Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3)

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Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3) Page 6

by Laura Lee

  She does a little twirl when her dress is put back in place. “There. Now, nobody will see my undies.”

  I wink. “I wouldn’t say nobody.”

  Charlee lifts her eyebrows suggestively. “That was a preview for later.”

  I groan. I should’ve known she did that on purpose.

  And it had the desired effect, my dick adds. I really like this girl.

  Still not helping, asshole.

  I will my dick to calm down as we stand in line to pay for her shorts. You’d think the fact that I’m about to jump from almost 900 feet up would do the job, but nooooooo, not with Charlee by my side. This damn woman makes me lose all sense.

  We get to the check-in station, sign our life away, and get suited and harnessed up. We put on our special jump shoes and stash our belongings in a locker. Going through that process, I was fine, but as the elevator doors open to the platform level, my nerves kick in. Yes, I’m a firefighter and bravery is pretty much a prerequisite for the job. But we’re trained to mitigate risk—do whatever’s necessary to keep everyone safe. Intentionally jumping off a building goes against every instinct I have. Yet, I’m about to do it anyway.

  Ladies, if you don’t already understand the power of the pussy, this is a perfect example. Simply put: that warm, wet haven between your thighs turns men into dumbasses.

  “Hey!” the attendant says. “You guys ready to do this?”

  “Yes!” Charlee shouts.

  “No,” I say at the same time.

  The guy laughs, probably thinking that I’m joking. “Okay, who wants to go first?”

  Charlee raises her hand. “Me!”

  He smiles at her, a little too widely if you ask me. “Great!” He turns toward me. “You need to stay behind those doors until I come get you after she jumps. When she’s on the ground, she can wait for you on the observation deck.”

  I nod in understanding.

  Out of nowhere, Charlee grabs my face and yanks me down so she can press a firm kiss on my lips. Far too soon, and before I even get the chance to use any tongue, she pulls back. “There’s more of that for you at the bottom, Big Guy.” As she’s stepping through the doorway to the jump platform, she throws a wink over her shoulder. “See you down there, Drew.”

  Yep, you sure will, honey.

  I’ll say it again, ladies and gentlemen: Power of the motherfucking pussy.


  The Morning After

  Las Vegas


  “Do you remember anything?”

  Drew rakes his fingers through his hair as he thinks about it. “A little bit, but it’s spotty.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, I remember being down by the pool.” He winks at me.

  I rub my temples, willing my head to stop pounding. “I think we’re beyond that since we both woke up naked. I’m talking about later in the day. What do you remember from that?”

  He rubs the scruff on his chin and I can’t help but fixate on the scratching sound it makes. I flush when another memory surfaces of that scruff brushing up against my thighs.

  “Um...I remember taking shots.”

  I give him a hurry up gesture. “And?”

  His eyes widen. “Holy shit! You made me jump off a building!”

  My lip twitches. I do remember that part now that he mentions it. To be honest, I don’t know how anyone could’ve forgotten watching an ogre fall from the sky screaming like a little girl. I wish my phone wasn’t stashed in that locker so I could’ve recorded it. It was seriously some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.

  I plop my ass down on the end of the bed, trying to ignore the fact that a sexy giant is naked under the sheet behind me. “How did we go from that to getting married? Who does shit like that?” God, why did we drink so much? I keep getting little flashes but nothing that makes much sense at this point.

  Drew laughs. “How does it ever happen? We’re not the first people to get shitfaced and married in Vegas.”

  I snap my head back to glare at him. “Will you take this seriously?”

  “I am taking this seriously,” he insists. “But I’m also having trouble focusing on anything other than the fact that you’re not wearing a bra.” His eyes flick to the lampshade.

  I get up and retrieve my bra with a huff. I grit my teeth as I ball it up in my hand.

  “What the hell are we going to do, Drew?”

  He shrugs. “We’ll get an annulment.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You sound like you’ve done this before.”

