I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa Page 11

by Tina J

  “Are you strung out?” I chuckled.

  “Nah but I love being inside you and I don’t want anyone else to feel what I feel. To experience any sexual positions with you or see the facial expressions you make when you cum. I wanna be the only man to have those visions.”

  “But we both have someone and…”

  “And that’s where our problem is.” I sat all the way up and kissed her in a tender way. Not to rough and not to gentle, just enough to get us aroused again.

  “What are we gonna do because right now I’m your side chick and you’re my side nigga.” I laughed.

  “I’ll figure it out soon but right now, let’s continue making each other happy even if it’s only while we’re here.”

  “Ok. Can I do this?” She moved down slowly and had me gripping the sheets and damn near moaning her name. Mecca can suck dick too but this virgin or should I say ex-virgin is about to have my ass in love with the things she’s learned to do.

  When she finished, I laid there with her in my arms. How could she and I feel right? Whatever is going on, I don’t want it to end but I know it will unless we both leave who we’re with.


  “You stayed out all night and half the morning. Then you roll up in here jumping straight in the shower.” Mecca whined.

  “If I stayed out all night and came in looking the same, explain why I wouldn’t shower?” She didn’t say a word.

  “Exactly! Get dressed.” She sucked her teeth.

  “For what? My face is messed up and I’m not going anywhere.”

  “A’ight. Sit in the house all day but I’m not.” I turned the shower on and enjoyed the hot water beating down on me.

  Monie and I slept well last night together. I had plans on being gone before she woke up but I couldn’t leave her. We ended up having sex most of the morning and she showed me her legs. Like she said, you can barely tell but when she has no shoes on there is a difference in the walk. It didn’t bother me either way because the sex is great. I’ve never been with a virgin and who knew she’d catch on quick and fuck me well?

  I felt Mecca behind me and rushed to get out. My body is drained, and it wouldn’t be fair to sleep with her knowing I’ve been with someone else. I could do it but keeping the memories from last night and this morning seem better. I don’t know what Monie did or how she got me to be her protector but as of right now, I’m not going nowhere. What turned into a week of being here, has lasted a lot longer.

  “You fucked her last night?” Mecca questioned when I stepped out the shower.

  “Fucked who?” I grabbed the towel and began drying off. She was still in the shower talking.

  “I don’t know. I do know you’ve never turned me down for sex. So either you fucked her or allowed her to suck you off.” I wrapped the towel around my waist.

  “Did you ever think a nigga gets tired of his bitch talking shit everywhere they go? Tired of having to shut motherfuckers down because you can’t keep your mouth shut? Tired of fucking his girl with two condoms because he can’t trust her enough not to?”

  “VJ you know I’m not with anyone else because someone would’ve told you.”

  “Is that right?” I stared at her washing up. She didn’t even wanna look at me.

  “How long you been dealing with Raheem?” I never waited for an answer and stepped out to get dressed. When my boy arrived, he informed me of her dealing with some bum ass dude in Virginia. Its all good though because what goes around comes around. I no longer felt bad for sleeping with Armonie.

  “Ok fine.” She shut the shower off and came in the room dripping wet. I tossed a towel at her because I don’t need my dick reacting.

  “I was texting him a few months ago because you were always working, and I was lonely.”

  “Working Mecca, not fucking some bitch or bitches.” I was only back and forth to Maryland and the other condos. You would think I went outta the country, but when I did, she was with me.

  “Keep going.” I wanted to see how far she really went with him.

  “We met up a few times for lunch but never slept together.” “Did you kiss him?” She put her head down.

  “A’ight. Cool.” I didn’t say another word.

  “VJ we both know you’re not faithful.” I chuckled because before Monie, I was.

  “You know the sad part about this situation is, I didn’t wanna bring you but you begged and my mom said why not? I get you here, fuck you damn near every night, take you out to parties with me and you’re still not satisfied. If you feel lonely then why not leave?” She sat on the bed crying. I finished getting my things to leave.

  “Truth be told, Mycah and some of the other guys clowned me all the time for not cheating on you.” She lifted her head. I put my belt on and finished what I had to say.

  “Yea bitches approached me but just like I told Latifa; I have a girl and I hate a desperate bitch. I never disrespected you and gave you whatever you wanted. Yet; something was missing, and I can’t tell you what because I thought I was doing everything right.”

  “You were VJ. I was just listening to my friends.” She cried.

  “The same friends who tried to fuck me on the side? The same ones who let you get so drunk, you drive home, and get into an accident. Those same bitches who don’t give a fuck about you?” Now she was hysterical.

  “Have your stuff packed and ready by the time I get back. We’re leaving.” I left her on the bed looking like the fool she is.

  I wasn’t the perfect man, but I was good to her and like I said, before Monie I never cheated on her. Bitches can talk shit about the freaky things they can do and how much better they are then my girl, but I’m not a weak nigga. A fat ass is nice and the pussy may be good but it’s not worth the hard work I put in my relationship. Maybe coming here was a sign to get rid of her.


  “What Curtis?” I opened the door for my ex, who I didn’t invite here.

