The Path Now Turned (The Three Realms Book 2)

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The Path Now Turned (The Three Realms Book 2) Page 14

by Colleen Connally

  There were no more words, only actions. Hands were upon her, holding her up.

  She heard a key click, unlocking her hands. Then, she fell back into his strong arms.

  Refusing to look at him, she tried to remove herself from him.

  No, he had come too late.

  “Do not touch me,” she uttered in a weakened voice. She pushed herself out of his arms onto the ground. “Leave me.”

  He paid her no mind. Taking his cloak, he covered her. He swept her into his arms.

  In her next heartbeat, they took to the sky.

  The Path Now Turned

  Cono landed upon a balcony that led to an open solar. The chamber was huge, with an enormous hearth. A fire burned brilliantly in front of a four-post feather bed with a thick eiderdown cover. Its pillars were carved with the wings of Sordarin flying.

  Tapestries hung on the walls. The high-back chairs were cushioned. The lavish furnishings of his private room did not go unnoticed.

  He sat her down on the tile floor beside the bed.

  Grimacing, she tried to turn from him.

  He ignored her.

  “Siegfried!” Cono’s voice bellowed.

  Kela heard footsteps hurrying into the room. Glancing around, she saw the page she had served with from the desert. He had grown a few inches, but his face remained the same. If he recognized her, he said nothing. His attention lay only upon Cono’s demands.

  “Go. I need supplies to clean her wounds. Now!”

  The young page turned on his heels and quickly exited.

  Cono wasted no time. He pulled back the cover. Turning back to her, he took hold of his cloak. She grasped tight to it, but he was stronger.

  The cloak was tossed to the floor. Kela climbed into the bed as expected, lying on her stomach. He took the cover up to the lash marks.

  Siegfried raced back in with a steaming bowl of water and cloths.

  “You may go.” Cono dismissed his young page, placing the water on the table by the bed.

  The lad turned on his heels and withdrew.

  An awkward silence ensued.

  Cono squeezed out the wet cloth and swabbed Kela’s wounds.

  Pain stung her back, piercing throughout her body. Involuntarily, she cringed.

  He paused. “I’m sorry, Kela,” he said in a low, deep voice. “I don’t mean to hurt you.”

  She found herself unable to speak. She wanted only to leave. Where? She didn’t know or care, but far away from here...from him.

  Her back throbbed. Her head pounded. Yet, neither hurt like her heart.

  Kela could stand it no longer. She slid away from his touch. She grabbed the cover and held it up against her.

  For a half heartbeat, she took in her surroundings. Quite the grandest bedchamber she had been in since she was a child.

  The linens felt soft against her skin. The furniture held within was of the quality of what she had left not long ago in Twiten’s rooms in the castle.

  Her eyes fixed on Cono as comprehension suffused within her. Her head began to clear…to think.

  “Do not do this, Kela. I need to finish cleaning your wounds. They are not as deep as they could have been. Samulic gradually inflicts his pain. Rest assured, I will take care of him. First, I will tend to your needs.”

  He moved toward Kela.

  In silence, she backed away to the edge and then, off the bed. She stood still.

  He stared at her...a long, hard stare.

  In exasperation, he threw the cloth back into the bowl, spattering water over the table and floor.

  “Then if you aren’t going to let me care for your wounds, tell me, Kela. Tell me how you are here. Why are you not in the Forbidden Forest?”

  “It is of little matter,” she said bitterly. “It is not your concern. I want to leave.”

  “Not my concern!” His voice rose, concealing none of his vexation. “I have been worried sick since this morning, learning there had been an episode in the Royal Garden. Did you not believe I would know it was you? What game are you playing?”

  She met his fury with her own. “Game I am playing? What nonsense are you talking of? I have played no game. I have only loved and been betrayed. I have only defended and been prosecuted by those I have protected.”

  “The renouncement? Is that what you are talking of? I never, never renounced you. I have done everything in my power to have you by my side! You were supposed to be in the forest, safe until I could bring you to Yucca. Was that not our plan? Did you not trust I would come?”