  Drew laughs. “I can assure you, Charlee, I’ve never been married, drunk or sober.”

  “Fine, we’ll figure out how to get an annulment but in the meantime, nobody can find out about this. I mean it, Drew. Nobody.”

  He swings his legs over the side of the bed, stands up with no shame whatsoever, and starts walking to the bathroom. “Hold that thought, I have to take a leak.” I try ignoring his perfect, muscular ass, but c’mon, I’m only human. Let’s just say he has the right to strut around like a peacock. A really big peacock.

  As Drew pees, I hear my cell buzzing in my purse. A wad of cash gets stuck in the zipper when I try opening it —which only adds to the mystery—so I have to fight with it to retrieve my phone. I have several incoming texts from my brother and his girlfriend, all of which are telling me to get my ass downstairs for brunch. Shit. We were supposed to meet at ten and it’s now a quarter after.

  I glance at my reflection in the mirror and cringe. I have the mother of all sex hair, my eyes are bloodshot, and my lips are swollen. What that a hickey? I take a closer look at the mark right below my collarbone confirming that yes, Drew did in fact mark me like the caveman he is. That fucker.

  After firing off a quick reply, I slip on my shoes and head back to my room to make myself presentable as fast as possible. I’ll have to deal with the husband situation later.



  I won’t lie and say I wasn’t disappointed to find Charlee gone when I returned from the bathroom, but when I saw my phone lighting up like a Christmas tree, I knew why she had left. As I walk into the buffet, where we’re all meeting for Sunday champagne brunch, I spot Charlee almost immediately, sitting with my sister and friends.

  Fuck, she’s beautiful.

  From her long brown hair down to her red-tipped toes, my eyes eat up every little detail. As far as drunken Vegas brides go, I certainly hit the jackpot. I don’t know what led us to the altar last night, but I’m not nearly as freaked out about it as I should be. That’s weird, right? I really wish I could remember fucking her. I’m positive we did it, not only because she alluded to it earlier, but as I was getting dressed, I found three open condom wrappers on the floor. I didn’t go digging in the trash for the condoms themselves but the unmistakable scent of sex was clinging to the air. I don’t really need to see my jizz to know that the rubbers were used.

  “There you are, fucker,” Brody says as he spots me.

  I raise my hand to acknowledge him when the light glints off the shiny gold ring on my finger. Shit. How did I not notice that earlier? I remove the wedding band as discreetly as possible and slip it into my pocket before joining them at the table. I take the only open chair which just happens to be next to my new bride.

  “What took you so long?” my sister asks.

  I shrug. “I slept through my alarm.”

  “Huh. You and Charlee both. Weird.” The look on her face says she doesn’t think it’s weird at all and knows we’re hiding something.

  Brody removes his face from Rainey’s neck. “What’s weird?”

  “Nothing,” Charlee quickly replies.

  Riley takes a sip of juice and faces me. “So, what’d you guys wind up doing last night?”


  “Not much,” Charlee interrupts. “We just gambled for a while, then I went back to my room for some greasy room service.”

I can work with this. “Yeah, uh...same. Pretty uneventful for the most part.”

  Brody takes Rainey’s hand and kisses her knuckles. “I wouldn’t say completely uneventful.”

  Charlee’s eyes widen. “Why? What did you hear?”

  He gestures for Rainey to answer the question. “Well, some of you already know this, but for those who don’t...I’m pregnant.”

  My eyebrows lift. “Holy shit! Seriously?”

  Brody’s smile is probably bigger than I’ve ever seen it. “Seriously. Totally knocked her up.”

  Rainey smacks him on the back of the head. “Idiot.”

  He grabs her chin and pulls her into a kiss. “You love it, baby.”

  Jesus, these two and their PDA.

  A round of congratulations erupts and more champagne is poured for everyone but Rainey.

  “Too bad we have to go to the airport right after this,” Brody says.

  “Why?” Riley asks.

