Kaiju World

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Kaiju World Page 6

by R. F. Blackstone

  "No phones at dinner!" Johann sneers.

  "Yeah!" Lawrence joins. "I've been slaving away all day for you cretins."

  "Fuck you," Roxie punches Lawrence's arm. "Only cretin here is Pryke." That gets the laugh.

  "That's our boss," Dutch says seriously. The others look at him like he is crazy then nod when he holds up the phone. Placing the bottle on the table next to Roxie he steps away. "Dutch here," he answers.

  "Dutch!" it's Pryke. "Glad that you've settled in. Listen--"

  "--No Gideon. Give us a week at least."

  "M'boy! You really need to listen to a whole sentence," Pryke sounds exuberant. "I just need you to come down at lunch and tell our guests about your job and some war stories."

  Before Dutch can answer, the phone clicks and he can only hear the dial tone. Looking up at the meal before him, Dutch sighs. "I'm needed for some dog and pony show."

  "What?! You're not available."

  Dutch stands there, his mind weighing the pros and cons; on the one hand they have been working overtime to get the Category 5 brought back before the visit. But, Pryke was notorious for not accepting no's. This made him a pain to deal with. But, he thinks, if I do this then maybe we can get some much needed holidays. Or at least a month's extra pay. He nods, then walks past them, for the front door. "Enjoy the meal," he says quietly.

  Roxie speaks around a mouthful of food, "Cut the tall poppy down!"

  Dutch waves as he grabs a heavy jacket and opens the door, the storm clouds are thick and dark and he doesn't like their chances of no rain. With a sigh, Dutch steps outside his sanctuary. He has plenty of time before lunch, but he decides to get a wriggle on just so he can check out the Cat 5 and make sure it is behaving.


  "Where the hell did you find these?"

  "How the hell?"

  "Are you out of your fucking mind?"

  Tull, Beacham and Emmerich all repeat their questions quickly and with a growing amount of trepidation. It's obvious to Gideon Pryke that they are incapable of processing the idea of the gigantic monstrous creatures. He sighs and claps his hands loudly to get the five men's attention, "Gentlemen." He presses the side panel button and slowly the room begins to rise back up into the rest of the compound. "If you'll follow me, everything will be explained to you." Pryke doesn't wait for an answer; turning he walks over and just as the room clicks into place he swings open the large doors.

  "Was that real?" Tull mutters to the other four men. "I mean, can those things be...?" he leaves the question hanging in the air.

  Winston nods, "As real as you or I."

  "Umm," Beacham points to the open door. "Shouldn't we?"

  They take off at a run, hoping to catch up with their host and now favourite client. Their voices echo as they shout, "Pryke! Wait! Pryke!"

  All make it out the door except for Emmerich whose eyes have not left the incredible sight. A small smile creeps across his face and the German thinks, What else can they be used for? Before turning and hurrying to catch up to the others.

  "Ah, thought you'd gotten lost," Pryke says with a chuckle. "Or eaten!" He laughs as the five men stare at him. This was the reaction he'd been hoping for and the man is delighted at his guest's faces. Casually he checks his watch. "Hmmm." A look of consternation crosses his face, "Lunch is still a couple of hours away...What to do, eh?"

  Emmerich raises his hand. "Can we see more?"

  Gideon Pryke beams, his teeth showing as his eyes light up. "I thought you'd never ask," but of course he did. So far everyone who has seen the monsters has always had the same reaction: more. "Right, this way gentlemen." Pryke leads the way, a bounce in his step that wasn't there before.

  "Where'd they come from?"

  Pryke turns and glances at Crichton. "We don't rightly know. Oh of course we do have theories. But that's all they are, wild and unfounded assumptions. Our resident expert, Mako Ikari, can explain it all to you. But what I can tell you," he says cheerfully, "is that it's a jolly good show trying to round up the buggers."

  The way he says it makes the others laugh. It's a nervous mixed with excitement laugh and to Pryke he's got them lock stock and barrel. As they continue walking, he begins to think about how much to tell them. That's been his problem with most of his endeavours, when it comes to the science, Gideon Pryke just doesn't give a damn. It bores him to death. Give him an audience and something to sell?

