Centauri Honor

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Centauri Honor Page 14

by Skyler Grant

  Mara, Jinx, and Taki were waiting for them when the lift doors opened. The fire around Jinx’s hands had faded although the rune glowing on one hand still glowed brightly.

  "I was hoping to catch you. Despite what just happened, we might not have a warm welcome here," Mara said.

  "Care to explain that? Way I see it we just did these people a lot of good at great personal expense," Quinn said.

  "It was the supplies, sir. The ones we brought them? Tainted. If their defensive effort seemed a little weak there was a reason for it. Most of these people can barely stand," Taki said.


  Donna found them before they'd had much more time to discuss things.

  She said, "I explained just what you did, Jinx especially. People might not be feeling all that generous right now, but they understand. You don't always know what’s what when you take a job."

  "We were just dropping off the supplies. We had no idea," Quinn said.

  "I believe you. If you were part of them who wanted us dead, you wouldn't have done all you did," Donna said, gesturing them forward and leading the way into the base.

  The air had that a damp scent, musky in that way of places where far too many people had been crammed together for far too long.

  In rooms off the main hall Quinn could see people in beds or sitting down, the sound of coughing came from everywhere.

  "I can see what I can do," Jinx said.

  "You might have a charge, but how many people in this colony? How many sick?" Tamara asked.

  "Over a thousand. Used to be more, but anyone who could get away, did," Donna said.

  "I want to try. I'm still really charged up," Jinx said.

  "You got a doctor?" Tamar asked.

  "We do. But we're short of everything we've needed to treat this," Donna said.

  "Not worried about that. Jinx only has so much power to heal and this whole colony is too much. But if your doctor can point her at the most serious cases, she can make a difference."

  Donna gestured down the hall and a young man ran up. "Emon, this is Jinx. Take her to see Doc Conner."

  "You've had a hard time here," Quinn said, after the pair departed.

  "Them more than me. I'm a late arrival, all us mech pilots are. They hired us to help defend them and then the fuckers decided to starve them out," Donna said.

  "You stuck around for free? Not very mercenary," Quinn asked.

  "Yeah, well, you just put your lives on the line and gave us piles of expensive free ammo. You're not that great from running away from folks in need yourself. I'm thinking you're a poor one to be giving us lectures."

  Donna led them into a large common hall, tables and benches filling the bulk of it. Only about a quarter of the seats were taken and Donna gestured them towards an open stretch of tables. "Have a seat. I'll go get us some beers."

  Quinn and the others settled in. Even here most of the colonists were coughing, and shabbily dressed in worn shirts and breeches. They shouldn't be this poor, this sickly. Many colony worlds were rough for human settlers, but this one had everything humans needed. Water, oxygen, fertile lands. People should be flocking here as fast as the ships could carry them. It should be well on the way to being a future, well-developed world.

  Of course, perhaps it had been, once.

  Quinn looked around the table.

  "Did any of you catch what he said there on our ship? What he asked me?" Quinn asked.

  "He mentioned the Redeemer, the name of the ship that Sofia sent Alexis and us after. Sofia was looking for him," Tamara said.

  "Or Mahara, another of the Unshackled," Mara said.

  "I take it she is actually dead," Quinn said.

  Mara frowned. "I wish I could say for certain. Those powerful in magic have their own means of immortality. I will say this—if the Emperor had ever found any signs of Mahara’s existence in the Imperium he would have moved the entire universe in order to kill her."

  “Wouldn’t we know if she was making monsters?” Quinn asked.

  “The wrathspawn were unique to Ilinar. All of the Unchained corrupted those they came into contact with but most were more subtle about it,” Mara said.

  "Sofia used us to poison these people. Why, if she was working for the Imperium?" Taki asked. “Wouldn’t she want to help them?”

  "Obviously she wasn't. In fact, she seems to have been working against it. On a far grander level than I expected to find," Mara said.

  "But is she puppet or puppet master?" Tamara asked.

