The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1)

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The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1) Page 6

by Ivy Clyde

  Flopping onto the bed, I hoped I wouldn’t be tortured by visions of a purple-faced, gagging man. To my relief, I fell asleep easily because of pure exhaustion.

  The gray light of an early winter morning greeted me when I opened my eyes again. The watch on my wrist told me it was close to eight in the morning. No one had come in to wake me up and I was grateful for the small mercy.

  My stomach was calmer but it felt hollow. A dull ache started below my ribs, reminding me of the violent puking episodes of last night. My clothes reeked of vomit and sweat.

  I didn’t want to take my clothes off here but couldn’t risk the foul odor wafting from my body to make me sick again.

  Opening the small duffel bag, I noted the jumbled contents sitting inside it. Someone had gone through it and combed it for weapons. Of course, I’d put nothing inside it except for a few shirts, trousers, and a kitbag containing men’s toiletries.

  I brought out a pair of fresh shirt and trousers and headed into the bathroom.

  Hot water gushed out of the showerhead. Another thing to be grateful for while I was forced to stay in this place.

  The shower was refreshing but it ended up making me feel warm and drowsy, but there was no way I could waste time taking a nap. I had to get in touch with Nolan and tell him about the events that occurred yesterday. Most importantly, he had to know about the warehouse where Boris Pavlov kept the children he smuggled in from other countries.

  I got dressed and stepped out into a dimly lit hallway. The place was empty other than a few lower members of the gang loitering in the corridor. Everything was quiet. It looked like eight A.M. was too early for everyone here.

  No one stopped me as I went downstairs and walked out into the courtyard. Armed men guarded the area but no one posed any objections as I moved toward the vast gates of the property.

  I was empty-handed and clearly weaponless. None of the guards felt threatened by a lowly recruit going for a stroll.

  It was a long walk to reach a street from where I could get a cab to drive me downtown. I needed to get to a convenience store to buy some food and a cheap disposable cell phone so I could get in touch with Nolan.

  The cab dropped me on Roosevelt Avenue. Even in those early hours of the morning, the place was teeming with life. I walked down the street, looking for a convenience store.

  I entered the first shop I came across and hurriedly looked for a cheap phone. The quality didn’t matter since it would be thrown away after a single call to the number Nolan made me memorize.

  On the way to the checkout aisle, I picked up a bag of doughnuts. Ethan’s frowning face rose in my mind and I could hear him berating my choice of breakfast, but at that moment, I needed the sugar rush to get me through what I needed to.

  “Is there a coffee shop nearby?” I asked the middle-aged woman at the cashier’s desk.

  “You’ll find one a few shops down this street. Just keep going and you’ll find it, but a word of advice. The coffee there is shit.”

  I chuckled and thanked her.

  Walking out of the store, I tore open the bag of doughnuts and took one out. Taking a large bite, I kept walking down the street, looking for an empty alleyway behind the stores.

  After witnessing what happened to a traitor, I felt the need to be extra careful. What if a gang member was keeping an eye on me at that very moment? There was no way they could hear what I had to tell Nolan.

  Devouring two more doughnuts, I slid into a narrow alleyway between the back of two shops. The place reeked of garbage and piss which naturally kept people away. It looked empty and felt safe enough.

  Taking the phone, I made the call.

  “Danica?” Nolan’s tone was terse but not rude.

  “I’m in, Chief.”

  “You’re in?” he said in a gruff voice. “Talk to me in more detail. You can talk, right?”

  My eyes darted around the alleyway. There was no sign of movement nearby. “Yeah, I can talk. I’m inside Sokolov gang now. Ivan’s son welcomed me in yesterday.”

  “The heir? You mean…”

  “Victor Sokolov invited me in. Boris Pavlov was also interested in me but he didn’t get to have me. I think I belong to Victor now.”

  “Belong to him? As his lackey or something else?”

  “I’m not really sure what he wants from me,” I said slowly, thinking of the moment when I first laid my eyes on him.

