Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5)

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Broken Hill Havoc: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 5) Page 17

by Sheridan Anne

  I shake my head. “Shit, I can’t watch.”

  The truck hits the puddle and an avalanche of water sprays up over the boys with such force it knocks Jesse back on his ass. A second later, their laughter howls through the busy street.

  I can’t help but grin as a slight jealousy pulses through me. I want a turn.

  With that, the choice is made. I rip off Nate’s mostly dry shirt and sprint across the street in my bra, desperate to get in on the action. I mean, I’m already wet, why not enjoy myself while I’m at it?

  Nate hurries across the street behind me and reaches for me. I’m about to rip my arm out of his hold, terrified he’s about to drag me back inside the shop and not let me play in traffic when he starts pulling his shirt back over my head. “I don’t give a shit if you want to play in the fucking rain and make yourself sick, but you’re not doing it in your bra so these bastards can stare at what’s mine.”

  “I didn’t want to ruin your shit,” I tell him, pulling at the fabric on the now wet shirt

  “Fuck the shirt.”

  With that, the broody bad boy huffs and puffs while taking his dripping wet ass back inside his shop. I grin at his back but I don’t watch for long as Jesse grabs me, puts me front and center as the next car comes along and sends a wave of dirty street water over me.

  Chapter 18

  We pull up at Maxen’s property and I stare at it in absolute shock. It’s been two months since the cops raided the races and even less time since Nate told me that Max was thinking about doing this.

  All I can is that I’m impressed.

  It looks as though Maxen has spent every single waking hour working on putting this new track together. It’s huge. It must be at least twice the size of the old track. There are safety barriers around the track, massive speakers and spotlights, there is seating for the crowds who no doubt will swarm here, there’s even a massive gate at the top of the property where each car will have to stop and pay an entry fee. Hell, he even added a separate entrance for the racers.

  I don’t know how he’s done it in such a short time or who the hell was willing to help him build it, considering it’s illegal, but he certainly has made something incredible.

  It’s clear there are still some things to work on, but for now, the track is ready to go and Nate has been itching to use it.

  People are pouring in through Maxen’s new big gate, excited and pumped for an awesome night. It didn’t take long for word to get around what was going on here. You know, along with the threat of keeping it on the down low as to not attract the wrong attention, only for it to then shut the place down. I mean, I want to enjoy this for a bit before that happens, which it will.

  Jackson would have put the word out to his friends at Haven Falls and Nate would have just looked in this general direction and had people follow him here like a bad smell.

  It’s going to be a great opening night. I feel it in my bones.

  Max is charging twenty dollars per person at the gate and the crowds are still pouring in. That kid is going to be making a profit in no time, especially if he does this every Friday night. He even has a proper registration for drivers wanting to race. Their cars have to meet specific guidelines in order to be allowed to race his track and they all have to sign a waiver, declaring they take full responsibility for what they’re about to do, keeping Max’s ass in the clear.

  Max must have the mind of a mob boss. He’s calculating and clever in the worst possible ways, mix that with his smarts and motivation to make something of this and he is lethal.

  Nate has never been so proud of him and because of that, I am too. I might even put aside my mixed feelings for him so I can enjoy tonight with Nate and the rest of our group.

  Nate pulls up in a section that’s kept closed for VIP guests, which I’m assuming is our whole group seeing as though, we’re the only ones in this area.

  Music is blasting through the speakers. There’s a car racing around the track doing dangerous stunts along the way, putting on a show for the crowd of onlookers and I find myself at a loss for words.

  Brooke comes up beside me with the same look of astonishment on her face. “Can you believe this?” she laughs.

  “I know,” I tell her, still taking it all in. “I guess this is what Maxen is capable of when his energy isn’t spent thinking about his dick.”

  “I mean,” she starts, looking through the crowd, probably searching for Max. “I knew he was capable, I just didn’t expect him to pull his shit together quite so soon. I figured in another few years he might grow up, never did I expect it to happen overnight.”

  “Maybe he was serious when he was telling you about his cousin. He’s put his life into perspective and now he can clearly see what he wants and how to get it.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” she muses.

  “Hey,” Nate says, drawing my attention away from Brooke. “I’m racing first. I’m going to go drive down. Are you coming with me?”

  I shake my head. “No, I want to watch.”

  “Suit yourself,” he says with a wink, knowing just how turned on I get when I watch him speed around the track like a boss.

  Nate leaves and I take a seat with Brooke, laughing at how Jesse and Jackson drill Tyson on Brylee. Neither of them has talked about the whole sleeping together thing at my party a few weeks ago, which would have been fine if Tyson went back to his usual man whore ways, but instead, he’s been acting different and Bry is too far away for us to be grilling her on it.

  If my gut was right, I’d dare say they’ve started dating, but I guess we won’t know until either one of them finally slips up and admits it. For now, we’ll just keep on trying to torture the information out of Tyson. It’s more fun this way.

  Maxen’s voice cuts through the speakers, welcoming everyone to the new and improved races and encourages them all to make big bets for the night. Next, he announces Nate’s race and I find myself up on my feet, cheering before the race has even begun.

