Of course this phrase by Maharishi makes perfect sense to me now. The more you do the less you get means that you are using only your conscious mind and physical actions to get what you want. That is very ineffective and so, relatively speaking, given the energy you put into your actions you get very little back; like using the axe in the wood splitter analogy. The less you do the more you get means you are starting to trust your subconscious mind and therefore, rather than using force and making things happen, you start to turn your desires over to the subconscious mind to take care of how it will come into your life experience; like the captain on the ship giving instructions to the engine room. Of course when you turn your desires over to the subconscious mind, you are effortlessly causing things to show up in your life that are either what you desire or support you in receiving your desires. Again like the captain who issues a voice command, without lifting a finger, a ship made of millions of pounds of metal moves according to his instruction. By trusting your subconscious mind and turning over your detail request, your subconscious mind moves you to a life experience where receiving is far more easy and effortless than in the world of doing.
The last part of Maharishi’s phrase says, when you do nothing, you get everything. This means that you have trained your self to use your conscious mind in the way it was intended, to think about what feels good (high vibration) and also you are allowing the subconscious mind to function as it was intended. Finally you are acting on inspiration, on what shows up that is easy and effortless to act on. When you use your mind effectively, things literally show up out of the blue, your desires or the steps to them literally fall into your experience. It’s not magic; it is a simple matter of science. Whatever vibration you sustain in your daily life, you will attract (allow) anything that is at that same frequency to come into your experience, it is a law of nature. Once your subconscious mind makes your desire available to you, or the step to get to it, you need only act on inspiration to make that desire be part of your physical life experience; just like picking up the wood after the wood splitter has done its work. To be clear, when I say a step to get you to your desire, I mean anything that is a good feeling experience, that is the journey to your desire, fun, easy and enjoyable. Your actions in the world of vibration are this, you spend your time doing what you enjoy and you use your conscious mind, as you have learned in this program, to set your intention (desire) and then use your conscious mind to sustain your daily vibration at the frequency of that desire. This allows or supports the attraction of your desire into your life. When your daily vibration matches the vibration of your desire, then it must come into your life, it is the law of vibration at work. When it shows up, you simply and easily act on it. So even if your life circumstances are not as you like, if you use your conscious mind as you have learned in this program you can cause the life you want to start to unfold into your experience. Using your mind as nature intended allows you to live in your current physical circumstances, that may be unwanted, while you attract the new life you desire with your vibration. When you use your conscious and subconscious mind as nature intended you will manifest your desires easily and effortlessly. Module 2 of this program showed you many ways to be in a high vibration even when your circumstances are not.
When we live in the world of doing, it is a world of believing solely in action to make things happen. When we live in a world of thinking and feeling, it is a world of knowing that our vibration causes things to be attracted to us and we simply act on inspiration to receive; the organization for it to come into our life is taken care of.
The doing world is one based on limited supply and therefore operates on the basis of competition. This causes fear because we have the thought that there is not enough to go around and we better get our share. This leads to greed, hoarding, pitting our selves against one another and other actions related to securing our survival. This includes spending a life time doing a job we don’t particularly like but at least it pays the bills. For many, paying the bills is that sense of security they are looking for, that is, they relate financial security to life security, but we know that the most important things in life cannot be bought with money, like health and loving relationships for example, so it is really a very false sense of security.
The root cause for acting out of fear based emotions such as insecurity, uncertainty and vulnerability is because of the belief in scarcity; that simple, but very damaging belief says there is only so much to go around, and that says what we can get is subject to what goes on in the world outside of us. This is a faulty belief with no basis whatsoever but we have accepted it because we do not get taught the truths and laws that govern the universe. The truth of course is unlimited abundance for all, and that we can attract anything we desire. In the absence of the truth we relate much of what we get and do not get to luck and chance, two concepts which simply do not exist in the world of vibration where everything that happens is the result of cause and effect. This is such an important point that explains why we keep our selves away from our true and natural expression and therefore a life of fulfillment that I will repeat it. The doing world of making and forcing things to happen operates on the basis of scarcity and limited supply. This causes us to compete for those, thought to be, scarce resources, and this generates fear of being without. In contrast, the vibration world is unlimited abundance and operates on creative thinking and attraction with more than enough for all.
