stopped in my tracks when I saw her there. She looked peaceful, free, like she had released the weight she carries on her shoulders. I couldn’t take that away from her.

  Instead I bide my time, learn her routine, notice her quirks, and store them away in my mind. It’s how I know to be waiting for her first thing in the morning. She doesn't go into school until the first lesson is underway of which I am sure she arranged it with Lock for it to not be an issue as none of the teachers ever call her out for it. That or her surname grants her leniencies that others here aren’t accustomed to.

  I watch as she enters the deserted hallways. Her hair is pulled to the side in some kind of messy braid and she is wearing yet another band shirt that's tucked at the front and loose at the back. Her jeans hug her curves until they flare out slightly at the bottom where she is wearing a pair of classic black chucks. How can she make the simplest outfit look sexy as fuck?

  I follow her like a predator, and she is my prey. I wait for her to get close to the counselor’s old office before I strike. She whirls towards me at the last minute like she knew someone was following her, my clever little King. She swings a fist that catches my jaw as I push her into the room and close the door. The hit lands in the perfect spot and fuck does it hurt, I mean I knew it would, I was the first person who taught her how. It hurts more now than it did when we were twelve.


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