  “What, pray tell me, was I supposed to do when the shield fell and the Hallow Minions attacked?” Her voice quivered with anger.

  His face fell in obvious disbelief. “The shield fell? I have not heard of such.”

  “No? You would have known if you had checked upon me instead of deserting me.”

  “I have never deserted you. What is wrong with you?”

  “It may lie with your words you uttered to me, Cono. It may well lie with you making love to me. Telling me I was your mate. How, Cono? How? How could you leave me as you did? You marked me! Set me up for a renouncement! I gave you all I had to give. I loved you.”

  He took a deep breath in deep thought. Slowly, he walked around the bed. His eyes never left hers.

  She stepped back away from his grasp.

  “Kela, you know I love you. I have always. I did not lie to you.” Cono’s voice choked.

  “Do not play upon me anymore. I can take no more.” She shook her head, trying desperately to hold her emotions. “You knew you marked me when you took me on the meadow. You did not claim me and left me for humiliation.”

  “It was not that way, Kela. I didn’t know you would have come to Yucca without me. King Edulf did not allow my return to the Forbidden Forest, but I was assured that your welfare was being attended to by others.” He rubbed his forehead. “Why would I hold any doubt? You are our Euchoun.”

  “You have not answered why you would mark me…and left me to be renounced.”

  “I have spent my time maneuvering to have you by my side always, as I promised you. I will make all pay for what you endured this night.”

  She ignored his attempt to divert her attention. “How hard is it to tell all that I’m your true love? That I’m to be your wife. In that, you did not. Instead, I saw everything with my eyes… you dancing merrily with Amicia. Your betrayal has cut me deep, but I will mend.”

  She pushed past him. “I need to leave.”

  “Where now are you to go?” he demanded, frustration well in his tone.

  “It is of no concern of yours,” she answered, starting toward the door Siegfried had exited.

  He grabbed her arm, pivoting her around to face him.

  “The time is late, Kela. We have much to discuss.” He took both her hands, fearing perhaps she might retaliate. “I have never lied to you.”

  “Lie to me, Cono? It is all that anyone has ever done. I expect nothing more from anyone. Why would you be different? You told me once to trust you. I did and see where I am at—renounced. Now I will trust no one.”

  “I love you, Kela.”

  “Nay!” she cried forcefully. “Tell me anything other than that. Turstan tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen. I placed my trust within you. He told me all didn’t make sense about which you proclaimed. Now I understand. I saw this day.”

  “You don’t understand….”

  “I believe I understand all.”

  “No, you don’t. It wasn’t I. It was my grandfather.” He released her hands, reaching out to touch her face. “I wanted nothing of marrying Amicia. It was my grandparents’ wish. Grandfather went to the king without my knowledge. My grandparents hold high expectations upon me to marry well.”

  “I wasn’t good enough.”

  “Kela, you are so naïve! Has it not occurred to you that your importance to Scarladin and the king has placed you in the position you are in now? To the king, you are a Euchoun, nothing more. He wants you t
ucked safely away, but close enough if danger arises. He knows your instincts are to protect. He cares nothing of how you live, as long as you are there to protect when needed. He has made it clear to hide you from all eyes.”

  The words stung her, but he didn’t relent. “You want to know all! I asked King Edulf for your hand in marriage. He told me, plainly, it wasn’t needed. I should take you as my paramour. He is the one who won’t allow me to marry you. It was then he told my grandfather I could have Amicia’s hand in marriage.”

  “A paramour?” Her face fell. Her own grandfather had given her away to be a paramour!

  “Oh, Kela, I want not to hurt you.”

  She said nothing for a long moment before she whispered, “I have been a simpleton. There is no hope for us.”

  “No, I will never believe that. We are soulmates. In that, you know.” Cono moved closer. “I had no knowledge of the renouncement. It was kept from me. In that, I don’t understand. You have to believe me, Kela. It was not I!

