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Joint Venture

Page 41

by Tey Holden

  Read an excerpt:

  “Oh God, I remember once joking about you getting me pregnant, do you remember it? Years ago?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Will you be there every step of the way from selecting the sperm to the actual insemination, the pregnancy, the birth and the eighteen plus years it is going to take to raise this said child?”

  Addy chuckled. “Yes, Ker, I will be there every inch of the way. I will actually inseminate you, if the doctor allows me. I also plan to be with you for the rest of my life, so yes. I will be there every single day, every step of the way.”

  Karen leaned into Addy’s shoulder looking for comfort. “I agree to talk about this some more.”

  “Okay, let’s continue to talk then.” Addy thought she was on a roll and didn’t want to let the ball drop.

  “Now? Can’t we talk tomorrow, or over the course of the next few weeks?”

  “Well, you are the one who says that we may be too old. If we keep waiting to even talk about it, it may come to be so. We are not getting any younger, you know? If we are going to consider this seriously, I think we should talk about it now.”

  “I know your reasons for wanting the baby. And, I really don’t want to hear them again because you know how mad I get when you even bring up the subject, but I do have several subjects requiring discussion. First, this baby would be the product of one of my eggs and some man’s sperm, therefore what about genetics? Leaving that aside for a minute and going back to the baby, physically, and genetically you will have no contribution in the making of this child.” Here was the logical Karen, sticking her finger in the wound. “So, if your intention is for me to have some of you in this child, how do you see that happening? Moreover, because biologically there would be none of your DNA in that child, why don’t we just adopt, and that way I don’t have to go through, what will most certainly be, a nine-months of living hell for me?”

  Addy remained pensive for like two minutes and, as if illuminated by some strange force, she knew exactly how to reply to win the argument. Karen Larsen you cannot beat what’s coming at you! This was the second time, in their relationship when she absolutely knew she had Karen beat. The first time was when she had convinced Karen to stay in Scotland.

  Addy smiled. “Sit. I could be awhile here.” Karen sat expectantly thinking that there was no possible way that Addy could rebut this factual argument. However, her heart pounded because she knew Addy too well and knew that when she wanted, Addy could make hell freeze over. In the depth of her heart, she feared that this was about to happen.

  “First, regarding the genetic concern, and to get rid of that point immediately, we are going to go to the best place for this, I don’t know where this place is, but if it’s in Timbuktu, that’s where we are going. I will make sure that we get the adequate referral to this very special, unique and most certainly expensive place. So, there will be no genetic risks taken in that regard. And, by the way, I do not care how much all of this might cost, no price would be too high to assure your safety, health, and our peace of mind.” She paused briefly for effect.

  “Second, although biologically and genetically I will have no input whatsoever in the making of the baby, that baby will be my child for two reasons.”

  Karen was captivated by Addy’s organized arguments. She should have known better than to put Addy on a defensive position. She had seen her more than once arguing a case and was always impressed. Addy was a master debater, words always poured out of her mouth with exact precision and logic. She listened attentively as Addy continued. “One, this child will be your child.” Addy pointed to her. “A child born of your womb, of your flesh and blood. Just because of that, I will adore it as I adore you. Two, I am going to love that child to its very core, and I am going to make sure that it takes something of me into him or her, so that when one day, years from now, you hear him or her talk, you will say ‘that’s something Addy would have said or would have done.’” She paused again and looked Karen straight in the eyes. “So, that child may not look one single bit like me, but I give you my word of honor, my solemn promise that our daughter or son will have as much of my spirit and personality as possible in him or her. I also promise you that I will stand by you every step of the way, and that I will be there to raise our child together, not only until he or she leaves our home, but until I have one breath of air left in me. This I promise you.”

  As Addy eloquently spoke, she paced back and forth in front of Karen gesticulating with her arms, closing her fists for emphasis and letting her entire body speak loud and clear of her intentions. When she was done, she looked at Karen and realized that Karen was almost in tears. Addy stopped and knelt in front of her. “Sweetheart, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “All of a sudden, I see it.” Karen leaned into her and Addy hugged her.

  “You see what?” Addy pulled out of the embrace to read her face.

  “I see the child.”

