The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1)

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The Heir: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sokolov Mafia Clan Book 1) Page 19

by Ivy Clyde

  Victor threw away the ridiculous flowery apron and joined River at the table. Soon, a comfortable silence spread over us as we got started on our food.

  Ginger padded over to River and sat down at his feet. From time to time, I spotted him feeding Ginger bits of bacon and sausages.

  “You’re going to be busy today,” said Victor, looking over to me. “I need you to look into the accounts of Tommy Regio. My men are complaining against him and I need to know if he’s worth keeping around.”

  “Sure,” I said.

  “And you’re accompanying me to a party tonight.”

  “A party?”

  “Mayor Bayne’s private charity gala,” he added with a smirk.

  I almost lost interest in my bacon at the mention of that name.

  “Let him eat first,” said River, offering Victor a piece of apple at the end of his fork. Turning his attention to me, he added, “You were working for him last night too, weren’t you, Danny? I heard you helped him clean his gun.”

  “Yeah,” I said but the way River was smirking at me, I doubted he was talking about some gun cleaning. Swallowing the piece of bacon stuck in my throat, I added, “He said you don’t like guns, so I agreed to help him.”

  “Danny is inexperienced but he did a great job despite that,” said Victor, turning on the intensity of his eyes. “He’s very good with a gun.”

  My cheeks heated up as I remembered Victor comparing guns to a cock last night.

  “Do you like guns, Danny?” asked River, piercing me with his beautiful eyes.

  Was he talking about a gun? Or a cock?

  “I don’t fear them like you,” I said. “But I know they’re not toys.”

  River leaned forward, his eyes focused on me.

  “Guns aren’t bad, River,” I said in a gentle voice. “They can be used for protection. They can be used to kill. It all depends on the person holding the gun.”

  “What about you, Danny?” he asked in a suddenly grim tone.

  “I’ll use my gun to protect you.”

  River stared at me. His violet-hued eyes went wide, making him look awfully innocent and vulnerable.

  “Eat, River,” said Victor. “Ginger is cleaning away all your food.”

  The cheeky doggo was caught stealing a long piece of bacon from River’s plate. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me at the sight. Ginger whined and ducked her head under the table.

  “She’s been a good girl,” said River. “Just like Danny. I wanted to reward her.”

  I suddenly lost my appetite. It burned my insides to hear the truth coming out from River’s lips so casually. I supposed I was nothing more than a pet to Victor as well.

  “Besides, I’m thinking about going on a diet,” said River.


  “But I need to be skinnier to pull off those slim-fit chinos that are all the rage right now.”

  “I said no.” He’d already grabbed a fistful of River’s ash-blond hair. “I like you the way you are. Your clients like you the way you are.”

  River didn’t make a noise as he looked into Victor’s furious gaze.

  “If I wanted to keep a twink, I would have done so already,” said Victor. Letting go of River’s hair, he stroked it into place. “I hate weak men. You know that, babe. I like you exactly the way you are. Don’t change anything.”

  I glanced at River and caught the disappointment in his face. While I agreed with Victor about him looking perfect just the way he was, River had the right to do what he wanted with his body.

  He’s not too different from me, I suddenly realized. We both belonged to Victor and he saw us as nothing but pets.

  “Yes, master,” said River, scowling openly.

  Victor took a sip of orange juice and smirked, looking like the devil himself.

  The brush of a soft, warm body against my legs made me glance down. Ginger was looking up at me with large, needy eyes. Taking a piece of bacon from my plate, I held it out to her. She gently pulled it from my hand and gobbled it up.

  The sound of a buzzing ring startled me.

  “I’ll check,” I heard River say. He hurried toward the sitting area and spoke into an intercom set up on the wall by the main door. “Who is it?” he asked.

  “There’s a delivery for Master Sokolov,” said a male voice. “It’s from Jacque Du Pont.”

  River glanced at Victor and smiled. “Send it up,” he ordered.