  “Can’t we talk about this?” He stepped in and stood there.

  “Talk about what? When I wanted to talk or work on this relationship you were too busy. Now you see I’m not sitting at home waiting, you’re willing to try.” I had my arms across my chest.

  “I’m sorry.” He closed the door and grabbed my waist from behind.

  “Let go.” I removed his arms and turned around.

  “So that’s it? You’re but even going to try with me?” Why he mad?

  “For what Curtis? Huh? You to do it to me again and have me out here looking like a fool? Why would I do that?”

  “We been together for a long time and...”

  “And it’s over. Please go.” I re opened the door and he stood there with a smirk on his face.

  “Fuck that. I’m not going anywhere until...”

  “Until what?” Christian emerged from the bedroom in just his sweats and wife beater. I had to bite down on my lip because he was so damn sexy to me.

  “Hold on. You fucking the deacon?” I laughed. Curtis knew who Christian was because in the beginning I had him attending church services with me

  “What she does is none on your business, is it?” Christian walked up on him and Curtis looked scared as hell. Everyone knew who his family was and if I weren’t cool with them, I’d be nervous too.

  “Umm. No, I was just...”

  “You were just leaving.” Christian pushed him towards the door.

  “This is not over. I’m coming back for what’s mine.”

  BAM! Christian punched him so hard he fell into the outside wall. I know his family is ruthless and he has some hood in him but this right here, turned me all the way on.

  “You’re the second person who allowed my Deacon status to fool them. Don’t let it happen again.”

  “Yooo! The Deacon just hit me. Did you see that?” My neighbor from church stood in the hallway

  “I didn’t see a thing son.” Her back was turned but I’m sure she saw him hit the wall.

��What? Old lady you were right there.” Curtis yelled and pissed Mrs. Sands off.

  “I can’t see without my glasses honey. But don’t ever call me an old lady again.” She wasn’t lying. Mrs. Sands had glaucoma and recently a cataract or something. I had to help her bring things in a few times.

  “Fuck you bitch.” Mrs. Sands gasped and held her chest. Christian was so angry I had to hold him back.

  “Ahhhhh!” Curtis screamed as Mrs. Sands maced him.

  “Close your door Stormy before the smell comes in.” I did like she asked and stared through the peephole. She was hitting Curtis with her umbrella and purse hard as hell.

  “Stormy?” Christian called and I turned around to see him ass naked.

  Ever since we’ve been together, he’s turned into another person. He’s happier, carefree and even the congregation is happy to know he’s divorcing Elaina. A few of the women tried to hook him up with their daughters, and he kindly turned them down. He better had because I don’t plan on letting him go no time soon. No one knew about us yet and we wanted to keep it that way until after the divorce.

  “Is all that for me?” He slowly stroked himself.

  “Depends on if you get naked with me.” I moved towards him and took my shirt and booty shorts off.

  “You’ve been turning me out sexy.” He watched me get on my knees to please him.

  “You don’t like it?” I asked and licked the tip.

  “I love it. I didn’t know making love to a woman could be this good. Mmm.” He bit down on his lip when I took him in.

  “I know now what your father meant when he said a woman can bring you to your knees sexually if she’s really good. Got damn Stormy.” I stroked him faster and soon after he came down my throat.

  “Let me do some things to you.” He laid me down on the floor and I swear, I screamed I loved him.


  “Great service pastor.” I was standing next to my father when the woman spoke. I looked up and it was the same lady in Freddy’s house.

  “Thanks Mrs. Graham. How’s that husband of yours?” He asked and she rolled her eyes.

  “Good. Still a loser but we took our vows.” My dad chuckled.

  “I’m glad you’re staying together.” Her eyes roamed my father’s body.

  “It’s best you move on.” My mother whispered in her ear from behind. Mrs. Graham had no idea she was standing there.

  It’s no secret a lot of the women have a crush on my dad. However; Serena Burns don’t play any games when it comes to him. Everyone loved and respected her but you always had some who’d try their luck.

  I can’t tell you over the last five years from what I remember, how many times my mother and aunt Tanisha had to fight women or do unheard of things. My uncle Gary isn’t into church like my parents, but aunt Tanisha makes him come on Sunday’s. Sometimes I think it’s the only reason these women attend.

  “Oh. Mrs. Burns, how are you?”

  “I’m doing good. Can’t wait to get home and make love to my husband. What about you?” Mrs. Graham turned her face up and walked away.

  “I want it freaky Serena.” My dad whispered in her ear, but I heard.


  “What? I told your mother when she approaches a woman over me, they come with consequences.”

  “Good consequences tho.” He pecked her lips.

  “Bye.” I went to walk away but she grabbed my hand.

  “Let’s talk.” She swooped her arm in mine and we stepped out the room. My father was still speaking to everyone like he did every Sunday. Christian walked past, spoke to my mom and smiled at me. We’ve been staying with one another every night. I loved waking up to him and he said, he felt the same.

  “Soooooo.” My mom said closing my father’s office door. She had her own office but she’s hardly ever in there.

  “So, what?”

  “Don’t play with me little girl. You and Christian.” She sat down in the chair.

