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Deal Makers: A Brother's Best Friend Romance (Dealing With Love Book 3)

Page 17

by Laura Lee

  “Intense is an understatement.” Drew strokes his hand through my hair.

  I startle as he stands abruptly, dick somehow still inside of me, and carries me down the hall. He sets me down in the middle of my bed, pulling out in the process, leaning over me until I’m on my back. I shamelessly push up, rubbing myself against him as I feel his cock resting heavy on my thigh. Drew chuckles as he brushes his palms over my legs, encouraging me to spread them open as he slides down the bed.

  “Whatcha doin’?”

  His index finger creeps up my inner thigh. “What’s it look like I’m doing?” His tongue snakes out and licks me from bottom to top. “We skipped this part last time and I’m nothing if not thorough.”

  I wave in the general direction of my cockpit. “Well, by all means, proceed, good sir.”

  He winks. “The pleasure would be mine, milady.”

  He means that too, ladies. Not only is Drew a master pussy eater, but he loves doing it. It’s okay to hate me a little—I would if I were you. Right as I’m about to make a cute joke about medieval wenches, Drew’s tongue lashes out again, making me forget about anything and everything not related to his mouth on my lady bits.



  “Are you sure about this?” Drew asks, staring at my brother’s Suburban parked in front of us.

  It’s been three weeks since Brody found out about my relationship with Drew and still no word. Both Drew and I have tried contacting him many times but Brody is being an ass, refusing to respond. Drew is miserable without my brother and according to Rainey, Brody is the same. It’s breaking my heart seeing them like this. I don’t know how much longer I can let this go on before I’m forced to make a decision that will kill me. Before their blow out, Drew and Brody talked every single day, by text or in person. They had tickets to yesterday’s Mariner’s game, but Drew wound up selling them because he didn’t want to go without his best friend.

  We just pulled up to my parents’ house. Rainey thought Sunday breakfast with my family was our best chance of getting Brody to stop ignoring us and face the issue at hand. I don’t necessarily agree, but I suppose having an audience will keep him in check. Especially if that audience is our mother. Rainey reminded me that I have dirt on Brody since he’s so afraid to tell our mom about the baby. Because of that, she assures me that he’s going to keep his mouth shut about my wedding. What great kids we are, huh?

  “It’ll be fine.” I don’t know who I’m trying to convince more—me or him.

  “That wasn’t very convincing, Charlee.”

  Damn it.

  I shift to face him. “I need to tell my parents about our relationship. Trust me; it’s much better to do this now than have Brody blurt it out at some point in the future. My mom already loves you so I’m sure she’ll be thrilled. Hell, she’ll probably take credit for it since she tried pushing us together at Christmas. And my dad doesn’t care who I’m with as long as I’m treated well. And who knows? Maybe Brody will see how happy were are together and change his mind. It’s worth a shot.”

  He grabs my hand. “Yeah...I guess.”

  Things are getting a little heavy so I try lightening the mood. “My nonna might be a little jealous that I got to you first, though, so you should prepare for that.”

  He slams his head against the seat and whimpers. “I forgot about your grandma. Please keep her away from me. I can’t deal with your brother and a handsy old lady at the same time.”

  My shoulders lift. “I’ll do my best, but if you didn’t notice, she’s rather strong-willed.”

  Drew laughs. “Clearly, that trait runs in the family.”

  I open the passenger door and hop out of his truck. “C’mon, Drew. Put on your big boy undies and let’s get this over with.”

  He grabs my hand as we head up to the front door. My parents know I’m coming so I don’t bother knocking. “Hello?”

  “Be right there, Carlotta!” my mother calls in her thick accent. She quickly appears and her eyes brighten as she sees Drew. “Andrew! So nice to see you again! Carlotta told me she was bringing a guest but she didn’t mention who. What a nice surprise!”

  “Nice to see you again, Mrs. Harris.”

  She makes a get over here motion. “No need for such formalities! Come over here and give me a hug, boy.”