  Pure gold.

  “...dollars and they'll pay," Emmerich's voice brings Pryke back. "What sort of merchandise are you preparing?"

  Pryke blinks, "Merchandising? You mean toys?"

  "You want to try scanning one of those things," the gruff voice startles the five men, "then by all means. Be my guest."

  "Ah, this is our head of Asset Recruitment, Charles Dutch." Pryke is happy for the extra help.

  Dutch nods curtly at the five men while trying to ignore the use of his full name. "They may look cuddly and perfect for kids,” he continues, "but make one of these things angry and a city is gone." It's obvious that he doesn't care for any of these men and the feeling is definitely mutual.

  "Mister Dutch," Tull says, "maybe you don't understand how business works--"

  "--Okay," the large man says, speaking over the top of Tull. "Come with me." He gives a curt nod to Pryke who looks like he could go for some popcorn right now.

  The investors watch him stride down the hallway and disappear around a corner. "Who is that?" Winston rumbles.

  "Just the man who captures our attractions...Shall we?"


  "What's that?"


  Handley stares at Winder who does nothing but grin. "Check your screen."

  Winder casually stretches then glances at his screen. A frown creases his brow and he scratches his neck. "What the..?"

  JR Handley nods, "Do you think we ought to alert him?"

  Chris Winder checks the settings of his station. The small blip on the screen is closing in, moving slowly towards the mass that is Maikeru Island. It shouldn't be there. "Could it be a Kaiju?"

  Handley shakes his head. "Too small." The implication of what it could be makes both men gulp nervously. Around them the other members of the Security Team are busy taking care of their own duties. No one else has noticed the discrepancy but soon it would happen--

  "Whatcha looking at?"

  "Pipe down Homer!" Winder snaps at Simpson. The new guy has a habit of sneaking up on people which, in a room full of ex-military is an extremely stupid thing to do.

  "Sorry," Simpson says, looking at the screen. "That's a boat."

  Handley and Winder stare at the youngish man in surprise. "How the fuck do you know that?"

  Simpson puffs up with pride. "Navy. First thing you learn is how to spot a boat by the speed."

  "Oh, so you did learn something else apart from the fun of glory holes?"

  The young man is about to open his mouth to retort when Donna Mixon calls out, "Who the fuck isn't paying attention to their fucking cunt screens?"

  All bodies in the Control Room stop moving. There are two rules that are completely unbreakable for Security; 1) Don't mention any past missions or conflicts. 2) Never mess with 'Mad' Mixon. Even McTiernan is afraid of the ex-Sargent Major, but he'll never admit it. Mixon is short but built to kill. She was the first McTiernan hired and whenever he isn't around 'Mad' Mixon is in charge.

  "Sorry Donna," Winder says as he shoves Simpson towards his own station.

  "Shove your sorry up your cloaca," she snarls. For as long as anyone can remember, Mixon has had a very extensive vocabulary at her disposal. "Why am I getting alerts about a boat?"

  Handley speaks up, trying to calm her, "Are you sure it's a boat? No disrespect."

  "Who pulled the cock out of your ass?" Mixon spits. "You two cumsponges need to do your job." She pauses for a moment. Then, "Or, I'll do it for you." Her threat lands hard as she turns back to her own screen. A few seconds later the others follow, going back
to their own jobs.

  Winder and Handley have the exact same look and thought; who's going to tell McTiernan? As Handley opens his mouth Winder butts in, "I'll alert A.R. Team."

  "Okay, then...Wait...What?"

  Handley smiles. "That's a good man! McTiernan's gonna take the news just fine." He turns back to his screen and begins compiling the message. As he clicks the send button, Winder punches his shoulder, "Hey!"

  "You dick," Winder says. "We should follow procedures and check with the mainland."

  The other man blinks. "Why didn't we think of that in the first place?"

  "Because you're a couple of mindless cum-guzzlers," Mixon's voice echoes across the room.

  The two men choose to ignore her and focus on the problem at hand. "You prime the message to McTiernan. I'll call Tokyo."

