Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 18

by Brian Withers

  Exercise 1 of 3 - The act of giving to others

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For the next 7 days, do at least 5 intentional acts of giving each day and record them (compliments and the like count as acts as long as the other person has an opportunity to experience what you are giving). Other acts of giving include being helpful, kind, thoughtful, compassionate or understanding. The questions “How can I help?” and “How can I serve?” would be good ones to keep in your daily awareness. Just keep in mind, you want to inspire others to raise their vibration, it does not help them or you to go to their low vibration. Stay steady with your high vibration, it is not your job to make others happy, you can show them how to find happiness within themselves. If they choose not to take back their power that is not your responsibility. It is your responsibility to shine your light, that is what really brings the good to you and helps others. Lead by example.

  Exercise 2 of 3 – The act of giving to yourself

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  In conjunction with Exercise 1, record 5 acts of kindness towards yourself for the same period and in the same fashion.

  Exercise 3 of 3 – Awareness of positive contributions

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  One last thing to track during this period is if you took away from yourself or anyone else, that is, if you tore yourself or others down; you will want that to be at zero. Note, taking away from another is based on your intention, not their interpretation. To be clear, if your intention was to be kind but it did not serve another in a way they wanted, you cannot be responsible to be everything to everyone. You just make sure that whatever you do, you do your best, contribute in high vibration ways where and when you can. That may not be interpreted as such by others, but again, you cannot be responsible for the myriad of interpretations of others. That being said, you must be mindful of the delivery of your intention. You are responsible for your vibration. If you are getting negative energy from someone, it is telling you something about your vibration. Use the previous exercises to help turn that around. Remember you may be able to turn that particular incident around with words and actions but if you want to eliminate such situations you must turn it around by changing your vibration. To put it another way, use your mind (vibration), not your mouth for more permanent changes in life circumstances. If the vibration of a situation would be improved with an apology then that would be the beneficial thing to do, but at the higher level, it’s what is going on inside that will change things going forward.

  Some other thoughts for this exercise; were you pleasant with people, with yourself, or were you not? Did you reach out when someone needed help or did you not? Did you see people as your enemies and opposition or as your friends or teachers? (No matter what they brought to you).

  Although I mention 7 days you will want to carry on with this until you make it another one of your high vibration habits. Until it becomes a habit you are always at risk of the present habit taking over. Once you make it a habit it will take no mental will but until you do it could take considerable mental will on any given day.


  1)Is there a difference in your vibration when you authentically give a small thing versus a big thing? Explain?

  2)What is the consequence of giving with the intention of “getting”?

  3)What is the natural benefit of giving that contributes to attracting what you want?

  4)Can you hide what you are feeling from your subconscious mind? Why?

  5)Why does giving the thing you want cause it to be attracted to you?

  6)What is more important, giving to yourself or giving to others?

  7)What does the thought of getting cause?

  8)When others are not receptive to what you give, why is it important for you to hold to the feeling of giving rather than engage in their energy?

  9)What is the influencing factor that affects what we receive, even when we are a giver? Why?

  10)What tends to perpetuate arguments and disagreements?

  11)Why are arguments unnecessary?

  12)How can we disagree with others but yet stay in a high vibration?

  13)What is meant by a “reality bubble” and how does it affect our life?

  14)Do you always have the option to remain in a high vibration? Why?

  15)What is it that really enables you to practice compassion and understanding?


  Week 10

  Fertilizing the soil – The High Vibration of Living in the Present Moment

  The notion of living in the present moment perplexed me for years. I really did not grasp it, then one day, as with most things, the light came on and I realized how significant it was to really achieving a high vibration life. Here is why living in the present moment is another piece to living a balanced life of health, happiness and harmony.

  Stop and think for a moment, all there ever really is, is now, right now. Can you take your body and go back to relive the past? Can you put your body into the future? The answer of course is obvious, but what is vitally important about what you just read, is that although you cannot go to the past or future with your body, you can go with your mind. Now let’s think about this. It’s so important that I am going to repeat it. Although you cannot go to the past or future with your body you can go to the past or the future in your mind. This is true because you can choose to put a thought of anything you want in your conscious mind. In fact, if you view the diagram on my website at http://highervibrationsnow.com/?page_id=1424, called “Choosing our Life Circumstances”. It shows you what we tend to think about and the effect of those thoughts. As you know by now, your thoughts are catalysts for your feelings and it is the vibration of the dominant feelings that get deposited into your subconscious mind, or to put it another way, your dominant feelings become the vibrational instructions that your subconscious mind uses for what to attract into your life. This is what the diagram illustrates.

