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by Callahan, Kelli

  “Did you not come to me three weeks ago and tell me that you could get me the girl? Did you not say that you could arrange for her to be alone and that it would be easy?” Raul demands, his voice getting louder. What is he talking about? I wonder, and I feel Jake's body tense.

  “I did, yes sir I did but―”

  “And did you deliver the girl?”

  “Sir I―”

  Smack. A large fist collides against Harry’s jaw again, sending his eyes rolling back.

  “I showed up after closing like I was supposed to. The girl was there, you were gone. Everything was going so smoothly,” Raul laments, rising and shaking his hand to rid himself of the pain. “We had a little game going on, Harry. Cat and mouse. Predator and prey.” He smiles, and I feel my stomach curl in fear.

  “I knew she was hiding in that closet.” He laughs, shaking his head back and forth, and I feel beads of sweat trickling down my forehead. “Then she came down on me with a flashlight, whacking me hard on the head.” Raul gestures, reenacting the moment I nearly escaped death. “God, Harry you should have seen the way the little rat ran. She fell so many times. It was almost worth being hit in the head with the flashlight.” He laughs, a full and hearty sound, taking great pleasure in my pain and trauma.

  Suddenly, it's like I’m no longer listening, but I'm reliving it caged in Jake's arms. I can see it all so clearly now. The glass shattered across the floor. My blood on the door handle as I struggle to unjam the lock.

  “I didn't know that she would be able to get away. I altered the deadbolt. There's no way I could have known that she could open it on her own,” he says, his voice shaking.

  I watch as Raul whirls around, slapping his hand across Harry's face. “Yes, that was a nice touch,” Raul concedes. “It was all working out fine and dandy. I had my little chase. And I could feel her life slipping between my fingers as I crushed her throat. And then, who do I find behind me but fucking Noah Knight,” he growls, rounding back on Harry, who flinches away in pain. Raul lowers his hands.

  “The man is feared for a reason, Harry,” Raul says, turning to the lump of a man and sliding his bloody knuckles back into his pockets. “Noah didn't rise to power because of his gentle nature and easygoing personality,” Raul chuckles, shaking his head. “I fancy him my most formidable opponent. He's a true competitor, a man worthy of the name kingpin. Drug lord Baron,” he rattles off the various names for the man I love.

  “So imagine my shock and panic,” Raul says over his shoulder, “when I see this legend towering above me, his fist raised in rage. He shouldn't have been there, Harry. There should have been no way in and out of that hole in the wall that you call a business. But he found his way in. I got a good shot in, of course, thought maybe I hit him in the heart, but the bastard just won't die.” He shakes his head and clicks his tongue at the memory. “The man's got guts, I'll give him that.”

  He turns back and rounds on Harry. “So I'm wondering, Harry, if maybe you did this on purpose.”

  “No,” the man whimpers, shaking his head fiercely. “No, sir. I did everything you asked. I didn't know that he would be there. Why would he be there? She has no connection to him.”

  “Apparently she does.” Raul shrugs and walks away. “Apparently, they have such an intense relationship that he saves her life and takes her into hiding. No, I have no idea why Noah would do this for her. And frankly, it doesn't matter to me. What does matter is that you failed me,” Raul says, cracking his knuckles.

  I watch as Raul reaches into his back pocket, pulls out a handgun, and points it at Harry's head. I gasp in fear. I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. I never liked Harry, and I know he didn't like me. But I would never have thought in a million years that he would try and help someone kill me. This premeditated act shakes me to the core.

  As I realize the implications, I’m trembling in Jake’s arms. His body is tense, and I can feel his heart beating, his pulse racing in his wrist where my hand squeezes tightly, trying to maintain my grip on reality. This is absolute insanity. How can this be real? How is this my life?

  “We have to go now,” Jake murmurs in my ear, so soft I barely hear it. What I do hear, though, is the definite click that a handgun makes as you cock it. Jake stops breathing, and I know there's a gun pointed at us.

  “Let her go, Mountain.” a high voice orders as Jake slowly lets go of me. I look up to see a scrawny redheaded teenager, pointing a Glock at Jake's head.

