Alliance of Equals

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Alliance of Equals Page 36

by Sharon Lee

  He had no names for the other dead. Padi’s dead, as he thought of them.

  Eventually, the team leader went away, and shortly after, a medic lifted Padi onto a stretcher, while others readied the dead for transport.

  “You’re her parent?” the medic asked him.

  “I am, yes.”

  “The doctor gave her a field exam, said she’s in no danger. There’s an ambulance on the way, to take her to the hospital, so she can be checked out thorough. That’s the best course, sir; but as her parent, you need to agree.”

  “I agree,” he said, and the medic nodded.

  “We’ll just take her down now to the holding room off the lobby,” he said. “Whisk her right out when the car pulls in.” He looked down at Shan’s mangled and bloody sleeve, and looked up again. “You’re all right yourself, sir?”

  “I’m tired,” he said truthfully, “and worried about my daughter.”

  “Sure you are. You come on along with us, now. You can rest a bit in the holding room.”


  The raptor kept a close guard on the stone tower. Twice, Padi had put her head out the door, and twice, it dove for her, screaming.

  She ducked back, gasping, and it went away again, to perch in the tree opposite, glass pinions gleaming.

  Frowning, she considered it, recognizing it for her fears, which she had rejected and shoved away from her for so long that they had joined forces and taken on a life of their own. Far from remaining in the closet she had made for it, now it was loose in the world, and she was held prisoner in her own prison.

  She remembered following those glass wings to this place, away from the carnage in the hotel. Safe, she had wanted to be safe!

  And so she was safe, with a dragon guarding her door.

  Padi stirred, and lifted her head to stare out at the dragon on its branch. Her nature, that she had rejected.

  She took a deep breath, tasting lavender. Homesickness stabbed her, and she remembered Aunt Anthora sitting on the back patio at Trealla Fantrol, lavender heaped around her. She gathered the long stems tight, bent them over the flowers to make a basket, and wove them together with a ribbon. She handed one to Padi with a smile.

  “Hang it in your closet, to make everything smell sweet.”

  The memory was very strong; the scent of lavender filled her head. Looking out the door, she could see lavender blooming along the path—and blinked. There had been no path; there had been no flowers, only the stone and the closet and her fear.

  She got to her feet, her eyes on the lavender, and stepped out onto the path, hearing gravel crunch under her feet. Bending, she broke one stem—and jerked upright as a chill shadow passed over her.

  She turned, but it was too far to the door; she looked up, into the descending wings, and thrust the lavender up into its face.

  The dragon screamed, and swept by, turning on the tip of one wing and landing again, with an offended shake of its wings, on the highest branch of the tree.


  Her nature, she thought. Father had told her that she must accept her nature, but had he never told her what her nature was?

  She was of Korval—a Dragon born.

  That was her nature.

  “Dragon!” she called, and opened her arms, centered and calm on the clean gravel path. “Come here.”

  The long head swiveled, the wings flexed. It was airborne that quickly, and Padi waited, watching the bright wings climb. Her breath came quick, and her stomach was tight, but that was all right, she told herself. Fear was the shadow cast by courage.

  Above her, the dragon circled once, folded its wings and plummeted toward her.


  The holding room was dim, and rather chilly. He pulled the blanket up under Padi’s chin, and tried to extend a thread—to touch her, to read her.

  There was nothing but emptiness where there had used to be colors, and patterns, and the vivid play of emotion.

  Shan closed his eyes, and leaned forward in the chair so that he could lay his head down on the pillow next to hers.

  Perhaps he dozed, or perhaps he waked. No matter—not really.

  “That Witch will take a hundred lives,” Lute commented, “and confound your enemies, also.”

  Shan sighed. “Which Witch?”

  “Have you forgotten her already? Tarona Rusk.” There was a pause, and a sharp sigh. “Child, what have you done to yourself?”

  “I healed Tarona Rusk.” Shan made a conscious effort to gather his strength, and lifted his head to glare at the man sitting on the other side of Padi’s stretcher.

  Lute gave him a straight look. “And taken several injuries along the path.”

  “I’ll mend,” Shan said, and ignored his other self’s smile. “Padi, however—”

  “The maiden will be well,” Lute interrupted, with a glance at her still and glittering face.

