Escaping From Fate (Escape Book 2)

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Escaping From Fate (Escape Book 2) Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  Dax was driving her mad. His hands tightened on her and the slightest bit of pain added to her already building pleasure. The drive of each of his thrust had her grip tightening on her anchors as her body moved with the force of each slam. He’d been sucking on her neck and it throbbed, building her desire.

  Dax started nibbling on her ear pausing to growl, "I love how fucking damn tight you are, kitten.” He bit the tip of her earlobe. Shards of ecstasy shot straight through her vibrating body and settled at her core. Dax pistoned into her. She loved every minute of his pounding.

  His hand came down stoking her clit. “Oh, Dax. I’m going to come. Please. Please. I’m so close.” Lisa was so close. She could feel his muscles straining against her and knew he was close when he tensed up and his teeth scrapped over her earlobe before tugging it.

  “You’re mine. My mate. My soul. All mine.” His whispered words of possession had her falling over the edge and crashing into rapture on a gasp. Dax pushed into her as deep as he could be before grunting and yelling his release.

  Lisa lay basking in their afterglow and wished that they could stay like this forever. Reality came cashing back only moments later when her alarm went off.



  His life had turned into a dream. He would have never thought he could have it this good. Lisa was kind, sweet and he knew she loved him. He loved her too. Lisa was easy to love. She was better than he could have ever thought of. Dax couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He thought his own hate for humans would shadow any relationship he had with Lisa. He forgot completely that she was human. To him she was just his mate.

  His sisters were meeting Lisa for lunch, they were picking her up from uni. He was going in to work to help set up and give his coworker some much needed time off. He’d been spending so much time with Lisa he made sure his mate was safe and getting to know her, that he had been flaking on work and his friends had been covering for him. Today, he’d told them to have the morning off and he would do setup. His sisters said they’d hang around after lunch and watch out for Lisa.

  So far, the university had been safe, but Dax had this niggling feeling that someone was watching him or Lisa, maybe them both. He was probably being paranoid. Dax wasn’t taking any chances with his mate though; it was why he had missed so much work and wanted his sisters to watch her today while he couldn’t.

  “Surprise. Surprise. You’re alive. This is the first time I’ve seen you in over a month, Dax.” Lex, his friend and the owner of Hot Stuff, the club Dax worked at, leaned against the backdoor entrance.

  Rolling his eyes at his dramatic friend, Dax pushed passed him and into the club. “I’ve been around.” He had been at work and even spent a couple of nights doing security. Well, he had since his sisters seem to adore Lisa and stayed with her while he went to work.

  “You do know that I’m now down two men. You and Dolton finding mates hasn’t been good for me.” Lex slapped Dax’s back and he stiffened so he didn’t jolt forward from the touch.

  Glaring at Lex, Dax went down to the basement and picked up a couple of wine boxes and came up to the bar. Lex sat on a bar stool with a huge shark grin. This was one of the times you could really tell what type of shifter he was. His smile was the only thing that gave him away as a shifter. When he used it usually meant he was up to no good.

  “Do I even want to know why you have your evil smile on?”

  The shark wiggled his eyebrows. “Did you know that a nun just booked?”

  “Are you joking?” Dax wasn’t sure if Lex was pulling his leg or thinking up something atrocious to have ready for the nun.

  “Nope.” His ‘p’ popped and Dax knew then Lex was up to no good.

  “Dare I even ask what you’re going to do. Are you sure it was a nun?”

  “Oh, it wasn’t just any nun, it was Sister Mary Donver.”

  “No way.” Sister Mary was one of the major haters of shifters. She voiced her concerns about them to the media on a weekly bases and at least once a month she holds a protest out the front of Hot Stuff. “When is she coming?”

  “Apparently tonight.” He leaned back on his stool balancing.

  An uneasy feeling settled in Dax’s stomach. “What exactly did she say to you?”

  “She just gave us a warning that shit was going down.”

