Centauri Honor

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Centauri Honor Page 9

by Skyler Grant

  Quinn drummed his fingers on the table as he thought. "Dela, if we plot a course from Arkstone how would we be on fuel?"

  Dela grabbed her tablet and started tapping away. "Over the line."

  "We stop somewhere beforehand, load the cargo bay up with reserve tanks. We've done it before, double our capacity. How does that put us?"

  "Then we're good. We could make the necessary jumps with lots of leeway," Dela said.

  "Arkstone sir? Really?" Taki asked.

  "I've got a really bad plan. You're going to love it," Quinn said.

  They were pushing right up against Sofia's deadline by the time they arrived in Arkstone after a stopover to get all the Bliss’s tanks and extra backup tanks filled with fuel. Quinn was counting on it. Instead of entering the queues they broadcast on the Delcoro frequency that they'd found exactly what Sofia was looking for in the Volkora system, and they'd arranged a plan to retrieve it.

  A part of Quinn hoped that Sofia would do the right thing here. If she'd ever planned to do anything other than betray them, this was a chance to call off her hunt and give them more time.

  When other ships began to edge away from them and a heavy cruiser flanked by gunships approached from the Delcoro station, Quinn knew that time was past. That was okay, he was counting on it.

  The Centauri Bliss jumped.

  They were faster than any of the ships following. Quinn could have completely lost the pursuers even with that beacon giving away his location, but he didn't. Instead he worked to keep them just barely out of range while heading towards Volkora.

  Gunships dropped out of the chase after several systems, needing to refuel, but several cruisers joined the fleet following them. The cruisers had more fuel, more range, and they were just waiting for the Centauri Bliss to finally run out of fuel and come to a standstill before going about their grim business.

  By the time they were nearing the final Runestone of their trek the fleet between them had grown to eleven ships.

  "She really doesn't like us, does she?" Dela said from the copilot’s seat.

  "She was already intending to betray us and now that she has, there’s no going back. We're planning something and she knows it," Quinn said. "We ready on the jump?"

  "If we don't die this is going to be really cool," Dela said.

  The universe twisted around them as Quinn activated the jump. This wasn't a full extended jump, but it was longer than usual. He had no interest in appearing right at the Vokora Runestone. It was a good thing.

  They materialized in the system near the second of six planets. An orbital station near the Runestone had been claimed by the pirates, small heavily armed ships swarming in the space around it, and a set of fixed gun emplacements on the station aimed at the stone.

  Their arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. Already ships were headed in their direction.

  The comm crackled. "Don't know who you are or what you want, but if you got business here talk fast."

  "They’re friendly," Dela said wryly.

  "They could have just started shooting. Could be worse," Quinn said.

  Quinn replied to the comm, "We're not the ones you should be worry about. A heavy Delcoro force is right on our tails. Recommend you pay attention to them."

  The gunships kept closing—they didn't believe him. Then the cruisers started appearing.

  Sofia’s ships knew what they were heading into, and they were already in a defensive formation. The pirates couldn't take them without some big losses, more than pirates usually liked, but they were still a formidable force to confront.

  It created a standoff. A battle might have been better for Quinn's purpose, but standoffs made people nervous. It gave people something to stare at.

  Nobody had forgotten the Centauri Bliss, but suddenly everyone had a lot more critical things to worry about than one rogue smuggler that failed to meet its contract.

  "I need a destination," Quinn said.

  "Working on it. Sweeping with Imperium codes. If any systems are still active I'll get a response," Mara said.

  For now without a course plotted Quinn just worked on getting further way from the station and the Delcoro ships. The more distance he could open the better. Of course, things might find them headed back that direction soon enough.

  "Fourth planet. Sending data," Mara reported.

  Their luck was improving at last, it wasn't near the bulk of enemy ships. Quinn set course, kicking the engines to maximum. Every moment counted. The planet was a desert world with mostly sands of brownish green, although the atmosphere was breathable.

  The wreck was visible from space. Imperium Royal Dreadnoughts were massive vessels commanded exclusively by members of the royal family and a terror to all who would oppose it.