  "Are you going to be spending any time here? I'd like to take one of the shuttles up and have a look at the Black Fist systems. See what I can learn," Mara said.

  "Permission granted," Quinn said.

  "Is this our business, sir? I didn't mind helping out the colony, but do we want to get any deeper? Just because a storm is coming doesn't mean we have to steer into it," Taki said.

  It was a real question, and one Quinn would have to think over. A part of him loved playing the hero, it always had, but it wasn't just his life that he was risking. Some risk was acceptable—it was business—but this was so far from that.

  Carrying a tray of beers, Donna came back to the table and sat back down. "Sorry, took awhile. We've got you all rooms. They aren't much but they're serviceable. If you need one for a couple just let me know," Donna said.

  "We're sort of all ... together," Quinn said.

  "Oh," Donna said with a blink. "A Centauri? We got one too, five in it. Nice folks. I'll have them shove a few beds together in a store room then. We pretty much divided store rooms up for the bedrooms anyways."

  They didn't return to the conversation they left, instead drinking the night away. A chill attitude towards them started to grow warmer when the first man Jinx healed made his way into the hall, an older man who served as an instructor and was popular. During the next few hours dozens more drifted in.

  Later that night in their rooms Jinx didn't return until well past midnight, dark circles under her eyes. Despite the exertions of the day the rune on her hand still glowed blue.

  The next morning, when they went to breakfast, their treatment was far different. Every person they passed gave unpracticed bows and curtsies to Jinx, usually accompanied by wide smiles and expressions of almost awe.

  "Well, aren't you popular," Quinn said.

  "I don’t ask them to do that," Jinx said.

  There were seats reserved at a table at one end of the wall, elevated above the others on a small platform. A young woman urged them in that direction with an awkward intensity.

  Donna was waiting. She curtsied as well and was rather more practiced about it. Despite the mohawk and tattoos, the gesture seemed natural.

  "Not you too," Jinx said.

  "Once people got over the shock of it all, they got to figuring out that the things you do. It was a princess that had come to save us. After calling out to every emperor and empress out there to save us, none showed, but you did. There ain't a man or a woman on this planet that don't intend to give you the respect you deserve," Donna said.

  "We might have had a little bit to do with it," Quinn said.

  "Don't doubt it. Still, it was her that killed the one who brought those things. It was her that fixed our mechs. It was her that healed the people."

  "I was just ... helping," Jinx said weakly.

  "Regardless. We had a meeting last night after you folks went to bed. We don’t have any leader of sorts, old one died in the plague. Jobs yours if you want it," Donna said.

  "Don't," Jinx said hanging her head.

  "I don't know if you want to stay, or what form it would take but ... these people have been through a lot. They’re good though, decent. Why I stayed, you could do worse," Donna said.

  Quinn reached out to grasp Jinx's hand under the table and she gave his a quick squeeze.

  "We should talk about this," Tamara said.

  Jinx took a deep breath and sat up straight. "I know what you're going to say. You want me to do it
, for a lot of reasons. You're going to go with the most compelling, that these people aren't safe without someone true to swear to."

  "They've obviously lost faith in whatever ruler they had sworn to before. With good cause," Mara said grimly.

  "And what am I going to do for them?"

  Donna cleared her throat. "Honestly, I don't think I or anyone of our department heads expects you to do much. But the fact is, royals matter and we don't have even a bad one to protect us. We don't know your story, we don't know what you're hiding from, and we can tell you're not wealthy. All the same, just you saying yes might bring some hope back to this place though."

  "I can make you an amazing princess outfit, if you want one," Dela said helpfully.

  "I might need one," Jinx said wryly. "Taki, you're the sane one of this bunch. What do you think?"

  Taki was silent for a moment. "I think if you do it—if you're going to take it—it’s going to mean something to you. That means it’s going to mean something to us too. If you say yes, mean it."


  "You don't have to decide right now. Think it over. We didn't mean to rush you, I just wanted to make sure we were heard," Donna said.

