The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1)

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The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1) Page 4

by Ivy Clyde

  I raised my chin, daring him to come at me.

  The guy decided to come at me with full force. He was twice as big as me but his stance was horribly imbalanced. All I had to do was step away at the right moment and stick out my toe to make him stumble.

  The slight distraction allowed me to catch hold of his thick wrist. A well-practiced move was enough to dislocate it. With a loud cry, his hold on the knife loosened. I ducked down, catching the weapon mid-air.

  “Anyone else wants to play?” I asked, pointing the knife at the gathered men around me.

  The crowd glanced at the two heaving, cursing men and immediately backed off.

  A surge of excitement flooded through me. I wiped my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand and placed the knife into my trouser pocket. I was keeping it as a trophy for winning the fight.

  A part of me was very aware of the change in my emotions. I never felt this alive or pumped-up during my training with Ethan or Pete.

  Was winning in a real-life fight this exciting?

  Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making my heart beat a hundred miles an hour. My vision felt clearer than before and I felt like I could take down the rest of the men littering the vast courtyard of the mansion.

  Calm down, a cold voice commanded from deep within me. Stay focused and look for information.

  I took several deep breaths and sat down on a patch of dead, dry grass. My mind focused on the information I’d already gathered some time ago. I had the address of a location where Boris Pavlov hid the children he smuggled to be sold later on.

  I knew I had to act fast to get the information to Nolan but there was no opening for me to escape at present. They hadn’t told us what to expect when we were brought in that morning. All the recruits had been told to stay in the courtyard until more orders came in.

  Impatience stung at me but I willed myself to stay focused. My gaze roved all over the windows of the mansion, trying to guess where Victor and Alexei were sitting that very moment. To my surprise, I wasn’t kept guessing for too long.

  Victor Sokolov was marching down the lawn, his silver-gray eyes fixed on me firmly. Alexei walked behind him, meeting my gaze with a cold, calculating stare.

  What fresh hell did I invite now?



  Old memories from my childhood rose in my mind as the turrets of the old mansion came in my view. There was a time when I was cooped up there with my mother for three months. Almost two decades had passed since then but I could still remember the sight of my mother’s pale face etched with fear as she held me tightly.

  Dad had been absent during that time, fighting the rival gangs who’d dared to go up against his authority. He returned to us only after he’d annihilated those who posed a threat to me and my mother.

  “Are you okay?” A deep voice asked from beside me.

  “Yes, Alexei,” I said. “Go back to your brooding.”

  He stared at me for a moment before turning away to look out of the window. Irritation sizzled inside me. Alexei was always closed off about speaking what he really thought, saving his expert comments for my dad.

  My phone buzzed inside the pocket of my jacket. Taking it out, I saw the phone screen lit up with a photo of my father. Think of the devil and he calls.

  Picking up the call, I spoke into the phone. “Dad?”

  “Are you at the meeting yet, son?” His familiar gravelly voice sounded in my ear.

  “No, not yet, but we’re almost there.”

  “Good,” he said. “There is something important I wanted to discuss with you.”

  “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

  A soft creaking sound in the background told me he’d just leaned back in his chair. “Alexei pointed out some troublesome inaccuracies with this month’s profit margins for Queens.”

  I glanced at my cousin who was still stubbornly staring out of the window, acting like he wasn’t listening to the conversation.

  “A certain club owner has been dipping his hands into the gang’s resources to satisfy his rather depressing addiction to snuff pornography,” Dad continued. “He is exhausting our resources which have led to a plunge in our profit margins. Do you know who I’m talking about?”

  “Of course, Dad,” I said with a smirk. Did he think I didn’t keep tabs on the old geezers making money off our business? “He’ll be at the meeting today.”

  “I’m glad you’re aware of the problem, Vicky.” His voice hardened as he continued. “I want you to use him to send a very strong message to everyone. The Sokolov Clan earnings are not a money pot where anyone can stick their filthy fingers in.”

