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Colomba Page 6

by Prosper Mérimée


  "In the valley, far away among the mountains, the sun only shines foran hour every day. In the valley there stands a gloomy house, and grassgrows on its threshold. Doors and windows are always shut. No smokerises from the roof. But at noon, when the sunshine falls, a windowopens, and the orphan girl sits spinning at her wheel. She spins, andas she works, she sings--a song of sadness. But no other song comes toanswer hers! One day--a day in spring-time--a turtle-dove settled on atree hard by, and heard the maiden's song. 'Maiden,' it said, 'thouart not the only mourner! A cruel hawk has snatched my mate from me!''Turtle-dove, show me that cruel hawk; were it to soar higher than theclouds I would soon bring it down to earth! But who will restore to me,unhappy that I am, my brother, now in a far country?' 'Maiden, tell me,where thy brother is, and my wings shall bear me to him.'"


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