Her Sinful Marine

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Her Sinful Marine Page 8

by Makenna Jameison

  “Have you thought about getting a firearm?” he asked, frowning.

  “I have pepper spray. And not that I enjoy talking about my ex, but he did teach me some self-defense moves. You can’t date a Marine without that.”

  “Well that’s something,” Tyler muttered. Worry churned through his gut, and wasn’t that a shock to his system. He took women home all the time. Or met a woman at a bar and went back to her place. He was never concerned about their safety—sure, he wasn’t a threat, but he didn’t lecture them on their personal safety either. Or tell them not to bring home a man they didn’t know.

  What was his deal with worrying about Melissa?

  “Why are you so concerned anyway?” she asked, echoing his thoughts. “There are lots of realtors around. Women realtors,” she clarified. “I mean, you could get kidnapped walking down the street.”

  Tyler turned to her, raising his eyebrows. “I could get kidnapped.”

  “Not you you. The general you. I doubt anyone would try to grab a Marine off the street. Not anyone with an ounce of sense anyway. But nowhere is completely safe if you’re a woman. Someone could grab you in the parking lot, wait in your home. I mean, goodness, Amy jogs those trails in the forest all the time. Jason is with her a lot now, I suppose. But that’s not exactly safe either.”

  “I’m just worried, beautiful.”

  “Well there’s no need to be. Where are we going?” she suddenly shrieked, grabbing his arm as he abruptly pulled off the highway and onto a dirt road. His SUV bounced along, some overgrown bushes brushing against the side of the vehicle until they got into a clearing. Some of the trees around were bare since it was the middle of winter, but the evergreens provided a shot of greenery along the landscape.

  With the bright sun overhead and the empty dirt road to the lake ahead of them, he was feeling damn fantastic.

  Not to mention that fact that he had a beautiful woman at his side.

  “The lake. I told you that.”

  He slowed as they went over a bump, Melissa clutching his arm more tightly. “I thought you meant we were taking a paved road. To a big lake or something. Or one of the beach areas by the river. You know, the type of place people usually go to around here?”

  Tyler chuckled. “I know what you mean, gorgeous. But this is even better. Trust me.”

  “How can I trust you when I don’t even know where we’re going?”

  He glanced down at her hand on his arm. Her touch was so soft, he wondered briefly if she felt that soft and smooth all over. If she was still hanging on to him because she liked touching him, too. “Look, beautiful. We’re not going camping in the wilderness or something. When you said they’d accepted my offer on the house, I decided to take the afternoon off to celebrate. Hell, my buddies still think I’m at the office with you.”

  “Fantastic,” she said sarcastically, finally releasing him and settling back into her seat. “I do have work to do, you know.”

  “I didn’t see you complaining when we left. And it’s not like I dragged you out the door or something. Live a little.”

  “Is that the new Marine motto? Live a little?”

  He chuckled. “Hell, I’ve been deployed to the Middle East four times. I’m lucky as hell to have made it back. Speaking of which, what ever happened with your sister’s boyfriend?”

  “Fiancé,” Melissa said, stiffening. “And he’s still missing. It’s only been a few days, but I have a bad feeling. I wanted to fly out there to be with Becky, but she’s just starting a new semester. She told me not to come yet.” Melissa shrugged. “It sucks, but what am I supposed to do? She’s a big girl. She’s just waiting to hear more and holding onto hope.”

  “You’re doing what you can,” he assured her.

  They finally reached a small group of trees, and Tyler pulled through them, coming to a stop at a secluded lake. The sun glistened on the water, and he let out an appreciative whistle. “What did I tell you? Gorgeous on a day like today.”

  “How did you find this place? Is it on someone’s property?”

  “Technically yes, but it’s owned by the relatives of a buddy of mine. They said I could come here anytime I wanted.”

  “Wow.” She looked around, relaxing slightly in her seat. “It looks...nice.”

  He chuckled. “Why do you sound surprised?”

  “It just feels like we’re in a different place. I mean, it’s right outside of town, but it’s secluded and out of the way. Kind of like a secret little hideaway.”

  He shut off the engine, opening the driver’s side door. “I hear ya. Kind of like getting away without getting away. I come down here as often as I can when I just need some time to myself.”

  Tyler shut his door, frowning as Melissa climbed out of the passenger side herself. Not that he went around wining and dining women, but he had basic manners. There was nothing wrong with helping a woman in and out of his SUV. Holding the door.

  Feeling her soft curves against him.

  She didn’t seem interested in his help though, and in a couple of long strides, he was catching up to where she stood, looking out at the lake. She shivered slightly, and he wished he’d thought ahead to bring something warm.

  Or that he was the type of man that carried around a blanket in his trunk.

  Not that he’d exactly planned this little outing. It wasn’t like he’d woken up expecting to sign papers in her office. Or to bring her along with him on this little adventure.

  Melissa glanced around nervously, her gaze scanning the ground. “I hope there’s no snakes around here.”

  “Snakes? I haven’t seen any before. Besides, they probably hibernate or something during the winter.”