  Drew obliges and has to practically bend in half so my mother can place a kiss on each one of his cheeks. The woman left Italy over forty years ago and still insists on keeping her Old World mannerisms.

  My mom motions between me and Drew. “So, does this mean there’s something going on between the two of you? Do I see a wedding on the horizon?”

  Drew coughs into his fist. Oh geez, of course, that’s the one thing she leads with. This woman has made it her mission in life to marry off her kids so they can provide her with grandchildren.

  “Mamma, knock it off.”

  She gives me a look that would make grown men piss their pants. “Don’t you tell me what to do, young lady.” She faces Drew. “So, Andrew? Why don’t you tell me since my daughter insists on being so difficult.”

  “Uh...” Drew stammers. “Yes, Charlee and I are together.”

  My mom beams and presses her hand to her chest. “Oh, this is wonderful! Daniel, get in here!”

  Not only does my father heed her call, but Brody and Rainey are hot on his heels.

  “Oh hell,” I mutter.

  My dad swings his arm around my mom’s shoulders while Brody glowers at us behind my parents’ backs. Poor Rainey looks like she’s just waiting for the chaos to begin at any moment. At this house, the probability of that happening was already high. Considering Brody and I both have tempers and like to fight dirty no matter how old we get, those odds go right through the roof.

  “What, Sofia?” He notices Drew before she can answer. “Drew, nice to see you again.”

  Drew shakes his hand. “Sir, nice to see you.”

  “Kiss ass,” Brody says through a fake cough.

  My mom whips around and glares at him. “You shush. Carlotta finally brought a boy home. This is a happy occasion!”

  “Happy, my ass,” Brody grumbles.

  Rainey smacks him on the chest with the back of her hand. “Can it, you idiot.”

  God, I love that woman.

  “Come in! Come in!” My mom motions for us to follow her. “We were just about to sit down to eat.”

  When we enter the dining room, my grandmother smiles at Drew. “Oh, look what we have here! Mmm, and just in time. I’ve got a helluva sugar craving today and you are one sweet piece of ass!”

  “Make it stop,” Drew whispers.

  I bend down to kiss her wrinkled cheek. “Hello, Nonna. You remember Drew, don’t you?”

  She eyes him appreciatively. “Sì. Of course, Carlotta. Who could forget such handsome man?”

  Drew rushes to take the chair furthest from my grandma and gives her a little wave. “Nice to see you again.”

  We all sit down and my mom begins the rotation of serving dishes, completely oblivious to the tension in the room. Pleasantries are exchanged while we eat, occasionally fielding questions from my parents, and ignoring a few lewd gestures from my grandmother. Our meal goes off without a hitch for the most part, which to be frank, is shocking.

  Rainey clears her throat. “Thank you for inviting us. The food was really great.”

  My mom smiles at her. “Oh dear, you’re always welcome; no invitation necessary. Usually Carlotta is the only one who joins us but we do this every Sunday.” After everyone’s empty plates are stacked at the end of the table, she claps her hands together. “So, anything else new and exciting you’d like to share?”

  Brody, Rainey, Drew, and I suddenly find the tablecloth fascinating, raising her suspicions.

  She narrows her eyes. “All right, what’s going on?”


  “Nothing,” I say breezily. “What makes you think something’s going on? Rainey’s r
ight; the food was delish.”

  I can feel the heat of her stare but I fight the urge to flee.

  My nonna cackles. “Oh boy, who stepped in it? Brody?”

  “What?” Brody sputters. “Why do you automatically assume it’s me?”

  She gives him a look that says, do I really need to answer that?

  Rainey smirks. “He’s getting better. He only acts like an idiot maybe seven times a day now.”

  Brody scoffs. “Oh, I don’t know. I can think of something Charlee’s done recently that was really dumb.”

  Aaand let the shitshow commence, ladies and gentlemen.

  I glare at him. “Grow up, Brody.”

  “What’s he talking about, Carlotta?” my mom asks.