  “Hey, Boss,” the teen calls and Raul turns around, his face full of anger.

  “You dare interrupt me?” he spits.

  “Sir, this is something you're going to want to see.”

  “Boy, it better be worth it or it's going to be you getting the bullet between the eyes.”

  The kid looks nervous for a moment, then nods his head in understanding as Raul takes the gun, holsters it, and stalks back over to where we sit crashed on the ground.

  Raul’s face lights up with pleasure. “Well, Danny, look what you caught.” He laughs and lets out a low whistle. “Man, tough luck, sweetheart.” He winks at me before reaching down and yanking me by the forearm and hauling me to my feet.

  “No, no,” Jake says, standing before a loud crack rings in my ears as Danny's Glock slams hard into his head and Jake's eyes go blank. I scream, fighting against Raul’s arms as he cackles with true amusement.

  “Drag the giant along with you.” He gestures to Jake with his hand, pulling me with ease to the middle of the warehouse.

  “It's your lucky day, Harry,” he says, whirling me around and forcing me to face the man who betrayed me. “Look who came for breakfast.” Raul smiles. “Do you like omelets, sweetheart? Because I know Harry makes a killer omelet.” He winks at the diner owner. “All right, boys. Let's go.”

  “What do you want me to do with him, sir?” the scrawny redhead asks, gesturing to Jake unconscious on the floor.

  “Bring him too. I want him to see this.”

  I struggle against his hold until the gun aims at my head, Raul smiles at me. “Hush now,” he whispers. “We have so much to look forward to, you and I.” He grins and the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

  Leading me by the arm, the gun still pointed at me, we walk through the large warehouse into the back, where we are met by a large living area.

  “Have a seat, Charlie,” he instructs, letting go of my arm and gesturing with the gun for me to sit down. “Harry,” he barks and Harry jumps. “Go whip us up some breakfast. Yeah.” He nods to the kitchenette. “Lay that oaf right there,” he calls back to the four men, dragging Jake’s unconscious body over to the floor, then duct-taping his hands behind him.

  Chapter Sixteen


  My head is throbbing behind my eye. I feel a migraine forming as I drive through town looking for Charlie. What the hell happened to her? Why did she just disappear like that? If she wasn't taken, why would she leave? Does she not realize the risk that she's putting herself in? Or the risk that we take going off on a rescue mission? I feel irritation bubbling up within me. It's crazy how she can be so intelligent and yet so stupid about these things. Taking everything for granted and putting herself in danger.

  Women, why do they never do what I think they should? Never doing what would make sense to me. Do we really think that differently? Is it possible that we are an entire species of our own? Whatever, it doesn't matter, we are who we are. Sometimes we are simply self-sacrificing martyrs with an unacknowledged death wish. Considering how often she puts herself in these situations, I'm starting to think that's what her real problem is.

  Turning right I slow to a stop in front of the stop sign with a single V written in permanent marker on it. This is viper territory. The Vipers are Raul’s gang that has the worst of the worst local criminals. They give us all a bad name. The Vipers are violent, bloodthirsty, and are in and out of Kenton’s cells constantly. I sit just a moment longer contemplating the consequences of crossing into their territory lines.
  The west side of the town is Viper territory, the east side is mine. The Knights are a civilized group. Respect the territory lines, and don't cause trouble. Usually, I've had to pull men aside in the past. Knock them around, teach them a lesson or two, but for the most part, my guys keep their noses clean. We weren't hooligans like the Vipers. I don't believe in senseless violence, harassment, or assault. Yes, I've dealt extensively with drugs, it's how I've made my fortune, but we have standards, unlike Raul’s men.

  Sitting a moment longer I turn around and decide to park my car down the road. Crossing the line in the Impala will draw attention. Even though Raul has been in prison and has lost many followers, and the respect of the community, word that the kingpin of the Knights crossing territory lines will spread like wildfire and cause serious issues. There are still those who fear him so much that they will tell him anything. I think that's part of why he's making a big deal out of Kenton and Charlie. Yes, there is a matter that he lost everything, because of the police. At the same time, he knows that a bold move like this, the torture and murder of the police chief's daughter, will gain him notoriety sevenfold.