  “Or something,” she muttered, shivering again. “That’s real comforting.”

  “Hell,” he said. “Come here.” Not giving her a chance to protest, he pulled her into his arms, so that she was leaning back against his chest. Her smaller frame up against his body was pure heaven. Her head rested perfectly beneath his chin, her backside against his groin, and he resisted the urge to groan.

  To do something that would scare her away.

  Because right now?

  There was something damn right about holding her here. And he was aroused as hell holding her in his arms.

  “Do you take all the girls down here?” she teased, nestling against him.

  He tightened his grip ever-so-slightly. “Not a single one,” he said in a low voice. “I’ve never brought a woman here before.”

  She stiffened slightly against him, and he ducked lower, his lips against her red hair. “Relax, beautiful,” he said, inhaling her exotic floral scent. Feeling her tremble slightly against him. “I already said I’d never hurt you.”

  Chapter 11

  Melissa’s heart pounded in her chest as Tyler nuzzled against her. As his arms tightened slightly around her. His body behind hers was pure heaven—solid and strong and just right. Warm when she was cold, protective in the way that he held her.

  But she wasn’t looking to be with a man.

  Not now.

  Not him.

  His clean, masculine scent filled the air, and the warmth from him seeped into her, even through their clothes and coats. Her body heated at his nearness, at the strength and power of him holding her. He was both gentle and powerful at the same time—an interesting dichotomy.

  A man like Tyler could break her in half if he wanted—and he could protect her from anyone and everyone if needed.

  She didn’t need a protector though.

  And she certainly didn’t need to fall into bed with another man.

  “Did you hear me, beautiful?” he asked in a low voice, the deep sound causing her insides to do a funny little flip. “I said I’d never hurt you. I know you were burned by your ex, but I want you to know you’ll be safe with me.”

  “I’m not looking for any sort of relationship right now,” she said softly. “It doesn’t matter if I’d be safe or not with you—I’m not lookin
g for that.”

  “Neither was I. But I also know that you’re not the type of woman I could take home for a night and then just forget about. You’re not the type of woman I could make love to and then never see again. Not when you’re on my mind every damn minute.”

  “Tyler,” she protested, edging away slightly. She shouldn’t be attracted to him. Not even a little bit. She was barely over her breakup with her ex and certainly didn’t need to go from the arms of one Marine to another.

  She absolutely didn’t need to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  He let her go, and she turned to look up at him, hating even the few inches of distance now between them. She shivered at the loss of his warmth, at the chill in the winter air. His green eyes locked on her, and her gaze briefly ran over his chiseled jaw. Took in the slight blond scruff of his five o’clock shadow. The broadness of his shoulders.

  She glanced back up to meet his eyes. Eyes that always seemed to see right through her. How could someone she barely even know seem to penetrate her very soul?

  “Tell me I’m just like every other guy you’ve met,” he said, his voice gruff. “That you’ve felt like this before. The chemistry between us is insane.”

  “We barely even know one another. We just met the other day. This is crazy!”

  “Not crazy. Hell, I’ve been a lot more intimate with women I’ve known a lot less.”

  Pain stabbed in her chest as she took a step backward, and hurt and resentment seeped through her. There he was, throwing that in her face again. Reminding her of all the women he’d slept with. She was just another conquest to be claimed. Not that she was looking to settle down and marry the man. Shoot, she wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to get married after the catastrophe of her failed engagement. And she’d certainly had her fair share of boyfriends over the years.

  But for Tyler to constantly be mentioning the many, many women he’d been with?


  Nothing like making her feel like she was just another warm body for him to have in his bed.

  Not that she was planning to sleep with him anyway.

  He was her client. She was helping him to buy a house, and they’d barely even started the process. She wasn’t going to let him take her home for a night and then just sit across from him at settlement and act like everything was okay. Act like that was something she did all the time.

  And she sure the hell wasn’t going to do it when he kept throwing his casualness with women in her face. Maybe Tyler was used to random hookups and meaningless sex, but she wasn’t built that way.

  She wasn’t looking to run off to Vegas and tie the knot, but she sure the hell wasn’t looking for a string of meaningless sex partners either.

  She glared at him, trying to ignore the conflicting feelings churning inside of her. One minute she’d felt safe and secure in his arms, like she could relax and be herself with him. And the next? Like just another potential notch on his belt.

  One who didn’t mean anything more than every other woman he’d been with.

  “I think we should head back,” she said stiffly.

  “Head back? We just got here.”

  “And then you so sweetly told me yet again about the random women you’ve slept with.”

  He looked baffled. “You’re missing the whole point. You’re not like the women I’ve been with in the past. I didn’t take you home from the bar the other night, I walked you to your car. Made sure you were safe to drive home. I didn’t try to get you into bed this afternoon, I brought you out here, someplace I love.”

  “Well maybe you should be more careful about what you say. You said you have no interest in talking about my ex? What makes you think I want to hear about yours?”

  “You almost married the guy,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s totally different. My past was just—meaningless. Nothing. It doesn’t even compare.”

  He paced back and forth, looking agitated.

  “How lovely.”