  It is vital to the quality of your life to know that whatever thinking you bring into your conscious mind, it becomes the source of your vibration. If you bring past memories into your conscious mind that “hurt” or “feel bad”, what you are doing is using your past as the basis to attract your current life circumstances. Essentially you are creating the present out of the past, or to say it another way you are recreating the past. Let’s look at thoughts of the future. What if you hold thoughts about future outcomes that are based on fear of something unwanted happening; you are literally creating your future from your present moment thoughts (based on faulty beliefs)? All feelings are self fulfilling prophecies, why, because of the law of vibration. Your subconscious mind does not ask where the emotional energy came from it just takes it. It could come from what your 5 senses are experiencing, from a past situation, a future expectation, a conversation in your head, it doesn’t matter, to the subconscious it’s just a vibrational instruction.

  Whatever vibration you deposit into your subconscious mind, no matter why or what motivated you to choose it; it becomes the attractive force that causes what is attracted into your life. If you really digested that last sentence, what it is saying to you is that you need to be very mindful about each and every thought-feeling-image you choose; knowing vibrationally that they become your life experience. That’s right; you are in charge of what comes into your life. If in the present moment you recall an unpleasant experience of the past, it becomes your vibration now. If you imagine an unpleasant event in the future, it becomes your vibration now. If you allow unpleasant “happenings” in your day to influence your thought-feelings, it becomes your vibration now. Ultimately what you want to choose in the present moment is a thought-feeling-image that is what you want to experience, something that will cause you to feel good regardless of what is happening, has happened or you think may happen. If you wanted to create a movie, would you record what you want the mo
vie to be or not to be? Each thought-feeling-image you choose is like recording the movie that becomes your life. You are recording virtually all the time and you can change what you record as you desire.

  We so often let our present moment thoughts be hijacked by what has happened to us, what is happening to us, or what we think will happen to us. The reasons for this are as follows:

  The first reason our thoughts get hijacked is that we have beliefs that are based on faulty information. Beliefs, as we have covered are simply thought>feelings with momentum and that momentum influences our thinking about the topic of the belief. So when we have an experience that is related to that belief, rather than coming at it with objective fresh thinking about all of the possible responses, the thought of the experience draws on the feelings and outcome that occurred previously with that experience. In other words, there is negative thought momentum already in place and therefore you can easily fall into a negative feeling just by thinking about the experience. This reinforces the faulty belief and you can see the cycle that goes around as we think the same thoughts about the same old things. For this reason it is critical in the present moment that you take charge of your thinking by using your mental will and imagination to setup the images>feelings that will attract to you what you want to experience and not allow yourself to be taken in with appearances or circumstances. You don’t have to relive the same old experiences you don’t like. The only reason that happens is because you unconsciously allow yourself to be captured by the thought momentum linked to a belief (which gets triggered by a circumstance). The only reason we do this is because we are unaware of the power we have to turn away from those thoughts and choose different ones (regardless of the circumstances). Another reason is that we don’t link what we feel to what happens in our life, if we did we would be much more careful about the thought>feelings we choose. As an example, if a person had a bad experience the first time they drove a car, one that frightened them, the thought of driving again could really immobilize them. But it does not need to be this way. They can take steps to get the mental picture that driving is a very pleasant and useful experience. If they do not do this, they will almost certainly attract a bad experience each time they drive because they will be expecting a “bad” outcome from the fear and unpleasant experience they had previously. However, if they take away the thought>feeling momentum of that bad experience by using their imagination, that is, focusing their attention, images and feelings on what they want to happen, they will create positive momentum and attract a pleasant experience.

  The second reason our present moment thoughts get hijacked is because we associate negative feelings with thoughts about the future. The same thing happens as what you read in the previous paragraph; that is, our faulty beliefs can cause us to think about some unpleasant happening and then we put our imagination to work in a negative way. When we do this we attract what we don’t want. The truth is that the future is an open field of all possibilities and we can pick any reality we want, but when we home in on an outcome that is negative, we literally create our future from that negative vibration that we choose. In knowing the truth about abundance and the laws of the universe that we have covered, we know that the future is indeed a field of all possibilities, and therefore, we can pick the one that feels best. Let’s look at an example. If you believe that an increase in interest rates means that the economy is going to take a down turn, businesses are going to have it rough, jobs are going to disappear etc., then your thoughts about starting a business or looking into another job are going to be significantly influenced. You will absolutely have fear if you engage in either of those activities and if you do proceed to engage those activities you will attract to you an outcome equal to your beliefs. If on the other hand you operate from the truth of an unlimited abundant universe to which you have unlimited access and you can transform energy into any experience you want, do you really care about interest rates or anything else in the man made physical world?