  Nate is still the most popular racer. He held all the records at the old track and he’s been talking non-stop about maintaining that top position on this one. I don’t doubt for a second that he’ll do it.

  As usual, Jesse falls in beside me and we watch him race together. The track seems solid and though he’s never raced on it before, Nate seems to know it like the back of his hand already. It’s as though he was made for this. He has this natural instinct that a normal person simply doesn’t possess.

  The track must be at least twice as big as the last. It’s slick and fast, and it looks as though it was made for Nate’s car. He’s racing the Camaro tonight, but I don’t doubt he’ll be coming back next week to give the Mustang a go.

  He races through the track with ease, but don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing easy about it. Nate just makes it look that way. I mean, he’s traveling at speeds that I couldn’t even dream of hitting. It’s dangerous and reckless yet has my blood pumping in the best kind of way. The fact that it’s Nate in that car just makes it that much better.

  “Fuck yeah,” Jesse cheers when the first race on the track is won by his big brother with an outstanding time.

  This shit will never get old.

  Another voice takes over for Maxen’s through the speakers and I turn around to find Maxen standing with Brooke, their heads bent together as they talk privately. They are too far away to hear, but from where I’m standing, they both look happy and I find myself wondering for the millionth time if this is a good thing. Brooke deserves happiness and I’m terrified that he’ll give it to her, only to take it away again.

  Nate comes back up, nods towards Maxen, and a second later, takes my hand and starts pulling me away. “Where are we going?” I laugh as he grins back at me.

  “You’ll see.”

  The secret hidden beneath his eyes is nearly enough to kill me. I can’t stand knowing he’s up to something, but I have no choice but to wait. All that’s left for me to do is to follow where he leads and hope I’m
not about to get myself in a world of trouble, but then, when would Nate ever allow me to get myself in trouble?

  Oh, hold on. We spent our whole senior year getting in trouble.

  I guess I just have to hope for the best.

  Nate leads me all the way down to the track and at first I assume he’s bringing me down here to get a good look at the track. You know, all that up close and personal crap. But when my R8 comes driving down the road that leads from the racers entrance, my suspicions go on high alert.

  First of all, who the hell has the balls to drive my car without my say so? And secondly, what the hell is it doing here?

  My car comes to a stop at the top of the track as though it’s lining up to race and Nate drags me forward. “What the hell is going on?” I demand, tugging on his arm when he doesn’t give me any answers.

  Puck sticks his head out the door before climbing out of my car, leaving the engine running. He wiggles his eyebrows at me, sees the look in my eye, and pisses off. I’m not in the mood to be kept in the dark right now, especially when it has something to do with my little baby.

  “Nate,” I demand again.

  He grins down at me and places a hand on the open door. “Get in,” he tells me.

  I stand my ground. “Over my dead body.”

  “Babe,” he groans. “Just get in. You’re racing.”

  “The hell I am,” I seethe, proud that the pissed off set of my eyebrows remains intact. I mean, I’d love to get in that car and take a spin around the track, but I’m holding my ground to make a point. Especially after the way he acted the last time I raced this thing. Why the sudden change of heart?

  It’s as though he sees the question in my eyes. He lets out a sigh and holds the door open wider. “I’m going to be with you and this track is a lot safer than Aaron’s. You’ll be up against another beginner whose car is evenly matched to yours. Besides, Max wants to make a point of allowing beginner racers so more drivers will register. He wants to grow this business and wants to use you as a pawn to do it.”

  “Geez,” I scoff as a blue car pulls in beside us. I don’t recognize the girl and assume she must be from Haven Falls, but the smug smirk that plays on her lips has me wanting to wipe it straight off. “Fine,” I tell him. “But you owe me.”

  “Bullshit,” he says. “I saw your face when you were racing last time. You loved it just like you’re going to love this. You owe me.”

  I ignore his little quip. “And you’re happy with me racing?” I question.

  “I’m happy with you racing this track because I’ll be sitting right beside you.”

  Nervous excitement starts seeping into my bones and I look back up at our friends to see Maxen and Brooke looking back down at us. Max is clearly explaining something to Brooke as she watches me with fear in her eyes. I give her a small smile, letting her know I’ll be ok, and turn back to Nate. “OK,” I sigh. “I’ll do it, but if we die, just know that it’s your own fault.”


  Nate helps me into my car and I adjust the seat from where Puck had slid it back to the absolute furthest position to fit his large body inside. I buckle myself up, fix my mirror, and get comfortable.

  Now that I’m sitting in the driver’s seat, listening as the voice on the speakers announces what’s going on, I start to feel ready. In fact, more than ready. The nerves have settled and the adrenaline is rising, ready for me to kick this bitches ass.

  Nate plays around with the music system and I instantly recognize the playlist he uses when he races. I can’t help but grin across at him and notice he’s gone white. He’s not at all ready. I don’t know if it’s because he’s scared for me or if he’s scared for his own life, but either way, that fucker got us into this and I’m not about to quit now. No bailing for him tonight.