  “Says the man who left her alone, when he promised to keep her safe.”

  “I did what was in my power,” Lute said. “I could encourage her, push her, and suggest, but I cannot act here, child, unless you would see the back of the universe broken.”

  Shan frowned.

  “That sounds rather…potent for a hedge magician.”

  Lute smiled. “I was close enough to a god, once. They make sure to bind us close.”


  But Lute only smiled and glanced down again at Padi’s face. “Here she comes home to us,” he murmured.

  Padi opened her eyes.


  She was lying in her bunk, and Father sitting beside, leaning forward, with tears in his eyes. He was tired, she saw, very tired, and his pattern was very thin.

  “You should have told me,” she said, “that it was the Dragon I must accept.”

  “Should I have? How stupid of me. Padi—”

  He extended a hand, and she caught it between both of hers.

  “Here,” she murmured, “let me help.”


  The shuttle had reached Langlastport. Priscilla received the report with a nod, and a murmured, “Thank you,” most of her attention on Shan’s essence. Though he had improved, he was by no means strong, and she worried about the extent of his injuries.

  She had tried, once his pattern had stabilized, to reestablish their link, but it had been like trying to link to a cloud. Finally, fearing that she was doing him further harm, she had withdrawn to watch, and worry, and occasionally search for Padi, whose pattern remained missing entirely from the ether.

  At the moment, Shan’s pattern was quiet; perhaps he was sleeping. Perhaps, Priscilla thought wryly, she ought to do the same.

  In fact, she thought, she should rest. Shan would need her when he came aboard, and it would be best if she were at full energy.

  She rose from her chair—and abruptly sat down again as a bell pealed inside her head: the linkages—all the linkages—with Shan bloomed, brightly silver.

  She opened her Inner Eyes and found him immediately, glowing…not quite as brightly as he had, but bright, and strong and firm.

  And near him—indeed, all but eclipsing him, was a brave new star in the firmament, displaying a pattern Priscilla had never thought to see again.

  Padi yos’Galan had accepted her nature.

  And the universe had acquired a Dragon.


  Humans & Intelligences


  James Abrofinda—a longtime Korval contractor.

  Janifer Carresens-Denobli, Trader-at-Large—also Trade Commissioner.

  Faw Chen—one of the ’ponics techs, female.

  Lonan Davis, Second Mate—a cousin of Shan’s on his mother’s side; in fact, his Uncle Richard Davis’ eldest child.

  Priscilla Delacroix y Mendoza—captain of Dutiful Passage, lifemate to Shan yos’Galan; together they are Thodelm yos’Galan. Priscilla is also the current reincarnation of Moonhawk,
an old soul.

  Kris Embrathiri—shuttle pilot attached to the Passage, a good friend of Vanner Higgs.

  Lina Faaldom—Passage Master Healer, Librarian, Cultural Officer, daibri’at instructor. Short, even for a Liaden, very slight, honey-colored eyes.

  Unet Hartensis—one of the owners of Hartensis Catering and Receptions, and Padi’s contact within the firm.

  Vanner Higgs—Tech First Class, and security on the Passage; former merc tech sergeant.

  Inleen—Padi’s opposite number; a ’prentice; not known for his punctuality.

  ira’Barti, Cargo Master—cargo master on the Passage.

  Roner Jerethine—Comm Tech on Passage.

  Jeri—another of the ’ponics techs, male.

  Lute—Moonhawk’s “submissive” in the old universe; part of that group of dramliz.

  Moonhawk—a leader of a group of dramliz that stood against the Enemy in the old universe.

  Gustav rel’Ana—proprietor of the Laster Garden on Andireeport.

  Tarona Rusk—proprietor of the Gem Garden of Langlastport, former ’prentice to to Master Jeweler Moonel, of Solcintra, Liad.

  Jon Schneider, Arms Master—defense instructor and security person.

  Kik Strehlir—another of the Passage’s pilots.

  Danae Tiazan, First Mate—a Korval cousin, new to the ship, middle-aged.

  Dil Nem Tiazan, Third Mate—another Korval cousin, new to the ship, late middle years, taciturn, tough, and “a bit stiff in the honor.”