  Brody smiles and pulls Rainey into a side hug. “Because we’re doing this a little backwards. There’s no easier place to get hitched than Vegas. If I wasn’t so busy banging my sexy baby mama all night, we could’ve gone then.”

  “Overshare!” Devyn whines.

  Rainey smacks his chest with the back of her hand. “First of all, if you ever call me your baby mama again, I will maim you.” She pauses a moment to let that sink in. “Secondly, if you think that’s an acceptable proposal, you really need to work on that. Third, quit being so old-fashioned. We don’t have to get married before we have a baby.”

  “Ha!” Charlee says. “Tell that to our mom. She’s going to go ape shit.”

  Fuck, I wonder what she would do if she found out I married her daughter during a drunken night of debauchery. I’ve only met their mother a couple of times but she’s fucking scary for such a tiny woman.

  Brody winces. “Don’t remind me.”

  Rainey rolls her eyes. “I’m sure it will be fine. Hasn’t she been hounding you guys for grandkids for years?”

  Charlee smirks. “I’m just prepared. The day you tell her, she’s going to ask when the wedding is. She’ll be happy about the baby—ridiculously happy— but she’s old school about getting married first and she can be persistent. Really fucking persistent.”

  Rainey smiles. “Well, at least now I know where Brody gets it from.”

  Everyone at the table laughs. It took Brody four years to convince Rainey to be with him. If that’s not persistent, I don’t know what the fuck is.

  Charlee looks at her watch. “We only have an hour before checkout. I’m going to go hit the omelet station while I can.”

  I wait until she walks away so I don’t look too eager. “Yeah, I need to get some food too. Nobody wants to be on a plane with me when I’m hungry.”

  Brody uses his fork to point over my shoulder. “Dude, make sure you get some of that Southwest breakfast casserole. It’s fucking awesome.”


  Brody nods. “Of course, man. I’ve got your back.”

  I try my best to look him in the eye. “You always do.”

  Fuck. He’s going to kill me if he ever finds out what happened last night. Problem is, the guy can read me like a book and I’m a shit liar.

  Double fuck.

  I take my time with the buffet, slowly but surely making my way over to Charlee as she waits for her omelet to cook. Thankfully, the line died down so I’m able to slide in right behind her.


  She turns her head back. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you and I can’t do it at the table.”

  The chef slides her eggs onto a plate and hands it to her. As she starts walking away she says, “Drew, we can’t talk about this right now. Our flight is in a few hours and we can’t exactly excuse ourselves so it’ll have to wait until we get home.”

  “Really? That’s your master plan?”

  She lifts her eyebrow in challenge. “Do you have a better idea?”


  “Exactly. So let’s shut up about it for now, enjoy our breakfast, and when we get home, we’ll figure out how to erase this sham of a marriage from the records.”

  I swallow the sudden lump in my throat. “Right. First thing when we get home.”


  Viva Las Vegas!


  “Okay, one...two...”

  “Wait!” I hold my hand up.

  The shot glass freezes against Drew’s lips. “What are we waiting for?”

  I grab a lime wedge out of the nearby bowl and give him a cheeky smile. “I thought we’d make this more interesting.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “How so?”

  I prop the lime in between the swell of my breasts. “Okay, now you can go.”

  He closes his eyes and mutters, “Fuck.”

  I’m about to make some pervy comment but he springs into action before I have the chance. Drew presses his lips against the salted rim and swallows his shot of Patrón. Immediately after, he leans down and plucks the lime out of my cleavage, dripping juice down my chest as he bites into it.

  He pulls the lime out of his mouth and sets it on a napkin. “Your turn.”

  I double fist the shot glasses, downing one right after another. Drew presses the tart fruit against my lips, prompting me to suck. I may or may not put some lewd effort into the motion.

  I pull away and gesture to my sticky skin. “Are you going to clean up your mess with the next one?”

  Drew looks around the crowded bar. “Here?”

