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The Alpha's Assassin

Page 9

by Rain Itika

  The pleasure was intense. Lara had never felt it before and now she needed more. The pressure was building again, letting her know she was close.

  "Let go.." he whispered in her ear and she did. She exploded. Pleasure raked her body, keeping her high for a while. He kept pumping until a growl escaped his throat. She could feel his release in her, seeping out and running down her thigh.

  He fell on top of her, out of breath and exhausted, just like her. She felt at peace like this is what she had needed all of her life.

  Roland rolled off of her, pulling her on top of him. They stayed silent for a couple of minutes when it happened again. Her heat surfaced again.

  "What is happening?" She looked confused, her voice lustful.

  "You waited too long, so it will take a while to satisfy." He replied, lust filling his voice as well. His body responded to her smell, making him hard again.

  "Do what your instinct is telling you." He guided her.

  The heat began to take over and so did she. She sat up, pushing him onto his back and straddled him. He used the opportunity to admire her beauty. Her breast was full, begging to be touched, and so he did. He molded and pinched each breast, rolling her hard nipples between his fingers.

  The action made her rock forward and backward on him, eager to be filled again. He pushed her back a little, making her align on top of him. She did not want to wait any longer, so she pushed herself down on him. Her scream filled the room as he filled her, hard and fast. In this position, she was able to take all of him, and she loved it.

  Without breaking a sweat, she started moving again, but this time she was in control. She needed more and so she took it.


  Hours had passed before they finally moved. Both of them exhausted from the effects of her heat. Roland was lying on his back with Lara cuddling on his chest, lazily drawing pictures with her finger. She wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible before returning to reality.

  "Are you alright?" He asked, brushing her hair away from her face.

  "Mmmmmm, just sore in places I never knew I could be." she let out a soft sigh, the movement reminding her as the aches slightly pulsed.

  She could hear his heartbeat against her ear, faster than usual. "Why is your heart so fast?"

  "A wolf's metabolism is faster than humans since all of our senses are heightened, including speed. The only downside is we are hungry all the time."

  "Is that going to happen to me." She asked.

  Roland tensed up, afraid to breach that talk. It was clear now that she is a werewolf, and somehow she had used witches blood to cover it up.

  Lara could sense his train of thought, so she sat up, prepared for the ill dreaded talk.

  "Yes, after your first shift, a lot of stuff will change. You will be stronger, faster, have better vision and intense smell. In both wolf and the human form." He explained.

  She took it all in, a thousand more questions flowing in her mind, but the biggest one is how.

  She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to ask the big question. "How is it I am a werewolf and not know it. I have not displayed any of those signs."

  Roland stared into her eyes, already knowing the answer. The question is, will she still deny it?

  "I have been thinking about that. The only logical explanation is your illness and the cure. The pain you felt could have been the heat starting and the injections were most likely the blood that would stop it. When did it first start?"

  "When I was around 14 or 15. Why is that important?" Lara covered herself with the sheet, her nudity making her feel uncomfortable with the current atmosphere.

  Roland pinched the bridge of his nose. The more they were talking, the more his suspicions were confirmed.

  "When a wolf is ready to turn, usually mid-teens, the heat will occur. In both females and males, the need to have sex will be overpowering and when they finally have intercourse, the wolf is released. We still do not understand why sex is needed, but that is our way. The longer a person waits, the more painful it gets. It seemed that when yours started, the people you were with told you you are sick and gave you the blood to stop it. You have taken it ever since and when you stopped, it came back 100 times worse."

  She was confused. That means the school knew what she was and they stopped her. "So the people I work for know about supernaturals. They know about me?"

  "It would seem like it."

  "But why?" Was all she managed.

  "I cannot answer that question." He looked at her with sadness in his eyes. His mate's whole life was a lie and he knew her heart was breaking.

  She shot up concerned. "Wait, yesterday you said wolves are born, does that mean my parents were also werewolves?"

  "Yes." He replied. "Do you remember them?"

  "Just bits and pieces here and there. They died in a house fire when I was five. After that, the institution took me in." A tear trickled down her cheek. Talking about it brought up the memories she was trying so hard to avoid.

  Roland saw the pain in her eyes and grabbed her into a tight hug and she allowed it. Being this close to him felt good, felt like she was finally home and belonged somewhere.

  "Do you remember their names? Where you lived? Maybe that will help to find out which pack they belonged to." He pulled away from her, looking into her eyes. She just shook her head no. She remembered nothing.

  "That is okay. I will ask Mark to look into it. There should be news reports about the fires within the wolf community." He comforted her.

  "He does not like me, does he." She asked.



  "Mark is different. We have known each other since we were small, but he had a different upbringing. His mother raised him, but she had certain believes that she pushed onto him. She believed that wolves are better than all other creatures and that we should not mix with other species." He explained.

