L.A. Metro

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L.A. Metro Page 8

by R J Nolan

  After a few moments Kim heard Jess's distinctive voice call out. "Come in."

  She opened the office door to find Jess at her desk talking on the phone.

  "Oh, sorry. I was just wondering if you had a few minutes, but I see you're busy."

  "No problem. Have a seat," Jess said, gesturing toward the small couch against the back wall. "I'll be right with you," she said before turning her attention back to her caller.

  Kim sat down on the couch. The room was very small. She couldn't help overhearing the conversation.

  "Sorry for the interruption," Jess said. "Anyway, I won't be able to pick him up tonight. If you could give him his dinner and settle him for the night that would be great. I'll pick him up first thing in the morning..." A loving smile spread across Jess's face. "Okay... Give my boy a big hug for me... Thanks. Bye."

  Her boy? Jess has a son! The revelation was stunning. It brought home to Kim the fact that she knew next to nothing about Jess personally.

  As Kim had seen Jess and interacted with her, she had begun to wonder if Jess might not be lonely too. Loneliness was new to her and something she thought they shared. Guess you let your own emotions cloud your judgment. Although she had gotten to know quite a few people at LA Metro casually in the six weeks she had been here, Kim had not let anyone into her personal life.

  Normally she made friends easily at a new hospital, but not this time. Her experience at Memorial was still affecting her.


  Kim shook herself out of her morose thoughts. "Sorry. Was thinking about a case from earlier," she lied.

  "Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm working a double shift, so I needed to let the daycare know I wouldn't be able to pick up Thor until tomorrow."

  "Thor?" Kim blurted out before she could stop herself. What kind of name is that for a kid? Jess didn't strike her as the type to stick an offbeat name on a child. Maybe her partner named the boy? Kim glanced up at Jess to find her looking very uncomfortable. Nice going, stupid. She shares something personal, and you question her kid's name.

  "Yeah... He goes to doggie daycare three days a week. Whenever I work extra shifts, they keep him overnight."

  Thor is her dog!

  Jess shifted in her chair and looked down at her desk. "I know most people probably think it's weird to send your dog to daycare, but I work long hours and it's not fair to him to be cooped up in the house alone all that time."

  Kim got up from the couch and moved over to sit in the chair in front of Jess's desk. "I didn't know there was such a thing available. I think it's great. We had a dog when I was a kid, and I really miss that. I've wanted another dog but couldn't figure out a way to juggle my work schedule and still be fair to a dog's needs."

  "Dogs are great companions. But they do require a lot of attention."

  Jess looked up, and Kim’s breath caught at the warmth in Jess's eyes. Jess hesitated and seemed to be debating something. Kim had no idea what. She tried not to let her disappointment show when Jess's expression turned businesslike.

  "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Jess asked.

  Kim forced her thoughts back to business. "As you know, Philip assigned me as liaison to help solve the problems between psych and the ER. I met with him on Monday to let him know what I had found. After working in the ER, it quickly became apparent where the problems lie." Kim hurried on when Jess's expression darkened. "The fault rests primarily with psych."

  Surprise widened Jess's eyes.

  Kim smiled. "Weren't expecting that, were you?"

  "Honestly. No," Jess said with a smile of her own.

  "Now the residents do request a number of unnecessary consults. But," Kim added quickly, overriding Jess when she started to object, "that's mainly psych's fault as well."

  Jess nodded. "How do you propose we remedy this situation?"

  "As I mentioned previously, I'm going to continue my lecture series. Philip has agreed to try and fit in a couple of lectures as well. I don't know if any of the other psychiatrists will be willing to lecture," Kim admitted.

  "That's great. Philip giving lectures is an added bonus." Jess shrugged. "I wouldn't have expected the other psychiatrists to agree to lecture." As if to lessen the implied criticism, she quickly added, "Your lectures have been very appreciated by the residents. And me as well. Starting the new residents out right is going to be a big help in cutting down unnecessary consults."

  Jess ran her hand through her hair. She offered a slight smile. "Not that I'm not grateful for all you've done so far, but do you think you might convince some of your fellow psychiatrists to let the residents into the exam room with them? I know it's a pain to babysit other departments' residents, but it would be another way to really help cut down on needless consults."