  Sally Triloff—Comm Tech on Passage.

  Varoth, Head Tech—in charge of Hydroponics; a woman in a perpetually bad mood.

  Ambassador Valeking of Granda—doesn’t like Shan, but re-signed the twelve-year contract with Korval anyway.

  Padi yos’Galan—heir and apprentice to Shan yos’Galan, approximately sixteen Standard years.

  Shan yos’Galan—master trader on Dutiful Passage. Shan is the current reincarnation of Lute, the life-companion (over several lifetimes) of Moonhawk. He has…mixed feelings…about this.

  Daibri’at students:

  Brisalia—a female who works in maintenance.

  Caz Tar—a male about Quin’s age.

  Jon—see Jon Schneider (above).

  Keslis—an older female.

  Lina Faaldom—a female Librarian and Healer; long-time friend to Shan and Priscilla.

  Riean—a male cafeteria worker.


  Magistrate Tinerest—one of seven Chesselport magistrates.

  Security—Bruller, Cap and Riley.

  Guests at the reception on Langlastport:

  Irfenda Dorst—head buyer for Gerome Mercantile, bright green shirt.

  Malekai Gerome—senior sales associate at Gerome Mercantile, pale orange shirt.

  Herst Plishet—Textile Broker.

  Marthimyr Seirt—Master of the Langlast Technology Exchange.


  Luken bel’Tarda, aka Grandfather Luken—head of Clan Korval’s small third Line.

  Mr. Brunner, aka Ichliad Brunner—the weatherman on Surebleak, entrusted with getting the weather satellites in orbit and calibrated so the place will (eventually) warm up.

  the Elder—the ranking Explorer in Hazenthull’s partnership. Deceased.

  A Tiazan of Erob, aka Miri Robertson Tiazan—Val Con’s lifemate, Delmae Korval, the Captain.

  Jeeves—Tocohl’s “father,” a sentient AI; Korval’s House Security.

  Jelaza Kazone—Korval’s Tree, aka Korval’s damned, interfering Tree.

  Liz Lizardi—Chief of Surebleak Port Security; Haz and Tolly’s former boss.

  Nelirikk nor’Phelium—another former Yxtrang Explorer, member of Korval House guard, Hazenthull’s superior.

  Diglon Rifle—a lower-ranking Yxtrang attached to Korval House guard.

  Architect vin’Zeller—is to be building the yos’Galan house on Surebleak.

  Syl Vor yos’Galan—Padi’s cousin, Shan’s nephew; Nova yos’Galan’s heir.

  Kareen yos’Phelium, aka Cousin Kareen—Val Con’s father’s sister; Pat Rin’s mother.

  Pat Rin yos’Phelium, aka Boss Conrad, aka Cousin Pat Rin—as above, also the Boss of the Bosses of Surebleak.

  Quin yos’Phelium—Padi’s cousin and her pilot, in the order kept at Runig’s Rock.

  Val Con yos’Phelium and Miri Robertson—the delm of Korval, aka Korval Themselves. Val Con is also the Scout, and Miri the Captain.


  Tolly, aka Tollance Berik-Jones (aka 1362)—a mentor, who ensures that AIs are brought into awareness well socialized. Attached to Tocohl’s mission.

  Tocohl Lorlin—Jeeves’ daughter, an AI.

  Hazenthull nor’Phelium, aka Haz, aka Hazenthal Explorer—a former Yxtrang Explorer, now a member of the Korval House guard, accidentally attached to Tolly and Tocohl’s mission.

  Glinz Pirl-Dorn—another Lyre director, also deceased.

  tel’Vaster—one of directors of the Lyre Institute. Deceased.

  Stew, aka Master Mechanic Steward Vannigof—Up-Shift Boss, Senior Repair Tech, Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop.

  Vez—Down-Shift Boss, Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop. Stew’s junior by ten hours.

  the Tinker—a down-on-her-luck repair person, deceased.

  Inkirani Yo—pilot first class, and mentor, aboard Ahab-Esais, female.


  Aelliana Caylon—Val Con’s mother, lifemate to Daav yos’Phelium.

  Dulsey—Uncle’s long-time companion and assistant.

