Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5)

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Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5) Page 15

by Sheridan Anne

  “What? Oh. no… no. Not that.”

  “What are you talking about, Max?”

  He lets out a sigh, one I can even hear through the walls, making it clear that whatever he’s trying to say isn’t too easy. “My cousin. You remember Ryan?” he questions, there’s a slight pause before he continues. “He was in a car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and took him out.”

  Brooke gasps as my heart rate picks up and I feel myself straining to hear a little better.

  Shit. I should get up and close the door right now.

  Damn it. I can’t. My curiosity is too much and I doubt I’ll get all this out of Brooke. Hell, the fact that I haven’t heard this from Nate tells me he doesn’t even know about it.

  “Is he alright?” Brooke questions as I wonder if Ryan is also one of Nate’s cousins or if he’s on Maxen’s other side of the family.

  “No,” Maxen says, softly. “He’ll never walk again. His pelvis and legs were crushed beneath the dash. He’s lucky to be alive, but if you asked him, he’d say otherwise.”

  “Shit,” Brooke cries. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not here to get your sympathy or pity,” Max tells her. “I just wanted to let you know that his accident has sort of put life into perspective for me and has had me thinking about all the things I’ve fucked up in my life. Yet the only thing I regret is how I treated you.”

  “What about all the other girls you fucked around on?”

  “None of them meant what you meant to me. You’re the only one who I let inside and when things started to get real, I panicked.” Brooke sighs and he continues. “I really did love you, Brooke, and I hate that I hurt you. I hate it even more that this prick was willing to do the same. You don’t deserve that, especially after what I’ve already put you through.”

  “No, and I didn’t deserve it when you did it to me either.”

  “No, you didn’t,” he tells her. “I don’t think I’ve ever apologized for it.”

  “I’ve never given you a chance to get that close.”

  “No,” he laughs. “You sure as hell haven’t.”

  With that, my eavesdropping guilt becomes too much and I silently get up and close the door as gently as I can. I can’t keep listening to this. I’m sure Brooke will talk to me about it when she’s ready, and if she doesn’t, I’ll force it out of her. But this seems too personal.

  Though, one thing I do know is that what he was saying wasn’t a game. Nobody could lie like that. This was pure and right from the bottom of his heart. He bore his soul to her and I just hope she has the strength to accept his apology and move on.

  I bring up my studying playlist on my phone and turn up the speaker as loud as it will go before hitting play. It’s time to focus. I have a few hours before Nate gets home and when he does, I want to be all his. Not one bit of studying left to get in our way.

  Chapter 16

  “How am I watching this?” I groan as I look at the TV with a cringe.

  Brooke’s face brightens with absolute pleasure as she watches some old vampire guy tear the head off some other guy who is apparently the bad guy. “Don’t act like you don’t love it,” she tells me. “You watch ‘Game of Thrones’ like it’s a religion. If you’re obsessed with that, then surely, you must like this too.”

  “How dare you compare ‘Game of Thrones’ to this crap. This is completely make-believe. At least the characters in my show are actually real.”

  “Ha,” she scoffs. “Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the hot blonde have a few dragon babies? And I swear, I saw an episode with some kind of creepy spirit. ‘Game of Thrones’ is just as make-believe as this is. It’s fantasy.”

  “Whatever,” I laugh, completely giving in. I mean, she has a point. I have no argument left to give without making myself look like a complete idiot. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll watch this stupid show if you cook all weekend.”

  “When was the last time you cooked on a weekend?” she questions, raising a smug eyebrow my way.

  Damn. She has a point. I should have come up with something better.

  “How about this,” she continues. “You watch this show with me and I won’t make you help me cook all weekend.”

  I hold my hand out with a proud grin. “Deal.”

  Brooke rolls her eyes and laughs and I have to admit, I love the sound of it. It’s been a few days since the whole Lukas thing came out and then the whole Maxen thing which followed it up, and so far, the little cow has left me in the dark. I’m desperately in need of some answers and I have a plan to get them tonight. I haven’t pushed her on it yet, but I’m hoping after opening a bottle of wine or two, she might get a little chatty.