  "And is there anything to be gained by taking my time?" Jinx asked with a sigh. "Just because you’re running from something doesn't mean you can avoid it—not when it’s thrust before you. I don't know what we are going to call it, but I accept your allegiance."

  "You should have an impressive title," Tamara said primly. “It’s your right. Always has been.”

  "Lady? Baroness? Empress?" Donna asked.

  Jinx closed her eyes for a moment and let out a groan. "No. No to all of those. I don’t want to be any of those things, I just want to be a thief. It is especially stupid to call someone and Empress when referring to a single world. If I am going to take a title why make it a stupid one? I’m Selina Cartier, if you need it for any paperwork, but I prefer Jinx. No titles, just Jinx."

  "Works for me, Jinx," Donna said, "We mercenaries are used to giving ourselves good nicknames. I’m the Crimson Fury. How about… the thief of stars? But if you want to wage war against the rest of the galaxy I've got to tell you, we're neither interested nor able."

  “Good name,” Dela said with a glance over to Jinx.

  “Thief of Stars it is. Let’s see what people make out of that,” Jinx said.

  "And I think we can avoid the interplanetary war, for the time being," Tamara said dryly. "But we've other matters to discuss. Captain, I've got a business proposition for you."

  "Am I going to like this?" Quinn asked.

  "If you can manage to recognize a good thing, you will. Donna, how is your colony doing?"

  "Falling apart, I think you can see that. Blockade was hard, and this illness. It has been a long time since anything went right."

  "We've got a hold full of valuables to help rebuild this place. Bring in new colonists," Tamara said.

  "To what end? So the blockade can return tomorrow?" Taki asked.

  Dela said thoughtfully, "The ships in orbit. Two whole cruisers, plus whatever craft landed on the planet in the invasion. You could do something with that, if they could get the crews."

  "You're thinking small," Tamara said.

  "You mean the ships in the last system," Quinn said.

  "Quinn, I promised you that if you stuck with me I'd make something of you. Have you ever stolen a fleet before? A space station?" Tamara asked.

  "What are you folks talking about?" Donna asked.

  They told her. By the end she was leaning forward intently.

  "Finding crews will be a problem. The station, it works, it has power?" Donna asked.

  "It does, although it’s got some battle damage. But I've never seen one moved," Quinn said.

  "They've got a rune drive in the central core. Perimeter thrusters. It’s slow, but they can move and jump. If your goal is to get it here, you can," Mara said.

  "Mercenaries then. Lots of people wanting a place to settle down and not many good places that will have them. Do I have your permission to grant land?" Donna asked Jinx.

  "Temporary grants for them and their families, to become final after five years of service," Jinx said.

  "Standard is ten and they're not offering something as fine. Make it seven and we'll still be buried under applications," Donna said.

  Jinx nodded. "Do it."

  "That system also has habitable planets and the remains of cities. Not the farmland you have here but…" Tamara said.

  "I can name you a colony administrator who might be willing to make the jump," Donna said.

  "Do it. Stars is plural. If I’m stealing one star system I may as well steal two. Larger land grants there, if someone selects those worlds although we retain ownership of the cities,” Jinx said.

  As Donna hurried off to talk to her people large trays of food were brought out. None of it was fancy, but there was plenty. The colonists were really putting their best foot forward.

  "That was brave," Quinn said.

  Jinx let out a chuckle that seemed almost pained. "I killed a mage of legend and have a giant glowing blue mark on my hand. You don't run away from childhood stories when you find yourself suddenly becoming one."

  "You staying with us on the ship?" Taki asked.

  "You're my family, of course I'm staying with you. This, all this ... I'm sorry for putting it on your plates. Maybe I should have put it to a vote," Jinx said.

  Tamara and Quinn shared a look. They pulled the strings of this family and what Tamara had just done brought them both a lot of new obligations. Quinn had no doubt Tamara wanted it, something like this had been her plan all along.

  "I don't mean to be mercenary, but are we ever going to see our money again?" Taki asked.