  Parking my car, I grab my jacket and a baseball cap, I don't want to draw attention. I'm not looking for trouble, which is exactly what I'll find if I run into the wrong people. I probably should have stolen a car, the Impala is rather conspicuous. I rethink wearing my jacket and slide it back off, replacing it in the backseat. Leather jackets and black Impalas are my calling card.

  The street is empty, which is strange, something is wrong here. I know Raul is back in town and the people are scared. You have to keep your head down with men like him roaming the streets. One wrong look can mean the difference between life and death.

  Jogging across the street I head to the warehouse I know he owns. It's a big empty space except for a single wooden chair with blood splatters across the ground. God, I hope the blood isn't Jake's or Charlie's. Peeking around the corner I look for signs of movement. I don't see anyone, though there are footprints outside the window looking in. I wonder if Charlie and Jake were here recently. There's was definitely someone here. Someone fell, a large man. Did they take Jake down? If they did it must have been a cheap shot. Jake is an incredible boxer and rarely unarmed even though he generally sticks to the shadows. I step carefully along the walls of the warehouse and follow the voices that I hear in the distance.

  There's laughter, loud and male, whatever they're laughing about can't be good. Raul isn’t one for jokes, at least not the kind that the average person would find entertaining. If he's laughing this hard then he must be overjoyed because he got what he wanted. The idea of it sets my teeth on edge and for a sickening moment, I wonder if she's already dead. I feel a wave of nausea pass over me. A world without Charlie is a world not worth living in. I've already lost a good woman once, a second time would kill me.

  The door was left ajar. I step closer and peek in. Is that Harry? What the hell is Harry doing here? I frown, staring at the badly beaten diner owner. Maybe that's his blood on the floor behind me. Is he cooking? What is he, some kind of private chef now? My eyes wandered back over to where loud laughter is coming from. My heart sinks, there on the floor, eyes closed mouth slack jaw slack is Jake. Yep. It had been dirty. A clean fight would have landed Raul or one of his buddies flat on their ass and unconscious in less than a minute.

  I turn my head, craning as far as I can in the little gap. I see Charlie in a chair with an omelet in front of her. She's not eating it. And her eyes are fixed on the sleeping mountain of a man. I only hope he isn't dead at this point. If they killed him I swear to god I'm going to... Before I can finish the thought a man walks in front of me, cutting off my view and placing a tripod in the middle of the living area. Fucking hell, this can't be good. The video camera is set up facing Charlie, whatever they are about to film can't be good.

  I desperately wish to run through there and save her, yank her from this terrible position that she is in. But I don't know what to do. I can't see who is armed, or how this is going to play out. I wish there was a way to tell her that I'm here and that she's not alone. Suddenly, Raul comes into view.

  “God, isn't this just the best way to start the morning, beautiful?” He says to Charlie standing too close to her for my comfort.

  “I love when things come together. I’ve got a surprise for you.” He winks, and she cringes.

  “You'll never guess who I ran into this morning,” he says, turning away from her and smiling at Harry.

  “Who?” Harry says, out of obligation. I don't think he actually cares who Raul has found. He just wants him to look away and leave them alone, can't say I blame the guy.

  “I'll give you a hint. Feisty brunette, with a killer right hook and heiress to the Knight Empire.”

  “Lucy,” I mutter under my breath, and my skin goes cold. He has Lucy. How the hell is that possible? I left her at the lake, she shouldn't be here. This shouldn't be happening right now. Where the hell is Kenton? He was supposed to have kept her safe. My palms begin to sweat as I watch for Charlie's reaction.

  I hear Lucy before I see her. Kicking, swearing, and screaming. The sound of breakables falling off the walls, and tools crashing to the ground.

  “You asshole I swear to God. I'm gonna kill you all. I'm going to…”

  “Whoa, whoa,” Raul calls, turning on his heel, clapping his hands together, and smiling. “Pretty kitty has claws,” he says, his voice is sickeningly sweet. It takes every ounce of me not to rush in there and wipe that stupid look off his face.