  Getting his phone out he called Rochelle, and when she didn’t pick up, he rang his baby sister Sasha, and it rang out too. His tiger begged to be let out and hunt. His stomach rolled and when Sasha didn’t answer, his grip on his phone tightened so much that it smashed into pieces.

  As the pieces fell to the floor, Dax jumped over the bar and ran for the door. He had to get to the uni.

  Chapter Six


  The campus guard had looked familiar. She was sure the first time she saw him a month or so ago that he looked like someone she’d seen before, but blew it off as having seen him around campus. Now as he stood over a knocked-out Sasha and Rochelle, with Helen and Bruce beside him, she knew where she’d seen him before, at the church her foster parents made her go to. This explained a lot. Like why she didn’t mind that Dax protected her while on campus, or more like followed her around like a lost puppy, or she should say tiger.

  “Be quick. That fucking creature keeps a close eye on this one. I don’t think he trusts the bitch.” The guard kicked an unconscious Rochelle and then Sasha. Helen and Bruce had tasered them at full charge too. Apparently that was the only way to put down a shifter.

  “Thank you, Jimmy.” Helen’s sharp voice sent fear striking through Lisa. “She will be going to Father Tomas and he’ll be purifying her.”

  No, no, no. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Father Tomas. Lisa had heard what that creep did to purify. He was a sick man. She’d escaped his clutches many times when she’d been made to ‘confess’, that Helen and Bruce made her do when they thought she stepped out of line.

  Fighting Bruce’s hold on her, she did everything she could to get away. She needed to get his hand off her mouth. Sucking in what she could, Lisa opened her mouth, which was harder than she would have thought, with his hand covering it so tightly, and bit down hard.

  “Lisa!” he yelled. His hand left her lips but not before his other back-handed her. Lisa fell to the ground, but not before she saw their group had gained student’s attention. This was what she needed.

  “Help! Call triple 0. Help. Please!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. She was grateful it wasn’t too late and there were still a lot of students around. Lisa’s last class had finished only moments before. The parking lot was as busy as other places on campus, but she was damn grateful it was the end of most classes and people were making their way to where she was and now saw her being taken by Helen and Bruce.

  She crab-crawled away, until she went to her knees and then pushed up to stand. Lisa kept her gaze on Helen, Bruce, and Jim. Bruce looked furious. She knew if he got his hands on her again, he’d do more than slap her.

  Helen marched toward her with a stern look on her face. “Lisa, you tell these people you’re fine. Get over here now and stop all this silliness.”

  She was crazy if she thought Lisa would go near them willingly ever again. “Hell no,” Lisa yelled. “Stay the fuck away from me.”

  “Language, young lady. That will just be another thing you will need to be punished for.” Helen’s voice was like a mother chastising their little girl. Lisa wasn’t theirs though, and she wasn’t a child anymore. “As you can see, our daughter isn’t in her right mind. That’s why we are taking her—”

  “No. Hell no. I’m not doing this anymore.” Lisa was done being the scared kid who always made sure everyone else was happy. She was done with Helen and Bruce. She’d been done with them since they’d come by and tried to take her away from Dax the first time. Placing her hands on her hips, she glared at the people that had terrorized her life and hurt the people she loved. “I’m done. I will be pressing charges. I will ma
ke sure my soon-to-be sisters-in-law do too.” Dax hadn’t asked her to marry him, but he did say being mates was more than a human marriage.

  “No,” Helen screeched. “No daughter of mine will marry an animal.”

  “Well, thank God I’m not your daughter.” She gave her best glare at the idiots before she went to stand protectively over Rochelle and Sasha. “I’m done with all your bullying. I love Dax White and I will never leave him willingly.”

  A huge white tiger jumped out of the car behind Bruce, Helen and Jimmy, and roared. Lisa couldn’t hold back the smug smile she knew that spread over her face when Jimmy peed his pants and Helen and Bruce almost ran away. The police sirens could be heard, and Rochelle and Sasha were staring to come to.

