Joint Venture

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Joint Venture Page 18

by Tey Holden

  “I’m sorry, Victoria.”

  “It was then that I decided I had to get away. Since my sister lives in Edinburgh, I came to this part of the country. I wanted to get away from it all. That experience scarred me. I don’t know if I will ever be able to trust and be like I was before. I would like to, but it will take time, I think.” She looked at Melanie for reassurance. Mel nodded in understanding. “That’s me in a nutshell. I’m afraid I don’t have much to offer at the moment.”

  “That is a matter of opinion. What I think you need is time to come to terms with yourself. What makes you think that you need to offer anything?”

  “I’d like to think that if I’m with someone worthwhile, she deserves better,” Victoria replied.

  “That is very thoughtful, but it’s not for you to determine if you are worth it. That determination should be made by the other person, don’t you think?” Victoria remained quiet, she was having palpitations as she held Melanie’s gaze. The conversation had turned personal.

  “I don’t have an agenda, Vic. I’m not here to take anything not offered freely. And that is what I would like to do. I’d like to offer.” Melanie replied in a tone that churned Victoria’s insides. Victoria got up and crouched next to Melanie’s chair. “In that case, I’d like to take what you offer.”

  Melanie sat up straight, turned to face her, cupped Victoria’s face and kissed her on the lips. “Show me to your bedroom.” Victoria’s face of disbelief made Melanie smile. They spent the entire weekend inside, making love or talking. When Monday came around, neither one could find a way to face reality. “I don’t want you to go,” Victoria pleaded.

  “Vic, I’m going to try and come for a sabbatical. That will give us a chance to get to know each other better. What do you think?”

  Vic was elated. “I’d like that very much. I want you here, but I can’t ask you to quit and come. It wouldn’t be fair. It’s great if you could arrange something for now. If not, we’ll think of something else.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.”

  They both cried while saying good-bye at the airport. Melanie waited until she was in the restricted area of the terminal to call Karen.

  “Well! You finally remember your friends. It’s good to know you are alive. Where are you?”

  “At the airport, alive and kicking, my friend. Listen, I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’m coming back.”


  “Karen, I’ve had the most, fantastic, out of this world, fucking sex of my life for the last three days, and I’m coming back for more!”

  “Mel!” Karen laughed so loud she almost choked. “Are you on some drug?”

  “Don’t laugh! And no, I’m not on any drug.” She whispered the last part of the sentence not wanting anyone to hear. “I know you’ve never heard me talk like this, but I had to tell someone, and who better than you?”

  “So, you and the doc, huh?”

  “God Karen, she is incredible. I need to explore this and find out where it can go.”

  Karen continued to laugh. “Oh, I can’t wait for you to explore this new side of you. So when would you be back?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to work on it immediately.”

  “Okay. Does the doc share your excitement?”

  “Yes, but she’s also excited about treating Alejandro. So I don’t know the difference yet!” Melanie laughed, making Karen laugh as well. At least, she had the right attitude. Only God knew where this could lead. “Thoroughbreds are her specialty.”

  “And apparently psychiatrists too,” Karen added.

  “I have every intention to make psychiatry her new area of interest, believe me! Hey, I have to go. They are boarding the plane now. Keep an eye on her, would you? And tell Addy. She’ll love it.”

  “Sure, see you soon. Text when you get there.”

  “Okay, bye.”


  Karen was pensive. This could be really good or really bad. Melanie had her share of bad relationships and didn’t need another. Anyways, she was old enough to know what she was doing. She also thought that at her age, any good sex was worth the try.

  “Addy? Where are you? I have something to tell you.”

  “What? What’s going on?”

  “Melanie just called.”

  “I thought I heard you laughing. Is she all right? Where is she?” Addy had just come downstairs with clothes over her shoulders and arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “The local community project is to help some of the towns’ people, so they are collecting used items. I’m gathering stuff to give them.”

  “Aren’t those my old overalls?”

  “Yes, and you said it – old.”

  “Addy, they are comfy.”

  “And they look awful too. You are a beautiful woman and you should look beautiful all the time.”

  “I don’t need to look beautiful all the time. I only want to look beautiful to you.”

  “Then you can’t wear those pants anymore.”


  “So, what about Melanie?”

  “She and the doc had a great time. So great in fact, that she wants to come back.”

  Addy stopped short. “They had hot sex, didn’t they?”

  Karen smiled. “Apparently so good that it’s made Mel lose her wits.” Karen laughed. “Now, keep that info to yourself, please!”

  Addy rolled her eyes. “Are you suggesting that I might just walk up to the doctor, the next time I see her, and say ‘hey I heard you had great sex with Mel,’ right?”

  Karen gave her a knowing smile and held her.

  “Ugh! You are awful! Don’t worry. I will never do such a thing. I’m not that acquainted with Vic. I can’t promise the same thing when I see Mel, though.” Addy walked around still gathering stuff to give away. Karen chuckled. “Do you think this is serious? I mean if she said she wants to come back and all?”

  “She sounded pretty excited and said the doctor is too.”

  “Okay, let’s hope for the best.”