  "But why does he hate me?"

  "Since your smell was covered and the only way to do that is witches blood, he thinks you are working with them. He despises witches the most."

  Lara kept quiet, absorbing the information. That would explain a lot, but by now he should know that she had no idea about all of this. She had been tricked, just like them.

  Talking about families made Lara curious about Roland's. The only people she met related to him was his grandmother. Where were his parents? Did he have any other siblings? So she took the plunge and asked him.

  "Can I ask you a personal question?" She whispered, afraid he might freak out like the last time.

  He just nodded his head.

  "What about your family?"

  Lara could hear his heartbeat going faster. She placed her hand over his heart, assuring him he was safe.

  "It is okay if you do not want to talk about it."

  Roland straightened up. "My family was killed years ago. Rogues slaughtered my mother, father, and baby sister. After that, I had to take over as Alpha."

  She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck, breathing him in, his scent calming her. He pressed her tight before letting go.

  "Did you catch the rogues?" She gazed up at him.

  His eyes shone black and Lara tensed for a second. The last time that happened, he had nearly killed her in a fit of rage.

  "No" was all he said. Anger dripping off of him. Lara moved back, afraid he might lash out.

  He noticed her reaction and Roland did not like it. He quickly grabbed her, pulling her back into him so he could smell her. It calmed him down a bit until his eyes cleared and his wolf fell b
ack into the shadows. Lara sat still, any slight movement from her could trigger him.

  They stayed like that until the sun started to set, both falling asleep again until a voice pierced the air.

  Lara was screaming, the pain agonizing. Her bones starting to break and shift. All she could do was watch as it happened and take it all in. Roland shot up, alerted.

  "What is happening?" She moaned, forcing her voice out past the screams.

  "The shift. Tonight is a full moon and we are forced to shift, and because it is your first time, it will be painful. It will feel like you are dying. Just push through it. I will be with you the whole time." He grabbed her hand, revealing to her that he is with her.

  Her voice started up again and mixed with the sound of breaking bones. Roland got out of bed and picked her up, knowing he had to get her out in the open soon. He ran down the stairs while both of them were naked, the other's eyes on them not a concern. He placed her down on the grass outside, watching her. He had no way of helping her. She had to do this alone.

  "Take a deep breath. Do not fight it, no matter how painful it gets." He brushed her hair away from her eyes, noticing the white color has now completely turned black. She was definitely becoming a wolf now, his mate.


  He stood outside, absorbing the rays of the moon. The full moon always doubled his power, and he loved it.

  Blood covered his whole body, head to toe. Not a single part of his flesh was visible, only his white eyes shone, alerting anybody he was standing there, as he mixed with the darkness around him.

  The power of the blood flowed through him. All of the creatures he had bled and killed to get it.

  A door opened behind him. He turned his head slightly to see who would dare interrupt this moment.

  "Sir, you wanted to see me." Bill, his most trusted worker stood there, fear showing on his face.

  He loved it. He surged in it, letting it absorb and empower him.

  Forward. He instructed him.

  Bill was scared. He had to move to him, having no other option. The man was a loose cannon and could quickly kill him, even if he has been loyal for many years.

  He stared at him as Bill stopped right in front of him, his eyes averted. He so wanted to choke him, to drain the life out of his eyes, but he had a job to do. His plan was about to be executed, and Bill was a big part of it.

  "Turn on her tracker. The time has come."

  Bill already knew who he was talking about. She was his daughter, his everything.

  "But sir..." he started to protest until a hand restricted his air.

  He was getting furious. How does dare Bill question his direct demands? The man tightened his hold on his neck, pulling him closer and lifting him from the ground until his feet dangled in the air, his eyes leveled with his.

  "Do you dare disobey me? You knew this was going to happen from the start. I gave into your little wish, but time is up. I will not repeat myself again. Get it done and once you have the location, sent in a squad to retrieve all of them. Dead or alive." He kept squeezing until Bill's eyes popped out, his face turning red. He let go, and Bill fell to the floor.

  Without saying another word, Bill got up and left him.

  The man turned back around, looking at the sky. Everything was falling into place and soon, he will have his revenge. Soon he will rule over all creatures, human and supernatural.


  Lara was finally free as she ran hard and fast. The power felt exhilarating, and she could not get enough of it. The woods in front of her stretched for miles and miles, the need to explore them bubbling over.

  In the beginning, she had struggled to stand an all four paws, but after a couple of minutes, and a few falling downs later, she was slowly walking, which turned into a jog, and finally a full-blown run.