  “When I heard about the Garden, I knew immediately it was you. I was with Falco and Silas. I know the call went out to find you…to protect you.”

  “Do not lie to me.” Johannes had told her different. She wanted no more lies.

  Cono pressed his lips together, contemplating. He shook his head. “I did not lie. Yet, I told not the whole truth. I suspect something is wrong with King Edulf. The king…he is the one who promised me he would find you… He told me to calm my grandmother… It is what I did.”

  Kela knew she could not dismiss dark magic was used in her renouncement. Yet, it was not the reason she had been renounced. She stared down at her mark.

  “After this evening, the renouncement will not continue. I have claimed you, Kela. All know you are mine.”

  Rage surfaced within her. “That’s what you want of become your paramour? To accept less than what I want.”

  “It may well be that you are thinking of it wrong. Can we not take what is offered? To me, you will be my mate. Why should we let others dictate to us? I love you, Kela.” He pulled her into an embrace. “Let me show you.”

  He kissed her. For a moment, she resisted, then she opened her mouth under his. A silent tear fell from her eye.

  He cupped her face. How she loved his touch…his kiss. He reached down and gently removed her grip from the cover. It fell down by her feet, exposing her bare body to his vision.

  She saw his want. I yearn for him, even now. She needed him…he laid her down on the bed.

  Sharp pain surged through her when her back fell against the bed.

  Reality returned.

  She pushed against his chest.

  “Cono, no!” she cried. “I cannot deny I love you. I will always love you. Yet, I have no understanding what you offer me. I thought we were to be married. You want me to be here, but not married…” She took a deep breath. “Are you going to marry Amicia?”

  The question gave him pause.

  “Don’t,” he said. “Don’t go there now, Kela. I love you.”

  She grimaced and pulled herself up. “I need clothes, Cono.”

  “Kela,” he pleaded.

  “I hurt. Do you have any idea of what I have endured? That I endured because I held on to our love. I have been disgraced. You say now all will know I’m yours. In this manner? Do you think I can hold my head up in dignity as such? I saw this night how people looked at me. I want not people to look upon me in that manner. I can’t accept this, Cono—not from you.

  “When you returned, you made no attempt to come to me. Did you not think I had need of you? I survived the attack upon me in the forest, Cono, and I will survive without you.”

  “I trusted your grandfather, Kela!” His frustration unleashed. “Do you not understand what I have done for you? What I have done to be with you?”

  “I understand the excuses you use to proclaim such,” Kela countered. “I see all you have now…my siblings. All your wants within your reach. Did you laugh at my dreams, Cono? I cared not about what you had. I would have married you no matter what you had, for I love you. Did you laugh at me when I told you I would care for you, cook for you when you have all your needs met now?”

  “No,” he proclaimed. “I loved you more for such.”

  “But not enough to marry me?” she asked in a softened voice. “In truth, I understand not any of this. You know that well. You better than anyone, for you know of where I come. Why would you think I would accept such? Because I should be happy with what you offer me? Is that what you think, Cono? I’m only a peasant girl deserving nothing more than a semblance of a thought?”

  “Because I didn’t think!” Cono shouted, his patience lost. “You have twisted everything. I have thought of nothing but you. Have I tried to placate my grandparents? Yes, I have a need to honor them. But I care nothing about a marriage that would mean nothing to me except that in doing so, I could have you! In that, do you understand? To bring you back to Yucca, I had to agree to the arrangement.”

  “So I could be treated in this manner? Degraded?”

  “No! It was your grandfather, Kela. He demanded that I not marry you. He even told me that if I disobeyed him, my punishment would extend to my family. He demanded I take Amicia. Then, if I did so, you were mine.”

  “Yours, as if I were a prize?” Then she halted, looking back at Cono. “To be owned as one would a slave?”

  “I do not look upon you so!” He shook his head angrily. “This conversation is going nowhere. You are tired. Sleep. We will talk in the morning.”