  She’ll probably just tell me if I asked, but she’d be reserved with her answers. With a little liquid courage floating through her system, she’s sure to give me all the juicy details, and probably the details I really don’t want to hear. Either way, talking with my best friend is always a blast when we’re both too drunk to remember it the next morning.

  I keep my eyes trained on the screen, pretending that I’m taking in whatever rubbish it’s spouting and secretly cheer when the screen goes black, though it’s not just the screen, the whole house plunges into darkness. “What?” Brooke questions, watching the blackness for a little longer. “What happened?”

  “I think the power went out,” I murmur as she reaches the remote and tries pressing every single button, knowing that it’s not going to turn back on, not unless one of us trudges outside to check the power box. “I guess neither of us are watching this stupid show.”

  “Yeah, well you’re still helping me cook.”

  “Damn it.” I look to Brooke with a cringe, really not wanting to be the one to go out in the dark. “Scissors, paper, rock?”

  She laughs and naturally, two seconds later, I lose.

  I go to get up when a creaking coming from the back door has my blood running cold. My eyes flick to Brooke, wide and alert. “Did you hear that?” I whisper.

  Her eyes are just as wide as mine as she silently nods her head. “Is someone in our house?”

  I reach for her hand and pull her up before putting a finger against my lips, silently begging her to keep quiet. My heart races. I need to get to my phone. I need to call Nate. Or the police.

  Holy shit, I need the police.

  I indicate with a jerk of my head towards the door. If anything, we need to get out of here. The fucker can do whatever he wants to the house as long as me and Brooke are safe. That's all that matters.

  Brooke nods and I avoid looking at the tears of fear pooling in her eyes. She's usually so strong but the overwhelming emotions of the last week has drained that strength out of her. Right now, she's just as terrified as I am. I need her to hold it together just a little while longer.

  We start tiptoeing towards the front door as we hear another creak coming from the back with the familiar sound of the door clicking into place.

  Shit. This is really happening.

  We take another step when I hear what sounds like claws on glass. My head whips up to the window and in the dark all I can make out is a hooded shadow on the other side, looking straight at us.

  Fuck me. I’m frozen to the spot.

  Someone is watching us while someone else is creeping in through the back of the house. This is not a good situation to be in. I would never wish this upon anyone, but I'm so fucking glad I'm not alone right now.

  A hand slams down on the glass and I jump, holding back a scream. Heavy footfalls start creeping through the house, getting louder and faster.

  Brooke squeezes down on my hand, threatening to break the bones within.

  My heart can't take anymore. My breath is coming in hard and uneven gasps. My palms sweat and my eyes flick around the darkness, terrified this could be the end.

  Has Josh found me? Or maybe this is Lukas getting payback for putting doubt in Brooke's mind.

  I consider running for it but I don't want
to risk losing Brooke to the chance she doesn't run with me.

  What do we do?

  My sense of time loses me. I don't know if we have been standing here for only a few seconds or if we've wasted valuable time freaking out when we could have made an escape.

  All I know is that when the handle of the front door begins to turn, it's all I can handle.

  A scream rips out of me as tears spring from my eyes.

  I don't want to die. Not now. Not without living a full life with Nate first.

  My scream pulls a terrified shriek out of Brooke and I tighten my grip on her hand before hauling ass into the kitchen. These people are coming for us whether we want them to or not, and I'll be damned if this goes down without us defending ourselves.

  I look back over my shoulder and keep an eye on the door. Watching as it slowly opens, revealing the hooded figure.

  Holy fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

  I grab a knife and force it into Brooke's hand. I scramble around for another, but all I can reach is a frypan. It will have to do.

  I have no idea where the other person is, all I know is that he's in the house somewhere.

  The hooded figure steps across the threshold and in the blink of an eye, the lights come flickering back on, blinding me with the suddenness before unbelievable laughter fills the dead silence.