  Kim laughed. "Great minds think alike." She could see Jess's confusion plainly written on her face. "That's the exact same thing I told Philip."

  "Well, to be honest, the residents have been complaining since you returned to psych." Jess smiled sheepishly. "I think you've spoiled all of us in just two weeks. Everyone is asking when you'll be back in the ER."

  A sense of satisfaction, out of proportion to the praise, filled Kim. The fact that Jess had included herself in that group meant a lot to her.

  "Philip is going to talk to the other psychiatrists at the next staff meeting." Kim hated to end things on a down note but felt compelled to be honest. "No promises, of course."

  "I understand that. I appreciate you going to bat for the ER regardless of the outcome."

  Realizing her business with Jess was complete, and that she should let her get back to work, Kim stood. "Thanks for your time."

  "Anytime," Jess said. Now's your chance. Ask her before she leaves. Jess stood up as well. She had almost asked Kim earlier if she wanted to go jogging when they were talking about Thor, but she had lost her nerve. It had been a long time since she had invited anyone into her personal life. You're just asking her as a friend. It doesn't have to be anything else.

  Distracted by her thoughts, Jess didn't find her voice until Kim had almost made it to the door. "Kim." Jess stepped out from behind her desk.

  Kim turned back toward her with a questioning look.

  Come on, you're a grown woman. You can do this. It's not like you're asking her on a date. With that little pep talk, Jess gathered her courage. "You mentioned earlier that you liked dogs. I usually go jogging on Saturdays with Thor. I was wondering if you'd be interested in meeting us at the park and jogging with us?"

  Jess's spirits sank a bit when Kim stared at her with an incredulous expression on her face. What did you expect? It isn't like she doesn't know by now that you don't socialize with anyone at the hospital. Maybe a bit of levity would help. "Weren't expecting that, were you?" Jess asked with a smile, echoing Kim's earlier question.

  Kim stepped back over to Jess's desk. A grin broke out on her face as she regained her composure. "Honestly. No."

  The last thing Jess wanted to do was make Kim uncomfortable or damage their working relationship. "I know it's last minute. You probably already have plans for your Saturday," she said, offering Kim an easy out.

  "Actually I don't have any plans. I've been meaning to find a good place to jog. I haven't kept up since I moved. So if you don't mind the company, going jogging would be great."

  A knot of tension between her shoulders she had not even been aware of eased at Kim's words. Jess smiled warmly. "Good. Do you know where Griffith Park is?"

  Kim nodded. "The general area. I know there are several different sections of the park."

  Jess pulled a piece of paper from a desk drawer. "Here. Let me give you directions on where to meet us." She wrote down directions to the dog park, figuring it would be a good place to meet. Handing the paper to Kim, she said, "Oh, I guess I should ask how you feel about big dogs. I have kind of a big dog."

  Kim's face lit up. "I love big dogs! We had a lab when I was a kid. Daisy was the best."

  Should I t
ell her just how big a dog I have? So long unused, it felt as if a rusty door was creaking open, Jess allowed a bit of her mischievous side to see the light of day. Ah, what the heck. She'll find out soon enough what a big dog really is. "All right then, we'll met you at the dog park at, say, nine tomorrow morning?"

  "Works for me," Kim said. "Well, I should head back to psych." She walked over to the door and stopped just before opening it. She turned back toward Jess with a regretful look. "Oh, I just realized..."

  A shaft of disappointment struck. I knew that went too well. She's already changed her mind.

  "You said you're working a double today. Are you sure you're going to feel like going jogging in the morning?"

  Jess's breath almost whooshed out in relief. She hadn't realized just how much she really wanted this to happen. "I'm sure. It'll be fine." Jess met Kim's eyes and smiled. "I'm looking forward to it," she added a bit shyly.

  Like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, a brilliant smile blazed across Kim's face. "Me too. I'll see you tomorrow."

  God, she's beautiful. Jess pushed the intruding thought away.

  Jess flopped down into her desk chair as soon as the door closed behind Kim. She was both excited and nervous at the prospect of spending time with Kim outside the hospital.