  “Just in time for the gala,” said Victor with a satisfied look on his face. Wiping his mouth on a napkin, he stood up and went to join River in the living room.

  I gave Ginger the rest of my bacon and moved away to join them.

  Five minutes later, two men in crisp black suits entered the apartment with boxes and several suits in protective covers. River commanded over them, making them pile up the boxes at the foot of the couch and the suits on a chaise lounge.

  Victor moved forward to check the boxes. Opening one, he took out a pair of shiny leather loafers. “Excellent,” he said, eyeing the shoes with a satisfied grin. “Everything is here.”

  River sat down next to him and opened another box. Taking a bottle of perfume, he sniffed at the cap. “Cedarwood and rose,” he muttered appreciatively.

  “Well,” said River with a clap of his hands. “Give us a show, Danny!”

  “A show?”

  “These are all for you,” he said. “Put them on and show us so we can decide what would look best on you for the gala tonight.”

  “Do I have to go?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said Victor, his tone heavy with command and warning.

  I accepted my defeat.

  River handed me two suit bags and a box of shoes. “You can change right here,” he said brightly. “We don’t mind.”

  “I’ll just go over there,” I said, pointing toward the door of the bathroom. It was the only space in the entire suite that didn’t have glass walls.

  River rolled his eyes as he glanced at Victor.

  Taking the suit bags, I hurried into the bathroom before they could team up against me to force me to change my clothes before them.

  I put on a silken black shirt, amazingly comfortable trousers, and a black tuxedo. The feel of these fabrics against my skin made me want to close my eyes and just rub my cheek on them.

  I didn’t have to be an expert to realize Victor had gotten me a wardrobe worth more than my yearly salary as a cop. The tuxedo made me a stark difference in my appearance. I look polished.

  Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the bathroom.

  “Oh my!” River gasped as I marched toward him and Victor.

  Victor stood up and prowled toward me, his keen gaze taking me in from head to foot. He ran his hands along my sides and pulled me against him.

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip, struggling to stop the moans threatening to escape me. My body loved the feel of his hot, hard body against me.

  “No need to try on anything else,” he said in a low, husky voice. His fingers caressed my cheek while his eyes bored into mine. “You’re wearing this to the party.”

  I felt another hard body pressing against my back. “You look handsome, Danny,” River whispered in my ear. Another shiver ran through me.

  “You’re going to be my side the whole evening,” said Victor in a commanding tone. “Tonight, you’ll be all mine.”



  “Have you found anything interesting in Tommy’s accounts?” Victor asked from beside me.

  “You already asked Danny to look into him?” asked Alexei from my other side.

  Sandwiched between the two in the back of their sleek silver Mercedes, I didn’t know who to look at or answer. The three of us were headed to Mayor Bayne’s charity gala.

  “Tommy has been seen hanging out with people from outside our gang,” said Victor in a low, grim tone. “It could be something or nothing at all. Easiest way to tell is by going through the accounts.” He squeezed my knee. “Tell me,
Danny. What did you find out?”

  I took a deep breath, wondering what calamity I was about to unleash on the forty-year-old Tommy Regio. I knew him to be a drug dealer from the information in the police files but after going through Victor’s accounts, I realized he was also producing drugs right here in New York City.

  “Tommy’s production has been steady,” I said, struggling to keep my voice even as Victor’s hand moved up my thigh. “The distribution from the warehouse has also been steady. However, I think he’s been manipulating the numbers in the sales and profit department though. The man’s been desperately trying to hide his dwindling profits.”

  “What could that mean, Alexei?” asked Victor in a soft voice.

  “He is producing and selling our shit but not giving us our cut,” said Alexei. “He is stealing from us.”

  Victor scoffed, tightening the grip on my thigh.

  I clenched my teeth together, determined not to make a noise despite the pain as Victor’s finger ground my muscle and bone.

  “Why do they think they can steal from us?” Victor hissed. “Do they think this is the eighties and nineties that they could manipulate records and books? Are they so stupid as not to realize their betrayal can backfire on them? Do they not fear my father anymore?”