  “Take the shot, Drew.”

  He winks before tilting the glass back. I squeal as his meaty paws grab me off the barstool, placing me between his spread legs. I’m glad he’s holding onto me because as his tongue snakes out and licks a path from my cleavage to the nape of my neck, my knees buckle. Damn, he knows how to use that thing. I can’t wait to find out what it feels like a little further south.

  “You wanna get out of here, Charlee?”

  I nod furiously. “Hurry up and pay the tab.”

  I can feel his smile against my skin. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Drew digs two twenties out of his wallet and pins them beneath his glass. He grabs my hand and yanks me out of the bar, the crowd parting as his large body moves across the floor. I’m practically speed walking to keep up with his long strides as we weave through slot machines. He spots a service hallway and cages me in against the wall the second we get away from prying eyes. Drew’s lids grow heavy as I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, sucking it.

  He leans down until his lips are a hairsbreadth away from mine. “I want to do that.”

  “So do it,” I whisper.

  My eyes fall closed as he takes my bottom lip into his mouth. One of his hands is braced against my cheek while the other is toying with the strap of my dress. Drew’s index finger slips under the fabric as his tongue swipes against my lips, pleading for entry. I part my lips eagerly, chasing his tongue with my own. He tastes like tequila and lime and I can’t get enough. When I suck on his tongue, Drew’s groan reverberates throughout my entire body, causing me to shiver. I place my palm over his and lead him down to the hem of my dress. He pulls away from my mouth as I guide him under the fabric. We don’t say anything—we just look directly into each other’s eyes as his fingers climb higher and higher.

  The dark hallway gives us a false sense of seclusion. Mere feet away, drunken laughter and the ding of slot machines rings through the air. Anyone could walk around the corner and see us, yet I couldn’t care less about public indecency at the moment. I thank God that I had the sense to take the booty shorts off earlier when Drew’s fingers easily reach the waistband of my panties.

  My eyes roll back and my head smacks into the wall as his hand slides beneath the lace, through my hot flesh.

  Drew stills when he finds my VCH piercing. “Damn, Charlee.” He rubs his finger over the tiny barbell, making my toes
curl when it presses into my love button. “This is so fucking hot.”

  “Please don’t stop,” I beg.

  “No chance in hell, honey,” he vows, right before sealing his lips against mine.

  He eases a thick finger inside of me as we kiss, his tempo in almost perfect harmony with our tongues. I moan into his mouth as he adds another and presses the pad of his thumb against my slick flesh. He repeatedly runs circles over the jewelry, its cool titanium in direct contrast to his warm hand. I’m at the brink of climax in less than a minute.

  “Drew...fuck...oh God!”

  “C’mon, honey, give it to me.”

  He nips and sucks along my neck as he continues working my lower body into a frenzy. As a scream bubbles up my throat, Drew slams his mouth over mine, swallowing the noise. He groans as I clench around his fingers, lessening the pressure from his thumb as I come down from the high. My whole body feels like jelly, so I just stand there for a minute, using the wall to remain upright.

  He starts trailing light kisses over my neck again as he removes his fingers. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” I moan when he bites my earlobe. “You’re fucking stunning when you come, Charlee.”


  He laughs and stands to his full height. His eyes never leave mine as he brings his fingers to his mouth. “Just as sweet as I imagined.”

  I flush as he takes his time cleaning my arousal off his fingers. Something like that shouldn’t be so hot, right? But my’s so unbelievably erotic. When he kisses me again, I can faintly taste myself on his lips, and just like that, the lady wood is back. As badly as I want him though, I somehow manage to remember my earlier thought process. It’s pretty obvious by the massive bulge in his pants that Drew wants me, but he’s still holding something back. I need him to let go of the control he’s so hellbent on keeping.

  “How do you feel about playing blackjack?”

  He blinks several times, as if he’s having trouble digesting my words. “Blackjack?”


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