  The beautiful white tiger stalked toward her and Lisa knelt down to hug him. “Dax, you came just in time. Who’s the guy who drove you?” Obviously, he couldn’t answer in his tiger form.

  “Lex Great, at your service,” a smooth voice greeted her as she stood up and the man strutted to her. He was tall, not as tall as Dax, but close. His eyes were such a dark brown they almost looked black, and his short hair was slicked back. He was a very good-looking man, but couldn’t hold a candle to Dax.

  Running her fingers through Dax’s fur, she gave a chin lift in acknowledgement to Lex. “Thanks for bringing my man.” If tigers could purr, Lisa knew Dax would be now. He rubbed against her leg and his tongue licked her fingers.

  Turning her focus back on the now retreating university security guard and her former foster parents, her anger returned. “I will say this again now that Rochelle and Sasha are awake and Dax is here, I love Dax, and I am twenty-one years old, well above legal age to state what I want. I will press charges if you try to take me against my will again, and when I get home, I will be putting a restraining order on all three of you. I’m done being a victim. I will not let you treat the man I love the way you have.”

  Lisa felt the fur recede on Dax and all around her wolf whistles and lude comments followed. Dax gathered her into his embrace and instantly she felt safe, loved, and confident. He nuzzled her cheek, kissed it, and nibbled her ear. “I love you too, kitten.”

  Lisa’s heart soared, and even though she wanted to face the idiots who’d attempted to kidnap her, she wanted to make sure Dax knew how much he meant to her. She spun and Lex held out shorts, she grabbed them and handed the item to Dax, he shoved them on before she went back into his embrace. “I’m so lucky to have you. I love you so much.” Lowering her voice to a whisper she rasped, “Let’s get this done with the police and all this crap quickly, so we and go home and I can show you just how happy you make me.”

  His guttural moan, he muttered, “You’re an evil woman.” His hands slid down and squeezed her arse.

  On a squeak, Lisa turned in his embrace back to Bruce, Helen and Jimmy who had backed against the gathering crowed. The police were close enough that Lisa watched two cars pull up. The sea of people parted as four cops came into the rough circle the students had made.

  The oldest man with gray hair spoke first. “We received multiple calls about a woman being taken against her will. We were told she begged for help?” His gaze darted around taking everything in before they rested on Lisa in Dax’s hold. He studied Dax for a moment longer than he had anyone else and then stood straight, his left hand going to his belt that had his weapons. “Ma’am, step away from the man and slowly come toward me.” The other three officers followed the older one’s lead.

  Shaking her head, she stepped to the side of Dax, grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. “Dax is protecting me from them.” Lisa pointed at Helen, Bruce and Jimmy who were almost on top of a couple of bystanders. “Helen and Bruce Ray tried to kidnap me with the help of that…” she pointed to Jimmy, “…campus security guard. They attacked and tasered my two sister-in-law’s Rochelle and Sasha.” This time she jerked her head to Rochelle and Sasha who know stood at her other side. “I was hit and taken against my will. I will be filling charges and I’m sure Rochelle and Sasha will too.” Narrowing her gaze as the cop still didn’t drop his hand from his belt, she looked around at all the witness and could tell that some of them could see what was going on with this racist cop. Clearing her throat, she spoke in her loudest voice. “I’m sure most, if not all, the people here who witnessed what happened will happily tell you what happened and make sure it’s known that Dax and his sisters were saving me and I’ve very grateful to them.”

  “I’d be happy to show my gratitude too,” yelled a guy from her right.

  “I’d be damn happy to be saved by him anytime,” hollered a woman closer to the group of police.

  “I want those hotties to help me.” A guy added close behind Lisa.

  She heard a bunch more and watched as the cop relaxed his hand and knew he wasn’t going to get to be trigger happy on any shifters today.


