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Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony

Page 25

by Brian Withers

  3)Listen to the resistance to see if it is related to an old faulty belief and if so, restate that belief to one that is truthful which would be one that is in alignment with your source self qualities. This type of belief will be one that supports the realization of your desire. See the work you did in Week 3 on beliefs.

  With regard to specifying a time frame on your desire statement, notice how your anticipation increases when you put a date on it. It helps make it more real by putting a feeling of excitement and anticipation in your mind. It is like some special day coming, your expectation explodes with joyous feelings in your body (high vibration). For the most part your affirmations will be now or by a certain date. In some cases it may just have a better and more real feel to set it ahead. Note that if the desire does not appear by the target date, it’s OK, just do a self check to make sure it is what you really want and that you have enough detail, and then reset the date. As you get more comfortable with the process, you will get a better feel for setting target dates. Ultimately, the universe decides on the timing for the desire to move into form but you will sense a timing that “feels” right to you. That timing will cause your anticipation and joy to increase and this will raise your frequency to that of the desire. When that happens, it simply appears in your life easily and effortlessly. Everything in your life is there because it is a match to a frequency within you. Know that as soon as you impress your desire (consciously or unconsciously) on your subconscious mind IT IS REAL. It is there waiting for you in a vibrational format. Once you match the vibration then it starts to show up in a timing that is perfect. Following that it’s just a matter of the incubation period, like a hen “sitting on the egg” until it hatches. Keeping your focus on your desire with purpose, faith, and gratitude or simply maintaining a high vibration on any topic or subject is the way you hatch your desire.

  To give you further help with setting up desires statements I have listed a few examples below. There are different formats and you can pick or make up the format that most resonates with you; the one that really gives you the feeling that you are there now. You will want a format that captures the elements I have previously specified.

  Examples of affirmations

  You could start an affirmation something like this (notice that the underlying spirit in all of these is that you are focusing your mind on what you want, it’s more about your focus and feelings than about the words, the words are really a catalyst to get you into the imagined experience so don’t get to hung up on the words, just use ones that bring out the feelings).

  I am so grateful and thankful that

  Show me a way to

  I love

  I am enjoying

  I am happy with

  What would it take

  I am asking

  I am ready

  I wonder why I have or I am

  It feels great to

  How can I

  You could also think of someone asking you a question or being asked a question in an interview like – How did it feel to … (describe and feel the experience). This could lead you into a feeling of imagining / recounting yourself having that thing, being in that situation.

  Once you decide on an opening to your affirmation, you can add to it like in the following examples:

  I am so grateful and thankful that the phone is ringing all day long with new business

  I love my new bicycle (describe the features).

  The description must give you an image that is so vivid that you are literally looking down while riding your bike, you can see the ground, your feet on the pedals, you then look up and see the area you are riding through, looking around in the first person as though you were riding right now. Remember act as though you are and you will be.

  I am happy that my body and mind feel and work great

  (Perhaps physically in your world that is not true right now, but you can make it true to your subconscious mind. Remember your subconscious mind only knows what you impress upon it and if you impress health, it will find a way to make that true in your physical world as long as you are practicing all that you are learning here).

  I am enjoying delivering great service to my clients (describe what that looks like. See the smiles on your client’s faces etc).

  I am thankful that everyday and in every way my life gets better and better and better

  I am enjoying my peaceful home.

  I love when my mate …

  Show me a house with (list the features) and make it so easy and effortless to obtain and pay for that it makes me laugh.

  I am enjoying my trip to (name the place and details as though you are doing in now) in the Spring of (name the year).

  I am so happy and thankful for the immediate and complete payment of all financial obligations

  To give you an example of how vivid you want to make your affirmations, let’s say you were thinking about opening a retail clothing store. I could say to you, so tell me about your store. What brands of cloths are on the shelves, how are the shelves arranged, what are your store hours? How many employees do you have? How far do you live from your store? You need to see this store as though you are running it today. See yourself in the morning getting up to go to the store – imagined reality. We use our imagination all of the time in an undisciplined manner as we are not aware of the power of it. What we want to do is use it intentionally and deliberately for what we want. Unfortunately, it seems we use it all too often for what we don’t want because we have been conditioned with fear based thinking and we don’t understand the law of attraction.

  You can also setup a group of affirmations related to a specific topic. Essentially this is what you did in Week 1. So you can refer to that exercise where you identified what you do want and use it to create your affirmations. Groups of affirmations could relate to a job, a business, a relationship, a trip, a car, virtually anything. The group of statements would be your ideal life in that area.