  Jen Sar Kiladi—Daav’s alter ego, a professor of Cultural Genetics at Delgado University. Jen Sar was the onagrata of Kamele Waitley and is Theo Waitley’s genetic father.

  Vestin yos’Thomaz Clan Ebrim—Padi’s birth mother.

  (The) Uncle (aka Yuri)—a serially reborn meddler with a finger in everybody’s pies, while at any one time tending a half-dozen certain-to-be-unsettling projects of his own. Uncle remembers the old universe.

  Seignur Veeoni—one of Uncle’s clones; she’s working on making modern-day fractins at an undisclosed location.

  Theo Waitley—Jen Sar Kiladi’s daughter, Val Con’s sister, Shan’s cousin, captain of Bechimo.

  Daav yos’Phelium—Val Con’s father, lifemate to Aelliana Caylon. Also see Jen Sar Kiladi (above).


  Andireeport in the Kinsa Sector—the Passage is going there to trade.

  Andireeport Fruit and Flower Market—a trade zone on Andiree planet.

  Ashlan—anchor port for three Carresens long-loopers and a number of short-loopers.

  Berth 12—where Tarigan is berthed on Jemiatha’s.

  Bestwell-Kessel-La’Quontis Route—the last trade route Shan built himself.

  Bieradine—the planet to which Tarigan is Jumping.

  Billingston—the planet where Faw Chen came aboard.

  Brieta—Langlast’s nearest neighbor.

  Chessel’s World—a world sorely in need of milaster, next in the route after Andiree.

  Chesselport Grand Auction Hall—where the trading action is on Chessel’s World.

  Galaxy Nowhere—the place where dead pilots go—and sometimes come back from.

  Gem Garden—on Langlastport.

  Gilady Station—where Uncle and Dulsey stopped to take on supplies and catch up the news.

  Happy Occasion—one of the reception rooms for hire on Langlastport.

  Jelaza Kazone—Korval’s clanhouse. “Jela’s Fulfillment.” Also the name of the Tree that grows in the center of the garden it encloses.

  Jemiatha’s Jumble Stop—a repair station with a specialty in…odd tech. Has an extensive junkyard of old ships.

  Langlast—next stop after Chessel’s World.

  the Laster Garden—in the Fruit and Flower Market, Gustav rel’Ana, propietor. Offers all things laster, in
cluding chutneys; also candied trovyul; dehydrated spinginach; salted ginger.

  Nomi-Oxin-Rood—a planet without a loop, known to Carresens-Denobli.

  Nostrilia—a world where the Lyre Institute has a presence.

  Palamar—the last place where Padi was allowed to fly a real spaceship as part of her training.

  Runig’s Rock—the place where Korval’s Treasures were hidden during the Late Unpleasantness.

  Surebleak—now homeworld to Clan Korval and Dutiful Passage. It is located in the Daiellen Sector, and it has two tidal moons, Triga and Toppa, and a local double-star, Chuck-Honey.

  Torridon Hotel—on Langlastport, five stars.

  trade bridge—the bridge on the Passage from which the traders do long-distance trade, trade news, and answer questions, while the ship is on approach.

  Trealla Fantrol—yos’Galan’s house, which was unmade because it could not be moved from Liad and yos’Galan refused to let it fall into the hands of the Council of Clans.

  Weapons Hall—where Shan met Lute; the place the red counter and Weapons Lore came from.

  Ynsolt’i—the planet where Bechimo was ambushed upon approach.


  Aldergate Enterprises—contacts Shan with a Letter of Interest.

  Carresens-Denobli, aka the Carresens Syndicate—a trade family encompassing both long- and short-loopers; also run the Festevalya.

  Clan Korval, aka Tree-and-Dragon Family, aka the Dragon—direct descendants of Cantra yos’Phelium, the pilot and Captain of the ship that founded Liad.

  Council of Clans—supposedly the ruling body of Liad.

  Crystal Energy Consultants—the Uncle’s front, a shell company simultaneously pursuing many of his interests and goals.

  Department/Department of Interior/DOI—the Department of the Interior are largely seen as the bad guys.

  Gilmour Agency—the company that opened Surebleak for the purpose of mining timonium, and then abandoned it when other, easier to obtain, sources were discovered.


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