Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 9

by Brian Withers

  One other item before getting into the detailed discussion on beliefs is that right now you have beliefs, and the major ones, if not all of them, were almost certainly formed in the first 10 years of your life. They vibrationally reside in your subconscious mind. The only way you can know what they are is to look at what is going on in your life; that is, what you have and what you do not have. The reason for everything in your life or what is missing from your life that you want is due to your beliefs. When you do not have what you want, you have limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are faulty because, as you know from the truths and laws that you have studied in this program, we live in an unlimited universe of energy; we have unlimited access to this energy, and we can transform it into anything we like, when we like and for as long as we like, providing we are abiding by the laws of the universe. We do this by choosing our vibration.

  So, although we can start at any moment to embrace beliefs that support our wants, we must keep in mind that we are doing this while existing beliefs are exerting their influence. This is critical to understand because it can, at times, make the job of forming new beliefs quite challenging. You must realize that you really need to focus and pay close attention to the process of embracing new beliefs. It will take conviction, commitment, trust, repetition and patience to build the new supportive beliefs while the old limiting beliefs are still at work. In fact, old limiting beliefs can and usually do have a great deal of momentum, and this can cause you to think that your work to form a new belief is not doing any good. You may think nothing is changing, but it really is and if you stick with it, one day the new belief will have more momentum and become the dominant influence of your present moment thoughts, feelings and therefore vibration. Once this happens you will find that what you desire starts to manifest in your life because now your present moment conscious vibration is equal to the vibration of what you want. In other words you now have beliefs that support your desires rather than beliefs that inhibit or cause resistance to them. As the new belief starts to take hold you will see changes, but you must persist with your new thoughts and feelings that support that new belief until that new belief becomes dominant; that is what ensures a permanent change in your life experience. It’s like putting out a fire one bucket of water at a time. You just have to keep going until it is out completely or it will flare up on you again. You will notice the heat reducing as the fire settles down and when it is out you are free from its effects. This is the same for a limiting belief, when it is no longer given attention you are free from its effects.

  Now let’s look at what a belief is. This will help you to understand how powerful it is, how it forms and how you can change it. A belief is really nothing more than a thought>feeling accepted as true and continuously repeated. It’s the repetition of the thought>feeling that gives it momentum and thus a belief. You could say a belief is simply a habit of thought. Once we have a habit of thought on a certain subject or topic we tend to automatically react or respond on that subject or topic without considering any other perspective or point of view. Once the belief is established, continuing to repeat the thought>feeling that supports the belief will give that belief more momentum. Our beliefs become our truths, what we think is “real”. You can see how beliefs can be limiting when they are not in tune with the truths of nature as you have seen in the article The Missing Pieces. As our beliefs get more firmly planted, they influence our thinking until a cycle is developed. Think a thought, have a feeling, give rise to a vibration, manifest what is equal to the vibration. Then we say see its true and we reinforce the belief which then more dominantly influences our thinking and round we go, continuously manifesting what we belief. This is great when your beliefs support your wants but when they do not, you can see how you simply cannot manifest what you want. Your belief keeps your conscious mind away from the vibration that is equal to your desire and therefore it does not manifest. This is the reason you want to be very diligent with your thoughts and feelings to be sure they are focused on producing the vibration that is equal to what you desire. When you do this you will be building the momentum of beliefs that support what you do want.

  The more momentum a negative belief gets the stronger its influence to keep you thinking and feeling negative, it is a paradox. That momentum can push you further and further out of alignment with your source self as you seen in the self-alignment diagram earlier in the program. As this misalignment increases it will start to affect your physical and mental health as well as your circumstances. To be clear, how can a belief push you further and further out of alignment? When the belief causes frustration for example and that turns to anger which then turns to despair, you are increasing the degree of misalignment. In other words the deeper the negative feeling, the greater the misalignment. More will be said about the emotional scale as you move through the program.

  So as you can see, beliefs are critical in this process of attraction and in their impact to your whole life. To illustrate how a belief can cause subsidiary and spiraling negative emotions and unwanted attractions consider this. If you want a loving relationship, which is a high vibration because it feels good, but you are not experiencing it because of negative beliefs like men / woman are … or I am … that cause you to think negative feeling thoughts, then you may start to feel lonely, hopeless etc. In this example, the relationship cannot come because there are negative beliefs which cause a mismatch to the vibration of what is desired. The absence of the relationship then causes additional negative emotions and puts more resistance in the way of attracting that desire, that is, the low vibration of loneliness does not match the high vibration of a loving relationship. What makes matters worse is not only will you not attract the relationship you want, you will attract the relationship you don’t want because we are always in attraction mode, its just a matter of what we are attracting not if we are attracting. So if your down in the vibration of loneliness you will attract what equals this vibration.