  I wiggle my eyebrows at him. “Buckle up.”

  He rolls his eyes and glances away, but I don’t miss the low breath that escapes his lips as he reaches for his buckle.

  I grin to myself and turn the music up louder.

  A girl with big old boobies and short denim cut offs with her ass hanging out the back walks up between the two cars. She looks to the smirking bitch beside me and confirms she’s ready before doing the same to me. I acknowledge her by giving one of those obnoxious revs of my engine and gaining myself an embarrassed groan from Nate, making me laugh out.

  The girl holds a handkerchief above her head and laughter quickly bubbles out of me.

  This means business.

  “You got this?” Nate questions.

  “Got it,” I announce confidently.

  “Then let’s do this.”

  The girl drops the handkerchief and I hit the gas.

  I take off like a bat out of hell and my R8 lurches forward, speeding off down the track and gripping to the road in a way I wasn’t expecting, giving me the confidence to push even harder.

  The first corner comes up and Nate tries to talk me through it, but honestly, I don’t think I’m hearing a single word he’s saying. My concentration is right up and although he means well, I don’t want to get distracted.

  I turn the steering wheel and my car sails around the corner as though it has done it a million times. Coming out of the corner, I push myself out in front of the smirking bitch and get a proud, “good,” from Nate.

  We keep going and I make sure to watch the girl in my mirror. She does well to stay right up behind me, but not once do I let her take the lead, no matter how hard she’s trying. I bet if I took just a second to concentrate on her face through the mirror, I’d see nothing but a scowl, but she’s going to have to face the facts, she’s not getting past me. Not today. Not ever.

  Nate continues educating me on the track and I continue ignoring him, all the while he thinks I’m taking in every little detail. Instead, I listen to the beat of the music as the adrenaline pumps through my veins.

  I take the next few corners and squeeze down on the steering wheel when I nearly lose control on a sharp bend. Nate keeps me going and I manage to remain in the lead, despite how my heart is hammering away in my chest.

  I see the finish line approaching but I don’t want to just win, I want to kill it. My eyes flick across to Nate’s for the briefest second and as if reading my mind, he nods.

  I shift gears and hit the gas, pushing my R8 faster than it’s ever gone before. I hit the last stretch and I look up into the mirror once more. The girl tries to do the same but I’ve hit it a lot faster than she has, propelling me further down the track and creating an even bigger divide between our two cars.

  “Yeah, babe,” Nate laughs, slamming his fist down on the dashboard in excitement.

  I cross the finish line a second later and I barely manage to keep still. I unbuckle myself and throw my body across my car and into Nate’s waiting arms.

  The first time I raced was scary as hell at the same time as being one of the most incredible things I’ve ever done, but this was so much better than that. Having Nate by my side the whole time, knowing I had his approval and encouragement meant the absolute world to me.

  I don’t know how he does it, but Nathaniel Ryder just keeps giving me things that I never knew I needed.

  I crush my lips down on his and within an instant he’s taking over control, showing me that even though I just dominated that race, he has the power to dominate over my body.

  Chapter 19

  “Hit me with it,” Maxen says from his position on my couch as he waits for Brooke to do whatever the hell she’s doing.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, reaching for my textbook on the coffee table and placing it on top of the nice little pile of textbooks that I need for tomorrow’s classes. I turn to face him, waiting for his answer.

  “I’m not an idiot,” he says, earning himself a scoff from me. He rolls his eyes and continues. “I know you have questions and concerns about me, so go ahead. Ask them.”

  I raise an eyebrow, wondering if this guy is for real. I mean, he must not u
nderstand what kind of questions I need answered. “You sure you want to go there?” I ask him, studying his response.

  He nods his head. Firm and confident. “Like I said, hit me with it.”

  My eyebrow remains propped. The idiot asked for it, so why not give him what he wants? “Why the hell are you sneaking your slimly little ass back into Brooke’s life?”

  “Because I love her.”

  “As simple as that, huh” I scoff. “I’m sorry, but I’m not buying it. Someone who loves another does not cheat on them and treat them the way you did during senior year.”

  “I know,” he tells me. “I was an ass and I made the biggest mistake of my life. I had a great thing going with Brooke and I messed around on her. That’s something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life. At the time, I didn’t think twice about it, but now, I regret it wholeheartedly. I threw away the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “So, you want to worm your way back in so you can do it all over again? You know you don’t deserve another chance with her. Not after what you did. You broke her into a million tiny little pieces and I was the one who had to put her back together.”

  “Believe me, I know that. I watched it all from a distance. I saw her hurting every day and it’s killed me knowing that I did that to her.”

  “Then why come back? She was doing better. Hell, she even started dating again.”

  “Yeah,” he scoffs. “We all know how well that went.”

  I roll my eyes. It’s not exactly something I want to remember either.

  “Look,” he continues. “Facts are that no matter what, I love her. I always have and I always will. I know that I don’t deserve to have another chance, and hell, I’m fucking lucky that she’s even giving me a shot to be in her life right now.”


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