Ravenous, A Tame Quantum Novel: Quantum Series, Book 5

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Ravenous, A Tame Quantum Novel: Quantum Series, Book 5 Page 23

by Force, Marie

  “And your parents?”

  “The same. They’re big fans of Jasper’s, and they’ve always wanted the best for me. They’re thrilled that I’ve found that with someone they already love.”

  “First Flynn, then Hayden and now you, Jasper. Love is in the air in the Quantum building.”

  “So it seems.”

  “Some of our viewers may not understand the role of the cinematographer. Can you explain it for us?”

  “Simply put, I’m the director of photography on a film shoot. I work very closely with the director, usually Hayden, whose vision I bring to life through light and film. I’m in charge of the camera and how a scene is shot.”

  “How does one become a cinematographer?”

  “Many of us get our start as photographers first. For me, it all began when my grandfather, ironically my father’s father, gave me a thirty-five millimeter Leica Rangefinder and then taught me how to develop the film in his darkroom. I was instantly hooked. I progressed into tormenting my sisters with an eight-millimeter film camera. Being accepted to film school at USC was one of the best days of my life, and I’ve never looked back.”

  “When your father passes away, you’ll become a duke, which is the highest rank below the royal family in Britain. How do you plan to balance your responsibilities to your family in Britain with your family here in LA?”

  “I’ll find a way to do both, but I don’t see any reason to walk away from a life and a career I love here in order to fulfill my responsibilities there. As long as my father’s company isn’t in the mix, I see no reason why I can’t have it all.”

  “Here’s to having it all,” Carolyn says. “Thank you both for being here, for the exclusive opportunity to hear your story. I wish you nothing but the best.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “And we’re out.” Carolyn immediately removes the microphone from her lapel. “What an amazing story, Jasper. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  “Liza explained that the timing of this interview is critical?” I ask, referring to our publicist.

  “She did. We plan to air it tomorrow during my prime-time show. Will that suffice?”

  “That’d be ideal. Thank you again.”

  She shakes my hand and then Ellie’s. “Thank you both. I appreciate the exclusive.”

  “Flynn thinks the world of you,” Ellie says.


  When we’re alone, Ellie looks up at me. “That went well, don’t you think?”

  “It went very well, and you were brilliant, my love.”

  “Listening to you talk about your work… It would be so wrong for you to be anywhere but here where you belong.”

  I wrap my arms around her. “I know, darling.” I hold her for a few minutes, taking some badly needed comfort from her. “I have to make a phone call, and then we can rejoin the others.”

  “Are you calling your father?”

  I shake my head. “No, his assistant.”

  “Do you want me to stay close?”

  “Always, but go have a drink. I’ll be right along.”

  She kisses me before she leaves me alone in the room that was full of people and lights and activity a few minutes ago. Carolyn’s film crew has packed up and moved on with a kind of efficiency I admire. Left alone with my thoughts of Ellie, the things she said about me in the interview and a fierce determination to chart my own course, I place the call to Nathan.

  Even though it’s early Sunday morning in London, he answers on the second ring. “Jasper.”


  “I’ve been expecting your call.”

  “So he told you about how he’s blackmailing me with embarrassing photos of me and people I love that he’s going to release to the media unless I yield to his demands?”


  “How do you do it, Nathan? How do you continue to work for a man who would blackmail his own flesh and blood?”

  “I’ve begun to ask myself that more often lately.”

  That’s the first crack I’ve ever seen in Nathan’s armor when it comes to my father. “You should come to LA. I could find a job for you in a second.”

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “He’s gone off on his jaunt having given you the photos and orders to release them, hasn’t he?”


  “Nathan, please don’t do it. You’re a decent sort of bloke. Will you be able to live with yourself if you’re part of something like this?”

  “You should know your mother was here before he left. There was a lot of yelling.”

  I’m still stunned that she actually left Cornwall to go to London, a place she hates. But I’m even more stunned by the idea of my father yelling at her. For that alone, I want to kill him.

  “I’ve never heard her yell at him like that before.”

  “Wait… So she was yelling at him?”

  “She was, and from what I heard, she let him know there will be dire consequences if he does anything to harm you.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” I’ve never once, in my entire life, heard my gently bred mother raise her voice to anyone, least of all her husband the duke.

  “Despite your mother’s best efforts, he hasn’t withdrawn the order he gave me before he left.”

  “I can only ask you to look into your heart and think about whether you’re willing to cross a line like this on his behalf. Whatever he pays you, I’d double your salary if you came to work for me. In fact, you might very well be the answer to my prayers about how to handle a dukedom and a film career at the same time. And I’d never ask you to do anything like this—ever.”

  “I’m sorely tempted. I’ve been very conflicted over this assignment.”

  “Make the leap, Nathan. I’ll make sure that you’re never sorry.”

  “Your faith in me is humbling, my lord.”

  “Call me Jasper.”

  “Give me some time to think over your kind offer?”

  “Take all the time you need, but don’t release those photos. Please don’t.”

