and unexplained”, hence simply ignored. And if it is indeed a hyper-classified incident, the independent scientific
community would not have knowledge of or access to any substantive documentation concerning the calculations,
equipment, or results. A few “van Däniken-style” paperback accounts and a “science-fiction” movie are not the stuff
around which research grants are assembled. Nevertheless, says Moore:
One of Charles Berlitz’ informants, who emphatically declined to be named, confided to Berlitz that he
had seen highly classified documents in the Navy files in Washington, D.C. which indicated that at least
some phases of the experiments are still in progress.
Comment 2010
Note #1
The United States Navy’s official Philadelphia Experiment-debunking page is here:
The most extensive Philadelphia Experiment-supporting page is here:
Note #2
Science Daily (August 11, 2008) - Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have for the first time
engineered 3-D materials that can reverse the natural direction of visible and near-infrared light, a development
that could help form the basis for higher resolution optical imaging, nanocircuits for high-powered computers, and,
to the delight of science-fiction and fantasy buffs, cloaking devices that could render objects invisible to the human
eye.Two breakthroughs in the development of metamaterials - composite materials with extraordinary capabilities
to bend electromagnetic waves - are reported separately this week in the August 13 advanced online issue of Nature,
and in the August 15 issue of Science …
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Note #3
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A66: The Order of Amon
- by R. Amn DeCecco IV°, Grand Master
Amon Issues the breath from which emerges a new strength that is recognized and actualized uniquely by each
Initiate. Breathe in, and this essence will fill you with a strength to discover and eventually understand all that is
hidden to you.
The Order derives much of its work from the exploration of our humanity - and the refinement of this humanity
- as we continuously strive for a more perfect synthesis of Xeper and the Gift of Set. If we are to Become of the gods,
there first must be a clear perception of exactly what we are on a mortal/fundamental level. What may be weak must
be strengthened or transformed. What is strong must Become impervious to everything that could permanently
interfere with the Initiate’s further evolution.
This the Amonian does through the utility of the heart. The heart is the center of our emotional being. The
ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the seat of all power and was responsible for the final crowning of
wisdom as the initiate actualized personal emotional senses to maximum levels of awareness. The Amonian
recognizes the importance of this process and so begins a powerful investigative course of self realization. This is
done so that a full comprehension can be achieved of why our emotional self (heart) has the potential to be so
complementary to Black Magic.
A prerequisite for utilization of the heart is a thorough initiatory self-examination, so that the one may truly
begin to feel, see, and know one’s self completely. This particular method of initiation is absolutely brutal in its
delivery. Often we only think we see, feel, or sense the truth within. The Amonian eventually learns to use all senses
with great deliberation and with a new clarity of purpose.
The Order of Amon provides an environment of breath and fire (strength through willed transmutation) to
assist the Initiate in eliminating/transforming all that is not essential to the Gift of Set. Further assisting in the
creation of the core self, the personal philosophic aspects that are the cumulative efforts and results of Xeper are
repeatedly purified by the Fire of Amon. To say that this particular method of initiation is difficult would be an
understatement. It is perhaps one of the most difficult of all. For this very real journey is one into the darkest and
most hidden areas of our selves that are seldom realized.
Adepts II° will work within the Order of Amon in a manner that is befitting self actualization through creative
intelligence. The Order is open to Adepts II°+ who have communicated and demonstrated a sincere reason to work
in this particular environment.
Magical practices will remain somewhat personal, since each Initiate possesses talents and abilities that are
uniquely their own. Guidelines will be put in place so that the Initiate learns to extract the best from these talents
and abilities. This will be experienced through the destructive Fire of Amon that is a hidden aspect of the Order and
which will become known to the Initiate while moving closer to the Order’s Inner Sanctum. In time a certain purity
of being will emerge from this process, and this purity will transform the Initiate sufficiently to become strong
enough to reach for the Grail of all understanding.
Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his Mastery of the Black Flame, for only
thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.
- Statement of Leviathan, The Diabolicon
And alone I cannot preserve my Elect, but I would teach them and strengthen their Will against the
coming peril, that they and their Blood may endure. To do this I must give further of my own Essence to my
Elect, and, should they fail, the Majesty of Set shall fade and be ended.
- The Book of Coming Forth By Night
A Partial List of Foci for Amonians
1. Solely responsible for personal emotional well-being.
2. Works from a brutal list of “things” in the inner and outer worlds that need to be changed, and follows a
chosen course of action to implement this change beginning with the less difficult, and gradually
working on to the more complex.
