Den of Iniquity

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Den of Iniquity Page 21

by J G Jerome

  Bernadette taps a ring against the crystal of her flute. “Excuse me everyone. Excuse me.” Everyone turns their attention to our hostess. “Dinner is ready. Please follow Manuel to the dining room. Hostesses will meet you there to escort you to your seats.”

  Viktoria meets us at the foot of the stairs. She steps down to join our group and Chantelle takes her place. Viktorija leads us past the stairs to a large dining room. The table is set for twenty-five. Cindy seats Jack at Bernadette’s left hand. Darcie sits next to him. Audrey sits between Darcie and myself.

  Tanu leads the tiny tiara woman to Bernadette’s right and the gentleman with the hair to his shoulders. He seats the ‘Princess’ before pulling a tie off his wrist and binding his hair back. The rude fellow sits next to him, then the other male, then gold dress, and midnight blue dress.

  Once everyone else is seated, Bernadette stands at the head of the table and introduces everyone. I forget most of their names immediately, but the two seated across from Jack and Darcie are named Lorn and Valya Valeran. Liveried servers appear just as Bernadette finishes. They place a new plate for each dish on the trencher at each place. The courses follow in order

  Butternut squash soup

  Bone in beef short rib with Barolo wine demi-glace on barley with roasted asparagus.

  Salade verte with blue cheese

  Affogato for dessert

  Half-way into the soup, the manners of the two across from Audrey and me make an impression. Their slurping is loud and obnoxious. In the second course, they spit the bones of the short rib onto the plate. They also scoop the food into their mouths like machines with much slurping and smacking. Eventually they pick the bone back up to suck the marrow noisily. The two thin young ladies lower down the table to me are better, but not much.

  The last one, the one wearing the midnight blue gown, rubs her cheek as if it itches, which reveals a red geometric tattoo on her left cheek.

  The Valerans themselves are very reserved and have proper table manners. They do suck the marrow too, but they are almost delicate about it.

  Valya tries to engage Jack and myself in conversation all night. She keeps the topics light, and I answer in the same vein all the while imagining stuffing my cock in her tiny little mouth, squeezing her tiny little ass while I fuck her into the wall, fucking Bernadette while Audrey sits on her face, and variations on that theme. I throw Rebecca into my mental rotation periodically as she is sitting to my left.

  As she is sucking the marrow of the bone, Valya pauses and says, “You should try it, Mr. James.” I demur while imagining her sucking my cock. She grins wickedly around the bone.

  The Hispanic politician is sitting across from Josie. He tries to engage her in conversation, but I don’t think his eyes ever leave her impressive breasts. After the main course the skinny tattooed young woman drops her hand below the table. The politician stutters and starts moaning softly in a way that indicates she is handling his johnson. Josie converses with Marissa and the husband of the meteorologist for the remainder of the meal.

  Finally, the strange dinner finishes, and the servers clear the affogato vessels.

  As coffee is served, Manuel pulls out Bernadette’s chair. Bernadette stands and says “As you are aware, we serve light meals here to make the evening’s pleasures more enjoyable.”

  She has painted a smile on her face that doesn’t reach her raptor eyes. She saunters to the hallway exit and turns to address her guests.

  “As the servers pick up the trenchers you will find tickets to our little theatre for a show this evening. The performers are a master and senior students from a Shibari club in Fresno, California. There will be sex on the stage. I will be waiting at the exit in case some of you would like to skip the show. Please proceed to the theatre when you are ready.”

  Manuel and Clarice flank her as she turns and walks briskly toward the entryway.

  I hear Lorn murmur. “I wonder how much it will cost to deflower the cambion.”

  Valya murmurs. “Just demand her as tribute.” I picture the dessert I just had longingly. She continues, “It won’t be too long now.”

  “I really don’t want to wait. Look at that juicy little figure,” he says. “Lean in all the right places and plump in all the right places.”

  Jack speaks up, “She’s underage, your boor.”

  The guys across from Audrey and me stiffen, but the elder gent just laughs. He says, “Why do you think I care about your petty laws, Hunter? Besides, aren’t you retired. What do you care what I do?”

  Jack leans forward and murmurs at a level that is just barely audible. “Because she is my friend. Plus, if you keep fucking up, they will call me out of retirement again to kill your pompous ass. I rather like being retired.”

