In addition to knowing the laws and truths, you have more of an understanding of why faith is more powerful than fear from the article Fear versus Faith. Understanding why there is no basis for fear is one of the key ingredients to empower yourself and take charge of your life.
Now that you have identified, in the previous weeks, what is getting in the way of attracting what you want, let’s start the work to get rid of those things once and for all. There are three crucial reasons to let that stuff go:
•What you focus on expands
•Everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have
•Those things you are experiencing that you don’t want are the result of faulty information and beliefs
Let’s take a closer look at each one
1)What you focus your attention on expands in your life. If you are holding any negativity about another person, it is ruining your life, not theirs. The reason is simply explained by the law of vibration. Your negative emotions send a vibration impression to your subconscious mind, not theirs. Whatever goes into your subconcious, get’s attracted to you. Plain and simple, cut and dried. You can stomp your feet, scream and yell it’s not fair but in the end you simply get what you put into your subconscious. Do you want to be “right” or do you want to be healthy, happy and successful. Further, holding negative thought-feeling-images about yourself sends a like vibration into your subconscious. This sets you up for what you don’t want; therefore, be sure to maintain complete identity with your true self as outlined in this program and you will treat yourself with the utmost respect.
2)Know this, the people that influenced you during those young impressionable years did the best that they could with the information they had, and it had many missing and faulty pieces. Let me repeat that, they did the best that they could. You can take them out and question them inside out and upside down as to why they did what they did, but you can’t get blood from a stone. They couldn’t give you what they didn’t have. You simply must realize that their life had some degree of discomfort, dissatisfaction or pain because of the missing and faulty information which translated into their behaviors and choices. In their struggles, they did the best that they could, unknowing what effect it was having on you. It is simply now time to love them, see that child in them. You must realize that their inner self had at least a few faulty layers and this affected how they lived their life. In fact, to the degree that you found their behaviour unpleasant would be a sign of how many layers they had / have. Anyone who acts unpleasant has layers (faulty beliefs). I am not condoning anything; it just helps you to understand what is going on and allows you to be more compassionate and less defensive. You too probably have layers but now you are learning the information that will allow you to return to your natural state rather than passing the same old faulty information on to the next generation. If you hold on to past hurts, you are simply going to recreate the essence of past hurtful experiences. That fact alone should be enough motivation to let them go.
3)Just face it, you were not given the human beings user guide. In terms of life, you are really winging it and taking information from others that are winging it. The only way you can get a handle on your life is to get hold of the users guide and this is it. This program allows you to see where you are, why you are there and then gives you the information and tools that allows you to see your true and powerful self to take charge of your life – natures way. It allows you to put your life where it naturally belongs; in a place of health, happiness and harmony. It’s time to be the driver instead of the passenger of your life.
Exercise 1 of 5 – Declaring your new direction with intention.
Mind Mastery Area 2
Ok, it’s now time to put your foot down, make a mark in the sand, set sail for the life you want. Take that list of things in the column of ‘what you want’ from Week 1 and use one of the formats after this paragraph (or something similar) to state the new direction for your life. Just open your imagination to allow yourself to see what you want to see with no limitations or thoughts about what you can’t have or why. Think as big as your heart wants to. Don’t get too hung up at this point about having it perfect. We will fine tune it throughout the program and it is something you continually update as your life moves forward. What you want in a year from now, in any one area, may be different or differently defined from what you will write now. Just splash them down on paper so you have a positive image to focus your mind on. A word of caution, we are just starting this process and it is very good for you to be excited about the images and the direction you can see, but be patient, it does not mean those things will materialize tomorrow. You have to do the ‘mind’ work. There is another 16 weeks of learning to understand what it takes to get your vibration and images in the state for maximum attraction. I am not saying something won’t show up tomorrow, but just remember there is still work to be done to displace those beliefs in the subconscious mind. They still have influence until they are totally displaced. This is why your work from Week 3 is so important; you need your beliefs to support this new direction. Once you impress the new images the law says those images must be attracted to you. Your part then is to allow those images into your physical reality by maintaining a high vibration. We will cover that in the upcoming weeks. OK go ahead and make your declarations.
I have had it, please show me the way to - (Example, enjoy going to my job every day)
(Example, a respectful, supportive, loving relationship)
This is enough, what will it take to - (Example, enjoy going to my job every day)
(Example, feel OK about enjoying my self)
I am now ready to accept - (Example, that I am worthy of success)
(Example, a healthy and fit body)
What will it take to - (Example, have a respectful, supportive, loving relationship)
(Example, have an interesting and rewarding job)
Or some other statement that grabs your heart, your gut and your mind so that they know you are serious; you are taking charge. You are reaching for that steering wheel, you have had enough of being jolted around, getting what you don’t want and putting up with “stuff”, you are going to take over this ride we call life.