  Her senses turned up to full blast. She could smell the dirt, the sweet scent of the flowers and the clean air. Her eyes had adjusted as well, her surroundings looking sharper and more precise. Her hearing was helpful now as she heard the sound of other wolves around. Their paws digging into the ground and their howls piercing the night, and right behind her was one of them.

  Lara immediately knew it was Roland. His scent engulfed her senses, reminded her of freshly mowed grass and roasted coffee. She thought it was a strange combination, but who was she to judge, she was currently running through the woods as a werewolf.

  The sound of rushing water caught her attention and she quickly changed her direction to get to it. When she was near, Lara slowed down to a jog to admire the area. The trees were denser with the grass fuller and greener. Some flowers popped up here and there.

  The sound got louder and when she jumped over a fallen tree, she was shocked. A small river lay in front of her. The water was sparkling like diamonds where the moonlight hit it, inviting her closer, and so she did.

  When she reached the water's edge, she bent her head to take a sip but stopped in her tracks. In the reflection of the water, a wolf stared back. The fur was as white as snow; the only color breaking it up was her eyes. It was the only confirmation that she was still around and not in some dream state.

  She bent down, letting the water ripple her image apart, to take a sip of the water. She was still new to this form and did not understand how to drink water, so she pushed her whole snout and mouth in to drink. It felt cooling as it rushed down her throat.

  Her ears perked up when she heard a twig break behind her, but she already knew who it was. The wolf was beautiful, with shiny brown fur and piercing green eyes. Roland patted forward, stopping right next to her. She felt a cold nose pressing into her fur and a sudden growl escaped her.

  He backed away slowly and she turned to him to say sorry but only a bark escaped.

  Stupid wolf form.

  She placed her paw in the water and splashed some on him. The playfulness the only way she could inform him that she was not angry at him. He seemed to understand because the next moment he was lightly nipping at her back paws while jumping around.

  Lara joined in on the fun. They bounced around the field, and on each other, almost like a game of tag. His teeth would bite her softly and let go, and she in return would swipe at him with her paws.

  A howl from afar rippled in the wind. Roland abruptly froze and looked around, his snout sniffing the air. He patted over to her, stopping close enough for their fur to touch. His bones started snapping and fur turned to flesh. Seconds later, he was standing in front of her, in all his glory.

  Lara enjoyed the view and let her eyes travel up and down. His skin was golden brown as his muscle stood out, the V on his hips drawing her gaze downwards. Her eyes stretched big when she saw his manhood clearly for the first time. How did she manage to fit him inside her? Explains the pain.

  He bent down, staring at her at eye level while he scratched her head. It felt good, making her tail wiggle.

  "Baby, I am going to need you to shift back. You are going to have to focus on your human body. See it in your mind, all the small details." He whispered to her reassuringly.

  She did what he said, picturing her hair, body and all the imperfections she had, down to the last scar and bullet hole. She could feel her bones shifting and changing, the pain still there but not as bad as before. She looked down at her paws, watching the fur disappear and her bare hands appear. The cool breeze brushed her body, alerting her to her naked state. She quickly covered herself as best as she could, using one arm for the top and the other for her bottom part.

  "Why so shy. I have already seen everything." Roland smirked at her, his gaze taking her in.

  Lara blushed, the comment made her more embarrassed.
  "Who made that sound earlier?" She said, trying to change the subject.

  "It was Mark, alerting me about the other wolves in the woods."

  She looked around hesitantly, trying to find them. Roland noticed her discomfort and wrapped her in his arms, "The wolves are from my pack. They all needed to stretch their legs."

  "Okay." She replied, pushing deeper into him. His body heat engulfed her, calming her down. A kiss was placed on her forehead and made her look up. Her breath hitched and her heart exploded.

  Looking into his eyes made her life whole. It made her feel loved and cherished. It made her feel like coming home, something she has never experienced before.

  "Lara..." her name brought her to him and her lips covered his. The hunger consumed her, kissing him like it was the last time. Their mouths were in battle, their tongues tasting and teasing the other.

  A small moan escaped her throat when he released her. "Mine.." was all she said.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw his eyes were black again. He was looking at her with pure lust, making the heat pool down below.

  "Wait," he said, as he pushed her slightly away. "Not here."

  "Why am I feeling like this?"

  "I am your mate. Your wolf knows this. It wants you to claim me." He explained.

  He was right. Lara had this deep-buried need to jump him right now and to bite him. She reached up to her mouth feeling her teeth grow and sharpen. She looked back to him, confused.

  "Like I said. Your wolf needs to bite me to claim the mating. I will have to do it, too." He explained, reaching out to her. "I will explain more later. For now, we have to go back to the packhouse. Some eager people are waiting to meet us."

  She gladly allowed him to lead her away. The hand around her waist leaving a trail of sparks on her skin.


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