  Lorn smiles coldly. “That might be quite fun, Hunter. Maybe I’ll have to stir up some noteworthy trouble.”

  Jack gives his own reptilian smile in return. “Your three cousins thought the same thing, Duke Valeran. Yet, their corpses aren’t laughing.”

  Lorn, Duke Valeran I guess, bolts to his feet and has a dagger in his hand. Jack is only a second behind him with a taser in his left hand and a five-inch folding tanto in the right. Audrey pulls Darcie behind her, but Darcie pulls a pistol out of her clutch, jacks a round into the chamber, and points it center of mass of my earlier antagonist.

  I slowly stand. I say quietly, “Audrey, get Darcie and the family out of here.”

  “I’m staying,” Darcie growls between clenched teeth.

  The other guests are all frozen in place watching the tableau. Eventually, Valya says, “Lorn, this is neither the time nor the place. You’re being very dramatic for someone trying to keep a low profile.”

  Lorn spins away from the table, knocking his chair back. He is walking, but he is at the door as quickly as an olympic sprinter.

  I reiterate. “Kitten! Now!” That gets Audrey’s attention as Jack puts away his weapons. Marissa takes the lead, and my ladies fall into a diamond formation as they reach the hallway.

  Jack looks at the two ...bodyguards? “So fella, you gonna behave or do I add you to my bodycount?”

  I start pushing the other guests toward the door. They slowly start to shuffle out. I help the anchorman out of his chair, and the elder gent sitting next to him. Then I assist their ladies because neither of them pays them any mind.

  Jack picks up his and Darcie’s tickets and hands them to her. Jack barks, “Pet!” Darcie jumps. In a calmer voice he says, “Put the pistol away, Pet. Take our tickets and find our seats. You know what I would like to drink. Go on, Pet. I will be there shortly.”

  She growls, “Master, I don’t trust that one to exercise good judgement. He needs to go.”

  Jack smiles his big reptilian smile at the bodyguard. “All in good time, my precious Pet. All in good time.” Darcie clears her pistol, picks up the expended shell, inserts it into the magazine, releases the slide forward, reseats the magazine, and puts her pistol back into her clutch.

  Valya turns to the bodyguards. “Yoren. Reddy. Take the ladies to our seats and get settled. I’ll be along shortly. I’m very interested in this presentation.”

  I watch them as they start to move. I speak to Jack as I keep an eye on the two guards. “If you have this, Jack, I’ll go check on my family.”

  Valya cocks her head, “Which one is that, William? The little red-head one belongs to Jack, but it looked like the four next ones are used to working together. Are they all yours?”

  I think of loud white noise and Valya flinches as I form my response. I do a quick check with second sight and don’t like what I see. I return to normal sight and drop the mental noise and say, “What makes you think I’m not theirs, Your Grace? That is the correct form of address, right?”

  She smirks at me. “Touché, William. You’re very astute, Mr. James.

  I shake my head and push my chair back into the table and drop my napkin. I tell her as I pick up my ticket, “Not nearly astute enough, Your Grace
. Not even close.” I catch Jack’s look. I nod and pick up the subtext. I think of Bernadette’s body to keep myself from verbalizing what I understood.


  An interlude and entertainment

  I walk down the hallway wishing I had kept my pistol with me. Viktorija walks up carrying a tote bag.

  She says, “Mr. James, would you please accompany me?”

  “Certainly, Viktorija.” I offer her my arm, and she gives me a slight smile as she leads me down the hall, through the salon, and into the parlor. She releases my arm and closes the French doors.

  She sets the tote on the ground and throws her arms around my neck, burying her face in my neck and pressing her breasts into my chest. Lifting her head, she brushes a kiss across my lips before she steps back.

  “I’m sorry, William.” She murmurs so low I can barely hear it. “The Valerans are pains in the ass,” she says. “I just want to go get on my computer and empty their bank accounts, plant evidence, and just generally fuck with them.” Despite the low volume of her voice, it is full of venom.

  I look at her with my hands on her shoulders as another piece clicks into place. “You’re Bernadette’s hacker,” I murmur quietly.

  Her eyes open wide. “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” she mutters. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Ever.”

  “And you are preparing to graduate from art school. I’m guessing you are her forger as well,” I opine quietly.