  Negative feeling thoughts about anything will simply cause the attraction of more negative thoughts, and as the momentum picks up then manifestations begin; that is how the law of vibration works. Beliefs are serious items that basically control your physical life experience, but the good news is that you, your thinking self, ultimately has control over your beliefs. You will see the “science” behind this as you move through the program.

  There is also another aspect of beliefs that make them even more powerful. In addition to beliefs influencing the vibration that attracts what you experience, they also cause a self perpetuating cycle. This concept is critical for you to grasp if you want to change what you are attracting into your life. It may be easiest to understanding this concept by following an example. Let’s say you believe that you always get a red light in traffic or that you always get in a traffic jam. When you hold that belief you of course attract that circumstance. When it happens, because there is momentum from you telling it to yourself over and over (the belief), you tend to automatically go with that momentum and you repeat the thought and feeling all over again: “I always get a red light”, “I always get a red light”, “I always get a red light”. This repetition causes the belief to gain more and more momentum. It’s like a snowball rolling down hill, the faster it goes the bigger it gets and the bigger it gets the faster it goes. The cycle is this: thought > feeling > belief > attracted circumstance > (same) thought > (same) feeling > (reinforced) belief and around it goes. So you see the cycle causes you to stay in a loop, if positive, great, if negative you keep attracting what you don’t want.

  So not only are beliefs the powerful fuel for attraction, they also setup a loop to perpetuate themselves. Like auto pilot in a plane or cruise control in a car. As long as you are on course these things are great, but if off course, things can get rough.

  There are two kinds of beliefs: Direct and indirect. An indirect belief is general, like a belief that money is in some way negative. This belief can cause resistance whe
n you want to buy things or buy things at a certain price for example. Another type of indirect belief could be related to attracting a mate. A belief that relationships are painful or I don’t have time for a relationship would cause an attraction that would not equal the desire for a loving relationship. Do you see when your beliefs do not support your wants you don’t get what you want, you get what you believe? A direct belief could be “I get a cold every winter” or “I always get in a slow check out line”. These beliefs setup an expectation which is a very power ingredient in what is attracted. The fact is there is no truth to those beliefs at all, they simply came to be from experiences or information accepted as truth. A belief that causes low self-worth and image will directly attract to you behaviors that represent your self-image. It could be in a relationship, at a job, in a store, virtually anywhere. People will never treat you better than you treat yourself. People will never think more of you than you think of yourself.

  An example of the effect of an indirect belief is as follows: if you want to buy a car, and you have limiting beliefs in the area of self-worth, money or having material possessions, you will not go after the car you really want, you will go after the car that fits with your beliefs (settle for the one you believe you can have). Take a quick look at your life and observe, are the things you have what you really want? Or are they what you have settled for? If you settled then you have some limiting belief(s).

  Much of the beliefs that we have accepted are the result of experiences and influences that showed us a world of limitation, scarcity, powerlessness. This has led to insecurity, vulnerability, uncertainty and fears of all kinds. That has resulted in us tending to negative thought>feelings about many things and adding momentum to our negative beliefs. It also keeps that self-perpetuating cycle going strong; the one that keeps us attracting what we do not want.

  Not being aware of the power of beliefs and how they operate can really cause frustration and an overall feeling of powerlessness in our life. When we do not connect how our repeated thought>feelings turn into beliefs which highly influence our thinking and therefore the attraction of our experiences, its as though someone is pulling our strings. When someone shows up in our day with something that doesn’t feel good, doesn’t seem fair, we say “why are they treating me this way”? When our body breaks down, we just don’t know what is going on, why it is happening and that leaves us with a strong feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability. This again perpetuates fears which gives more momentum to all of our limiting beliefs. Our lack of knowledge about our subconscious mind, the formation of beliefs and vibration really cause us to unknowingly give momentum to our negative beliefs. The circumstances that come from these negative beliefs really invoke us to take things personally, have knee jerk reactions and keep the cycle going. This causes us to endure many experiences that we do not like, and that is a very high price to pay for simply lacking the knowledge of how our mental faculties work. This realization alone will set you on the road to empowerment and taking charge of your life.