  After Melanie’s departure, Victoria continued to make her rounds to treat Alejandro. One morning when she stopped by the stables, she came across Addy. They talked about Alejandro’s progress and about how much Alex knew about Alejandro and horses in general.

  “I think that with me around here, she may turn out to be a vet. I mean, you should see the way she asks questions. She’s insatiable.”

  “Yes, I know how she can be when something interests her. She’s like Karen in that regard. If she becomes annoying, call Marshall and tell her to bring her home.”

  “Oh no, Addy, I love her inquisitive nature. I think it’s very healthy. I enjoy having her around.”

  “Well, thank you. Have you talked to Mel lately?”

  “Yes. We actually talk almost every night. We’ve become very good friends.” Victoria didn’t volunteer more, but Addy felt good knowing that the flame was still going.

  However, two weeks later, Karen came across the doctor in an odd situation. Karen had been looking for Dr. Naylor. Through Mr. Stetson, she had discovered that the ninth member of the school board was Dr. Naylor and she wanted to thank him personally for his vote. She went to his office and was told that he had already left for the day and that he would most likely stop at the pub before heading home.

  Her heart sunk when upon entering the pub she found Victoria in a very animated conversation with a woman. The two appeared to be very comfortable with each other. Victoria was sitting such, that she found herself face to face with Karen with only a few feet of distance between them. Karen, who was the master of the poker face, as Addy always said, greeted her with a nod and proceeded towards where Dr. Naylor was sitting with other town’s people. Karen was invited to sit down and when the waiter came she asked for a beer.

  The look Karen had given Victoria when she came in lacked any emotion, which was precisely why Victoria was surprised. A few minutes later, Karen l
ooked to her side and found Victoria and the other woman standing next to her. “Karen, I would like you to meet my sister, Jane. She lives in Edinburgh and is here visiting on her school break. She is a teacher.”

  Karen immediately got up and shook Jane’s hand. “Pleased to meet you.” She looked at Victoria with a semi-smiley face, which Victoria instantaneously picked up.

  Victoria smiled back. “I’ll tell Melanie I saw you when I talk to her tonight.”

  “In that case, make sure and tell her that Addy knows I’m here. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea.” Karen threw in the innuendo of her own mistake.

  “I think both Addy and Mel know you enough not to get the wrong idea.”

  “Listen, would you like to join us?”

  “No, we are on our way out already, but thanks. Say hello to Addy for me.”

  “Sure, I will.” She thanked Dr. Naylor, drank half her beer, and went home.

  As soon as she arrived home she told Addy about the encounter at the pub. “It was lucky it was you. I don’t know what I would have done,” Addy replied.

  “I shouldn’t have assumed. It was wrong.”


  As soon as Alejandro felt better, Victoria gave the okay for his training to continue. She was coming every day in the morning to make sure he was all right.

  “You really like Alejandro, don’t you?”

  “Alex, I consider it a privilege to be his doctor.” Alex gave her a very pleased smile. “He is a magnificent horse. A truly outstanding specimen of his kind.”

  “He likes you.”

  Karen approached the pair, who were watching Alejandro run. “Little girl, we have to go. You don’t want to be late.”

  Alex got down from the fence. “Alejandro said he never hurt after you gave him medicine. He said that injection you gave him hurt and that he was afraid when you put that thing down his throat. But he said that you were worried about him and that he likes you because you care for him. Thanks for curing him. Bye!” She ran to the car.

  Victoria looked at Karen. “Karen? How did she know about the endoscopy and the injection?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t even know you had done that until now.”

  “Interesting. I’ll ask Marshall if she said anything to her.”

  “By the way, Victoria. The other night at the pub, I –.”

  “I gave you the wrong impression.” She paused and smiled. “You and Melanie are old friends and you care for her. Karen, I’m sure she told you about us. I care for her too. I’d like you to know that I’m not going to hurt her. I’ve been hurt myself and would never do that to anyone. I hope she can come stay for a while, so that we can have more time together and find out what we both want.”

  “She’s my best friend and a good person.”

  “I know. Don’t worry. Have a good day.”

  “You too. Hey, you are not contemplating the possibility that Alex and Alejandro do talk to each other, are you?” Karen asked as she was on her way to her car.

  Victoria shrugged and chuckled. “She’s got a job with me for the summer, if she can talk to horses!” Karen chuckled and waved her hands in the air.


  A few weeks later, Addy, Karen, and Alex met Victoria at the stables. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and the family was enjoying watching Alejandro graze in the field.

  “He is beautiful, isn’t he? Is he ready to run?” Alex asked.

  Victoria was surprised with the question. “Do you want him to run?”

  “Is not so much what I want, he wants to run. He knows he is a racehorse. I’ve pretty much told him that all his life, and he’s always wanted to run and win. Since he’s been sick, he’s been sad thinking that maybe he won’t be able to run.”

  The moms listened to Alex’s conversation with Victoria and wondered if Alex was using Alejandro to express her own feelings.

  “Well, Alex, he is healthy already. I’ve been coming around mainly because I love to see him train, but not because he needs medical care anymore. So, yes, if you would like to sign him up to race, you may do that.”