This exercise will start to get that invisible energy working for you. It will open doors and opportunities for you to start a move towards whatever it is that you identify, and for it to start moving towards you; its action and attraction. There is no luck or chance. It is cause and effect Period; with vibration being the cause. The universe works in ways beyond your comprehension to bring your desires to you. It brings together what is needed for you to have the experience of your intention. You don’t have to give one second of thought to how it is going to happen or figuring anything out. In fact, if you do, you are slowing the process down. The universe is taking care of the how; all you need to do is define the “what”. Therefore, your job is to setup that crystal clear picture with a burning emotional desire, an unwavering commitment to the process and yourself, understanding who you really are and what power you have, faith in the laws that govern the universe, gratitude for all that you have and all that is coming, determination and conviction. Add repetition, patience and expectation and this really contributes to your success. Another critical piece to your success is that you will need to learn to keep worry, fear and doubt out of the way as they can redirect all of your efforts. You will learn more about how to do this throughout the program, particularly in Module 2.
One of the statement formats I suggested contains a question. Questions are a great way to get awareness and answers. You may have heard the statement “The answer is in the question”. When you ask a question, it sets the universe in motion to bring you the answer. Positive questions are very positive energy when asked with expectation and intention and will attract the
answer. To hear the answer, to receive the answer you will need to be in a high vibration, that’s where all good things are because feeling good is a high vibration. Every intention with feeling that you hold is energy at some frequency and there has to be an equal to it; this is the law of vibration. The answer can come very subtly so be on the look out. You can use questions for anything in your life that is perplexing or where you are looking for a solution; even something as simple as a misplaced object that you are looking for. You will find that “what did I do with (fill in the blank)” or “show me where I put (fill in the blank)” or “where did I put (fill in the blank)”, get’s you much better results then getting annoyed, frustrated and critical. But remember the question must be backed with expectation, calmness and patience (high vibration). If you find these characteristics are currently not your strong points, you will get tools throughout the program to help develop them.
This is a great time to mention your mental faculty of intuition. When you ask a question, the answer will “pop” into your conscious mind if you are listening, relaxed, calm, patient and ready to receive it. It’s a powerful tool we have so be sure to start using it. At this point, given our conditioning to live by our 5 senses and filling our life with “action” and “noise” you may not notice it but I can assure you it is there and if you strengthen that intuitive muscle you will be pleasantly pleased with how easy it can make life.
Exercise 2 of 5 – Identifying triggers that take you to a low vibration
Mind Mastery Area 3
When you choose to respond in a new way to the situations in your life versus reacting in the same old way, this is the point where you get to shift your vibration and change your life. At that moment when you are about to react in the same old way, if you do, you reinforce the vibration that attracted that unwanted situation and cause the attraction of more of it. You do not have to engage that same old reaction, you can choose a new response. Choice is one of your very powerful innate faculties that enable you to be in charge of your life, and will help you do so if you will use it effectively. If you use it to interrupt that old reaction pattern and select a new high vibration response, you stop the cause for the attraction of that unwanted situation and cause a new wanted situation to be attracted instead.
For the next 7 days, list every thing that happens in your day that causes you to go to a negative emotion such as fear, insecurity, frustration, anger, depression, annoyance, unworthiness etc. This will give you an idea of how much time and focus is being given to low vibration emotions and therefore help you see what kind of energy you are putting into attracting what you don’t want. Once you gain this awareness of how your choices are causing you to attract what you don’t want, it will motivate you to change your responses to ones that support attracting what you do want.
Sometimes, oddly enough, these negative emotions can be very subtle in that we are not really aware of the extent and regularity of their presence. We simply get familiar with feeling them and they become “the norm”. We unconsciously accept them as normal because they become a habitual reaction, one that we simply accept as “us”. I can assure you that any negative emotion you choose has nothing to do with your source self. You will want to start being on high alert and super sensitive to the presence of these negative emotions. One thing that can help you to gain greater awareness of the presence of negative emotions is physical sensations like a knot in your stomach, tightness in your chest or throat, a headache, or it might affect your energy level. There may be behaviour changes as well such as withdrawn, nervous, or short temper. Use every sign you can, every bit of awareness you have to list these things and bring them to the surface so we can work on replacing them. Emotions are your guidance system. If used as intended they will always guide you to your greater life, if not they most likely will sabotage your life. That is no different than anything we use, when used as intended it yields the results we desire, misuse usually ends up in results not desired.