  Exercise 2 of 2 – Collecting supporting material for your desires

  Mind Mastery Area 2

  Now that you have identified and defined your desires in words, to really energize them with the feelings that it takes to attract those desires you will want to collect some images. This will give you a solid mental picture which is very helpful in the attraction process.

  What you want to do is collect pictures that tell the story of your dreams. Not only do you want to collect pictures but you want to put them into a sequence that tells the story as you flip through them. This is an incredibly powerful exercise as it really ramps up your connection to what you want. Looking through pictures has a way of helping you fine tune what your dreams really look like. Also, after you have them in place … if they continue to resonate, you know you are on the right track but if not you can update the pictures accordingly. You can do this on your computer which really gives you access to countless images or you can do it by cutting out pictures. In either case assemble them into a sequence that tells a story. On the computer you can use a slide show piece of software or with physical pictures you can put them in a binder using page protectors and that way they are easily changeable.

  You can also add music and anything else that will support the excitement for your desires. The more heightened your emotions around your desires and the more often you hold them in your mind, the quicker you are allowing them to unfold in your life.

  Although using your imagination to “see” your desires is a very powerful way to raise your vibration to the frequency where that desire lives, it is not the only way to get to that frequency. Sometimes, we need to be careful that our thought of our desire does not lead us into thinking about the absence of it. In other words if we are thinking “when is it going to get here” or “I am lonely” etc. then we are in a vibration of not having it and that will keep it away from us. It can’t find us unless we are on the same fr
equency. If this happens, all you have to do is to reach for thoughts that make you feel good. If you can raise your vibration to the frequency of joy, love, peace, harmony, your desires will start unfolding into your life all the same. It almost sounds too easy, all we literally need to do is find ways to feel good all day long and presto, life flows along as we desire, easily and effortlessly. Go back to Module 2 if needed to be sure you are finding ways to feel good no matter what is going on around you. Also consult your other tools from Module 1 such as the feels good list, I am list and others. This is where these tools really help you to become a master mind by turning away from low vibration thoughts and replacing them with high vibration thoughts.

  Next week we will home in on how to integrate these concepts into your day. One last thought. When your desires are truly coming out of your purpose and felt in your heart, it will really take no mental energy to have them in your mind. The biggest challenge then becomes making the choice to focus on them rather than the many thoughts that are trying to get your attention; all of those things and people in your day. Each moment on those thoughts of what you don’t want; that is, the negative, the drama, the conflicts, the fears, worries and doubts etc., attracts those things rather than the thing you want. So saturate your mind with your desires and / or what feels good and simply let go of any thoughts that are not taking you to a high vibration.


  1)What is the value of holding a crystal clear image in your conscious mind?

  2)What is meant by a crystal clear image?

  3)Do you need to figure out how your image will come to you? Why or why not?

  4)What happens when you use your conscious mind to figure out how your image will come to you?

  5)What pitfall do you have to be mindful of when you are setting up your desire statements?

  6)What is the value of a target date when setting up a desire?

  7)What are the various desire statement formats, visualizations etc intended to create and arouse? Why?

  8)What can hold you back from reaching outside of your comfort zone? What are the 3 ways you can address this?

  9)What determines if you are using your imagination for what you want versus what you don’t want?

  10)When you allow your mind to wonder aimlessly or allow it to be engaged in negative emotions or focused on things you don’t like or want, what are you causing to be attracted to you?


  Week 16

  Attracting Your Desires – Planting the seeds

  You now have fertile soil and the seeds that will produce the crop you desire, it is time to plant.

  Before getting into the material for this week, let’s start with the understanding that every moment, you are planting seeds, they are either seeds of what you do want or seeds of what you don’t want. The law of vibration is always at work, you are always manifesting your physical reality in every moment from the thought>feelings you are holding and the beliefs they have formed. If you look at each area of your life, you will have a good idea of what kinds of seeds you have planted, and how well you have been fertilizing your soil. To say that another way, if you look at each area of your life, you will have a good idea of where your focus is and what thought>feelings you are dominantly holding on to. This week we will be working on maximizing your focus on what you want to experience in your life, that is, planting those new seeds of desire that you have identified. We will also continue to keep your soil rich with high vibrations.