  Half-buried by sand, as they got closer they could see tents sporadically set up along its length, probably put down by pirates who were salvaging the wreckage.

  "Engine compartment?" Quinn asked.

  "Forward. It will be near the bridge," Alexis said.

  The tents were concentrated there. Quinn angled the ship through the atmosphere, keeping speed through most of the descent and angling up at the last minute for a low pass. In their wake he left swirling sand and a storm of superheated air, the tents collapsing and blasted aside as he landed the ship.


  Quinn set the autopilot for a straight burn upwards in case it was needed and both he and Dela left the controls to head back to the cargo bay.

  Everyone had a role in the upcoming action. It was one of those situations where they needed every hand.

  Mara, Jinx, and Alexis were going to head into the wreck and attempt to retrieve the sphere. Mara believed there might be some kind of a security lock keyed to royal blood —so Jinx was included as well. Alexis was insistent on not being left behind.

  The rest of them were there to make sure they created enough of a distraction for anyone outside and feeling unfriendly to stay focused on the Centauri Bliss. Kara was fully armored and armed with pistols, rifles, and an absurd number of grenades. Taki had an armored vest and shotgun.

  Tamara and Melody had smart guns borrowed from Mara that could interface with their electronics to aid targeting.

  Quinn and Dela were tossed armor vests and each slipped them on, each choosing a pistol for the fight.

  "Kara, we need you to position the barricade and after it’s down you can make some noise. Infiltration team, let us know when you're ready to come back and if needed we will punch a hole for you," Taki said.

  "Nobody get dead. If you can't get what we come for, don't die trying. We'll vamoose and live to fight another day," Quinn said.

  Taki hit the controls and the hatch lowered. Heat and sand swept in along with the sound of gunfire.

  Kara grunted as she hefted a bulky triangular, ceramic wedge, striding forward with it as she moved down the ramp. Twenty meters or so from the ship she set it down with an audible thud. Quinn, Taki, and Dela wasted no time in running out in a crouch, getting settled in behind it, the barrier offering them a good bit of cover.

  Tamara and Melody were on their stomachs in the ship, rifles aimed into the distance.

  Kara threw three grenades, one at a time, over the barricade and after the last muffled explosion stepped out.

  The pirates approaching the Bliss didn't have anything in the way of cover and between Kara's relentless assault and a few more careful shots from the others they were quickly driven back.

  "We've infiltrated the vessel. Mess in here," Mara called.

  "Crash damage. Broke the ship’s spine and the crew's too. Skeletons everywhere," Alexis added.

  A buggy was approaching them. Quinn heard the crack of a rifle from behind him and it veered off course, one wheel catching a large rock and tumbling over.

  Two more buggies close behind it skidded to halt and presented a side profile, the occupants leaping out and crouching behind them to exchange shots. It provided the opportunity to remind a few more souls that
a vehicle wasn't cover if you could still see your target's feet.

  "I hope they stay this stupid, sir," Taki said.

  Dela was tapping at her wristcomm. She had it linked to the ship’s sensors. "I don't think we're going to be that lucky. They've got a gunship landing."

  If they started shooting at the Bliss they were done for. However, pirates tended to regard ships as valuable property and usually focused on killing the crews instead. Quinn was hoping nothing had changed.

  "Get back inside, Dela. Stand by in the Whiskey. They aim at the ship, I want you to launch and take them out," Quinn said.

  "She breaks my ship I break her! Just saying," Kara called out.

  Another buggy pulled up close and two pirates on hoverboards managed to leap over the barricade, firing downward. Quinn felt a bullet score his thigh and Taki let out a hiss as one caught her on the edge of her vest.

  Kara spun and unloaded several rounds sending pirates spiraling out of control, crashing to the ground to be dragged behind the boards.

  Dela paused, mouth agape. "They have hoverboards. Captain, I want a hoverboard."

  "Blow stuff up and we'll talk," Quinn grunted out.