It is almost certain that when you find yourself in a negative state or having a negative response to a situation it is related to:
•A (faulty) belief from a memory of some “bad” experience
•A (faulty) belief as the result of faulty information you accepted from others
•A (faulty) belief that you took on as your self-worth, or who you are.
Our reaction to a situation can come on so quickly and transparently because of our belief’s and habitual reactions. We just fall into the same old reaction time after time and are seemingly immobilized to do anything different – its survival mode, protection mode, self-preservation, attack mode. But it does not have to be this way. This is all about to change. You are now going to catch everything that triggers you into a low emotion and put it on your list.
Here are some examples that can potentially trigger a negative reaction:
Writing an exam
A business deal that falls through
Something your spouse says or does or does not say or do
Stepping on a scale and realizing you gained weight
Having an error in your work brought to your attention
A comment from a co-worker
Someone telling you they are going to show up and do not
If these or any other situation you can think of cause you to go into a negative reaction, realize that it has nothing to do with the person or the external condition, it has everything to do with what is going on inside of you. As the expression goes, how people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours. It is time to track down the reason for these negative reactions and root them out.
There are virtually endless examples of how we so quickly go to a negative reaction. Our reactions are a huge part of what keeps us from getting what we want in our life. They become our energy deflectors, the things that sabotage our life by redirecting our focus and attention to them instead of keeping it on what we want. What’s more, is we think that once the situation is over, and it is out of our conscious mind, that it is gone, wrong, the feelings already got deposited into our vibration which now serves as tomorrow’s manifestation in our life and / or in our body. So, the consequences of carrying on with the same old negative reactions are quite costly to our life. What we really want to do is use these reactions as a trigger to help us stand back and understand their cause. The cause will always be a faulty belief. Once we identify the belief that is causing the negative reaction we can replace it with one that supports a high vibration response rather than a self sabotaging reaction. A new high vibration response will change the vibration transmitted to your subconscious and change what is attracted into your life experience accordingly.
Whether we choose a reaction or a response is so vital to the quality of our life that I will reemphasize it here. Since we are not aware of the impact of constantly reacting negatively (because we are not aware of the law of vibration), we don’t think there is any price to pay for that reaction. We think once it is over, it is done. The truth is, it is not over; it is just beginning. Oh, it may be over in our conscious mind, but the vibration of that reaction period has now gone to the subconscious whose job it is to attract experiences equal to that vibration. While consciously we think everything is back to normal, there is a tsunami brewing and will soon be on its way back to us. Without even realizing it we sent out another invitation to the universe for a situation just like the one that was unpleasant; or another one equally unpleasant. To be clear, we all have a negative response here and there, it’s when we constantly react negatively or react negatively to the same thing time and again and ruminate in it that has the impact.
Sometimes when asked if we are positive and happy we will respond yes very quickly, but many times this is a response based on being unaware of what goes on in our mind much of the time or non-acceptance of our negativity for different reasons. The real indicators of whether we are positive and happy are
our circumstances and our body. They never lie. They tell the story of our vibration. The wise person will use these things to reflect and correct the vibration that is causing the unwanted conditions of life. Unfortunately, without the awareness that our circumstances and health are telling us about our vibration, we repetitively indulge in negative feelings, blame, judgments etc. This simply supports the re-manifestation of existing conditions that we do not want to continue. The good news is that this cause and effect process works on the positive side just as effectively as the negative side. But remember, it is not positive thinking alone; there must be positive feeling. If you have positive thinking but underneath it negative feeling, the negative feelings will win because feelings are the language of vibration. In order to use the law of vibration for our benefit rather than against our selves we need to keep our mind focused on the positive feelings. So start your list of situations that pull you into a negative emotion and we can replace them with something positive. This is a big part of your road to freedom and taking charge of your life.
Exercise 3 of 5 – Choosing a new response
Mind Mastery Area 3
Once you have identified the situations that give rise to and engagement of negative emotions, what can be done? The very first step is to stop your self from reacting. That will interrupt the same old cycle, the old pattern. This will allow for a pause, a delay. You have now just opened up space. In that space are virtually unlimited response options, and you will realize very quickly that you have been programmed to use only one option, the one you have been falling into time and again. But now you have information about the truths and laws of the universe, the truth about you. You know that you have the ability to choose independently of circumstances, and that the vibration related to that choice will make a direct difference in your life. You also know that you are an extension of an abundant universe and have unlimited access to it. You know it is undeniably true that you are a child of the universe, born and backed for success and no one except you can take that away, and you do that with low vibration choices.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 11