  Brody returns my glare. “Yeah, Charlee, why don’t you tell Mom about your Vegas escapades?”

  “Dude, knock it off,” Drew says quietly.

  “Fuck off,” Brody fires back, not so quietly.

  “Whoa!” My dad bangs his fist on the table. “What the hell is going on right now? I could’ve sworn we’re all adults here, but you two are acting like bratty teenagers.” He levels Brody and me with a look that says he means business. “Brody, I thought Drew was your closest friend. Why are you treating him like the enemy?”

  Brody sits back in his chair and grunts. “That was before he thought it was a good idea to get tanked and marry Charlee in Vegas. And then hide it from me for weeks.”

  My mom gasps. “What? Is this true?”

  My grandma rubs her hands together. “Ooh, this is better than watching Maury!”

  Drew grabs my hand under the table, probably sensing how badly I want to throttle my brother right now. “Yes, ma’am.” He briefly glances at Brody. “But our relationship is real.” He smiles at me. “Your daughter is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  My mom presses her open hand over her chest. “Aw, such sweet boy.”

  “Seriously?!” Brody shouts. “That’s it? They got drunk and married behind everyone’s backs! They deserve way more shit than that.”

  “Brody, calm down,” Rainey insists.

  My mom glares at him. “B.J., remove the stick from your behind. And watch your language in my house. What they did isn’t ideal, but anyone with eyes can see they’re good for each other. If you ask me, they should’ve done this a long time ago. Maybe I’d have some beautiful grandchildren to spoil by now.”

  Thanks, Mom. I couldn’t have asked for a better segue.

  “Speaking of grandchildren...” I taunt. “Didn’t you have some news that you wanted to share, Brody? Since you’re in such a sharing mood?”

  Was that immature? Sure. Am I sorry? Nope. The little shit asked for it.

  “Asshole,” Brody coughs out.

  My mom frowns. “B.J., you have something to say?”

  “Yeah, B.J., go on,” I snicker, knowing how much he hates the nickname our mom has given him.

  He scratches his face with his middle finger, conveniently aimed in my direction. “Mom, Dad, Nonna...Rainey and I have some news. We’re having a baby. And before you say anything, no, we are not getting married first. But that will happen shortly after the baby’s born.”

  Rainey smiles. “We’re not formally announcing it until I’m in my second trimester, but we wanted close friends and family to know.”

  A grin stretches across my mom’s face. “Oh, this is wonderful!”

  All right, who is this woman and what has she done with my mother? First she’s Ms. Nonchalant about my wedding, and now, she couldn’t care less if Brody is having a child out of wedlock? This is major Invasion of the Body Snatchers shit right here.

  “Well, that was anticlimactic,” Drew mutters.

  “No kidding,” I whisper.

  My mom waves her finger between Brody and Drew. “So...what? You no longer friends?”

  Both Drew and my brother actually look pained at the thought, making my heart squeeze.

  “That’s up to him,” Drew says.

  My mom claps her hands twice. “Everyone out! Into the den! Give the boys some room to talk. Rainey, you come tell us about the baby!”

  Brody stands up. “Don’t bother. I’ve said everything that I need to say to him.”

  Rainey tugs on his arm. “Brody, c’mon—”

  Brody shakes his head. “No. I mean it. Drew knows where I stand. Mom, thanks for making a great breakfast but we’re going to head out now.”

  “Brody,” my dad says. “Don’t be such a stubborn ass.”

  Drew hangs his head in resignation before facing my dad. “It’s okay, Mr. Harris. He’s right; I know where he stands.”

  Rainey gives us an apologetic look as Brody drags her out of the room with no more than a grunt.

  The rest of my family clears the room, sensing that Drew and I could use a moment alone.

  Drew rests his forehead in his hand. “Well, that didn’t go nearly as well as I had hoped.”

  I lean my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Drew. I really thought he might come around.”

  He sighs. “Doesn’t look that way, does it?”

  “No,” I agree. “It really doesn’t.”