  We can easily break this self-perpetuating cycle, but there are three reasons we do not.

  •We are unaware that there is actually a gap after a stimulus. In this gap is where we can think and choose a response, one that will get us more of what we want. We do not have to go with the momentum from the negative belief.

  •We are unaware of the power of choice; that is, what difference it makes in our life to choose positive rather than negative, so we tend to allow our self to get locked into the cycle and go for the ride, not realizing what is happening from a vibrational point of view

  •We are unaware that we can choose a thought>feeling in our imagination which is completely independent of what the 5 senses are observing. Our imagination allows us to send a new vibration to our subconscious mind and therefore start building a new positive belief that will attract what we want.

  Once we understand these 3 items, we realize that we have the power to break the cycle and change our life experience. We know that when we stop giving attention to ‘what is’, and instead give attention to what we want to be, then our vibration starts to change and we start attracting what we desire. Steven Covey in his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” talks at length about the gap where we can choose before responding. It is our point of power to change our lives.

  If we would just embrace the fact that no matter what anyone does towards us, they are, from a vibrational point of view, never attacking us, never doing anything negative to us in any way. They are only bringing us what we vibrationally asked for. Once we get this, then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to react to it. When this happens, there will be no more reason for fights of any kind. There are only two sensible responses to any situation: one is compassion and the other is gratitude. Help the other if you can and if not, and if only in your mind, thank them for letting you know about your vibration. They just gave you an opportunity to improve your life by letting you see where you need a vibration shift. Of course the other thing is if it is a pleasing situation, you would outwardly show gratitude and use that to increase your vibration.

  When we look at how this works in real life, it goes like this: if you grew up in an environment where you were repeatedly told something about yourself and you accepted it, whether positive or negative, you would start thinking>feeling that way about yourself. That is, you would develop a belief about it and each time you had the same thought>feeling, you would be giving the belief more momentum. This would make it easier for you to fall into the same thought>feeling the next time you face a circumstance attracted due to the influence of a belief. So, for example, if a person develops an “I am not worthy” belief at a young age, and it gets momentum, it starts attracting people and circumstances, including health matters, that represent that low vibration belief. Maybe, it’s an abusive relationship, maybe it is self sabotaging behaviours, maybe it is a physical injury. These circumstances really baffle us because there is no understanding of the law of vibration and that we are a vibrational being, so we make no connection what so ever between that belief in our subconscious mind and what is happening in our life. And because of this, we participate in the cycle like it was the only option. We keep reacting and giving it momentum and it keeps us going round and round in a cycle of attracting the thing we don’t like over and over again.

  So now you know what a belief is, how it is formed and what power it has. To further understand this cycle and how you can interrupt it to create a new belief, see the diagram on my website called “The Law of Vibration and Attraction Cycle” at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1065. It references an article to explain the diagram.

  As you can now see, it is very critical to the quality of your life to identify your beliefs, to see which ones support the attraction of what you want and which ones cause you to attract what you don’t want. This is another crucial step in helping you to get the results that you want in your life. Once you identify a belief that is not supporting what you want, you can then embrace a new supportive belief in the same way; with the repeated focus and acceptance of a thought>feeling.

  Our limiting beliefs and incomplete knowledge of our true self, keep us very focused on appearances, on what is, and they keep us tightly tied to the physical world as the totality of life. This causes us so much damage in our life. Instead of living from the knowing of endless supply and all possibilities, we are often watching our back; wondering if we have enough, if we will always have enough of things like love and money. Fear, worry, and doubt hang around like vultures. This causes us untold stress and tension in all areas of our life and negative feelings abound. We endure hurt feelings, we have negative reactions, we blame, judge, criticize etc., more as protection mechanisms and stress blow outs than anything else. And unbeknownst to us, when we do these things, what is actually happening is that we keep inviting the things we don’t want and like.

  You n
eed to realize that your thinking, feeling and reaction is because of your belief, not the behaviour of another, not your self talk, not the state of your health, those things are simply the attraction of your vibration. Once you accept this it allows you to detach, identify the belief and displace it with a truthful and accurate affirmation ‘I deserve the best’, ‘I love myself unconditionally’, ‘I am enough and everyone treats me with the utmost respect, appreciation and kindness’. Once you “get into the feeling” of this affirmation, this will impress it on the subconscious mind. If you keep doing this it will create a new belief which is in alignment with your true self and once it becomes the dominant belief, it will then become the vibration for what is attracted into your life.


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