What we have been taught in the world of physical doing and limited supply, is to seek security versus our purpose, to get that thing before the other guy does, and that when its gone to bad so sad because there is only so much to go around. This has us constantly tense and in stress mode wondering how are we going to look after our self, how are we are ever going to get the things in life we want, and when we do, how are we going to hold on to them. It can also cause us to be somewhat deflated at times, wondering when we are going to be able to spend our days doing what we like and using our creative ideas. Our decisions about where and how we spend our time always seems to have at least some link to making money for our survival at the cost of enjoying life. This whole doing world of competition also affects our self image. Will we ever be good enough to get the job, get the house, get the (fill in the blank). Will we ever be deserving of what is available, and can we ever get enough? Many of our actions are simply programmed reactions based on the faulty beliefs associated with this limited supply mentality. It is what causes us to compare our selves with others and try to “beat” them by being smarter, faster, stronger, prettier etc.; all in the spirit of fear, panic and the like. It’s almost impossible to be authentic with this mindset because you are always calculating how you can be something more than someone else so you get the goods and / or the approval.
In the world of energy and vibration, there is a natural and unique purposeful expression for each person, there is a natural expansion taking place in each person and there is natural abundance available for each person. When you know you are a being who is able to command energy into form with your vibration, your actions are based on trust and you know that what you need is always available to you and so you operate strictly from a creative mode. You know it is your vibration that attracts what you want and it is your inspired actions that cause you to experience it.
In a world of vibration, you can be relaxed and calm because you know that your needs will always be met. You know that you can do the thing you want to do and abundance will flow to you, there is nothing to “get”, nothing to secure, no one to beat, no need to seek approval, or feel you are going to be left out. It is a world of health, abundance, happiness and harmony for all. How much different is this than the world of doing? Let’s now take a closer look at acting in the world of vibration.
So, if all of the work to make life happen is done by the subconscious mind, what exactly do we “do” in our physical life? If the subconscious mind is bringing everything to us, what is the work that we
physically do? What is the job of our body? 1) Through the 5 senses, observe and interpret the physical world so we know when and where to receive what we attract. Once we act on it, we get the experience of it. Further, by observation, we can detect the things we don’t like or want and this prompts us to become more clear about what we do want and change our vibration to attract it. Lastly, it also allows us to correct our immediate actions, responses and what we are paying attention to, so that we keep moving towards our desires 2) In terms of what we spend our days doing, its really using our body to express our gifts and talents on what we feel passsionate about, it’s about enjoying the things that feel good to our five senses. It’s about doing the thing that you look forward to every day when you get up, the thing that allows you to express your creativity, your personality and constantly expand what you do. It’s not just action, its inspired action, its action with feel good behind it. It is the actions that have you serving others and feeling good about it.
Now if you are in a situation that is not your heart felt desire, you simply have to use what you have learned in this program to get clear about what you want while thinking, feeling and acting in the high vibration ways that you have learned in Module 2. This will cause you to be larger than the place you are in, and when that happens, things will change. What does it mean to be larger; it means to increase your vibration to a frequency that is equal to the desire you have requested. Once you set the vision and vibration on the inside, then “things” will start to happen on the outside to put you into a place that equals that vision. The subconscious mind takes care of all of that outside stuff, so you must be patient to enjoy the journey as the process of attraction is at work. This is why you must absolutely raise your trust, belief, faith and confidence in the laws and truths because for a while life on the outside may not seem all that much different, but the new life on the inside is brewing and if you keep it brewing by using what you have learned in this program it will start to take form. Again, you must believe what you cannot see, having the faith and patience that it is on its way. Just like ordering that book on line. Just like a hen sitting on the egg until it hatches. Let’s take a more detailed look at the two aspects of acting in the world of vibration.
1) The Job of the 5 senses
In addition to providing instructions to the subconscious mind, the second function of your conscious mind is observation and experience. In the world of vibration, observation is critical to you being aware of an opportunity so you can act on it as things can literally drop into our life “out of the blue”. That is a phrase you will want to be comfortable with. Some may call such occurrences miracles, luck, or chance but they are simply science, based on cause and effect. What is important to realize is that the conscious mind simply cannot comprehend the ways and means of the subconscious mind to orchestrate circumstances, it’s not meant to. This is the reason to really have an open mind and be aware of everything that comes into our physical world. If you close your mind to only those things you “think” can happen then you can miss the thing you attracted or the step that will get you to the thing you are attracting. It can be situations that are totally outside of your “normal” thinking. For example in the book the Power of the Subconscious mind, Joseph Murphy recounts a young man wanting to go to university but he had no way to transport himself and had no money to buy a car. He held his dream and “out of the blue” he was left a car in an inheritance. When we get our conscious mind involved in the how, it starts to use logic and probability. These things do more to redirect your focus and get in the way of attraction then help you. The subconscious simply orchestrates what ever is necessary to bring it to life. The more you let go and relax, holding no expectation of how it will come, only expectation that it will, you will see it. When it looks like nothing is under control and nothing is happening, it is happening and your subconscious has everything under control.