  Alex immediately looked at her moms and at Marshall. “Let’s do it. Let him be what he is – the best horse in all of Scotland!”

  The women chuckled and looked at each other. The adults knew that once Alejandro began to race again, his life could change dramatically. That night, the women decided to talk to Alex about the implications of racing and about how Alejandro’s life would change.

  Karen began. “Alex before we sign up Alejandro for any race, we need to talk. You see, if your numbers are right and Alejandro does win more races, he might become famous. And that is an overall good thing for us because he will bring a lot of money and fame to our stables, but the other side of that is that it will require many sacrifices. For example, he will most likely be invited to many races, and if he continues to win, he will have to travel. You know how it is, everyone always wants to beat the champ.”

  “Who’s going to take him? I have to go to school.” Alex wrinkled her nose in her customary way.

  The women smiled. She spoke as if she could drive Alejandro’s trailer and stay in far-away places overnight, except for the reality that she was only eight years old and in third grade at school.

  “Well, I think that Marshall, Carol and Gyro would be doing that part and Victoria would probably follow him around as well to take care of him, or at least would go wherever, if she was needed.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to let him go with just anyone. I’d let him go anywhere with Ms. Marshall and Ms. Carol, they love him. And I would like Victoria to take care of him always. He likes her, and she is a very good doctor. Marshall and Carol will give him a lot of love, and Gyro will never hurt him because he never has. Alejandro tells me everything. He’ll be fine with them.”

  “So, you don’t mind that he would have to go away to race and would be gone for weeks?” Addy asked.

  “No, but I would like to go see him race. Are we going to be able to do that?”

  “Of course. He is your horse. You should be there to see him race. But again, Alex, we need to know if you are going to be okay with him not being here at the stables.”

  “M’Addy, you told me once that we are who we are and that we must be proud of who we are. Alejandro is a racehorse. Running is what he was born to do. He knows who he is and he likes to run. If I kept him from doing what he loves and wants to do, it wouldn’t be fair to him. I love him and that’s why he has to do what he wants to do.”

  Addy covered her mouth, and her eyes filled with tears. Karen smiled unable to say a word.

  “What did I say? Why are you crying, M’Addy?”

  Addy hugged Alex. “Oh, baby! We are so proud of you! You are so grown up! We love you!”

  Karen joined in the hug, kissed her, and combed her hair back. “You make us proud, little girl.” Alex smiled and hugged them. “You guys are two softies!” She then planted a kiss on both their cheeks, first Addy and then Karen.

  Karen got up from the sofa. “So be it, Alejandro runs! I’ll call everyone and set up an all hands meeting for tomorrow. We need to know who’s on board.”

  “Oh no! Alex, we have awakened the organizational monster in your mother! Lord have mercy! Before long we are all going to be wearing shirts with Alejandro’s colors.”

  Karen opened her eyes. “Colors! Alex, start thinking colors. Do a search! See what colors have not been taken. Addy—.”

  “Oh no! I should have run while I could!” Addy exclaimed prompting Alex to laugh.

  “Now, now, you started this ball rolling, Ms. Addypooh. You are going to find out about races and entry deadlines. Everybody, get busy now!” She clapped her hands as if to get everyone going.

  “And what are you going to do, Mommy?”

  “I’m going to call Marshall.”

  The wheels got going and before long, Alejandro was already registered to run his first stakes race.

  Part 8

>   As predicted by Alex, Alejandro was already making a name for himself, after winning several races. Shortly after six months of having begun his professional racing career, everyone knew about him and looked for him as a favorite to win. Carol and Marshall toured with him while Karen, Addy and Alex showed up the day before the race.

  “Karen, may I have a word with you?”

  “Sure, Marshall what is going on?”

  “Look, I’m a little concerned. Alejandro is getting to be very popular and is already considered a top competitor. I’m afraid that the competition might want to harm him or cause some trouble for him. I’ve been keeping guard at the stables, but Carol is upset because I haven’t been sleeping in the hotel room with her and well, I was wondering if we could—.”

  “What? Marshall, please, you shouldn’t have done that!”

  “It’s Alex’s horse, Karen. How could I ever tell her that something happened to him on my watch when I know that she has full confidence and trust in me?”

  “I once again appreciate the way you care for Alejandro and Alex, but I will call the security company and have them look out for Alejandro’s safety from now on. I never thought about it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll ask them to send a security detail wherever you are. I’ll give them a copy of Alejandro’s racing schedule, and they will be there when you arrive with him. I don’t want you sleeping in the stable anymore, is that clear? You have to keep things good between you and Carol.”

  “Yes, ma’am, thanks.”

  The next event on the schedule was a huge race. The Racing Post Trophy was the race that would determine the next move. It was the race that would showcase the best horses in the entire region, and would determine which ones were Triple Crown candidates. Like in the USA, the British Triple Crown consists of three races known as the Two Thousand Guineas, the Derby, and the Saint Leger. The British trio of races takes place over a longer span of time, four months as compared with four to five weeks in the USA and the distances are longer than the races in the USA, one mile for the Two Thousand Guineas, one and a half miles for the Derby, and one and three fourth miles for the Saint Leger.


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