  Addy was stunned. Oh God! Addy was almost frightened that she had gone too far. “Ker? What do you see? Please, tell me?”

  Karen spoke looking mesmerized into Addy’s eyes, as if she could see the image she was describing in Addy’s eyes. “I see a beautiful little girl. She smiles. Her smile is like a summer day. And she is happy. She feels loved, incredibly loved and when she looks at me, she has an expression on her face.” Karen’s eyes moved back and forth looking for words to describe the image she saw. “It’s not you, but it’s like an expression I’ve seen in your face, like when you open your eyes big and raise your eyebrows. It’s as if she copied your expression. And she speaks in a cute little voice and she says things you’d say.” Two tears dropped from Karen’s eyes.

  Addy couldn’t comprehend this vision, but wasn’t this what she really wanted, another someone to love Karen, just like she did? By now Addy was almost in tears, but she couldn’t cry now, no, she had to take advantage of this moment and deliver her final punch. She hardly believed what was happening.

  “Ker? I see her too. And I want our baby. I want a family for us, let’s have her.”

  “Addy, I don’t really know if you comprehend the magnitude of what you ask of me. I am a lesbian who never thought of being pregnant, or having a child. If I do this, I will do it for love, for us, for my love of you.”

  “I know, Ker, I know.”


  Convinced by her best friend to change her old phone for a new one, Wally stops at a phone store, and is captivated by the astonishing sales manager. Thinking that she has no chance to score with the sexy brunette, she uses her phone to get her attention and becomes entangled in a family affair that takes her directly into the brunette’s heart. Through her newfound love, she finally makes peace with a tormenting past and begins a totally unexpected and surprising life.

  Read an excerpt:

  “What’s with the haircut?”

  “You like it?”


  Bobby laughed. “You are the only person around here who dares to speak her mind, you, and you know who else!”


  “I hate the haircut too.”

  “Why did you do it then?”

  “I thought Cindy would hate it and not like me. Now I’m kind of sorry I did. I feel stupid and Sarah didn’t wait much to make a move. Looks like they’ve become pals. Did they come together? They might be sleeping together, for all I now.”

  “I don’t think Cindy is the type that sleeps around. But they did arrive together. I wouldn’t blame Sarah if she made a move, though. Cindy is a catch.” Wally planted some doubts to see Bobby’s reaction.

  “Thanks a lot for your comforting words, pal.”

  “Well, what do you expect? They are both healthy, good looking women.” Bobby shook her head in a show of disapproval of Wally’s words. But she knew Wally had a good point.

  “Did you really think she’d stop caring for you if you looked like a freak?”

  “Geez, thanks Wally! Y
ou are really hitting where it hurts tonight.”

  Wally laughed. “When people care about each other, looks don’t count. They also tend to tell things like they are.”

  Bobby smiled shyly when Wally winked. “I think Sarah is a friend, but whether she has an ulterior interest, I don’t know. I do know that if you don’t mark your territory, it’s up for grabs, so that’s that. Come on let’s get something to eat.” Bobby followed Wally, but looked towards Cindy who was having an animated conversation with Sarah and Lisa.

  As night fell, they sat in a circle near the grill and ate and talked about the work plan for the next day. Everyone protested when Wally announced that she wanted to start as early as seven in the morning.

  “Come on, Wally! We drove seven hours to get here, after a full workday. We are all tired.” Bobby exclaimed. Cindy smiled and looked at Wally and then at Bobby. Bobby had been looking at her, but averted her eyes when she saw Cindy look her way.

  “You didn’t come here to vacation, you came here to work. We have a lot to do this weekend. You can rest when you get back home.” Wally reminded them.

  Kalie got up to put her plastic plate in the trashcan and spoke. “Face it people, when you signed up for this work camp, it was the kiss of death. Now we have no alternative than to submit to Ms. slave driver here. So, suck it up! I wouldn’t want to leave here thinking that all you lesbos are a bunch of wimpy girls who can’t get up early. I mean, the way I see it, you have a r-e-p-u-t-a-t-i-o-n to protect!” She accentuated every letter in the word.

  Jim, Wally, Dannie and Theresa laughed, the others began to throw paper cups, and napkins rolled into balls at her. Kalie ran, laughing and hid behind the RV. Everyone ran after her screaming.




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