  Which means the time has come for me to make the decision for him.



  Charlee sighs. “What a weird morning.”

  I put my truck into park and kill the ignition. “No shit.”

  “I can’t believe my mom was okay with the wedding and baby stuff.”

  “Yeah, all that buildup for nothing.”

  “I know, right? Trust me, that woman lives up to the Italian mamma stereotype. I have no idea what happened. Maybe my dad slipped her some of his special candies.”

  I smirk. “Would he really do that?”

  She chuckles. “I wouldn’t put it past him. Ever since they legalized weed, he can’t get enough of these butterscotch edibles. He says they’re the world’s best defense against my mother’s craziness.”

  I bark out a laugh. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.” I nod to the elevator that leads into Charlee’s building. “Do you want me to walk you to your door?”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to change into my work clothes and take off.”

  “Are you coming to my place after work? Or would you prefer that I come here?”

  Charlee looks away. “Um, actually I’ll probably just go to bed early. I have a lot of housework and errands tomorrow since it’s my day off and I’d like to get an early start. Plus, I need to get those annulment papers in the mail. I was reading more about it and the process is even easier than I thought. Vegas is in Clark County and they don’t accept joint petitions. That means I can get the ball rolling without your signature. I’ll take care of that part tomorrow, then the firm that’s handling everything will have you served with a notice and file with the courts. Since it will be uncontested, the annulment should be granted within twenty days. Easy peasey.”

  “You still want to do that, huh?”

  She frowns. “That’s always been the plan, Drew.”

  I shake my head, refuting her statement. “Not to me, it hasn’t. I haven’t wanted an annulment since that first day you came to the firehouse. Hell, maybe even before then. But I respected your need to do it so I went along with it. If I had my way, we’d give this marriage a real shot. Hell, I thought that’s what we’ve been doing. It’s been five weeks since we got back, Charlee. We could’ve filed the petition a long time ago if that’s what we really wanted. We haven’t even talked about it in weeks. Not once. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

  She flicks her wrists in a what are you talking about gesture. “The only thing it tells me is that we’ve been too busy fucking to do what needs to be done. And you certainly won’t hear me complaining about all the orgasms, but if we wait too long to file, the judge might deny it. We should just get it over with.”

  I zero in on her fidgety hands. “Do you want to tell me what’s really
going on?”

  “What do you mean?” Her voice rises two octaves with the last word.

  Now her knee is bouncing so I place my hand over it to stop the motion. “Why are you acting so strange all of a sudden? You just did a complete one-eighty. Is there something you need to tell me?”

  Charlee smiles but it’s undeniably forced. “You know what? Maybe I don’t need to get started super early. You’re on shift at eight in the morning, right?”

  I nod. “Yeah. And?”

  “Perfect! I can just head home when you take off for work.” She launches herself at me and presses her mouth against mine. Despite all of the questions swimming through my brain, my body can’t help but respond. Far too soon, she pulls away and hops out of my truck. “I’ll text you when I get out of work. See you later tonight, Drew.”

  Do you have any idea what the hell just happened? Because I sure as shit don’t.



  Okay, I can do this.

  I probably shouldn’t be standing in front of Drew’s apartment right now but I needed one more night with him before I have to say goodbye. I’ll just have to keep him distracted with sex until he’s so exhausted he crashes. That way, he won’t be able to ask me what’s going on and I won’t have to tell him. Not tonight, anyway. When I finally get the nerve to knock, Drew opens the door so fast, I swear he must’ve been right behind it watching me through the peephole.

  He offers me a smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Hey. Come on in.”

  “Sorry I’m a little later than expected. I wanted to stop by my place and take a shower first.”

  He furrows his brows. “Why didn’t you just shower here like you normally do?”

  Because I needed time to remind myself that what I’m doing is for the best.

  “Uh...I don’t know. Didn’t really think about it, I guess.”

  Drew pinches the bridge of his nose as he falls back onto the couch. “Why are you lying to me, Charlee?”


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