  “What do you want to do?” asked Alexei.

  “Get rid of him, of course,” replied Victor without pausing for thought. “He betrayed us. Tommy’s probably selling our stuff to someone else and taking their cash. He’s making money off our backs. I will not allow this. Dad won’t allow this.”

  “He won’t but I don’t feel the timing is right,” said Alexei.

  “It’s always a good time to get rid of these rats, Cuz.”

  I silently hoped Alexei would succeed in convincing Victor to delay his penalty on the drug dealer. If I could contact the department in time, Tommy would get punished by the law and Nolan would have another win from this undercover operation.

  A sharp squeeze on my thigh made me wince and look up at Victor. His silvery eyes were trained on me.

  “Will you help me, Danny?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I replied.

  A glimmer of a smile appeared on his grim face. “I’m glad I can count on you.”

  My insides grew cold at the thought of what I promised him. He was going to use me to dole out his punishment to Tommy. I could only pray it would end quickly without too much blood.

  A warm hand squeezed mine. I glanced up at Alexei. He didn’t say a word but his amber eyes seemed to know exactly how I was feeling.

  I let out a shuddering breath and gave a nod. Steeling my insides, I schooled my expression. There was no way Victor could see my hesitation in doing the job he’d lined for me.

  The car came to a stop beside a glittering hotel. I could see a crowd of reporters gathered on the other side of a boundary railing. This was, after all, Mayor Bayne’s event. The wealthiest and most elusive celebrities would be making an appearance tonight.

  A concierge opened the door for us. Climbing after Victor, I looked toward the open gates of the hotel’s lobby. Blinding camera flashes flared all around me as Victor and Alexei positioned themselves on my side.

  I felt both their hands clasp around mine as they led the way forward.

  A valet moved toward us to escort us into the main party venue. I glanced around the luxurious foyer, spotting actors and actresses, politicians, filthy rich philanthropists, and even a few police commissioners.

  We were led into a vast hall where the main crowd was gathered. My gaze took in the lavish gowns and glittering jewels on the women. The men who accompanied them wore tailored waistcoats and tuxedos. The air was heavy with the scents of their perfumes and the smoke from their cigars.

  A valet approached us with a tray of champagne flutes. Victor picked one and looked around the crowd, as if scanning the scene for a potential prey.

  Both Alexei and I refused drinks.

  “Mr. Sokolov, you’ve arrived,” said a greasy voice from nearby.

  “Of course, Manning,” said Victor.

  I recognized the newcomer as Jason Manning, the mayor’s personal secretary. He drew Victor away from us and took him toward a group of well-dressed men.

  “Let’s go over there,” said Alexei, pointing toward a corner of the room.

  I gave a nod.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, fixing his amber eyes on me.

  “Yeah,” I said. “It’s all very...” I waved my hand around vaguely, trying to come up with a word that could describe the ostentatious displays of wealth all around me.

  “I was asking about your job,” said Alexei. His glasses suddenly flashed white as he added, “Do you want to keep working for Victor?”

  My eyes widened slightly. Victor was the one I spent most of my time with but Alexei was the one who’d perceived my inner feelings. It was both comforting and slightly troubling. What else had he picked up on?

  “I’m honored to work for him,” I said.

  “You don’t mind the job he gave you?”

  “I don’t enjoy hurting people,” I said, meeting his piercing gaze. “But I do enjoy working with numbers and data.” Shrugging, I added, “It’s a job. I won’t complain about the hard bits.”

  “I can help you.”

  “With what?”

  Alexei looked away for a moment and closed his eyes. For a moment, I felt the urge to move away the strands of his auburn hair away from his forehead. He was older than Victor and seemed to be the only one other than his father who could keep a control over him.

  Alexei Sokolov was an enigma. I wanted to know how he’d kept himself away from engaging in the torture and killing of his cousin’s victims. The department files had no information on him other than his relationship with Ivan’s family.