  "Don't blow up my ship and I'll steal you one," Kara said.

  Through the comms there was the sound of gunfire.

  "A few scavengers inside. What we're looking for wasn't in the engine compartment or the bridge. I accessed internal schematics and we're headed for the princess’s cabin," Mara reported. She was making sure the pirates didn’t hack their comms and learn about the sphere.

  "You okay?" Quinn asked Taki.

  "Might have fractured the bone, sir. I can still shoot, but my aim is going to be off."

  "They're massing out there. Got a line of about twenty vehicles," Tamara called.

  "They'll hit us from above and below at the same time," Taki said.

  Quinn muttered, "Didn't look like there were this many of them from the sky."

  "Big-ass ship, sir."

  That it was. If the pirates were better scavengers, with what they got from this hulk they likely could have ruled several systems by now—not to mention the runic sphere. Of course, if they'd been that good they might also have gotten the Imperium's attention.

  "Kara, think you can take out a gunship?" Quinn asked.

  "I've got some rounds that should do a number on even that kind of armor, but if they get a bead on me they'll chew me up good," Kara said.

  "I'm aboard the Whiskey and hearing every word. If she’s taking out the gunship, what am I here for?" Dela asked.

  "The buggies that are expecting to have air support and won't. Taki, if Kara gets shot up we're going to have to drag her out of the line of fire," Quinn said.

  "Understood sir."

  The ground beneath them rumbled, and they heard a dull purring noise.

  Mara called in, "On our way back. We got what we needed. May have triggered some sort of self-destruct in the process."

  "They're coming, Quinn," Tamara said.

  In the distance an enormous dust cloud was forming as buggies raced in their direction. In the skies were not one, but two gunships.

  Kara faced the oncoming storm alone and in the open, a large rifle raised as she took careful aim. One, two, three shots rang out with a deafening sound and inky black smoke began to pour from one of the gunships. It opened fire on her, bullets chewing up the ground around her and getting closer before the ship lurched to the side.

  Kara swung to the second, a shot blasting a hole in the windscreen as its guns fastened on her. Kara went flying backwards in a spray of armor fragments and black blood.

  The Whiskey shot up from Centauri Bliss. Cannon fire wracked the cockpit of the second gunship and an explosion smashed the ship into the ground.

  The Whiskey turned its weapons on the arriving buggies.

  Quinn and Taki ran out, each grabbing one of Kara's arms and dragging her back past the barrier and towards the ship. With all the armor she was carrying it was a slow process. Kara was always heavy due to her dense musculature, and geared up for battle it was even worse.

  Quinn stumbled, a round catching him in the back but stopped by the vest, and he saw Taki gasp and stumble as one took her in the calf. They hauled Kara up the ramp to where Tamara and Melody were firing their rifles constantly to suppress the wave of pirates trying to follow them.

  An explosion sent bodies flying. From between them emerged Mara, urging forward Jinx and Alexis carrying an intricately carved wooden case.

  Quinn dropped Kara and turned, snapping off a few shots with his pistol.

  "I've got it, sir," Taki said.

  Quinn nodded and limped for the cockpit. "Get back here, Dela. We're taking off."

  "I'm a bit shot up, Captain. I'm going to need Jinx or a medpatch when I set down," Dela said.

  "Jinx is with Kara, heading towards the shuttle bay with a medpatch," Tamara said.

  Quinn got to the cockpit just in time to see the hatch closed indicator. Grunting as he slipped into the pilot’s seat he keyed up the engines, his hands slick with blood and slipping over the controls. Normally on takeoff you were careful of thrust to avoid a backwash. This time he welcomed it.

  Fire scorched the ground and the pirates as the Centauri Bliss took to the sky on a pillar of fire.

  As soon as they hit orbit sensors picked up a battle near the Runestone. The stalemate hadn't held. Dizzy and nauseous from his wounds, Quinn wove through the crossfire and activated an extended jump the instant they were in range.