  ENTERING THE PARK, Kim followed the signs that lead to the dog run area. Jess had really managed to shock her yesterday. Having Jess ask her to meet with her outside the hospital was the last thing she had expected. While it was what she had been hoping for, Kim was still nervous. She wasn't sure what to expect. I can do this. Finally spotting what she was looking for, she headed for the large fenced-in area.

  Dogs of all shapes and sizes were playing in the bright fall sunshine. She easily spotted Jess leaning against the fence just inside the dog run, near the gate. Kim stopped for a minute to admire the woman. Instead of the Dockers and button-down shirt or scrubs she was used to seeing Jess wear, she was dressed in Lycra shorts and a T-shirt. Kim's gaze ran appreciatively over her well-muscled body. Broad muscular shoulders, well defined biceps, and a flat stomach with trim hips led down to heavily muscled legs. Kim knew that Jess was a beautiful woman, but now, dressed like this… Kim shivered as a wash of arousal cascaded down her body. The strength of her response surprised her. Friends, she sternly reminded her wayward libido. I'm going to be her friend. She forced the distracting feelings away before heading over to Jess.

  "Hey, Jess. Good morning."

  Jess offered a tentative smile. "Hi, Kim. Glad you could make it." She opened the gate for Kim and motioned her inside the dog run.

  The realization that Jess was a bit anxious made Kim feel better about her own nervousness. To give them both a chance to get used to being together in a non-work situation, Kim took the time to look around. Excited dogs chased each other, nimbly dodging the park benches scattered throughout the area. A black lab was splashing in one of the large water bowls strategically placed around the run.

  Several small dogs ran up. Their exuberant yipping pierced the crisp morning air. Kim knelt down and held out her hand to be sniffed. Once assured of their friendliness, she petted them. She smiled at Jess when she squatted down next to her and offered her own gentle ear rubs to the canine trio.

  Kim stood as the small dogs scampered off. A lot of her tension had eased. Dogs were great stress relievers. She looked at Jess, pleased to see she appeared more relaxed as well. "They were cute, but I still like big dogs best."

  "Well, luckily I can help you out there," Jess said. "Ready to meet my boy?"

  Knowing Jess had a big dog, Kim checked out the dogs nearby. The only two dogs she saw that she considered big dogs were a German Shepard and a very large Doberman. "Which one is he?"

  Jess quickly scanned the area, glancing right past both dogs Kim had spotted. "He must be down at the other end. See where those trees are? He'll come when I call."

  That's when Kim noticed just how large the fenced area really was. "Great. I'm looking forward to meeting him." Kim glanced over at Jess. Uh-oh. Never saw that look before. Jess had a little half smirk on her face. The look screamed — look out; here comes trouble. Kim tried to brace herself for whatever was coming. At the same time, she was delighted to see Jess relaxing the tight control of her emotions she maintained at work.

  Jess led them over toward a group of benches. Just as they reached the seats, Jess let out a piercing whistle, causing Kim to jump. "Sorry about that. I should've warned you." She pointed off to the left. "Here he comes." Jess slapped her palms against the tops of her thighs. "Come on, Thor. Come here, boy!"

  Kim turned toward where Jess had pointed and nearly fainted. Charging straight at them was the biggest dog Kim had ever seen.

  "Oh my God, Jess, that's not a dog. That's a horse!" Kim took a step back and moved slightly behind Jess.

  Jess grinned as the big dog skidded to a halt in front of her. "I thought you said you liked big dogs."

  Embarrassed that her bravado had slipped so badly, Kim mock-scowled at Jess. "Yeah, big dogs. You didn't say anything about a Clydesdale."

  "Don't worry," Jess said, trying hard to control her laughter. Reaching out and stroking the big dog, Jess reassured Kim. "He's big, but he's harmless." Jess took Kim's hand and urged her to stand next to her. "Kim, this is my Great Dane, Thor."

  Kim offered her hand to be sniffed.

  "Thor, this is Kim. Be nice," Jess said.