  “I’d already decided not to release them, but your call only cemented my resolve. Your father wanted to be the only one in possession of the photos, so I have the only flash drive that exists with the photos on it. I assure you it will be completely destroyed.”

  “Thank you, Nathan.” Relief floods my system, leaving me light-headed. “Now tell me, what do you know about the person who infiltrated my life to get those photos?”

  I’ve never been so anxious. Waiting to see what’s going to happen with Jasper’s father, the photos, the possible scandal, the interview… It’s all too much for me to process, and the only thing I want—to be completely alone with Jasper—isn’t possible right now. The Quantum team is circling the wagons, working with the information Nathan gave them to contend with the mole.

  Devon Black arrived an hour ago, along with his girlfriend, Tenley, one of the top stylists in Hollywood and a friend of ours. With one look at Devon’s stormy expression, I’m thankful to be on his good side. God help the person who infiltrated his club to collect dirt on Jasper.

  The thought of that photo of us at Black Vice being made public makes me feel ill, but only because it would embarrass my parents, not because I’m ashamed of being there. That’s not it at all. It’s none of anyone’s business, and knowing we were photographed there to support a blackmail plot is infuriating.

  Jasper comes up behind me and begins massaging my shoulders. “I can see how tense you are from across the room, darling.”

  “I just want to hear some good news.”

  “We’ve already heard the best news—Nathan won’t release the photos.”

  “True, but I won’t relax entirely until we know where they came from and that they’ve been destroyed.”

  “Don’t worry—we’ll get to the bottom of it.”

  I look over to the dining room, where Hayden, Kristian, Marlowe, Flynn, Sebastian, Gordon and Devon are conferring
. “It’s amazing of them to step up for us this way.”

  “It’s not just for us, love.” That’s all he says, but it’s enough to open my eyes to the fact that we’re not the only ones featured in the photos. Dear God… That’s more information than I wanted about my friends, but it helps to explain Jasper’s full-on panic over the fact that they exist in the first place.

  “I have so many questions.”

  “I’m sure you do, but you’ll have to understand that there are some things I can’t and won’t talk about, even to you.”

  “I do understand, and part of me doesn’t want to know.”

  We’re interrupted by a shout from Devon. “I’ll fucking kill him!” He gets up and charges for the front door with Tenley in hot pursuit.

  Hayden chases after him. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t actually commit murder.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Addie says, running for the door.

  Jasper and I go over to the table, where those remaining slump in their chairs, exhausted. “What’d you find?” Nathan had only told us that we’d find the source of the photos at Black Vice.

  Flynn runs his fingers through his hair until it’s standing on end. “Devon’s director of security, Greg Thompson, a frequent guest at Club Quantum, too, sold out to Kingsley. There’re multiple deposits in his account for amounts ranging from twenty-five thousand to half a million. Thompson would’ve had the know-how and equipment to do covert surveillance.”

  “Apparently, he was going through a bad divorce and needed the money,” Kristian adds.

  “Thank God it wasn’t one of our people,” Sebastian says.

  “No kidding.” Gordon stands and stretches before packing up his laptop. “I’m glad I don’t have to resign.”

  “Thank you all so much,” Jasper says.

  I can hear the exhaustion in his voice and see it in the slump of his shoulders.

  “I’m so sorry to have brought this down on us.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” Marlowe says sharply. “This was done to you. It’s not your fault.”

  Jasper sends her a weak smile, but I know it’ll be a long time before he forgives himself for what his father put everyone through.

  “The goal now,” Gordon adds, “is getting to the source of the photos and destroying them.”

  “I have full confidence in Devon being able to get that done,” Flynn says. “Until then, I’m going to try to get some sleep, and you all should do the same.”

  With all our homes currently surrounded by photographers, Kristian is putting up Jasper and me, Flynn and Natalie, Aileen and her kids and my nieces and nephews, who are asleep with Aileen’s kids on air mattresses in the game room.

  “Flynn,” Jasper calls to his retreating back.

  My brother turns to him.

  “Thank you again for your support.”

  “Of course. Try not to worry. I think the worst is behind us on this.”

  “I really hope you’re right.”

  “When have you ever known me not to be?” He flashes the cocky grin that made him an international superstar and heads upstairs to his sleeping wife.

  “I walked right into that, didn’t I?” Jasper asks me.

  “You certainly did.” I take hold of his hand. “Let’s go to bed.” I need him to wrap his arms around me and make me feel the way that only he can.

  “Are you going to bed, Kris?” he asks.

  “I’m going to have a drink with Aileen.” He nods to her, sitting on one of the lounge chairs on the expansive deck that overlooks the city.

  I hadn’t noticed that she was still up.

  Jasper shakes his friend’s hand. “Thank you for everything today. I appreciate you opening your home to us, feeding us, everything.”

  “It’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me. Am I right, mate?”

  Jasper smiles at Kristian’s use of British terminology. “You are indeed. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Bright and early,” I add. “The hooligans don’t sleep in.”

  Kristian winces. “Better you than me.”

