Best Friend’s Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Best Friend’s Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 14

by Callahan, Kelli

  “You’ve been pretty busy.” I grabbed a couple of things and put them in the box she was working to fill.

  “Yeah, I was up early so I figured I’d get started.” She nodded.

  “Did you hear something?” I turned my head towards the front door when I heard what sounded like a car door.

  “I’ll get it. I’m expecting someone.” She walked past me.

  “You—are?” I tilted my head slightly.

  Anna opened the front door and I saw Madie standing on the other side. I was—immediately overcome with a rush of emotions, but mostly I was just startled. She was the last person I expected to see—the last person I expected to see my daughter hug and welcome into the house. I took me a moment to collect my thoughts, but before I even had time to react, Anna walked through the front door and slammed it behind her. A second later, I heard a click—and noticed that the lock on the front door was different.

  “What the hell is going on here?” I blinked in surprise.

  “This wasn’t my idea.” Madie looked at me, and I saw a hint of panic on her face. “I promise…”

  “She’s right.” Anna’s voice echoed from the other side of the door. “I did this.”

  “Anna, what are ye doing?” I brushed past Madie and looked for the deadbolt that would normally unlock the door, but it had been replaced by a lock that required a key to open.

  “You two are going to talk this out. Dad, just keep an open mind. This door is staying locked until you do—and don’t even think about trying the back door, I took care of that one too.” She tapped on the door a few times. “I’m leaving now. I’ll be back tonight.”

  All of the windows have bars—my great aunt’s version of home security. Fuck!

  “Anna!” I pounded on the door. “Open the damn door!”

  There was no response. I hit the door a few more times for good measure and then ran to the window and pulled open the curtain. Anna was already halfway down the steps and headed to her car. My daughter had made me a prisoner in my own home. Not only that—she trapped me there with the lass I broke up with. I pounded on the window to try and get Anna’s attention. She looked at me and waved before getting into her car. I was angry, but I kept my emotions in check.

  “I told ye it was over.” I turned towards Madie. “What are ye doing showing up here like this?”

  “Anna contacted me last night and then stopped by my apartment. She begged me to come. I had no idea she was going to lock us in the house—she just said that she was going to give us an opportunity to talk.” Madie looked down at the floor.

  “What is there to talk about?” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Ye lied to me. How can I believe anything ye say now?”

  “Declan, I’m so fucking sorry.” Madie eyes started to tear up. “I made a terrible mistake. That was the only lie I told you—everything else was the truth. Everything I felt—it was real. I wasn’t just putting you in a role that I already designed for someone else. Yes, I was dealing with some stuff, but you’re the only man I’ve ever had these kinds of feelings for.”

  “Well if yer here, ye might as well help me pack up the house.” I exhaled sharply. “Anna was supposed to help—but obviously she isn’t coming back.”

  “Pack up the house?” Madie looked around in confusion. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Anna didn’t tell ye? I sold the house. I’m moving to Arizona as soon as I get everything finalized.” I grabbed a few items and angrily threw them into a box.

  “I thought you were going to fix the house up before you sold it.” She seemed to be even more confused.

  “Aye, that was the plan, but a real estate agent reached out to me and said I could name my price—I turned them down because I was having fun fixing it up with ye.” I shrugged. “Once that was over, there wasn’t any reason to stay.”

  “You turned them down—because of me?” Madie looked a little surprised, like she couldn’t believe I would even consider that.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” I stopped abusing the stuff I was trying to pack and turned back towards Madie. “Ye meant everything to me—a second chance at something I thought I’d never have again.”

  “You meant everything to me too…” She took a step closer and a tear rolled down each cheek. “Believe whatever you want—call me a liar—but that’s the honest truth.”

  What I saw in Madie’s eyes when those words left her lips was—genuine. She had fallen for me as hard as I fell for her, and it didn’t matter how fast we came together. We had something real. Was I an idiot to hold onto foolish pride and end things because she wasn’t completely honest with me about something she was scared to admit to anyone? My heart ached for her. My arms longed to be wrapped around her—to feel that closeness again. My own daughter had locked me in a house because she believed in what we had—and she was the last person on earth that should have been so understanding of our relationship.

  “Madie I…” I felt my throat getting tight.

  “Me too.” She nodded and took another step towards me.

  I couldn’t deny my feelings. I closed the distance between us and pulled Madie into the embrace I missed so much. It felt natural—like a part of my soul belonged to her. There was no way for me to fight against that need anymore. I was ready to forgive Madie for not telling me the truth. Our lips came together, and my head spun as I crushed hers beneath mine. The kiss got more passionate as our lips seared together. Our tongues intertwined, and I started to ravage her mouth. I needed to claim what was mine—what had always been mine. She belonged in my arms—in my bed—and in my life. Nothing was ever going to come between us again—I believed in what we had too much.

  “I think it’s a good thing Anna won’t be back until tonight.” Madie gasped as our lips were finally separated.

  “Aye, lass.” I nodded and grinned. “A damn good thing.”