  He’d been so close to me as he took drags from my cigarette. The heat seeping from his body had driven the chill of the morning air, making me crave his presence and warmth.

  “Danica?” The chief’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.

  “I was standing in the grounds of a mansion, freezing my ass along with a dozen recruits when he just walked up to me on his own,” I said, narrating the incident rather than telling the chief how Victor made my heart pound. I was sure he didn’t need details like that. “He asked me who I worked for,” I continued. “He didn’t seem to know Pete but he still asked me to join his meeting.”

  “There was nothing else that could have awakened his interest in you?”

  I thought about it for a moment and remembered the small skirmish I had with two of the recruits. “He might have seen me fight the two dudes who thought they could bully me.”

  A soft chuckle sounded from Nolan’s side. Next moment, he coughed and cleared his throat. “Tell me about this meeting.”

  “I have a feeling Boris and Victor don’t like each other. Boris didn’t say anything but I could feel his dissatisfaction when he saw me with Victor.”

  “Signs of discontent between the two,” noted Nolan. “Good. What else?”

  “Do you know Juan Lopez?” I said. “Owns several clubs and deals in prostitutes and slaves like Boris Pavlov. Previously wanted for several assault cases and attempted rape. He’s off our hands permanently now. Victor saw to it at the meeting.”

  “You saw him getting killed?”

  I nodded and realized Nolan couldn’t see me. “I saw him being strangled to death,” I said as a shudder ran through me. “I don’t know how I’m still talking to you. I thought I was going to hurl right there. Victor, he is—”

  I was suddenly out of words.

  What was Victor like? I wasn’t exactly sure myself.

  He’d been intimidating to most of the men around him, cruel to the man who cheated him, generous with the guy who killed for him and to me, he was...flirtatious?

  “Danica?” Nolan urged after a few seconds of silence on my end.

  “I’m right here,” I said. “Listen, Cap. Victor Sokolov is ruthless. He doesn’t tolerate insubordination. Our guess has been proven correct. He’s conducting a purge. He is determined to weed out the corrupt and disloyal men from his father’s army.”

  “Do you think he’s doing it on his father’s orders?”

  “Partly,” I said slowly. “Ivan could take care of disloyal followers on his own but he’s letting his son handle the disciplining. This purge seems to be Victor’s personal project. He is taking control of things.”

  A hum of satisfaction sounded on the phone. “You’re really the best person we could’ve sent for this operation, Danica. No one has such a thorough understanding of Sokolov gang dynamics like you.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I muttered.

  “You’re doing well, Danica,” said my captain in a grim tone. “I know it’s not easy but you’re the only one who can do this.”

  I let out a long breath. “There’s something else too, Cap. Do you have a pen and a notepad near you? I am giving you an address. I got it off Boris Pavlov when he was on the phone with someone.”

  “What will I find at this address?”

  “One of his warehouses where he keeps stolen and smuggled children. He sells them to buyers and other dealers. Check it out. I’m sure you’ll be able to make some arrests and rescue some kids at the same time.”

  “Give me the address.”

  “1256 Cherry Drive i
n Bronx.”

  “Got it.”

  “That’s all I have for now,” I told him. “I’m not sure when I can make another call. They could have people following me. It’s best to lay low for a while.”

  “In case of an emergency, you can use a cybercafé to send us an email. Use the email address we gave you and delete the cache after use.”

  “I’ll do that. Tell Ethan I’m in and that I’ll gather more intel soon.”

  “I’ll let him know. We’ll take care of the streets and you focus on staying alive and undercover.”

  I ended the call. Taking a deep breath of the reeking air, I threw the phone on the ground. The hard impact was enough to crack the screen. Using the heel of my shoe, I stamped on the object several times, making sure it was completely destroyed.

  Picking up the pieces, I scattered them in the garbage bins close to me.

  With that taken care of, I chewed on the last two remaining doughnuts before walking out of the alley. It was better to get back to the mansion as quickly as possible so that they didn’t start wondering where I’d disappeared to.