  As we make our way upstairs, I see Kristian take a bottle of wine and two glasses to the deck. It makes my heart happy to witness his obvious interest in Aileen, who deserves a love story for the ages after everything she’s been through.

  “What’s got you smiling like that, my love?”

  “Kristian and Aileen.”

  “He does seem rather besotted.”

  “Imagine that… A single mom with two kids who’s fought such a difficult and valiant battle with breast cancer catching the eye of one of the most eligible men in Hollywood. It’s a story right out of the movies.”

  “My darling is a romantic at heart.”

  “I never used to be, but now I want everyone to be as happy as I am.”

  He ushers me into our room and closes the door. “Are you happy, darling? Even with all the insanity—”

  I kiss the words right off his lips. “I’m thrilled. Ecstatic. Over the moon.”

  His phone rings, and he groans. “I fear I must take this, as much as I’d rather not.”

  “Go ahead.”

  He withdraws the phone from his pocket and looks at the screen. “It’s my mother.” He accepts the call and puts it on speaker so I can hear it, too. “Hello, Mother.”

  “Jasper, I’ve just left your father.”

  “For good?”

  “Of course not. He’s leaving in a couple of hours for Greenland, where his flight will set off. When he returns, he’s going to announce that Gwendolyn will become the heir-apparent to his business interests.”

  Jasper sits on the bed. “He really agreed to that?”

  “He really did. He was, however, unmovable about the succession of his title. I’m afraid that’s still all yours, my dear.”

  “That’s fine. That’s… That’s more than fine. How can I ever thank you, Mother?”

  “No thanks necessary. It’s the right thing for everyone involved.”

  “And Gwen agreed to this?”

  “She was thrilled to be asked. Apparently, it’s what she’s always wanted.”

  “I feel like I’ve been set free.”

  “You have, and you should use your freedom to live the life that best suits you, Jasper.”

  I slip my arm around him and rest my head on his shoulder, needing to share in this momentous occasion.

  “And please bring your Ellie to Cornwall very soon, will you?”

  “I will,” he says softly. “Thank you, Mum.”

  “Be well, Jasper.”

  The phone goes dead, and he sags against me. “Did that just happen?”

  “It did. How do you feel?”

  “Stunned. I can’t believe he let me go. I never thought he would.”

  “You didn’t give him much choice. You stood up for yourself and made it clear that you wouldn’t be blackmailed or strong-armed.”

  “It didn’t hurt that my mother probably threatened to divorce him if he did anything to harm me.”

  “Probably not, but the first step was yours, and I’m so proud of you for taking a stand for the life you want.”

  “And this, right here with you, is the life I want. It’s the only life I want.” He kisses me and then pulls back to look at me. “You asked how I feel. What about you?”

  “I feel relieved and giddy and excited for the future and so, so happy for you.”

  “For us.”

  “For us.”

  “And how would you feel about your son being the eleventh Duke of Wethersby?”

  “Will he have his father’s love and support as he learns how to tend to his family’s history while also pursuing his own dreams?”

  “He’ll have his father’s whole heart and soul and all the support he needs to be anything he wants.”

  “In that case, I’d be honored to raise the eleventh Duke of Wethersby.”

  Smiling, he gazes into my eyes and tips up my chin to receive his kiss. It’s a
soft, sweet kiss that’s full of love and hope. The desire burns as hot as ever between us, but we take it slow, undressing each other with unusual patience, touching with reverence. Now that the road to forever has opened up before us, we have the freedom to take our time, to savor each moment.

  He stretches out on top of me and looks at me with awe and amazement etched into his expression, as if he, too, is wondering what he did to get so lucky. Taking my hands, he places them over my head. “Keep them there,” he says gruffly.


  Raising his head, he meets my gaze, lifting a brow in inquiry.

  “Why do you always want my hands out of the way? I want to touch you.”

  “I, um… I don’t always want them out of the way.”

  “Yes, you do. Nearly every time.”

  “Oh, ah, well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  I bring one of my hands to his face to caress his cheek. “Tell me why it matters to you.”

  He exhales a ragged sigh and drops his head to my chest. “He would hit me. Any time I failed to properly answer his questions, any time I was unable to fake enthusiasm for the things he wanted to teach me, any time I was less than what he wanted in a son.”

  I wrap my arms around him and cradle his head to my chest, all the while blinking back tears for the boy who’d tried so hard to be what his father wanted him to be.

  “The worst was when I told him I’d turned down all the schools he made me apply to, and the only one left was USC film school. He broke my jaw that day.”

  “God, Jasper.” A sob hiccups through me, and tears fall from my eyes. “What about your mother? Where was she?”

  “She never knew about it. She was in Cornwall when that happened. I showed up at school with my jaw wired shut and my face so bruised I was barely recognizable to myself. But I refused to let him take that away from me. I told people I’d been in a car accident. Until now, the only way I could really let go with a lover was to ensure her hands were out of the equation.”

  I comb my fingers through his hair, wishing I could crawl inside him and personally eradicate every scar on his soul. “I’m so sorry.”


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