  “There you go, shutting me out again,” he said, his mouth pressed in a firm line as he turned to look at her again.

  She shivered in her suede jacket, wishing she’d worn something warmer. Wishing she was still back in her office. “Tyler, what exactly did you think was going to happen here? We’d drive out here and—what?”

  “I was trying to let you know I understand that you’ve been burned by a guy before. That I won’t hurt you. Do I usually move quickly with a woman I’m interested in? Hell yeah. Do I usually try to take her home right away? Absolutely. I’m trying to do the right thing here with you.”

  “With me? I mean—we’re not even together. I’m helping you buy a home. We’re working together. We’re not dating or a couple. We’re not anything!”

  “And then when settlement’s over? You’re going to never talk to me again because I’m one of your former clients? Act like you don’t feel the electricity between us every time we get near one another? What if we’re out at the bar with Amy and Jason. Would you seriously be okay with watching me take another woman home while you’re sitting right there?”

  “I just—I don’t know!” she said, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

  “Why put on a show at all? Just admit what you’re feeling. Tell me there’s nothing between us—that I’m imagining the whole thing. Because it sure as hell didn’t feel that way a few minutes ago.”

  Melissa sighed, looking away from him. “Let’s just forget it. Maybe you’re taking the rest of the day off to celebrate, but I really have work to do. I’ve got an open house this weekend, other properties to get listed. I have a career to think about—a life. Coming here together was a mistake.”

  “Hell. I’m not trying to peel your clothes off or something—not that I’d mind if you offered. Am I attracted to you? Fuck yes. Do I realize you need to take things slowly? That this might never go anywhere? Also a yes.”

  A slight breeze blew off the lake, ruffling her hair. Tears smarted her eyes, and she turned away from him, not willing to let him see her cry.

  Not willing to shed any tears on yet another man.

  She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as hot tears began to roll down her cheeks. As she tried to block out everything else around here. She couldn’t even turn around and look at him right now.

  Couldn’t even go anywhere if she wanted.

  She needed to pull herself together and get on with her life. Just like she always had before. Just like she always would.

  “Shit,” Tyler muttered, taking a step closer. “Don’t cry,” he said softly, a large hand landing on her shoulder. She trembled as she swiped at her tears, waves of embarrassment washing over her. She was a no-nonsense business woman. Someone who didn’t take shit from anyone.

  And now she was standing here outside with tears streaming down her cheeks?

  Shaking as she tried to keep her emotions inside?

  She swiped at her tears again, her fingers cold. Why was she crying anyway? Just because he was trying to be nice to her? Maybe he was going about everything the absolute wrong way, but goodness. He was just trying to get to know her.

  To show her in his own bumbled way that he cared.

  “Just forget it,” she whispered.

  Before another beat passed, Tyler was pulling her close. Wrapping those muscular arms around her. Holding her against his solid chest.

  Her tears wet his jacket, and she gasped, trembling as emotions seemed to just flood from her. Every emotion she’d been feeling for the past few months seemed to just pour out of her finally—her anger at her ex. Her fear of a new relationship. The way Tyler seemed to see right through the façade she built up and into her very soul.

  She barely even knew the man, and he could see that she was frightened.

  That she kept a level head in her career, perhaps, but her personal life felt like it was falling apart. His arms were the only thing holding her together right now.

  His embrace the only thing keeping her from falling fur
ther apart.

  “Shhh, baby,” he said, his voice deep, a large hand running through her hair. “Shhh. Don’t cry.”

  She shuddered against him, and he held her tightly. Protecting her from the world. Saving her from herself.

  It was almost like Tyler could somehow could see right through her and tear down the walls she’d built up around her heart. She swore she’d never be with another military man after Michael had walked out on her.

  But now?

  Somehow, despite everything, she just wanted to nestle even closer to Tyler. To let him shield her from the rest of the world for a while, safe in his arms.

  Which was absolutely insane.

  As her tears slowed, she blinked up at him, Tyler’s fingertips brushing away the wetness on her cheeks. Before she could question anything or insist again that they leave, he was ducking down, showing her how much he wanted her.

  She gasped as his full lips met hers, and then she was clinging to him, desperate. Kissing him like they were always meant to be together.

  “You’re cold,” he said in a low voice, pulling back as she shivered again. “Let’s go back to the car.”

  She nodded, letting him take her hand as they made their way back to the SUV. His calloused fingers felt rough against hers, and she was reminded at how different their lives and careers were. He was a man who’d been sent off to war. Who’d seen things she could never imagine.

  Yet at this very moment?

  She had a feeling she’d let him lead her anywhere.

  Tyler helped her into his SUV, saying he’d turn on the heat, and then he was rounding the front of the vehicle. Climbing inside and turning on the engine.

  The heat blasted from the vents as she trembled in the front seat, both from cold and emotion. “Come here,” he said, pinning her with his green gaze as he held out a hand.

  She turned to face him, hesitating for only a moment, and then he was pushing his seat back and lifting her into his arms. She gasped as she straddled him, his erection digging into her core. Even through their layers of clothes she could feel how much he wanted her.


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