  Gazing back at me, Alexei moved close to me. Leaning down, he whispered in my ear. “You’re not too deep in yet. I can help you get out of the gang.”

  It would have been an exceptional offer if I wasn’t an undercover cop who had to stay exactly where she was. Alexei’s gaze was sincere. He wanted to help me and it tore me up inside to reject his offer.

  I stared up at him, feeling trapped in the pull of his amber eyes. “I want to be close to Victor,” I said.

  He frowned at me because he couldn’t detect a lie in my face.

  There was a very depraved, crazy part of me that truly craved to be close to Victor. He was like the forbidden fruit the devil kept tempting me with. I knew I shouldn’t want him, but was powerless against him at the same time.

  A hand grabbed my elbow and suddenly wrenched me away from Alexei.

  “What were you doing?” Victor hissed through clenched teeth.


  “Come with me.” Tightening his hold on my wrist, he dragged me away from Alexei.

  Confused, I stumbled after him.

  Victor never seemed angry when River openly flirted with me. Why did he have to get mad about Alexei who didn’t even seem to have a thing for men?

  The sudden silence falling over us made me glance around. Victor had brought me into a much smaller hotel room. The hall was still extravagantly luxurious but seemed more like a venue for seminars rather than a party.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  “Bayne sent this for me,” he said, holding up an elaborately carved crystal decanter filled with a honey-gold liquid. “The fucker thinks I’m going to keep supporting him. Let’s drink this here before going back to mingle with the rest of the sheep.”

  “What about Alexei?”

  “What about him?” he asked in a cold tone. The look in his eyes told me I was toeing a dangerous line with the question.

  “I thought you’d want to share it with him,” I said in a small voice.

  The anger darkening his expression lightened at once. Chuckling softly, he leaned into me. “He’s family but I don’t have to share everything with him, especially you.” His face was close to
mine now and I could feel his warm breath feathering my skin.

  He chuckled when I raised my head.

  “I don’t know how you hide it,” he whispered and brushed his lips against mine.

  The sudden sound of clapping and a wild laugh startled me. Victor frowned and turned around. Peering around him, I found a familiar person standing at the doorway. It was Andrew Morrison, the guy we’d met only a few days ago.

  I blinked against the camera flashes from his phone as he snapped photos of me and Victor.

  “Why is he doing that?” I asked, holding my hands up to shield my eyes.

  Victor’s jaws were locked together as he glared at the man unblinkingly.

  Morrison laughed again and sauntered toward us. Five bulky men in black t-shirts and jeans entered the room behind him. One of them shut the door and latched it.

  “The bastard has lost his mind,” said Victor through clenched teeth.

  “Do you know what happens to boys that kiss other boys?” asked Andrew in a soft but mocking tone. “They get the crap beaten out of them. Have you forgotten what happened to you in school, Vicky?”

  I didn’t know anything about Andrew Morrison’s relationship with Victor, but they were both sons of affluent, wealthy men. Were they peers? Did they go to high school together? Did Andrew Morrison ever bully Victor?

  The thought sent a flare of rage burning through me. “Do you know what happens to people who fuck with a Sokolov?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  Turning his attention to me, Andrew let his maddening rage show on his face. “My father has thrown me out, cut me off and disowned me,” he shouted. “All because of him!”

  “You shouldn’t have pissed him off the other day,” I said calmly. “Get out of here and things won’t get any worse for you.”

  He sneered at me. “How dare you tell me what to do? You’re nothing but his bitch. I’m going to enjoy watching my men tear you apart before finishing him off.”

  Victor grabbed my hand and tried to pull me behind him but I resisted. “Don’t worry about me,” I said in a low whisper so only he could hear me. “I’m going to protect you.”

  Victor stared at me, the intensity in his eyes making my heart pound hard but he didn’t try to shield me anymore. He stepped beside me and faced Andrew Morrison with cold hatred in his silvery eyes.


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