  I stand beside Brooke, holding onto her with a deep confusion. The laughter is familiar but my mind is too scrambled to place it.

  A girl appears in the hallway with a smile as the hood is pushed back from the figure in the doorway.

  "Surprise," Brylee calls, throwing her hands up in the sky as Courtney laughs in the hallway.

  I grip harder on the frypan.

  "Bry?" Brooke questions, bringing her hand up to wipe the tears from her confused face.

  I snap into action and grab hold of her wrist, forcing it back down, realizing she's completely forgotten the knife I put in her delicate hand.

  "Fuck," she grunts, looking down at the knife.

  I turn my glare on the girls. "What the hell was that?" I demand, throwing the frypan in the sink as Puck waltzes through the door behind Bry.

  "Cutting the power was a good touch, huh?" He howls, slapping his thigh as he tries to gain control of his laughter.

  "Fucking stupid, is what it is," I growl. "I was about ready to beat the shit out of you guys with a frypan. Brooke has a fucking knife in her hands. Are you morons?"

  "Shit, Tora," Courtney grumbles. "It's a joke. Calm down."

  "Yeah, funny joke," Brooke scoffs, releasing my other hand and walking out of the kitchen. "I nearly wet my fucking pants."

  "Sorry," Bry mumbles, pressing her lips together and trying her hardest not to laugh anymore. "It originally wasn't our intention to scare you but when Puck suggested it, well... we couldn't resist."

  I turn on Puck. "Nate is going to pulverize you for this."

  His face falls. "Fuck," he grunts as his eyes widen. Pure panic seeps into his features. "I didn't even think about that," he gasps. "Shit, I'll make it up to you. Don't tell him. My face is too pretty to be broken into a hundred pieces."

  I shrug my shoulder and wink. “Good luck with that.”

  “Shiiiit,” he groans before turning to Courtney. “I told you, I wanted to stay home and fuck all day, but nooooo, we just had to leave the house. Are you happy now? I’m going to look like a fucking gorilla.” With that, he turns and stalks out the door as Courtney chuckles at his back.

  I let out a deep breath and focus on Brylee as I walk towards her. “I’d really like to say it’s great to see you, but I’m not feeling it just yet. Give me a few minutes and I’m sure I’ll be ecstatic.”

  “Understandable,” she laughs, throwing her arms around me and pulling me in tight. “How are you?”

  “Exhausted,” I tell her honestly as Brooke comes forward too. “What are you doing here? Did Yale kick you out already?”

  “No,” she scoffs. “I happen to be killing it. I’m at the top of most my classes. It’s just this damn Suzie McFuckface who keeps besting me.”

  “You’re such a nerd,” Brooke says, barging me out of the way to give Bry a hug. “But seriously, what are you doing here?”

  “It’s my aunt’s wedding on Sunday, so I thought I’d come down a few days early and see you all first.”

  “Well then,” Brooke smiles, looking across at me, making me realize exactly what my night is going to hold. “I guess we better call Elle.”

  An hour later, my home is packed with bodies I’ve never seen before and I have a feeling if Nate knew about this, I’d be sent straight to the naughty corner for a good spanking. I mean, what better way to welcome Josh into my home. It’s as though I’m calling from the rooftops ‘Hey Josh, this is where I live. Come and get me. I dare you.’ But when my girl is back in town and we only have a limited time together to get our group back together, you better believe we’re going to do it right.

  It all happened within the blink of an eye. First, Elle came over carting Jackson behind her, who dragged along the football team. Though I’m pleased to see Lukas hasn’t had the balls to show his face, but the night is still young. Jackson called Jesse and naturally, he showed up with Kaylah and Tyson who basically had the whole senior year of Broken Hill High follow them through the door.

  The only face I haven’t seen is Nate’s, but I doubt it will be long. It’s as though he can sniff this stuff out. In fact, I’d bet our relationship on the fact that he’s already on his way.