  In order to effectively plant the seeds of desire that will cause them to grow into your life experience, you need to master the use of your conscious mind, that is, be aware of the thought>feelings you are focusing on and giving attention to at all times. To master the conscious mind is to intentionally hold it to the thought>feelings that are on the same vibration (frequency) of your desires. Remember, what you give attention to is what “grows” in your life or to say it another way, the frequency that you vibrate at, will cause circumstances of equal frequencies to come into your life. Casual focus on a desire or an assortment of positive and negative feelings will not sustain the vibration level needed to attract your desires into your life. Casual focus is like laying a seed on top of the ground and expecting it to grow. Sustained focus and attention is what is needed to get the seed to start growing. This is why it was so vital for you to identify with the truth about who you are, your purpose and your purpose driven desires. That foundation gives you the conviction needed to keep your focus and attention on what you want to attract into your life. When you absolutely know that your focus and attention is what causes your life experiences you will be very motivated to manage them carefully. Remember though, focus on things you don’t want and like due to fear, worry and doubt, works just as effectively to bring that thing into your life, so not only do you want to understand the power of focus, you want to be sure to use it very wisely; a fire can burn down a house as quickly as it can be used to heat it up for comfort. It’s not just what you think about, its how you feel when you think about it.

  Once you have the conviction for your desires, they tend to spontaneously show up in your conscious awareness and recalling them in detail takes little effort. In fact, you will probably find that they get your attention throughout the day without you even trying. When they do show up, giving them specific attention, with feeling and a sense of expectancy, eagerness and enthusiasm can really add momentum towards their manifestation. In fact 17 seconds of sustained focus time will start momentum and cause further thoughts of a similar nature to join in and add more momentum. As the momentum builds, “things” start happening to reflect the vibration of the momentum.

  We have to be acutely aware of faulty (negative) thinking because it will lead to negative feelings which lead to negative reactions and a low vibration. This builds negative momentum which reinforces faulty beliefs and causes the related vibration to attract an equal vibration into our life – what we don’t like or want. When we allow our self to pay attention to what we don’t like and therefore engage negative emotions, this causes us to attract circumstances of their equal vibration to us. Faulty beliefs with momentum (negative thought>feelings repeated) often stir up negative self talk, destructive habitual reactions, cause us to be lured into negative outer world circumstances, and have fearful thoughts about the future and replay past unwanted or unpleasant events. These things can really hijack your mind, and make it a challenge to stay focused on what you do want, directing your focus to what you do not. In fact, once we allow those negatives to dominate our mind, we are planting and growing seeds that are not what we desire.

  One of the major things that you are learning in this program is to be acutely aware of what thought>feelings you are giving your attention to. Basically, we want to reclaim some of that conscious mind real estate that may not be getting used in the most effective way in terms of getting you what you want. If your mind space is floating aimlessly or among low vibration topics such as, drama, low vibration TV, the low vibration stuff around fear, worry or doubt, it will not produce the vibrations that are needed to attract what you want. It will however produce the vibration of the things you do not want. So we want to take that space and fill it with the thought>images>feelings that you generally or specifically desire and the thought>images>feelings that generally or specifically put you in a high vibration (feel good). One of this weeks exercises has the purpose to help you identify how productively you are using your conscious mind space. With the work you have completed in the program so far you probably have already become aware of how much more effectively you can use your thought-feeling choices and we are going to continue to increase that effectiveness.

  Do not discount or underestimate the power of your old faulty beliefs to silently influence you into faulty thoughts and feelings. You may not think much about it, but at the end of the day when you look back, you might see that a very small percent of
your conscious mind space was focused on what you want or feeling good or finding ways to feel good. You may realize that your conscious mind was hijacked by thoughts and feelings that came out of those faulty beliefs. If that is the case, you are giving little support to the attraction of your desires. You will notice that your results are not changing. This is where you need to continually practice using your mental will and turn to the high vibration of your desires and / or the high vibration thoughts that you have learned in Module 2. You want to maximize this practice every day so that what you are holding in your conscious mind is causing the attraction of what you want to experience.

  Being a human with a physical body and living in a physical world, you will always have to deal with daily situations but remember that you do not have to get negatively emotionally involved in them. You now know that what you think and feel is simply a choice. You also know what the difference is between choosing low vibration emotions rather than high. Is there any outer world situation so important that you will indulge in negative emotions at the peril of your dreams. Is there any outer world situation that is so important that you will hand your power of choice of feelings over to it, and therefore your vibration and what is attracted to you. Will you let the outside world be responsible for what is attracted into your life, or will you take charge of your power of choice to produce a new vibration that will produce new results. To illustrate the power of choice see the diagram on my website at called “The Power of Choice”

  Another way we can nullify our vibration to attract what we want is when we allow our thoughts to bounce between what feels good and what does not. When we do this we are essentially creating a conversation with our subconscious mind that goes like this, “I want that”, “no I don’t, I what this”, “no I want that”, “no I don’t, I want this” and so on. The result of bouncing between negative and positive emotional energy is that we are constantly canceling the attraction of what we want by allowing self talk and circumstances to divert our focus to what we don’t want. Consequently, we do not reach the vibrational frequency that our desires are on so they will not drop into our life.


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