  “Consider it done,” I said, feeling like this day wouldn’t be as deadly boring as I’d expected. There would be some fun and games to be had after all. “Anything else, Dad?”

  “Yes. A dealer didn’t offer a tribute yet.”

  By tribute, he meant fresh recruits for them to assess and allow into the gang’s ranks. There was a need to refresh the stale blood running through my father’s empire. Anyone that didn’t offer at least one tribute from their respective neighborhood looked very much like they weren’t loyal to the Sokolov clan and their future leader.

  A soft chuckle escaped me. “This man would be at the meeting too, won’t he?” I asked. “How unfortunate for him.”

  “Don’t discipline him,” blurted my father as if he could see the punishments I was planning in my head. “It is enough to let him know that this slight is something that must be corrected. Make him show how loyal he is to us.”

  Next moment, the call disconnected.

  Slipping the phone back into my pocket, I looked toward Alexei. “Right,” I said, calling his attention back on me. “Back to business regarding this meeting.”

  “Go on,” he replied, maintaining an impassive expression.

  “Dad wants me to address two associates that are out of line, one very and the other edging it,” I told him. “I am sure who the first one is but I have doubts about the second.”

  “Who is the first one?”

  “He said the man has a thing for snuff pornography and that he’s already used some of our resources. You know what that means, don’t you? He’s killed the women who worked for us. His depravity has caused us losses, Alexei.”

  Alexei nodded and pushed up his glasses further up his nose as he gave me his full attention. At that moment, he looked very much like he was in a meeting with my father.

  “It’s Frank Lopez,” I said. “Dad wouldn’t be this mad if he was doing this shit in one of his own nightclubs. Lopez has been administering Purple Orchid which belongs to the Sokolov Clan directly. Our men and women aren’t for him to use. He can’t kill them for his pleasure.”

  “No,” agreed Alexei.

  “I also happened to hear a rumor surrounding Lopez that matches Dad’s information. It is said that the lost profits from Purple Orchid might be fueling a new snuff pornography portal.”

  The car was close to the mansion’s gates now, so I hurried with my explanation. “I know for a fact Lopez had three dead bodies smuggled out of his private booth just two weeks ago. All female prostitutes, all severely strangled with their panties shoved in their mouths. I’ve been keeping tabs on him ever since and let’s just say his internet history is absolutely nightmarish.” I met Alexei’s grim gaze. “What are your opinions on this?”

  “Lopez is a fucked-up bastard who needs to be taught a lesson,” he said calmly. “How do you intend to punish him?”

  My lips curled up in an excited grin. “I’ve got an idea. All you need to know is that Lopez will enter the meeting but he won’t be leaving. Now, the second issue.”

  “Tell me.”

  “One of the dealers hasn’t sent a tribute,” I said, thinking hard on this issue. “Perez, Sanchez, and Langdon are all going to be at the meeting. While Perez and Sanchez have been consistent with their business, Langdon has been suffering from dwindling profits on cocaine distribution. I
heard his boys got busted a few months ago and he’s having a hard time selling his stash. I think it might be the reason he hasn’t sent us a tribute yet. His best men are all gone.”

  “What if it’s the other two?” asked Alexei.

  “They’ll be punished,” I said without hesitation. “They have no excuse for not supplying us with men. My last issue, who would be willing to kill Mayor Bayne for me?”

  “It’s yet to be ascertained. Don’t be hasty with this. I need more time to evaluate our options.”

  The car pulled through a pair of wrought iron railings, followed by the sound of crunching gravel as we headed across the wide entrance lawn.

  “I would have to check out networks and make sure whoever does it for us will do a clean job,” said Alexei.

  “I want him dead by spring,” I said as the car came to a stop.

  The driver got out and hurried to open the door at my side. A waft of cold breeze hit me as soon as I climbed out of the car. Taking a deep breath of the frigid air, I fixed my jacket buttons and smoothed the creases from my waistcoat.