  What drives so much, if not all of this past and future negative thinking is fear or one of its many related faces such as, being rejected, not approved of, not enough, not good enough, failure, not being able to look after yourself, or judged. There are many other fears that keep us from present moment thinking and they all simply rob us from purely focusing on our desires, about what is possible, and from being our powerful creative self. Of course, the thoughts and feelings you hold in mind are all a choice even though you may think you have no choice and those thoughts are forcing themselves upon you. This is not true, it’s just the momentum of a belief in action and you can slow it down and turn it around anytime with a thought in the positive direction. Remember when you are thinking a thought, the law of vibration will bring you another that is equal to it in vibration. This is what makes you think thoughts are thinking you but you can interject and any moment with a new thought. You are gaining tools throughout this program that help you to know how to do that.

  There really is only one way to get your mind out of the negative momentum about the past or future and that is to connect with your source self and the laws that govern the universe. That will empower you to keep your present moment thoughts>feelings>images strictly on what you want, independent of anything that has gone on, is going on or perceived to go on in the physical world. You will be empowered to keep your mind on what is pleasant, enjoyable, uplifting, fulfilling and in the service of others. Again, there is only one way to overcome negative momentum and it is through study, understanding and repetitive practice to retrain your mind to the thinking that supports the attraction of what you want.

  Keep in mind, when negative momentum is strong, along with connecting with the truth about you and the laws, you will also need patience, persistence and repetition. Turning negative momentum into positive may take any number of times to catch your self going negative and shift it to positive. You must keep shifting until the positive takes over. Think of negative momentum like a big fire where each time you turn to a positive feeling, it is like throwing a bucket of water on it. You just have to keep throwing the water until the blaze is out. You will know it is on its way out because you will feel positive more often and also you will notice that you are attracting more of what you want. In the process of throwing that bucket of water, you are creating a new belief and as you focus on it, it will become the dominant belief with momentum. When that happens you will find your automatic responses to just about anything are positive rather than negative. You will find that any negative self talk starts to soften to more kind and positive self talk.

  Even when you are engaged in your current daily life, notice how much of what you are thinking and feeling right now is in reference to something in the past or something in the perceived future. How often do we really take a situation and just look at the possibilities; that is, what we want to have happen independent of anything in the past, present or future. Really, our conscious mind is almost never in the present moment of all possibilities, but yet our subconscious mind is ready, willing and able to deliver anything we ask of it. This is why it is vital to taking charge of your life that you discipline your conscious mind to think what you want to think about and not from appearances or circumstances.

  To overcome the gravity of fear based choices and really make your present moment thought>feelings about what you want, you may want to revisit the article “Fear versus Faith” on my website. Also pull out the document on the “Truth of Abundance” from my website and visit the other material there to really embrace the law of vibration as a power you have to work with. Also, regularly connect with the truth about yourself, about abundance, the law of expression and increase to really let you know that you are born a success with total support from the universe to live it. Do all of the exercises in this program as many times as it takes to develop your trust in who you are, understand the laws that govern the universe and learn how to use your power. In Week 19 there is more information about how to u
se your tool box of exercises to be the master of your mind and take charge of your life – for the rest of your life. You really need to get to a point where you believe and trust in nature’s laws, and your innate power, or fear may be the type of thoughts that take over more often than not making it a real challenge to switch negative momentum to positive.

  Focus on the now, be thankful for all that you have, and be thankful for what you hold in your imagination as though you had it now, knowing it is on its way. If you do this, the days ahead will be just as you want them to be. The best way to ensure a bright future is to keep your mind in the here and now, the present, with thought-feeling-images of what you desire. The more you embrace the laws and truths and see them in action the more confidence you will have and the more effective you will be in using them to keep your mind on what you want.

  Exercise 1 of 3 – tracking your effectiveness to keep your mind in the present moment

  Mind Mastery Area 3

  For the next 7 days record on a scale of 1 to 10, how much of your day do you believe that you are holding thought-feeling-images that will get you what you want, with 10 being all day. Here is a hint, if you are aware of how much time you are holding negative energy, that can help you to know how long you are staying there and also how quickly you are turning to positive energy - what you do want.


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