The Circus Boys on the Flying Rings; Or, Making the Start in the Sawdust Life

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The Circus Boys on the Flying Rings; Or, Making the Start in the Sawdust Life Page 25

by Edgar B. P. Darlington



  "You see, an accident always casts a cloud over a show and makesthe performers uncertain," said Mr. Miaco that night as he andPhil were watching the performance from the end of the bandplatform.

  "I should think it would," mused the boy.

  Soon after that Phil went to his wagon and turned in, his mindstill on Signor Navaro, who had been taken to a hospital, wherehe was destined to remain for many weeks.

  "I guess it doesn't pay, in the long run, to be dishonorable,"mused the lad as he was dropping off to sleep.

  The next morning Phil was up bright and early, very muchrefreshed after a good night's rest between his blankets in thecomfortable sleeping wagon. Teddy, however, declared that hedidn't like it. He said he preferred to sleep on a pile of canvasin the open air, even if he did get wet once in a while.

  Later in the morning, after Mr. Sparling had had time to disposeof his usual rush of morning business, which consisted of hearingreports from his heads of departments, and giving his orders forthe day, Phil sought out his employer in the little dog tent.

  "I'm very sorry about the accident, Mr. Sparling," greeted Phil.

  "Yes; it ties up one act. It will be some days before I can getanother team in to take it up, and here we are just beginning toplay the big towns. I have been trying to figure out if therewas not someone in the show who could double in that act and getaway with it," mused the showman. "How'd you sleep?"

  "Fine. Is there no one you can think of who could fill the bill,Mr. Sparling?"

  "No; that's the rub. You know of anyone?"

  "How about myself."


  Mr. Sparling surveyed the lad in surprised inquiry.

  "I think I can make a pretty fair showing on the rings. Ofcourse, if Signor Navaro gets well and comes back, I shall beglad to give the act back to him. I know something about theflying rings."

  "Young man, is there anything in this show that you can't do?"demanded Mr. Sparling, with an attempt at sternness.

  "A great many things, sir. Then, again, there are some othersthat I have confidence enough in myself to believe I can do. Yousee, I have been practicing on the rings ever since I joinedout."

  "But you are only one. We shall need two performers," objectedthe owner.

  "Teddy Tucker has been working with me. He is fully as good onthe flying rings as I am, if not better."

  "H-m-m-m!" mused the showman. "Come over to the big top andlet's see what you really can do," he said, starting up.

  Phil ran in search of Teddy and in a few minutes the two boysappeared in the arena, ready for the rehearsal.

  Mr. Miaco, who had been called on and informed of the news,accompanied them. It was he who hauled the boys up to the ringsfar up toward the top of the tent.

  "Get a net under there! We don't want to lose any moreperformers this season," the clown commanded.

  After some little delay the net was spread and the showmanmotioned for the performance to proceed, walking over and takinghis seat on the boards so that he might watch the performancefrom the viewpoint of the audience.

  With the utmost confidence the boys went through the act withouta slip. They did everything that Signor Navaro had done in hisperformance, adding some clever feats of their own that had beendevised with the help of Mr. Miaco. Mr. Sparling looked on withtwinkling eyes and frequent nods of approval.

  "Fine! Fine! One of the best flying-ring acts I ever saw," heshouted, when finally the lads rounded out their act by a seriesof rapid evolutions commonly known as "skinning the cat." Evenin this their act was attended with variations.

  The boys concluded by a graceful drop into the net, from whichthey bounded into the air, swung themselves to the ground, eachthrowing a kiss to the grinning manager.

  A number of performers who had been a witness to the performanceclapped their hands and shouted "bravo!"

  Mr. Sparling called the lads to him.

  "The act is yours," he said. "It is better than Navaro's. Eachof you will draw twenty five dollars a week for the rest of theseason," he announced to the proud circus boys, who thereupon ranto the dressing tent to take a quick bath and get into theircostumes ready for the parade.

  "See to it that they have the net spread, Mr. Ducro," hedirected. "Never permit them to perform without it."

  That afternoon the boys made their first appearance in theflying-ring exhibition, and their act really proved a sensation.Mr. Sparling, who was observing it from the side, kept his headbobbing with nods of approval and muttered comments.

  After the show Phil suggested that thereafter Teddy be allowed touse a clown makeup, because his funny antics in the air were morefitted to the character of a clown than to that of a finishedperformer.

  To this the owner readily agreed, and that night they tried itwith tremendous success.

  The days that followed were bright ones for the circus boys. Eachday seemed an improvement over the previous one. The season drewrapidly to a close and they looked forward to the day with keenregret.

  One day Mr. Sparling summoned them to his tent.

  "Are you boys ready to sign up for next season?" he asked.

  "I should like to," answered Phil.

  "This will be a railroad show next season, the third largest showon the road, and I want you both."

  "Thank you; I shall join gladly."

  "So will I," chorused Teddy.

  "Your salaries will be fifty dollars a week next season. And ifyou wish a vaudeville engagement for the winter I think I shallbe able to get one for you."

  "We are going to school, Mr. Sparling. Teddy and I will be hardat work over our books next week. But we are going to keep upour practice all winter and perhaps we may have some new acts tosurprise you with in the spring," laughed Phil, his face aglowwith happiness.

  A week later found the lads back in Edmeston, bronzed, healthy,manly and admired by all who saw them. Phil had nearly fourhundred dollars in the bank, while Teddy had about one hundredless.

  Phil's first duty after greeting Mrs. Cahill was to call on hisuncle, who begrudgingly allowed his nephew to shake hands withhim. Next day the circus boys dropped into their old routine lifeand applied themselves to their studies, at the same time lookingforward to the day when the grass should grow green again and thelittle red wagons roll out for their summer journeyings.

  Here we will leave them. But Phil and his companion will beheard from again in a following volume, to be publishedimmediately, entitled, "THE CIRCUS BOYS ACROSS THE CONTINENT; Or,Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark." In this volume theirthrilling adventures under the billowing canvas are to becontinued, leading them on to greater triumphs and successes.


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