  Some punk has her in a headlock, how did he get her? In a move that makes me proud, she hammers down her left foot punctuated by the man's cry of pain. Then jabs him hard in the stomach doubling him over, almost taking her to the floor as he falls. He grabs her by the hair as Charlie jumps up, and Lucy, to her credit, uses his loosened grip to turn quickly and sink her teeth into his arm. That's my girl I grin. Lucy is and always has been a badass.

  “What happened?” Charlie demands standing over the injured man, her eyes wide on Lucy.

  “Where's my dad? How did they get you?” she asks her voice climbing higher. And I can tell that she is brimming with anxiety.

  “How the hell do you think they got us?” Lucy grumbles, spitting blood onto the floor. Raul holds his hands up, signaling for his men to stand back and let her be.

  “We were looking for you, you dumb blonde.”

  I cringe. Because I know that they are best friends and Lucy doesn't fully mean the angry things she says.

  “If it weren't for you. We'd all be safe somewhere, not here, in this shitty excuse for a villain lair.” She gestures around the dimly lit warehouse.

  “Hey,” Raul says standing up, holding up his hands. “Words hurt you know.”

  Lucy says nothing, just bares her teeth at him. There's still a hint of blood giving the grimace a rosy haze. I only hope the bastard didn't have some kind of blood-borne illness that will now be transferred to her.

  “I don't understand,” Charlie says, her voice shaking. As she walks up closer to Lucy.

  “You ran off, didn't you? Or were you abducted?” She glances back at Raul, who holds his hands up.

  “Oh, I didn’t do this. It is all on her.” He chuckles clearly entertained.

  “You came here?” Lucy accuses, trying to face Charlie.

  “I was only trying to help,” she says. “I wanted to know what he was up to, so I came to check out this,” gesturing around the room. “Then I saw him with Denton.”

  Lucy turns around, not having noticed the sweaty faced diner owner. Yes, he was here, and he was getting his ass handed to him by Raul. That must be his blood on the floor behind me.

  Charlie gestures to the dark-haired man smiling with amusement. “I was going to try and save him, and then I heard…”

  “Yes,” Raul interrupts, clapping his hands together facing Harry. “Exhilarating recap aside. Harry betrayed you. You got lucky with Noah Knight, and I got
lucky today.” He turns slowly, looking at Lucy.

  “I now have everything I want in life. Well, except for the two things that matter most. My girlfriend and my child,” he says with a sigh turning away.

  “I'll find them eventually of course,” he promises, pulling out a long knife. “She'll have to pay for taking him away. And for hiding from me. But all relationships have problems.”

  He shrugs. And I feel my blood begin to chill, as he turns back to two of my three favorite women, holding a long knife.

  “Where's my father?” Charlie asks, her voice shaking.

  “He'll be here in time. I've got a couple of things planned for him before you see him,” Raul says, smiling slowly.

  “Don't you touch him!” Lucy shrieks. I see her consider running at the man, quickly thinking better of it, as he raises his knife and points at her.

  “Oh, hush now,” he all but purrs, “don't be scared. Not yet. Not till he's here to see it. You see I had planned on the tripod,” he turns, tapping the metal pole, ”but this is so much better. We're going to have a live audience. Once the oaf wakes up of course,” he growls, kicking Jake hard. Jake doesn't move.

  “You didn't kill him did you?” Raul frowns looking up at the redhead standing beside him.

  “No sir, I didn't kill him. I just knocked him pretty good. I got a good arm on me.”

  “Good,” Raul says, looking around. “So let's see, we have the handsome chief of police,” he gestures out of view, “his pretty blonde daughter,” Raul takes a step towards her leering, and I feel my stomach tighten, “and the pretty girlfriend.” He turns to Lucy. Who snarls at him. “I think that's everyone he cares about. It's too bad daddy isn't here,” he pouts to Lucy.

  “My dad doesn't care about Kenton,” Lucy says.

  “No, but he does care about the two of you, and Goliath back there.” He gestures to Jake unconscious on the floor.

  Lucy tries to lunge at him again but the guy restraining her tightens his grip.


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