  My mind felt much calmer and relaxed after talking to Nolan. I was able to give him all the information regarding the murder of Juan Lopez as well as the address to Pavlov’s warehouse where he kept stolen children.

  With nothing to worry about for the moment, I allowed myself to think about Victor Sokolov. Not as a future mob king but as the kind of man he really was.

  He’d been merciless when it came to doling out punishments but when it came to interacting with me, he’d been borderline flirting. The thought was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

  Victor Sokolov flirting with me? I shook my head at the thought. There was no way he’d have done that even if he had a thing for other men.

  He’d merely turned on his charm to get me under his sway, like he’d done with the men at the meeting yesterday, but still, I couldn’t forget the way his gaze lingered on my lips and down my body, like he’d been trying to undress me on the spot.

  My hand brushed over my knee, the same spot where he’d rested his hand while another man was being choked before me. His silver eyes had been warm then.

  Victor’s beautiful face flashed before my eyes but next moment, it was replaced by the sight of a gagging, purple-faced man with small beady eyes that were popping out of their sockets.

  “Fuck!” I cursed as my stomach heaved hard, making me double up. “Get a grip!” I told myself as I struggled to suppress my lurching gut.

  None of the men present at the meeting acted this way. They’d all watched the scene without flinching. I was never going to make it in the gang if I didn’t stop vomiting and shaking at the sight of violence.

  It’s not as bad as Nolan had it, I told myself. The guy had been stabbed and shot when he was undercover.

  Still, I doubted I could forget the rasping sounds coming out of Lopez’s mouth as he was gagged and strangled. The scene would probably be etched in my mind for a long time to come. It would become part of my nightmares that would keep me awake at night.



  The elevator came to a smooth stop.

  “Call me if anything comes up,” said Alexei, stepping out through the open door. This was his way of saying goodbye each time we parted at his floor just below my penthouse suite. He strode down the hallway without another word as the doors slid closed.

  I couldn’t wait to step into my home. It had only been a day but I missed the comfort and privacy of the penthouse. After the clean-up yesterday, I was called away by my father to give him a thorough report.

  Dad was impressed by the way I’d used Langdon to punish Lopez. The traitor was dead and a good dealer got to prove his loyalty to the gang. A smile came on my lips as I thought of the handsome young man who’d blurted out the idea to me.

  My mother didn’t allow me and Alexei to drive back to our apartments, insisting we spent the night there. She even cooked us dinner, making sure both Alexei and I were stuffed to our necks with her delicious food.

  We came back to the city but business kept us busy the whole day. Alexei went away to collect accounts from the nightclubs supervised by Lopez while I spent time talking to prospective people who could take Lopez’s place.

  It had been an exhausting day and I just wanted to get home and bury my head in River’s lap.

  The elevator doors slid open to reveal the entrance hall of my penthouse suite apartment. Walking out, I was met with the sight of River lounging on a coffee table in a lotus-pink robe. The front of the robe was loosely tied, giving me a glimpse of the planes of his flawless skin and defined pecs.

  River’s luscious lips curved into a warm smile as soon as his gaze met mine. He let his finger lightly brush over the curve of his Adam’s apple, attracting my attention to the collar around the slender column of his throat.

  The piece of pink leather threaded through links of pure, gleaming gold was familiar to me. It was the one I’d bought for him and personally engraved with the name “Sugar”. I’d sat between River’s legs with the engraving tool to scratch the letters into the gold. Keeping his arms slung over my shoulders, River had watched me while his warm, gentle breaths feathered the back of my neck.

  River’s collar was signed my own hand, making him indisputably mine.

  “Rough day?” he asked, cocking his head as he lifted a flute of champagne. His blushing pink cheeks told me he was already a little drunk. Getting off the table, he sauntered over to me. “Let me take care of you.”

  Taking the glass of champagne from his hand, I gulped the cold liquid and sat down on the couch. River climbed up beside me and filled my glass again.