  “We’re just having fun.”

  “He’s still married Stormy.” She said and reclined the chair back.

  “I’ve seen the separation papers and the divorce lawyer served her two weeks ago.”

  “How long you been sleeping together?” I put my head down. It hasn’t been that long but I knew where she was going with it.

  “Look, I don’t like the heffa myself and you two have grown up together. Y’all know everything about the other so I don’t doubt the feelings are there but Stormy, you know the family he comes from.”

  “I do know and they all love me.”

  “But will he when he finds out what you’re dealing with? Have you told him?” I put my head down.

  “Stormy, you can’t start a relationship off holding secrets.”

  “I know but why even bring it up? Its obviously not affecting him.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I understand but if he finds out, its going to be a strain on what you two are trying to build.” I didn’t say anything.

  “Stormy you know I love Christian and I would love to see you two grow but honey, you need to tell him.”

  “I will mom, just not right now. Let his divorce go through and right before we tell the world about us, I’ll tell him.” She shook her head.

  “You’re grown Stormy so I can’t make you. I hope it doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass.” I laid down on my father’s loveseat and thought about what she was asking me to do. Could I tell him?

  “Stormy do you have anyone’s phone number in Christian’s family?” My dad barged in.

  “Yea. I can call Armonie. Is everything ok?”

  “Call and tell her the cops just arrested Christian.”

  “What?” I hopped up and ran out the door only to see them putting him in the police car. I grabbed my phone and called Armonie.

  “Mmmm, hold on.” I heard a slight moan out her mouth and tried to contain my laughter. I knew about the affair her and VJ were having. I’m the only one because she didn’t want anyone judging her and Ariel would definitely be mad. She hated Freddy but she wouldn’t want her cousin with Armonie until she was fully broken up with him.

  He’s been here for the last few months now and every week, he’d leave for the day and come right back. This time he was leaving, he wasn’t returning for a while but who really knows? He appeared to have feelings for Armonie, so I don’t know. He said for these last few days, he wanted to spend every moment he could with her.

  “ARMONIE!” I shouted.

  “Sorry Stormy. VJ won’t let me get up.” She started laughing.

  “Ok look. I need you to call your uncle Wolf. Christian got arrested…” I said in one breath.

  “WHAT?” She yelled in the phone.

  “I’m going down to the station now.”

  “Ok, I’m calling my family.” She hung up and I grab my things to go down and see what the hell is going on.


  “I’m not having an affair Elaina because we’re not together, so if I am sleeping with someone its none of your business.” I told her outside the church. I saw her when she walked in with her mother. I hadn’t spoken to her since she cursed me out over the lawyer sending her the divorce papers. She can be in denial about what’s going on all she wants, but I’m not.

  “Christian, you’re sleeping with someone and its not me. Until the judge signs off you’re still married.”

  “She’s right Christian. You’re the deacon and committing adultery.” Her mom chimed in with a grin on her face.

  “I am a deacon who filed separation papers; therefore, allowing me to do what I want without considering it adultery. Second, why are you even entertaining your daughter’s nonsense. You’ve been through three husbands so you should know the ropes by now.” She seemed offended.

  “Christian that was very rude.” Elaina said and expected me to apologize. I moved closer to her.

  “What’s rude is you and your ignorant mother thinking its ok to
come here with this nonsense and on a Sunday. Don’t you have packing to do?” I asked regarding the house she didn’t want to place her name on the deed to. I offered it to her, as well as mentioning signing it over but she refused it.

  “That’s our house and I’m taking it and everything else in the divorce.” I laughed.

  “Did you forget you refused to sign the paperwork because your mama said what happened if I didn’t want to pay anymore? You would be responsible for the mortgage.” Her mouth dropped.

  “Feel free to keep the cars because my new woman would never drive anything you were in. As far as taking my money, you signed a prenup too.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “So it is someone else?” I saw her eyes getting watery.”

  “What do you want from me Elaina? Huh? You used to be the best wife ever and then you let your mother get in your ear. You didn’t wanna cook, clean or even have sex anymore. You can’t stand my family so why is this divorce hard on you? I’m giving you and out, take it.” I turned and saw the pastor coming in my direction. His eyes grew big and before I could turn around, I felt something hit the back of my head.

  “What the…?” I swung my body around and noticed a baseball on the ground.

  “CHRISTIAN?” I heard the pastor calling my name but it was too late. I already had my hands around Elaina’s neck.

  “Your best bet is to never come around me again because I will kill you.” I tossed her to the side where the bushes were and watched her head hit the side of the church.

  “OH MY GOD!” Her mom yelled.

  “Get the fuck outta here.” I was so mad, they had me cursing.

  “911. Yes, I have an emergency and please send the cops. My daughters husband tried to kill her.” Her mom spoke in the phone. I leaned against the wall with my leg up and waited for the police.

  When they got there, she was being dramatic, and I knew they were going to arrest me. I hope they have life insurance because the Reaper is not going to take this well.


  “Mr. Banks, I’m sorry about the situation and we’re going to handle it quickly.” The lawyer said in the captain’s office.


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