  Appearance was everything and some of these men would be seeing me for the first time. It was imperative I carried myself with the same level of perfection as my father.

  Alexei came to stand beside me, looking stiff and emotionless as usual.

  I looked toward the front of the building and suppressed every dark memory the mansion brought up in my mind. It was now used as a quiet place to conduct meetings and as a boarding home to house the recruits.

  I walked toward the open doors of the entrance hall with Alexei keeping up with me. “I trust your advice, Cuz,” I said in a lowered voice. “But don’t advise against the punishment I choose like you did last time. This is something Dad is letting me handle and I want to make him proud.”

  “I won’t as long as you follow his commands. Let the tribute-less dealer still breathe after you’re done with him.”

  “Don’t worry, Cuz,” I said, letting a grin come over my lips. “He’ll be fine.”

  I followed a familiar route to reach the meeting rooms situated on the second floor of the mansion.

  Alexei pushed open a door and gestured for me to go inside. A few men were already waiting for us. I eyed the man who wouldn’t be leaving this room today. He gave me a jubilant smile as soon as his eyes met mine.

  I smiled back and took my place at the head of the table.

  The other members came in within the next five minutes and the meeting started right on time.

  As always, Alexei started his usual tirade about business deals and profit margins, and everything possible in between. Within minutes, I found my interest waning.

  It wasn’t that these matters bored me. I understood how my father’s vast empire operated. I was aware of how a tiny mistake could end up causing us major losses. What I wanted were hard facts.

  Why spend fifteen minutes showing me graphs and statistics when they could just give me the numbers and be done with it?

  “…and you’ll see, Master Sokolov, our latest investments are working brilliantly.”

  A file was placed before me and I realized one of the men had been talking to me this entire time. Glancing at the speaker, I noted it was Tom Kenzo, one of the skin dealers for our clubs.

  I opened the file and flicked through photographs of naked women. Resisting the urge to sigh, I stared up at the man who looked like he was waiting to hear my praises.

  “They’re all women,” I said. “Don’t you deal in men, Kenzo?”

  “No, Master Sokolov, my services provide only female clients.”

  “That’s half the potential profit margin lost. Why?”

  “It’s against my beliefs.”

  His composed smile wavered as I stared at him unblinkingly.

  “You get underage Cuban girls illegally smuggled into the country through Mexico and have an appealing catch about getting to fuck “authentic Latina pussy” and you have beliefs?” My eyebrows rose high on my forehead. “Start dealing in men by the new year or I’ll see that your taxes are increased.”

  “But, Master Sokolov—”

  “Personal beliefs are a hindrance to business. The Sokolov clan doesn’t run on personal beliefs, we run on profits. Stop favoring yourself over us, Kenzo, or there will be worse consequences than fucking taxes.”

  I spared a glance at Alexei. My cousin was silent which meant he didn’t object to my viewpoint. Good.

  Looking back toward the squirming man, I said, “Sell skin without discriminating or change your business ventures to cheap crack. Don’t make me repeat myself, Kenzo.”

  “…Yes, Master Sokolov,” the man said with a timid nod as he collected the file and went back to his seat across the table.

  I glanced around the table, enjoying a few moments of peace before someone else could take Kenzo’s place. My gaze shifted toward the wide glass window by my side. It provided an outside view of the courtyard. The grounds of the mansion were pleasant in summer but with winter approaching, it looked dull and lifeless.

  About half a dozen men were loitering in the courtyard. Even from this distance, I could see their ill-fitting cheap suits, wrinkled shirts, and worn shoes. A few of them didn’t even bother putting on something formal, wearing oddly colored sweatpants and looking like hobos.

  These men didn’t seem young at all. They were all in their mid-thirties with puffy faces, signaling hangovers or coming-downs.

  Irritation flickered through me. This was their idea of new recruits? Chubby, pug-faced, sloppy-looking men who couldn’t even dress themselves like self-respecting members of the gang?