  Thor took a step forward to check her out. Kim swallowed a bit nervously when she realized the dog's head was almost chest height. And she was tall for a woman, she only missed by a couple of inches matching Jess's almost six-foot stature. He wagged his tail and proceeded to give her a thorough sniff. She smiled as her trepidation eased. Kim quickly saw what a gentle giant the big dog truly was and began to stroke his head and ears.

  Thor made his approval known. He gazed into her eyes, and then laid his head against her breasts.

  "I don't believe it," Jess muttered. She shook her head and stared.

  "What?" Kim asked as she continued to pet Thor.

  "I've never seen him do that with anyone except myself or my sister. He's not unfriendly, but he tends to be standoffish about offering affection to strangers. Usually he sniffs someone and then just walks away."

  Thor suddenly leaned harder into Kim, forcing her to step back as his weight against her increased.

  "Thor." Jess grabbed his collar. "Back up." She urged Thor back several steps. "Sorry."

  Kim laughed. "It's okay. He's not bothering me." Pointing to the bench next to her, she said, "Why don't we sit down and you can tell me about this handsome boy."

  Jess sat down, but kept a firm grip on Thor's collar.

  "He's fine, really. Let him go," Kim said as she moved to a spot on the bench near Jess.

  As soon as Jess let go of Thor's collar he headed for Kim.

  Kim was a little taken aback when Thor stepped close. The huge dog's head was now level with hers. She met his eyes and was surprised by the intelligence that shone in his dark brown eyes.

  Thor gently laid his head in Kim's lap. When she began to stroke his head, he closed his eyes and sighed in contentment.

  "Come on, you big moose. Kim is not a cuddly toy." Jess reached for Thor's collar, intent on pulling the big dog off of Kim's lap.

  Kim laughed. "Honestly, he's fine. Leave him." She stroked her hand down his shining black coat. "I've never seen a Great Dane that looked like this before." His black head and body shone in sharp contrast to his white neck and chest. "He looks like he's dressed in a top hat and tuxedo." Kim slid her hand down one of his strong front legs. "He even has the white spats to go along with his formal attire."

  "He's what's called a Mantle Great Dane," Jess said. "Most people are more familiar with Fawn or Brindle Great Danes."

  "I knew Great Danes were big," Kim reached down and tried to close her hand around Thor's front leg but couldn't, "but I never realized they were this huge," s
he said.

  "They can get pretty big. Thor is larger than average. He's thirty-nine inches tall at the withers and just shy of two hundred pounds."

  Kim gulped. It appeared to her that most of that two hundred pounds was solid muscle. "Good thing he's so docile."

  "Yeah, they're big babies for the most part. But under the right circumstances they can be very protective of their owners." Jess stretched, arching her back.

  Kim struggled to keep her eyes on Jess's face where they belonged. "Ready to go jogging?" Either that or I'm going to need a cold shower.

  "Sure. Let's go." Jess snapped Thor's leash onto his collar.

  Jess guided them back to where they had started before slowing down to a walk. Knowing Kim had not jogged in a few months, Jess had offered the one-mile route. Kim had opted for the two-mile trail. Bet she's regretting that decision about now. Kim was bent over at the waist with her hands resting on the top of her thighs as she tried to catch her breath.

  Allowing her eyes to run over Kim's body for the first time, she took in the tall, slender figure before her. She had been so nervous earlier she had not really paid that much attention to Kim's attire. Kim had on short nylon running shorts and a T-shirt. Jess had suspected a gorgeous body lurked beneath the professionally tailored slacks and silk blouses she wore at work. The reality was much more than she had anticipated. Your imagination sucks. Drops of sweat trailed down Kim's well-defined arms and legs that seemed to go on forever. Her tight, sweat-soaked T-shirt clung to a flat stomach and hugged her breasts. Jess's libido immediately flared to life, and she pushed it down with difficulty. Friends. Just friends, she repeated what was becoming a mantra.

  "You okay?" Jess asked.

  Kim straightened up and started to shake out her arms and legs. "I'm fine. I know I'll probably be sore tomorrow, but it still felt good to get out and run. I need to get back to regular workouts."

  "You're welcome to join Thor and me anytime on our runs." What are you doing? This was supposed to be a one-time thing until you saw how she acted at work afterward. Jess couldn't bring herself to retract the spontaneous offer. It felt right.


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