  "Calling it an investment wasn't a lie. Early colony investment is prized by the wealthy. While the initial costs can be immense, the long-term rewards are considerable. I'll draw up a proper contract between the colony and our Centauri," Tamara said.

  "Great—if we want to be paid back in twenty years," Taki said with a scowl.

  "Perhaps if you thought longer term you wouldn't be constantly scrambling for work simply to refuel. Trust me, this is right, this is smart," Tamara said.

  "It's also the right thing. These people need help and some bad people are out to screw them over. Those bad people also screwed us over, so helping out settles that score a little," Quinn said.

  "I'm going to see what I can learn from those cruiser's computers. What is your intent with the information?" Mara asked.

  It was a difficult question. Revenge almost never paid a good return, but a man had his honor. It wasn't just that Sofia had tried to have them killed, twice now. She'd used them to almost murder a whole colony by making them think they were going to help.

  "We're in this deep and Sofia Delcoro just keeps popping up. I want a good guess at what she was planning, at just how deep her plans run. And then I want to bring her whole world crashing down around her head," Quinn said.

  "About time, stud," Kara said, after shoveling a massive slab of meat into her mouth.

  "Then we are very much in agreement. I'll use my full resources to see what I can find," Mara said, rising from the table. "And I'd better waste no time. I want to contact my sisters."

  That was an unexpected bonus. Mara had always made it clear just how off-limits her network was for their day-to-day business. Quinn didn't know what they might bring to the table for something like this, but her sister’s resources appeared to be considerable.

  Tamara said, pushing off from the table, "If you mean to corner one of the leaders of Arkstone, it isn't going to be an easy task. I'll make some calls, explore the political landscape. We do this the wrong way, we'll have the full weight of the families upon us. So If you'll excuse me ..."

  "Well, now I kind of feel like I ought to have something more important to be doing," Quinn said, watching her leave.

  "You feel that way? I'm apparently
supposed to be out there stealing stars,” Jinx said, pushing some eggs around her plate.

  "It really was brave," Quinn said.

  "How does that thing feel? On your hand?" Dela asked.

  Jinx held up her hand. The rune was there still glowing and she studied it. "I don't even know how to describe it. Ever since my powers came to me I could reach down deep and pull them out. But now? It’s like I'm shallow, or they're closer."

  "I kind of meant does it itch or anything," Dela said.

  Jinx laughed and pushed the plate aside. "Yeah, actually. It does."

  "Think it’s going to have an impact on the baby?" Quinn asked.

  "I don't think so. When Mara described my magic as the sort that restores things, she wasn't wrong. I can feel it in me, putting things right, and it’s in the baby too doing the same."

  "You two are going to have a little planetary governor with a stupid name," Kara said cheerfully.

  Somehow, Quinn hadn't even thought about that. Jinx being something was one thing, but when it was his kid it suddenly felt like a whole other sort of ground being torn from beneath his feet.

  "I guess so. So what are all ... of us?" Quinn asked. “Being married to a ruler?”

  "I don't know. Honestly," Jinx said with a shrug. "Nobles get taught all the titles and heraldry, but since my family wasn't descended from Opalia was just always one of those funny family stories. I bet Tamara would know."

  "She’s probably already made us up name tags or something. Can I even hold a title, being a Yek?" Kara asked.

  "Sir Errtogh. He's Itoxan, saved Princess Carolina's life once. Met him at a party," Taki said.

  "That would be funny. A Yek noble. We really gave your Imperium a stomping," Kara said.

  "Good thing we’re not the Imperium and just a bunch of thieves,?" Quinn asked.

  "Guess so," Kara said and after a moment added. “Really good thieves.”

  The mood for the rest of breakfast was a lot lighter.


  They spent another two days at the colony, more than enough time for them to unload the bulk of their cargo. Quinn made sure that Dela kept an accounting of every bit of it. This was after all an investment. Tamara had drawn up a contract and Donna found a farmer who had once been an accountant before the economy of his world collapsed.


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