When “good” things show up, act on them. A good thing is anything that feels good (without harming yourself or others), can contribute to your betterment or increase in some way that moves you towards your desire. If someone offers you a book, a job, a trip, a business opportunity, some money or when something or someone shows up that is somehow of benefit or a good deal, act on it. It’s the thing you either attracted or it’s the step that is helping you to get to what you want to attract, now its time to act. If you don’t act you simply are not completing the last step and you will not get the rewards of your intention. That being said, your subconscious mind will not give up on you, you will continue to get opportunities to act on. Also, things may come in a way that do not always have an obvious connection to your desires. Sometimes you may be in a seemingly “bad” situation. Always ask yourself, what is the benefit, what is the good, and how can this help me? You never know how your good will come disguised. If you can’t identify the good, at the very least, remember to keep yourself in a high vibration so as not to redirect your focus away from what you desire and into something you don’t want, it is coming one way or another.
Sometimes, things do not show up so boldly, but rather in a step that leads to another step and so on that leads you to that which you are attracting. The key is to keep thinking and acting in the ways you have learned in this program because even when things look bleak and like they are not happening, they are. The law of vibration is always at work. Once you sustain your vibration at the vibration level of your desire, that is when it will “pop” into your life.
2) Acting in accordance with purpose.
If you are not doing the thing you love, then your first step is to identify it as you have seen in Week 14. We all have a natural gifts and talents to express. We all have things that catch our interest, things that we are passionate about, and get us excited. And these things are not coming out of a void, others are looking for us to deliver; what we want to express (or what is seeking expression through us) others want to experience. Again in this symphony of life, we each have a part and the music only sounds “right” if everyone plays their part. Nature insists on beautiful music so it is in full support of you playing your part. Once you identify your purpose, use what you learned in Week 15 to cause the attraction of it and the desires related to it. It is not only your birth right to do and have what you desire; it is your duty because we all have a part to play in the expression and expansion of the universe. Once you are in tune with your natural gifts and talents, your natural interests and creativity will engage you daily and the law of increase will have you seeking ways to do it more, do it better, do it faster. Contrast this with when you resign yourself to working at something for the sake of making money, or what someone else thinks you should do or some other outer world reason. You will be in a low vibration because there will be an inherent level of dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment related to you not expressing your true self. When this happens, you are directing your attention to what you don’t want and that is what you will attract. It’s like a switch on a train rail, just as the train follows the path that the switch is set to, your vibration is set to the frequency of how you feel about what you are doing. Whatever you put your focus on and sustain it is what is attracted into your life.
Life is meant to be fully lived; it is not for sitting around in a chair waiting for what you want to fall out of the sky, or being on permanent vacation or being in leisure 24/7. Those are part of life and must be balanced with expressing your natural gifts and talents. In fact you will enjoy those other aspects of life much more when what you are doing is what you love; otherwise, you may be using these things as escapes from a life that really lacks fulfillment. How many people work for a living and only really enjoy life in-between sleeping and their job. That’s a lot of low vibration. It starts to explain why we see troubled health and life experiences. How can we really expect a fulfilling and satisfying life with such a high percent of our vibration in the low zone? What makes for the real sweetness of life is waking up to do the th
ing that excites you, allows you to use your gifts and talents and to be creative and continually expand, all the while with the satisfaction that comes from serving others. This puts you in a very high vibration and the doors of abundance open wide. As the phrase goes, you don’t have to think about what your getting, just about what you are giving, and when that giving comes from your natural expression, out of your heart, that is where health, happiness and harmony live. The pleasure of life is also to experience the magnificence all around us and enjoy the gifts and talents that others are expressing. This is the fulfillment of life where everything works easily and effortlessly, and abundance, in all of its expressions, flow into your life. Contrast this with getting up and drudging, to some degree, through 8 to 12 hours just to get a couple of hours at the end of the day to feel good. You have to know those two different ways of life are going to produce different vibrations and therefore different results.
As you start to incubate your desires, your life will probably be much the same, but if you persist with thinking, feeling and acting as you are learning, your life will start to change to match the changing vibration. As you continue with the incubation process, your desire will, at some point, appear or you could say once your desire appears you have completed the incubation period. You really don’t know exactly when but you will have a hunch, if you hit the mark great, if you need more incubating that is great too. It’s all in right time as far as the universe is concerned.
Higher Vibrations for Health, Happiness, and Harmony Page 30