  The whole of her body throbbed with pain, but she, too, was done with talking.

  I need clothing. I need to leave.

  The next instant, she stood in the gown she wore on her birthday. She had no knowledge how the gown appeared. She chose not to question.

  She faced Cono, whose eyes had not left her.

  “I need not permission from anyone anymore, Cono. I am leaving.”

  “Where would you go?”

  “Away from here.”

  * * * *

  The truth was like a knife twisting in her gut.

  Kela moved toward the door, only pausing when an onslaught of winged warriors landed on the balcony. One was her brother.

  Calm overcame her. Her decision had been made. It would not be undone.

  “Stay here until I decipher their intent,” Cono commanded. He walked out on the balcony.

  She stayed only to discover what Falco wanted of her.

  Straightway, Kela sensed Falco seemed more intent with arguing with Cono rather than approaching her. She paced until she heard the voices calm.

  She heard Cono explaining he saw no need for her to leave and she saw no need for her to stay. Voices rose again.

  Why did they feel they could debate my fate without me? She moved to the open windows.

  “She is upset at the moment…hurt with reason. By the Great One, I will make those pay for her treatment!” Cono snapped.

  “You can do what you must,” Falco said. “Now, Kela needs to come with me.”

  “Give her the night to rest.”

  “Do not forget yourself, Cono. King Edulf has ordered her return. He wants to address the display. Much has gone amiss with her return. Her sin exposed. The whole of the kitchen was destroyed. King Edulf will talk with you after about your performance—”

  “Pray, forgive me. What was I to do but save her! Is she not your sister? Were you going to allow such? Do you not have a heart?”

  “Of course I care! Do not go there, but it is the bigger picture. Sacrifices have to be made by all.”

  “By all?” Kela could take no more. She made her presence known. “What sacrifices have you made, brother?”

  Abruptly, Falco turned and faced Kela. Waving off his escorts to stay back, he smiled and walked over. He extended his arms. “Kela, my sister.”

  Kela side-stepped him.

  Falco grimaced. “Come, Kela, do not be like that. Look at you now. Beautiful. Sim
ply lovely. It seems you have suffered no ramifications of the renouncement. Now, there is nothing that separates you and Cono.”

  “You know nothing if you believe I have not suffered.”

  “I can understand your frustration, Kela, but you don’t understand the necessity for such.”

  “I believe I understand more with each moment. I asked only that you help me leave. If it’s too much, I will leave on my own.”

  “Of course. Grandfather...”

  “You do not listen, Falco. I’m not going to see the king. I’m asking you only—”

  “See what I have been trying to tell you,” Cono interrupted, grasping Kela’s arm in an attempt to bring her back to his side.

  She jerked her arm back. This is useless! I will receive no help! She walked once more toward the door.

  Cono stopped her. His hand went to her face and caressed it gently. “Don’t. Kela. I love you. Wait at least until morn. We will make this work. Stay with me.”

  Her heart broke.

  Leaving him became harder than she had ever imagined. For a brief moment, her eyes met his.

  Her anger dissipated. The pain and the hurt remained.

  She took his hand from her face. Slipping off the necklace that lay around her neck, she stared at it for a long moment. Then, she handed it to Cono.

  “Stand back, Cono. I am gone.”

  Falco would have none of it. He stepped toward Kela.

  The next instant, he felt a force against him, pinning him against the wall, unable to move.

  “Kela!” Falco cried. “Let me down. This is ridiculous. You have used your power against me. I’m your brother!”

  Kela shook her head. “Nay! The brother I remember would have never allowed such to happen to me. There were three of us and we were together, with only one purpose. I have held to that purpose. I would never let another harm my brother. I would have done anything to prevent such.

  “What happened, Falco? Why did you call the guards against me? Why did you not answer my plea as the whip went down? Did you forget when I once prevented you from being flogged? Why?”

  She received no answer.

  Holding him up for a moment longer, she let go. He fell hard against the floor.


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