  My gaze fell on a lone figure standing away from the gathered crowd. His sunshine-gold locks glinted in the weak wintry sunlight. He was looking toward the mansion and unknown to him, his face was turned toward me.

  The young man had a pleasant face with a straight nose and luscious, pink lips that made me wet my own. He wore a black suit but unlike the others, it was much better fitted to his lean frame. There were no creases or loose knees and shoulders. Even the collar peeking from the jacket was clean and white.

  Boris Pavlov’s sleazy voice sounded in the background but all my attention was captured by the young, handsome stranger.

  Suddenly, I noticed a tall, bulky man bump into him intentionally, hitting his shoulders from the back. I couldn’t hear the conversation between them but watched with interest as a second man in dark sweatpants joined them.

  A skirmish must have broken between them because the other recruits were starting to gather around them. My vantage point gave me a clear view of what was happening down there.

  I almost jumped out of my chair as the young man made a sudden move and ducked down to avoid a punch thrown by one of the goons. Next moment, he’d struck back like a snake, breaking off his opponent’s nose.

  Excitement like I rarely felt, flared up inside me.

  My fists clenched hard as pure thrill shot through me at the sight of a knife in the second thug’s hand. What would the young man do now?

  He stood his ground, looking terribly small and weak before his opponent. Would I be presented by the scene of blood and guts or would he be able to save himself?

  The young man moved surprisingly fast, hitting the man before he could take his aim. He was almost a blur to an untrained eye as he knocked the knife out of his rival’s hand.

  “Yes!” I cheered as the young man caught the knife before it could hit the ground. Straightening up, he pointed the tip at the men gathered around him, a challenging expression lighting up his delicate features.

  “…Victor. Victor?” Alexei’s voice made me turn toward him. At the front, Pavlov was looking at me with an inquisitive look on his face.

  They were all looking at me for an answer. I’d been so engrossed in what was happening in the grounds, I had no idea what they were even talking about.

  I glanced at the older men around me, a few of whom were staring at me with a smug expression, li
ke they’d caught the golden kid daydreaming in the classroom.

  “What I want to know, Boris, is this. Are you still making a profit?”

  “Yes, Master Sokolov,” he replied. “I’m always on profit.”

  “Then, fuck the rest,” I said, glancing at the photos of cops busting one of his warehouses. “If there are issues with local cops, you know what to do. Complain to my father and I’ll see to it that the person responsible for the crackdowns gets several broken ribs. That will remind him of who’s really in charge of the boroughs.”

  “Thank you, Master Sokolov,” he said with a tilt of his head. He still hadn’t removed his black shades. In fact, I’d never seen the man without them. For a brief second, I wondered whether he fucked his women in them and had to suppress the urge to gag at the image my mind conjured.

  “Master Sokolov,” said Perez from the corner. “I have to lodge a complaint too.”

  “Get out!” I bit out impatiently.


  “Out! All of you,” I said, gazing around at the men seated around the long, rectangular table. “Go for a smoke or a piss, whatever, just get out of my sight.”

  I could sense their astonishment.

  They took a few seconds to comply with my demand but soon, the room was filled with the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor as they all got up to leave.

  When Alexei was the only person remaining in the room, I moved out of my chair and went to stand by the window. “Who’s that man over there?” I asked.

  Alexei came to stand beside me, his eyes focusing on the young man who’d grabbed my attention.

  “He’s probably a tribute,” he said. “I don’t have information on them yet as they haven’t been chosen and inducted into the gang yet.”

  “I like him,” I said at once.

  The young man had sat down on the brown grass, scowling at anyone who dared to stare at him.

  “What do you mean you like him?” asked Alexei with a hint of emotion in his usually detached voice.

  “He’s pretty,” I explained as my tongue darted out to lick at my bottom lip again. “He’s pretty, and you know how I feel about pretty men, Cuz. The rest of the men down there are all hideous.”


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