  I kissed Madie again and started pulling her towards the stairs. We left a trail of clothes along the way and by the time we made it to the bed, we had nothing between us but the heat that our bodies were generating. Our lips stayed seared together and our passion melted into a primal desire of two people that had been denied what we craved. I forced her legs apart and sank between her thighs. My hands explored her body—tracing her curves until I felt her wetness against my cock. She was beyond ready to have me inside her and my cock was throbbing with a need to taste what belonged to me. I started to enter her and felt no resistance except for her tightness—god was she tight. It was like heaven with every inch making the journey sweeter until I was as deep as I could go.

  “I’ve missed this.” Madie’s head rolled back as our lips were pulled apart, and a loud gasp echoed from her throat.

  “Don’t ever lie to me again.” I pressed my lips to her neck and brought them up to her ear.

  “I won’t—I promise.” She gasped again.

  I started thrusting my cock into her wetness. It felt so fucking good and it was hard to hold back. I had gotten so used to having her there with me that my body ached with desire the moment she was gone. That wasn’t going to be the case anymore. She was in my bed where she belonged and that was where she was going to stay. A lie almost tore us apart—I had enough trust to believe it wouldn’t happen again. We both understood how special our relationship had become and I felt that when her body reacted to mine. The connection was cosmic. It was fate and destiny—both were ours for the taking. It was emotionally driven passion—two lovers that needed the sweet release in order to build a new foundation beneath us.

  “You feel so good…” Madie dug her nails into my back. “You’re going to make me come!”

  “Ye know it won’t just be once—not when yer with me.” I pinned her arms to the bed and started thrusting with more ferocity.

  Madie’s pussy squeezed my cock, and then it started to spasm on my length. I loved the way that felt. It was almost enough to send me over the edge, but I fought against it. I wanted to enjoy her pussy as long as possible be
fore I erupted in bliss. Madie’s mouth opened wide as the first orgasm devoured her—the first of many, because we had to make up for every night that we were apart before the sun went down. I didn’t care about packing up the house. I would hire someone to do it if I could spend every waking moment with Madie. I pounded my cock into the first orgasm until I felt the second one coming. Watching the pleasure on her face while her body was overcome with euphoria was almost as good as the release that was getting closer with every thrust that went deep inside her.

  “Ye belong to me—forever. Yer mine.” I squeezed her wrists tighter and crushed her lips as I felt the release coming.

  The pressure in my balls built to the point that it felt like they were going to start aching if I didn’t give in. I had no choice. My thrusts got more erratic as the pleasure took charge of them. My cock went deep inside her, and I felt the first surge of cum shoot through my shaft. I exploded inside her like a cannon and then started to thrust again as my cock throbbed. Each pulsation emptied more of my pent up lust until my balls were completely drained. I wasn’t done. I couldn’t pull away from her yet. I needed another release—I needed to make her come so many times that she never forgot who she belonged to.

  “Oh my god!” Madie’s head rolled back and our lips were pulled apart. “I’m gonna come again!”

  “Aye—and yer going to keep going this time—until I fill yer pussy again.” I picked up speed and felt the bed shaking underneath us.

  I had brought her to the point where her body simply caved into my desire. She was so sensitive from the multiple orgasms that she could no longer control them. The sound of her body being driven into the bed was drowned out by a scream—then whimpering moans as the orgasms stacked on top of each other. I made her come again and again—watching her lips tremble until she was so exhausted she couldn’t speak. I was getting close. My second release was begging for the sweet surrender that would consume me. I kept thrusting until the pressure was too intense, then I started to erupt. My head flew back—a primal roar echoed from my throat—and I gave her everything that I had left inside me. My arms were shaking. My strength was sapped. I fell forward and managed to turn my body to the side before I completely collapsed.

  God I’ve missed that…

  Madie and I spent the next hour tangled in an exhausted embrace. We both dozed for a little while, but there was too much mental adrenaline for actual sleep. I don’t think we would have had the strength the move if the house had caught on fire. I was filled with a lot of regret once my thoughts finally overwhelmed the passion that had stormed between us. I pushed away the one person that meant everything to me. I didn’t listen to her when she tried to tell me the truth—I let the haunted past I had with my ex-wife cloud my relationship with Madie and it almost cost me everything. I wasn’t going to let that happen again. The past was going to stay there, and I was going to create a beautiful future with the lass that stole my heart.

  “I guess we really should try and pack some stuff.” Madie snuggled closer to me. “If you have to be out in a week, you can’t afford to spend the day in bed with me—as much as I would like it.”

  “Fuck it, I don’t care. I just want to be here with ye.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “I’ll call a moving company on Monday. It won’t set me back much.”

  “If you’re sure.” She smiled and closed her eyes. “I still can’t believe Anna was so understanding—I thought she would lose her mind when she found out about us.”

  “My daughter lived through the divorce like I did—she saw what it did to me. She wanted me to be happy again, and I don’t think she would have cared who it was with—at least she knows yer a good person—when ye behave.” I chuckled under my breath.