3. Learns to discover what gives “the Breath of Life” and how this may be a key to one’s hidden nature.
4. Learns to eventually become open to the prompting of Amon in traditional ways, via dreams and omens
that may also assist in #2 and #3 above.
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5. Learns about the mysteries of the body, from exploring the entire scope of sexuality, to getting regular
check-ups, to practicing Tai-Chi. “The body is the black earth of the Nile; it hides the potential for all
6. Engages in an academic/historic study of the Priesthood of Amon and the Middle Kingdom (and later)
through intuitive means; may practice the art of ruling the world through prophecy.
7. Cultivates silence; avoids the trivia of the moment and learns to speak with precision and with power.
“Still waters run deep” is a cliché that should be used by friends and enemies alike to describe all Order
8. Practices some sort of magical breathing exercise often to summon “The Breath of Life” and the power
necessary to see things as they really are.
9. Is willing to explore difficult emotional issues that may take years or even decades to understand.
Refuses to fall into the myth of the “quick fix”.
Initiation is the work of a lifetime. Amon’s great temple was in con
tinuous construction for a
thousand years.
[The Order of Amn’s Original Statement from the 1970s]
Bringing forth, through creative fire and breath,
the perfection of the gods, and of the work.
Philosophical Tenets
Emblematic of the Philosopher-Kings, the Order of Amn pursues Setian understanding of all, through
utilization of the heart ( ab). The quality of all that is arises through exploration, until eventually the Initiate is “in
touch” and is able, through personal power, to create, along with the magical, the personal philosophic self: that self
which will aid in accomplishing the work - removed from the stigma of the past and perfected by the fires of the
present Æon.
Each Initiate of the Order magically acts in the capacity akin to the ancient and now restructured Priesthood of
Amon. Initiates should work in a manner befitting and complementing self-actualization through creative
intelligence, beginning at the beginning. In this manner imperfection is destroyed through the destructive fires of
the more hidden aspects of the Order, which will surface only through self-created purity. This purity is a “rallying
banner” for all Setians of all Orders.
Aim ... Xeper - to Become ... Xepera - to manifest that which will be ... Xeperu. Magical practice remains
somewhat personal to the Initiate, and guidelines may be set up for the successful approach to Thelemic, Satanic,
and Setian manipulation of the personal/ impersonal universe. Magic is conceived as an act of existence.
All Initiates of the Order may be asked to explore - utilizing the senses - the past, present, and future.
One of the aims of magical initiation is to understand the universes through implementation of the senses
outside the hackneyed classical philosophers’ and moralists’ ravings.
The magical tenets set down before are tools which lead us to the understanding and eventual realization of the
philosophies presently unknown or hidden.
Only through obliteration of the Universe that is may man seal his Mastery of the Black Flame, for only
thus may he know that he is not subject to a greater Will.
- Statement of Leviathan, The Diabolicon
If after careful consideration you decide to work, please know firstly that you will walk the path of fire. The
flame is loving and guiding, but equally protective of the work and destructive of imperfection.
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The utilization and successful endurance of this phase of the Initiate’s magical growth can lead to the ultimate
magical goal: a god-like being. Then begins the next step ...
My voice reaches unto Hermonthis: Amon responds to my invocation: He stretches forth his hand to
me, and I rejoice: He calls out from behind me, “I am rushing towards thee ... to thee, Meriamn! I am with
thee. It is I, thy Father: My hand is with thee. I am the Lord of Strength, Lover of Valor.” I have found a
courageous heart, and I am content. All that I desire will come to pass!
- The King of Pharaonic Theocracy
There is no truth but what is! The true illusion is what one sees! The most obvious lie is that which one is sure
he knows to be true!
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A67: The Order of Anpu
- by Linda Reynolds IV°, Grand Master
Briefly, the purpose of the Order of Anpu will be to uncover the true Black Magical dynamics of the
various aspects of the Opener of the Way which may be buried deep within the Initiate’s most hidden self. A
challenge proclaimed in the ancient language of Wepwawet can only result in those veils of self-deceit being
lifted away, secret issues forced, silent weaknesses exposed and disposed of - the true magician
transformed, empowered, and armed with clear vision.
This is how my announcement was worded in the August 1993 issue of the Scroll of Set. I then went on to say
that I would clarify that statement at Set-XIV. To do so, however, would be an attempt to condense all the
knowledge I’ve gathered throughout my years in the Temple of Set and put it all on a couple of sheets of paper. A
skilled wordsmith may find that a simple task; I am not a wordsmith. What I am, however, is one of the people you’ll
encounter in life who can show you some truths about yourself! This is the focus, the culmination of my Work along
the Path all these years. It is my only concern; my only life’s Work; the reason for and purpose of the Order of Anpu.