  Being free of the system didn't mean they were free of pursuit. Not so long as that transponder continued to make a nuisance of itself. Quinn put a system between him and the cruisers, keeping in range of a Runestone, and hoped that again the battle was keeping everyone too busy to worry about the Centauri Bliss.

  Dela stepped into the cockpit. Most of her right arm was covered in a medpatch. "Need me to take over?"

  "You up for it?"

  "High as a kite on the stims this thing is pumping into me. Least I won't pass out at the controls."

  That was better than Quinn thought he might manage right now.

  "Thanks," Quinn said, letting Dela take the seat. "If you need me, call."

  With the controls handled Quinn wanted to check on what progress the others were making in the engine room.

  "Tell me you've figured out a way for us to disappear," Quinn said as he entered.

  Jinx, Melody, Mara and Alexis were crouched around the wooden box. The lid was open to reveal a perfect sphere of what looked like highly polished glass.

  "We're working on it," Alexis said peevishly.

  Jinx said, getting louder with each word, "By that she means they're staring at me staring it as I try to do something magical—except nobody can explain exactly what I’m supposed to do and it probably won't even work because I'm not of royal blood."

  "I think we're all shot up enough. Keep this up, you'll be shooting each other some more. Alexis, Mara, why don't you give her some space?" Quinn said.

  Jinx shot him a grateful look while the others frowned.

  "I'm the only other person with magic on this ship and the only reason you found it," Alexis said.

  "And while I might not possess magic, I do have knowledge. Lots of knowledge. Knowledge that is the entire reason you are keeping me around," Mara said.

  "Enough," Quinn said, "You're both way smarter than me and I am well aware of that, but you are not helping. Take a deep breath and realize that."

  "Then I'll be in my cabin," Alexis said with a huff, rising to her feet and stalking out the door.

  Mara stood as well, but rather than storming out she languidly leaned against the bulkhead. "You're right. Where are we with our pursuers?"

  "I put some space between us and them. The pirates threw them a bit, I’d say, but it won't last. If we've a way to get clear, we need to do it soon or else we're going to need a new plan."

  "I can hear you," J
inx said in frustration. "Why can't one of you be the mage?"

  "So how is that thing supposed to work anyways?" Quinn asked Mara.

  "I don't have any exact answers, just speculation. Runestones were a collaborative effort between the Hoyle family and the Aulds. The Hoyle's abilities focused on making material manifestations of other’s abilities. The Auld’s, of course, mend," Mara said.

  "So whatever it is has to be all ... mendy?" Quinn asked.

  "Which is stupid. When you're all shot to pieces, me putting you together just feels natural. I can feel that you're broken," Jinx said, and then blinked up at Quinn. "You are broken! Did you even get a med patch?"

  "I just got grazed. All the blood don't mean anything," Quinn said, but Jinx was already bouncing to her feet and moving to rest a hand on his leg. From beneath her palm came a blue glow and Quinn felt a rush of warmth through the damaged flesh.

  "It won't be all the way. I'm kind of drained, after everything. Kara was really messed up," Jinx said.

  "She's taken some bad hits before," Quinn said.

  Mara told him, "Not as bad as this. Gunship had heavy armor-piercers. Kara has this whole rigid carapace inside her to protect her organs. Mostly bullets mess up the outside but don't penetrate. These got through."

  Quinn winced. "I didn't expect the resistance that we got. It really was a bad plan."

  "We have something incredibly rare now in our possession. Captain, believe me, you have never in your long and sordid life stolen anything as valuable as that." Mara pointed at the box.

  "It’s only worth something if it works," Jinx said.

  "Which you can make it do. Truly," Mara said.

  "If you're out of juice, is that the problem?" Quinn asked.

  "Maybe. I do get weary if I heal too much," Jinx said.

  "If it’s mana she needs, we've got it, Captain. Not a lot, after all the jumping, but some," Melody said.

  "Would that work?" Quinn asked Jinx.

  Jinx shrugged helplessly.

  "She'll be able to absorb liquefied mana. I should have thought of it. The reaction is uncontrollable though. And she'll be thirsty," Mara said.


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