  “I know what happens when I misbehave.” She opened her eyes and giggled. “Sometimes it’s worth it.”

  “I suppose I’ll have to keep a close eye on ye.” I tilted my head slightly and grinned.

  “Don’t worry.” She traced my chest with her finger. “I know how to bring the Daddy out of you when I need him.”

  “Aye—ye do.” I nodded in agreement. “But I like this too—I need ye to be the woman in my arms more than I need ye to be the naughty lass over my knee.”

  “That’s all I want to be right now.” She sighed and leaned against my chest. “I’m happy here. I know it’s where I’m supposed to be.”

  “I do have to ask ye something though.” I leaned up. “How do ye feel about Arizona?”

  “Arizona? I just got a job here—granted, I’m just waiting tables…” She exhaled sharply. “I might be tempted to move if I had a job lined up.”

  “I was thinking more like college.” I squeezed her a little tighter. “Ye shouldn’t waste yer time waiting tables when ye have so much potential. There’s a great university within driving distance of the house I plan to rent.”

  “Maybe—I guess it’s something to think about.” Madie nodded.

  I’ll find a way to convince ye—mark my words.



  “I think she’s back.” I looked towards the door when I heard a car in the driveway.

  “Aye—should we pretend to be really angry at her?” Declan looked over at me and grinned.

  “Nah, she’s probably worried enough as it is.” I chuckled under my breath.

  Anna opened the door and I could see the concern in her eyes, but that faded as soon as she saw us together. Her plan had worked. I thought she was crazy when she suggested it, but she didn’t tell me everything. She just told me that she was going to make us talk things through—and make sure her father understood that my one mistake wasn’t a representation of the person I was. I fully expected to hear the same thing from Declan that I heard the night he told me he was done. I thought I had shattered my one real chance at happiness, but the love that had grown between us was strong enough to overcome it.

  “Alright, well now that I know I’m not going to have to help one of you bury a body, I brought food. Madie, will you help me get it out of the car?” Anna motioned to me.

  “Did ye bring a feast?” Declan raised an eyebrow.

  “She probably just wants some girl talk.” I patted Declan’s knee and stood up once Anna was back outside.

  “I’m not sure I like the idea of my daughter having girl time with my girlfriend.” He growled under his breath.

  “I’ll be absolutely honest with her.” I looked back at him and winked as I walked towards the door. “Honesty is everything, right?”

  “Yer going to be in so much trouble after she leaves,” Declan growled a little louder.

  “Oh, I know…” I looked over my shoulder and giggled before skipping down the steps to catch up with Anna.

  “I’m guessing by that smile on your face that things went okay?” Anna opened her passenger side door and looked at me.

  “It did.” I reached inside to grab a bag of food. “Thank you so much for this. I—don’t know how to repay you.”

  “Just treat my Dad right. I know you will, but you’re getting a second chance here. He won’t give you a third.” She grabbed the other bag.

  “I won’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship again. I should have been honest with him from the beginning, and I will be from this point forward.” I nodded quickly.

  “Well now you have another job.” She leaned over and nudged me.

  “I do?” I raised my eyebrows inquisitively.

  “He still hasn’t decided if he’s going back to Scotland after I graduate from college. You need to convince him to make the right decision.” She tilted her head slightly. “I don’t want him to leave and he doesn’t really want to go—so give him a reason to stay here.”

  “I think I can manage that.” I smiled and nodded. “I don’t think he really wants to go back either—he was just looking for something that he didn’t think he’d find here.”

  I’d love to visit Scotland with him, but I don’t think I want to live there. I’d
follow him anywhere though—and I already know that I’m going to follow him to Arizona when he gets his new place.

  * * *

  One week later

  “That’s the last box.” Declan looked around the living room at all of the boxes. “I really should have put a lot more stuff in storage.”

  “It doesn’t help that all of my stuff is here too.” I walked over and took his hand. “The moving company was a good idea though—because we’re here and we didn’t have to spend all day lugging these boxes inside.”

  “Which means we get to christen this place immediately.” He pulled me into his arms.

  “Yes, but you have to put the bed together first…” I looked towards the stairs.

  “Who needs a bed?” He lifted me off the ground. “The wall works just fine.”

  “There’s a couch…” I gasped when his lips started to tease my neck.

  “I don’t need a couch either.” He walked to the wall and pressed me against it.

  Declan tore at my clothes until I was naked in his arms. His lips danced along my skin, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He guided his cock to my wetness and drove it into me. His muscles didn’t even seem to strain as he kept me against the wall and started to thrust. It wasn’t going to take long—we had been teasing each other in the car on the way to Arizona. He started to pick up speed and I could hear the wall thumping behind us. I was afraid he was going to break through the sheet-rock if he kept hammering me into it, but that would just mean we had another project to tackle—as soon as we unpacked.

  “It’s a good thing we haven’t put any pictures on the wall yet.” I leaned into his ear and purred. “Oh god!”

  “Aye, might as well take advantage of it while we can.” He squeezed my ass and hammered me even harder.


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