  She gets a frustrated frown on her face as she looks deeper into the room. She turns back to me and gives me a tiny nod.

  “It doesn’t matter, Viktorija. I care for you deeply, and I will always protect you.” I kiss her forehead gently. I tell her, “I haven’t told you today, but that gown looks beautiful on you. Is it one of yours?”

  She looks up at me with a glittering smile. “You’re too good to me, William.”

  “Never, Viktorija.” I smile back. “I’m assuming you didn’t drag me in here to vent or have me pump you up. How may I help you, sweetie?”

  She grins, “Actually...I brought you here to help you. She pulls out my holster. I clear the magazine from the Sig P365 and walk to a side table. I quickly field strip the weapon and check the barrel. I quickly reassemble it, function check and load it. Finally, I rack a round into the chamber before I holster it. I clip the holster to my waistband.

  Viktorija reaches into the tote and pulls a flashlight and my second collapsible baton. The flashlight is one of the Taser contact weapons. I put that in my right jacket pocket. I clip the other baton behind the pistol.

  Viktoria says, “I got the girls’ clutches to them, too. Marissa has a pistol and her taser. Josie and Rebecca have tasers and knives.”

  I clasp her to me. “Thank you, sweetie. I fear we’re going to need it before this evening is over. Something is seriously wrong with the Valeran party.”

  “I have a .25 caliber pistol and a Taser flashlight. Let’s get you to your ladies, William. I have your back,” she says.

  I cup her chin. “Be careful, darling. They are travellers, they are fast, and they are strong. If shit goes down, hide if you can. I’ll find you afterward.”

  “Back at you, Will. Use those mad skills of yours if you have to. We’ll figure out how to clean up the mess afterward,” she says seriously. I think, ‘I forgot she knows about that.’

  “Yes, ma’am.” I kiss her quickly but she nabs my neck and pulls me in. We share our first lovers’ kiss.

  We slowly release each other’s mouths. I look into her eyes. “Are you free yet, Viktoria?”

  “When I finish school, Will. Mid-December,” she tells me.

  “I made you a promise. I will wait until then, sweetheart.”

  She nods, “Of course, Will. I just felt the need to connect with you.”

  I tell her, “We are connected, Viktorija. I think in the end you will stay with Bernadette, but it doesn’t matter. You will have my love and support either way, and you and she will always have a home with us regardless.”

  She caresses my cheek. “We’ll see, Will. Let’s get through this evening’s adventure first, shall we.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I kiss her wrist and open doors. I walk out of the parlor, and Viktorija grabs my arm to escort me down the corridor to the auditorium. She has a clutch in her left hand.

  Viktoria leads me into the auditorium and across the front of the seating. Rather than standard, or even plush, cinema chairs, the seating in this theater has a variety of seating you might find in a very swanky living room. Most of the seating is loveseats. There are a few easy chairs, and a handful of sofas. Many are antiques or reproductions. My ladies are seated in an antique, four seat sofa with a tall wooden back, cushioned with navy chintz upholstery - swatches of gold and red spread throughout.

  The demonic Valeran party is set up in the center of the theatre, four rows back in three consecutive loveseats. I switch to second-sight and my vision is awash in red. I switch back to normal sight. I don’t know nearly enough about travelers to guess which variety, but something tells me they have a nefarious purpose in mind. They aren’t looking in my direction, so I turn back to my ladies. They are waving me over with relieved smiles. Darcie is sitting with them. I kiss my ladies and hug Darcie.

  I tell her, “Jack asked me to watch over you for him. Would you like to stay with us until Jack arrives?” She nods gently. We stand around making small talk about the dinner until Jack comes up behind me and claps a hand on my shoulder. ‘Shit! I didn’t hear him at all!’ I abort my maneuver before I make an ass of myself.

  Jack murmurs, “Thanks, Will. I owe you one.”

  I murmur in response, “Something tells me we’re going to be trading debts back and forth regularly.” I nod to Valya sashaying to her seat.

  He frowns as he looks where I pointed. “Yeah. Afraid so.” He turns to Darcie. “Are you ready, Pet?”

  Darcie gives him a brilliant smile. “Always for you, Master.”