We shall pursue this truth in different ways: some extremely mysterious and ceremonial, others straightforward
and more conventional. Some will be personal and confrontational, others simple and easily accessible. The routes
are varied, including the exploration of time, our manipulation of it, its impact on our lives and Work, etc. We shall
also explore the “alien being” that dwells within and nearby each of us - the “Self ahead of self” as you’ve probably
heard it described - and the implications of neter and magical names, the connection with and utilization of the
Isolate Intelligence - the ultimate access to that part of each of us that can sometimes remain elusive. Uncovering
truth, Opening the Way, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary - all the functions and Work of the
ancient sorcerer and the modern Black Magician and the multi-leveled connections between them shall be our task
and our pleasure!
As the figure and language of Wepwawet was prominent to the ancient priesthoods in a strategic sense
(symbolizing the unification of the Egyptian state) so we of the Order of Anpu shall create and utilize our own rites
and language to transform and unify ourselves on all planes of existence and perception, to understand and master
both sides of the Abyss.
Membership in the Order of Anpu shall be by invitation only (following a personal conversation with the Grand
Master) and shall be offered to Initiates of the II° and above who express an interest. Since the Work of the Order of
Anpu is complementary to all the Work of the Temple of Set and its other Orders, dual Order membership is by
permission of the Grand Masters concerned.
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A68: The Order of Bast
- by Margaret A. Wendall IV°, Grand Master
The Order of Bast is one of the oldest Orders in the Temple of Set. It began in the Church of Satan as Bubastis
Chapel and continued into the Year X as Bubastis Pylon. One thing which has always distinguished the Order of Bast
is that its members have never been afraid to get our feet wet or incur the “wrath” of other Initiates by our studies.
One of my goals in the Temple of Set was to re-create this Order; but when I looked at the mailing list, most of the
names were just this - names, not faces or voices. It has been difficult for me to communicate with “names”,
although I realize each name is connected with a Being on a path at least parallel, if not more or less identical to my
own. I hesitated.
At Set-V in Santa Cruz names became much more. Each Initiate who attended is my Brother or Sister and
friend. It will be much easier to communicate with you, and this is a real joy to me.
Therefore it is with great pleasure that I announce the re-creation of the Order of Bast - with a change. Bast, the
Lady of Life, is interested in the quality of our lives. Isn’t your own Bast interested in how your life is going, if for no
other reason than when she purrs for a grumpy Setian, it’s to
cheer you up and prompt you to try harder?
The new Order of Bast will be devoted to the study of modern technology and how it affects us as Setians. We
will ask and try to answer the following kinds of questions [which are general but not exclusive]:
1. How does modern technology affect our lives, both magical and mundane?
2. How can we adapt to this new technology? Should we? Must we?
3. How can we adapt modern technology to our advantage, both as individuals and as the Temple of Set?
We had an excellent answer to the last question at the Conclave Rite of Recognition of Stephen Flowers as a
Priest of Set. He could not attend the Conclave in Santa Cruz; hence the Rite was held simultaneously in Santa Cruz
and in Texas, via speakerphone. Those of us in Santa Cruz heard Priest Flowers, and he and his Pylon heard the
Priesthood assembled on the West Coast. It was a very magical moment. No longer are we strangers or names on a
list. I feel as though I have known Priest Flowers all my life. Those of us attending this Rite used modern technology
to achieve this Black Magic.
Other areas we could explore are: (1) sending our Word and words into outer space and examining the results,
(2) robotics, (3) medicine, (4) electronic mail, (5) artificial intelligence, and (6) an infinite number of other equally-
interesting technological endeavors. A television ad for a computer magazine sums up the Magical Quest of the
Order of Bast: “The possibilities are endless.”
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A69: The Order of Beelzebub
- by Paul F. McAtee IV°, Grand Master
In the Chinese Year of the Goat, following the Dog Days of Sirius and in clear view from the planet Mars, the
Esoteric Order of Beelzebub came into being.
Beelzebub, a persona of antiquity, is a well-known figure throughout Western occult literature, by means of such
sources as the Götia. However within the context of the EOB, it is noted that across the Middle East and Persia of
ancient times the name had a much different meaning than is now commonly known. For instance, amongst the
Philistines Beelzebub was associated with the Sun, which also brought the flies, resulting in his popular title “Lord
of the Flies”. An even older version of the name, “Ba’al Zebul”, is translated as “Lord of the Mansion” or “Master of
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