  He looked absolutely ravishing under the bright lights of my vast living room. Locks of his silver-blonde hair fell into his deep violet-hued eyes that were staring up at me. His skin was smooth like glass and the light flush on his cheeks reminded me of plum blossoms in spring.

  “Why are you staring like that?” he asked, his luscious lips curving into a smile.

  I let my hand graze against his inner thighs, eliciting a soft moan from his lips. “You have no idea how much I missed seeing you,” I said, grazing his cheek with the back of my hand.

  I swallowed the rest of my champagne in one gulp and grabbed River’s wrist. “Let’s put that collar to good use,” I said, tightening my hold on his wrist.

  Standing up, I pulled him to his feet and dragged him to the master bedroom.

  “I thought you’d be too tired for this,” he said, easily keeping pace with me.

  I scoffed. “Is that the reason you’re wearing that robe and that collar?”

  River chuckled. “I just wanted you to see, Victor.”

  I halted in my steps and stared at his grinning face. He was making me laugh with his stupid joke. As if I could just see and not proceed to touch him.

  This was the reason I never regretted stealing River for myself. He always made me feel good after a hard day’s work.

  With a sudden move, I shoved him down on the bed.

  River giggled drunkenly as I fell on him and nearly tore off the robe to get to his naked skin. This wasn’t a new dance for us but River’s chuckles, breathy and sweet, still affected me the same way. A coil of heat spread through my core, making my cock harden with need.

  “Let me make you feel good,” whispered River as he started unbuttoning my shirt.

  When my clothes were all gone and River wore nothing but his collar, he placed a hand on my chest and made me lie down. He got on top of me and captured my lips in a searing kiss. Our tongues danced together in a frenzy, making fire course through my veins, burning the exhaustion I’d been feeling earlier.

  With a sudden move, I closed my legs around his hips and bucked underneath him, bringing him crashing down on the bed.

  “Victor,” he gasped, panting hard. River was on his stomach, his face pressed to a pillow. Straddling his thighs, I loomed over him. This is the position I alw
ays liked him in.

  River’s pale, round ass was smooth and full, the taut skin lit up by the warm glow of the bedside lamp. Keeping him pressed down, I grabbed two handfuls and leaned down to suck up a mark on one creamy cheek before smacking it hard.

  River moaned loudly. “I was good all day, Master,” he said with a pout.

  “Don’t lie. You’re always naughty, Sugar,” I said, smacking his ass again and watching the mounds jiggle.

  He groaned. “Isn’t that how you like me, darling?”

  I smirked and leaned down to trail a line of kisses along his spine. His body shivered with each press of my lips.

  My lips twisted in a grin. River was always so responsive, his reactions were enough to make me go hard.

  “I want you right now, Sugar,” I murmured against a cheek.

  He turned around and gazed at me with a mischievous look in his beautiful eyes. “What do you wanna play with today, Master?” he asked in a husky voice.

  I shook my head. “No games tonight. I just want to fuck you.” Moving over to the bedside cabinet, I brought out a tube of lube. Setting it beside him on the bed, I ran my hand up his bare back and into his silver-blond hair.

  He closed his eyes when I pulled at the strands, just hard enough to make him groan. Letting go, I ruffled the thick, silky locks. I loved how River looked with messed-up hair. It reminded me of how he looked right after sex, well-fucked and thoroughly satiated with lust-glazed eyes and flushed skin.

  My dick hardened at the thought.

  Focusing back on the beautiful man before me, I noticed him biting his bottom lip, turning them a bright red. Leaning over, I sucked those lips and swiped my tongue over his, tasting the lingering sweetness of my favorite champagne.

  Cupping the back of his head, I held him close and deepened the kiss, seeking more of the heady sweetness. River made little whimpers and moans, melting into the sheets underneath him.

  I kissed his bare shoulder and down his warm skin to the center of his chest. The scent of rose and chamomile wafted into my nostrils, the floral notes that always clung to him after a shower.


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