  Winder opens his mouth but Handley is already on the phone. He dials a number then waits patiently for an answer, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table top, "Have you done it?" Handley holds up a hand, stopping Winder talking. "Hai, koreha Maikeru airandodesu..." He blinks listening to the voice on the other end of the phone. "Really?" Handley switches to English with a sigh. "Thank you...What..? Yes my accent is terrible." He laughs but rolls his eyes at Winder. "Listen," he continues, "we have a blip on our radar and was curious if any chartered boats have left--" He stops again, listening once more. "Oh, okay. Are you sure..? Okay, thank you. Sayonara." Handley hangs up then looks at Winder with a slight shake of his head.


  "They say," Handley begins as his eyes dart around, "that there hasn’t been any that have chartered their course near us, or past us. In fact, the last boat to have its course entered as here was the boss' own yacht."

  "Shit," Winder has a sinking feeling and quickly wipes his brow. "What if it's a Kaiju?"

  "Then you two can quit being pussies and grow some balls," Mixon says.

  Handley and Winder look at each other, their expressions are one of bemusement. "How does she do that?"

  Handley shakes his head saying, "No clue...Just let the boss know." He turns away, ignoring Winder's protests as he types up a message then sends it.


  "Fuck," James McTiernan mutters to himself as he rereads the message once more. This is the last thing they need, some tourist stumbling across the island and running into one of the beasts. Even the Category 1s can be problematic; most of the Kaijus have fire, laser or gas breath that can destroy a building easily. What a fucking nightmare!

  The lift pings and shudders as the breaks lock in place. McTiernan stares at his phone and his brow furrows. Why are they sending A.R. Team? A breach is his jurisdiction; the only time A.R. Team is called in is when a Kaiju escapes... Quickly he pulls up the map of the island and checks the coordinates. He nods, now understanding; A.R. Team's bungalow is located on the western part of the island and the blip is south-west. They'll be quicker, he thinks.

  The doors slide open with a slight sigh and McTiernan hides his surprise as Pryke, the five guests and Dutch shuffle into the cramped space. Gideon Pryke is all smiles, "Ah what a happy accident this is. This, gents, is the man in charge of maintaining peace and order for the park, James McTiernan."

  McTiernan nods politely and pushes his way over to Dutch. Once again the doors sigh shut and the transport begins moving again. "Here," he says, showing the bear of a man the phone.

  Dutch's eyes take the message in quickly and he nods. "They won't move."

  "They better," McTiernan speaks just above a whisper.

  "Nope," the two men keep their eyes forward as Pryke explains how the different departments are connected. It's polite chit-chat, nothing more. Dutch looks bored as he repeats, "Nope. Nothing will shift them."

  "It could be anything," McTiernan says. "A boat. Terrorists." Dutch laughs at that. "Or," McTiernan pushes on, "a Kaiju."

  Some of the investors turn their heads slightly at the word. Both McTiernan and Dutch shake their heads and smile reassuringly. The heads turn back and Dutch snarls softly, "Watch your mouth."

  "Get my point?" McTiernan ignores the threatening tone.

  Dutch is silent as the lift continues its journey. His shoulders slump forward slightly as he nods, "I'll get them on it."

  "Much obliged," McTiernan's thanks is genuine. "How's the show going?"

  "They need a lesson in humility."

  "And you're the man to give it."

  Dutch's smile is cruel; the man has trouble suffering fools or arrogance. They turn their attention back to their employer. "It's all geothermal. No need for a power plant, just a couple of turbines and unlimited renewable energy. Keeps the expenses down," Pryke finishes just as the lift pings and the doors open again.

  One by one they pile out and McTiernan taps Dutch's shoulders. "After the lesson, get with your team. I'll take care of Pryke."

  Dutch looks slightly confused, but he nods anyway then steps out. McTiernan watches as he roughly shoves the soft men aside. He follows after sending a confirmation message.

  Mako Ikari is already waiting for the group, she presses her hands against her hips in a power stance and wears an unimpressed expression. Obviously she's not finished her work with the Category 5, Ishiro. As both Dutch and McTiernan get closer they can see Pryke gently push the woman into the fray, the investors swarming her, roughly shaking her hand and bombarding the attractive woman with questions. Poor Mako is in over her head.

  "Vultures," Dutch murmurs.