  Jack smiles minutely, and I can see real joy in his eyes. I think that’s a first. He looks up to catch me watching him. He says, “We’re in the back, stage right corner.”

  “Okay,” I answer. “Enjoy the show.” I nod to Jack and Darcie as they make their way to their seats.

  Cindy enters the auditorium and follows Jack and Darcie up and hands them each a flute of bubbly.

  My ladies all take their seats. I sit in the middle between Josie and Marissa. Rebecca and Audrey pull my knees apart and each perches on a thigh, leaning back on my shoulders while the larger women lean in and wrap their arms around us all. I can just see the pedestal on the stage where the subject will rest while the master works.

  I learned Shibari from a master out of one of the Los Angeles clubs. He had a private salon in his house and held seminars there. I went to his club a couple of times before I met Audrey to find playmates to practice on. As a result, I have a certain flavor to my Shibari practice. I’m interested to see what these folks do.

  Bernadette introduces the show in a forest green cloak. I see a black thigh-high boot, net stockings, and a leather panty and corset peek out through the open cloak. Luis pushes a portable bar inside the entrance across the theatre from us.

  Bernadette’s sultry voice is clear across the theatre - even without amplification. “Tonight is not exactly the show we had planned. First off will be a set of three vignettes from the Fresno BDSM Club. Six of their number will demonstrate binding and dominance as erotic art. After that, rather than the planned strip tease show, Lorn Valeran has asked to put on a special show for us. I’m afraid there will be no mixer afterward, but we are providing an open bar here in the theatre instead. Additionally, I have matters I must attend to, so Clarice will be the Mistress of Ceremonies. Clarice…”

  Rebecca kisses me quickly. “I’ll let you enjoy the show, my love.” She pops up and gives Josie and Audrey a quick kiss before she steps around Audrey to sit behind Marissa.

  Audrey leans over Josie to grab an oversiz
e throw pillow. She drops it on the floor at my feet and sits on it with an arm around each calf and her head on my thigh. Thankfully the stage is low because I can tell she’s interested in the show. As the house lights dim, Viktorija grabs the pillow from behind Rebecca and sits on it between my left leg and Josie’s. Josie reaches down to tickle her neck. Viktorija spins and points at Josie with pursed lips before breaking into a huge grin. Both ladies giggle as Viktorija turns to watch the show. Josie curls her legs into the seat and drapes herself on me with her left hand resting on Viktorija’s left collarbone.

  Clarice walks out in a Grecian gown in a glittering gold fabric. Her hair is in a variant on its typical up-do. She says, “Hello everyone, I am Clarice, your emcee for the evening. I think we have probably talked enough. So here is...:” insert dramatic pause “...the Fresno Club’s Mistress Corrina and Johnathan.” I see Viktorija nodding happily to something that Audrey asked her.

  The show starts with a forty-ish woman in black leather dominatrix drag, complete with a top hat, a strapped basque with rhinestones that shows lots of flesh peeking through, and a g-string. The garters of the basque hold up net stockings, and she is wearing six-inch stiletto FMPs, or ‘Fuck Me Pumps.’ She is very pale with black hair, and she accentuates her pallor with huge black false eyelashes and harlot red lipstick. She has over-the-elbow gloves, but the fingers are cut to allow her to work the ropes. She’s not in great shape, but I’m certain she appeals to many. She struts around the stage flexing a black riding crop.

  Her subject is a tall, muscular man. I’m guessing he’s 6’4” based on how much he towers over his mistress. His hair is crew-cut light brown, he has a strong jaw, and a thick neck. He is sporting a leather studded collar, a ball-gag, a black G-string, black leather manacles, and a velvet blue robe is draped over his powerful shoulders. His eyes are wide open, and I definitely get the impression he doesn’t want to be here.

  The mistress is a completely different story. She is deep in a show-business mentality. She whips the robe off the guy to reveal a physique reminiscent of a barbarian in an 80s sword and sorcery movie. The dude is massive. She smacks his ass with the crop to make him do a model turn before unfastening the manacles. Then she snaps the G-string off him to reveal a semi-erect porn-worthy member, throwing the tiny garment into the center of the auditorium. The young escort of the old guy squeals as she catches it with clapped hands. He must be pretty important as he is seated right in front of the Valeran group. It’s a toss-up which is considered the prime seat.


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