  Music blares through our speakers as random people start piling bottles of alcohol onto our kitchen counter. A keg comes in next and I have to wonder where the hell it came from. Someone moves our couch to the side of the room and bodies instantly fall into its vacated spot and begin grinding.

  When a couple falls down into the couch and starts using it as their sex chamber, Brooke and I spring into action. Sheets and blankets are thrown over the couches as the couple is ushered away. I mean, I’m all for a little extra fun at a party, but not on the host's couch.

  All valuables are put away in my room and then locked. We do a once over of the bathroom to make sure there’s nothing too personal in there and double check the kitchen for anything that shouldn’t be there.

  We meet back in the hallway and when we’ve decided the house is thoroughly safe enough for us to relax, the smiles spread across our faces.

  “Hell yeah,” Brooke grins. “Hosting our first college party.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “But if anyone pisses on my carpet or throws up all through the house, I’m not going to be impressed.”

  “Tell me about it,” she grumbles. “We’ll hire a cleaner in the morning.”

  “Sounds good, now let’s go and enjoy our party.”

  It takes all of about three seconds for Jackson and Jesse to find us and start pouring alcohol down our throats. I absolutely love that these two have decided to start a little bromance. It’s great seeing them being so friendly towards one another and I don’t doubt it’s making life easier for Kaylah, but just as I had always feared, these two together are a dangerous mix. It’s lethal but funny as hell at the same time. They need to come with a warning.

  Nate showed up a while ago with Maxen trailing in beside him. Nate spotted me instantly as if we were drawn to one another and from the look in his eye it was obvious he wanted to let me know his thoughts on us having a party. When he saw me and Brooke being cornered by Jackson and Jesse, he slipped away. Maybe he figured having these two as our little party friends was punishment enough, or maybe he just knew we’d be safe with these two buffoons sticking to us like glue.

  They laugh and carry on until Brooke and I are thoroughly relaxed enough to barely remember that this is even our place. We find Brylee, Courtney, and Elle out the back dancing amongst a few other bodies and join them with Jesse and Jackson tagging along.

  The rest of our group fall in with us and soon enough, I have Nate’s warm arms circling my waist and holding me
tight against his hard body. I look across at Brooke when Maxen dances up next to her. They’re not touching, but the sparkle in their eyes speaks volumes and makes me smile like a goofball

  Nothing beats this feeling.

  I’ve been having a really shitty time over the past few weeks, but Nate has been there every step of the way to make it all better.

  “Oh, my god,” Brooke laughs a while later when we haul ass, breaking free from the boys. “I thought we’d never lose them.”

  “I know,” I laugh. “They’re like a bad smell that doesn’t go away.”

  “Damn straight, they are,” she says as we escape up the side of the house and head out towards the front yard. We drop down onto the curb and lean back into the grass. “What’s with them anyway? They’re never like this at parties.”

  “I’d dare say they’ve been forced to shadow us all night.”

  “What?” she questions, looking across at me with drawn eyebrows. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Trust me, it does.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I cringe, realizing I haven’t spilled on the whole Josh thing and decide there’s no better time than the present. “Ummm…. well, I sort of saw Josh on campus.”

  “Josh?” she gasps wide-eyed. “As in the douchebag who tried to have his way with you in the broom closet?”

  “Yep, the one and only.”

  “Fuck. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well, you sort of thought I was trying to get in your boyfriend’s pants and honing your grudge holding skills.”

  “I think this kind of trumps that.”

  “Me too, but you wouldn’t give me the time of day to tell you about it. Quite frankly, you’re a rotten bitch when you’re holding a grudge.”

  “Shut up,” she laughs, knocking my shoulder. “You’re worse.”

  “Bullshit. I glared once.”

  “You yelled at me,” she defends.

  “Nu-uh,” I shake my head. “I yelled at Lukas and you just took it personally.”

  Brooke rolls her eyes and I find myself turning towards her in the grass. I reach out and take her hand, getting back on topic. “Anyway, Josh goes here so just be careful ok. He hasn’t got anything against you, but he might be a douche because you’re my friend.”


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