  McTiernan nods. "Almost as bad as zoomies." Both men laugh and then walk over, McTiernan goes straight to Pryke and gently pulls him to the side. "What is it James?"

  "This is just a courtesy," McTiernan says softly. "We might have a potential situation."

  "Don't be telling me pork pies!" Pryke's original accent comes out in full force.

  "It's okay," McTiernan's voice is all reassuring. "Dutch and his team are going to handle it."

  Pryke has the exact same look as someone having a heart attack. His eyes bulge and a vein in his neck looks close to exploding. McTiernan stays quiet, he knows better than to say anything but still, "Not in front of the guests."

  That does the trick and Pryke takes a deep breath. Slowly he exhales, letting the air out with a tiny whooshing sound. Looking a more human colour, the owner of Kaiju World asks, "Why aren't you sending your own boys?"

  Dutch answers, "We're better equipped for any eventualities." An expert at recovery, Pryke smiles just for the sake of the investors and says, "Bully!" even though the joviality is clearly forced. The Head of A.R. Team looks at the small group of people. "C'mon."

  Mako steps forward and with a slight bow begins talking. "Please follow me." They start walking with Dutch at the lead, followed by Mako and then the rest. "We're about to enter Containment. This is where we do all of our tests and experiments on the Kaijus. Before entering you will all have to pass through decontamination."

  "Why? What's the worst that can happen?" Beacham asks.

  A smile crosses Mako's face. "You'd be perfectly fine. Until the bacteria comes into contact with your skin."

  A blink from the younger businessman. "Then?"

  "One of the most virulent diseases ever seen will attack all your body's systems. The symptoms are similar to those of rabies, syphilis and anthrax. You'll be dead in twenty-four hours after first contact." Mako stares at the gathered men, a pleasant smile on her face. "But they will be the most excruciating twenty-four hours of your life, guaranteed."

  The five men are dumbfounded at the mixture of problems they can get. Beacham is shaking with fright; Tull is expressionless while Emmerich looks utterly confused. Crichton and Winston are not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  "Mako," Pryke's voice has the tone of a disapproving father. "Play nice."

  A pout appears then just as quickly vanishes as Mako Ikari says, "My apologies." She is completely formal and bows again slightly. "I meant no disrespect. It was just a joke."

  "Oh!" Crichton laughs and soon
the others join in, though Beacham and Tull just chuckle.

  "No harm," Winston says. "What would happen?"

  The woman half-smiles. "Nothing. You'd be totally fine. But our boys?" Mako sighs, "When we first get them they have to get...acclimated to us." A distant look comes across her face as a memory hits her.

  "So," Emmerich starts, "what does happen?"

  "That," Dutch says with a small head gesture.

  As they've been walking and talking, none of the investors have noticed the large glass panels that reveal an impressive laboratory. Inside it are technicians and scientists who are all busy with studying, moving and dissecting slabs of meat, bone, masses of tissues and organs. At least the investors hope they are organs for each one is misshapen or oddly coloured with hard ridges and what can only be called teeth.

  A technician uses large nasty looking tongs to lift up one of the oversized organs, it tears and sludge oozes out splattering down onto the tiles. Pryke bangs on the thick glass. "Careful you fool!"

  The technician doesn't look up as he is quickly helped by others. As one unit they use mops to clean up most of the goo which is then dropped into a large barrel, after that high-powered hoses are used to wash away any and all remaining residue. More mops are then used to finish cleaning up, and then all of it is promptly deposited into the same barrel which is sealed and then rolled away.

  "Impressive response time," Emmerich admits with a small degree of admiration.

  Mako nods and they continue walking. "Would you believe that nearly all of them have a different physiology? Unlike humans, dogs or even fish, which all have similar structures, the Kaiju are all completely different. Some are like reptiles, cold blooded while others could be descended from birds or marsupials." She is talking excitedly and having the time of her life.

  "So, where do they come from?" Crichton asks as they approach large security doors.

  "We don't know," Mako says honestly. "It could be from another world, dimension or even remnants of some long thought extinct species. There was even some discussion about how they could be scientific experiments…Perhaps human cloning or genetic splicing that went horribly wrong." The doors open silently and Mako Ikari steps into the decontamination chamber. "Please."


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