  It wasn’t the quick process Lisa hoped it would be. There were a lot of talking and interviews with a variety of police. It was early hours of the morning when she and Dax made it home and into bed. She was exhausted and happy to snuggled into Dax and sleep.

  He stripped her of her clothes and she didn’t bother putting anything on before they got into bed. Resting her head on his chest she listened to the beat of his heart the steady rhythm lulling her to sleep.

  “Did you mean what you said tonight, Lisa?” His use of her name had her eyes snapping open and her rising to look at his face, not that she could see it in the dark, but she knew he could see her really well.

  “Of course. I love you so much. I never thought fate would gift me with someone like you. I thought leaving Bruce and Helen, I was escaping my fate, but instead I was running toward it.” Rising up, she captured his lips with her own, their tongues tangled in a way she knew their bodies would soon be too.

  Dax’s mouth left hers as his hands came down to settle her where he wanted. “I love you with every fiber of my being.” She believed him. She knew with Dax White, as her mate, she would never be alone again, and always felt safe and have family that love her unconditionally.



  Five years later.

  Dax watched the love of his life, his gorgeous mate, waddle over to the picnic table. Lisa was so beautiful pregnant. She wasn’t as big as she had been with the boys, she was pregnant with triplets then, now it was one. A girl. She asked every time they went to the doctors to check. She didn’t want any surprises. She certainly got that with their sons. She was told she was having twins, but when baby number three came out hidden by his brothers, let’s just say they were very surprised. Happy and blessed, but surprised. The boys looked just like him, the only trait they got from their mother was her easy-going nature.

  This baby was a girl though, and he hoped she looked just like his wife. Dax and Lisa had married in a quiet ceremony with family and close friends a week after Bruce, Helen and Jimmy were sentence and put in jail. They didn’t get as long as Dax would have liked, but he wasn’t worried because he had people watching them, and knew that if anything ever happened to Lisa or anyone in the family, they would be the first to go.

  His four-year-old boys came running as soon as Lisa sat down next to him, placing the salad which only she ate on the table. They knew it was now time for lunch and one thing his boys didn’t ever miss was a chance to eat.

  Moving closer to her, he wrapped his arm around her securing her to him with one hand. Leaning down he kissed her cheek before nuzzling her neck. “You look so beautiful.”

  She grunted and he leaned back just in time to see her turned to face him and roll her eyes. “I look like a whale.”

  “Mummy yous not a whale,” their youngest by half an hour to their oldest, Dion muttered as he piled on his plate six sausages and two meat paddies.

  “Yeahs. Yous ways more pretty,” Kellen, the oldest and the biggest sweet talker said.

  “Mummy yous always beautiful,” Andy, our middle
child, and never to be outdone added.

  Lisa’s giggle was music to his ears. It was one of his favorite sounds. “They’re right, kitten. You get more beautiful with every passing day. I love when you’re knocked up with my cub.”

  “You’re as bad as your boys.” She sighed and then giggled again. “At least this time you didn’t gift me with a litter.”

  Rubbing her back, she leaned back into his touch. “I’ll try harder next time.” Her giggling stopped and she inched away from him and shot a glare that had him chuckling at how cute she looked trying to look angry.

  “Don’t even joke about that Dax White.” She wiggled her index finger at him.

  Pulling her back to him, he touched her chin and tilted it up so she could look into his eyes. “I love you, Lisa White. I would have a whole football team with you because you’re an amazing mother and our children are perfect.”

  “We love you, Mummy.” The triplets did their crazy sync act where they said the same thing or did the same thing.

  Tears slid down Lisa’s cheeks and he wiped them away. “Kitten, don’t cry.” Kissing both her cheeks, Dax hugged her tight, laughing when his daughter kicked. He moved his hands down to feel the kick and Lisa’s hands covered his.

  “Thank you for saving me.” She brushed her lips over his.

  The boys made gagging noises and groaned, “Gross.”

  “You never have to thank me for anything. I’m the lucky one to have you for a mate.”


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