Price of Love

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by Shelley Munro

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Price of Love

  ISBN 9781419915826


  Price of Love Copyright © 2008 Shelley Munro

  Edited by Mary Moran.

  Cover art by Syneca.

  Electronic book Publication July 2008

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  Price of Love

  Shelley Munro

  Chapter One

  Conflict litters the history of Myanmar or Burma, as it was formerly known. The resource-rich country has fallen to raiders such as Kublai Khan and warring kingdoms from neighboring lands, all seeking power and wealth. To this day, life for the Burmese people is a struggle under military dictatorship. With this history in mind, the shifters of the tiger and leopard clans decided there was strength in numbers. If they hoped to exist as a species, protect the wealth generated by their ruby mines and preserve the right to live in their jungle kingdom, they had to work together. No longer was it enough to travel and integrate within the human education system and society as they’d done in the past. They needed to secure their jungle haven where they liked to return to recharge and live the simpler life. In a secret ballot carried out amongst their kind, they voted to join forces and if individuals so desired, allow them to mate together with any offspring automatically given equal rights. It was the way of the future.

  Tiger Kersen Amat approved of the new regime, enjoyed mixing with the leopard shifters. And now things were looking up since the previous evening he’d concluded talks with a high-ranking leopard family and won the right to court their beautiful daughter Jarita Namar. The delicate negotiations had continued long into the night. Now all he needed to do was prepare a bride price of two ruby necklaces, one for his prospective mate and the other to give to his mate’s family within a week. And of course he needed to romance the female because she didn’t know about the agreement yet. Despite adhering to the bride-price tradition, they were modern in outlook and Jarita had the right to refuse him. The courtship would be the fun part.

  He grinned, peering past the screen of jungle ferns to watch the subtle sway of Jarita’s curvy hips. Sexy. Independent. His smile widened as he added disobedient to his thoughts. The beautiful leopard shifter shouldn’t be wandering the jungle paths alone, and judging by the quick glances over her shoulder, she knew it. He padded after her, cautiously following the woman deeper into the cool jungle, his good humor slowly dying when she moved into forbidden territory—the area where the shifters mined for rubies. Only authorized persons entered the region. Was she meeting another male? One he and her family didn’t know about? Or worse, could she be the traitor who had let the opium lords learn of the hidden ruby mines deep in shifter territory?

  A chill swept Kersen. His jaw set in determination while he tracked her silently, not moving too close since he knew with her highly evolved senses she’d discern his presence.

  Overhead a brightly colored parrot flitted, squawking when another encroached on its territory. Jarita started, a small eek escaping before she shrugged irritably and continued down the leaf-covered dirt path.

  Part of the security force, Kersen was skilled at tracking and knew the jungle intimately, including the paths trodden by the men who worked for the opium lords. He couldn’t understand why Jarita marched so precariously close to danger. Once he discovered what the woman was up to, he intended to teach her a lesson. And that would be a pleasure, he thought darkly, anger and arousal warring inside. Sweat glistened on his bare chest. Hands clenched to fists while anger swelled, overtaking warm thoughts of passion. His biceps expanded, pushing against the tight band of his ruby-encrusted armband as he considered the possibilities, the trouble she might have attracted.

  Without warning, the jungle went silent. Kersen moved quickly, prompted by gut instinct and familiarity at the signs of intruders. He darted down the track and pounced on the woman, ruthlessly containing her scream with the palm of his hand.

  “Jarita, it’s me. Kersen. Intruders. We must hide. Do you understand?” He spoke the local Burmese instead of the English they used when dealing with foreigners.

  Part of him regretted it when she abruptly ceased her struggles. The curve of her ass against his groin felt damned good despite his anger with her. His cock strained against the cotton longyi, the skirt-like waistcloth he wore. Oh yeah. Once they were safe, he intended to smack the rounded globes of her ass so she remembered not to walk blindly into danger again. That was after he discovered what the hell she was up to out here on her own. By the time he finished, she’d know she belonged to him and he’d have her complete loyalty.

  He moved rapidly, lifting her into his arms. Once clear of the path, he set her on her feet.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  “I think it’s the men with the opium lords. Shift. We’ll climb into the trees. As long as we remain silent they won’t think to look up.”

  “Vermin,” she said with a hiss.

  Either she was innocent of wanting to meet with them or the female was a very good actress. He didn’t know what to think of her behavior.

  Kersen waited for her to transform, watching protectively while her formfitting blouse and longyi melted into her body, replaced by glossy black fur. She dropped to all fours, letting the change take her. Attraction for the woman swarmed through his tight body despite the approaching danger. So beautiful. And his—as long as he managed to seal the deal with an acceptable bride price and her cooperation.

  “Up in the tree,” he ordered.

  She shook her head, ears flattening in defiance.

  “Dammit, woman. Go. I need to know you’re safe.”

  They stared at each other in a duel of wills. Finally she barked a soft, abrasive grunt, telling him she intended to obey but not with good grace. A single leap was all it took for her to scale to the first branch. The leaves of the trees barely rippled under her weight.

  Kersen let out a sigh of relief, angry with her but amused at the same time. She’d wanted to return the favor and protect him because he was vulnerable while shifting. Hell, none of the tiger women would have hesitated to follow orders. And he doubted any of them would have attempted to protect him either. Both aroused and humbled at her fierce loyalty, he called his tiger to mind and shifted smoothly, leaping into the neighboring tree seconds before a line of men trudged into sight. Maybe he’d been mistaken about her reasons for being in the forbidden territory?

  The men walked in single file, passing the trees concealing the felines without an upward glance. A guard, armed with a rifle led the group, his dark eyes alert for danger. The men toiling after him carried full sacks on their backs. The sweet scent gave away the c
ontents. Opium, destined for clandestine transport across the border to Thailand. They moved past, shoulders bowed under the weight of their sacks. Another sentry followed in the rear, heavily armed with a machine gun, a pistol at his side and a knife sticking prominently from one of his muddy leather boots.

  Intently, Kersen stared at their faces, committing them to memory. Ah, the fat one-eyed man was the bastard who’d helped steal the girl-children from the local village, holding them for ransom until the Burmese people had agreed to plant poppies. Although they’d returned the girls, Kersen had heard the children still suffered nightmares from their rough experience. A roar of displeasure squeezed from his throat, echoing below the jungle canopy. A startled bird fluttered from the tree to their right. The men jabbered uneasily in Burmese, darting glances over their shoulders and increasing their pace. In the distance an answering roar sounded. A second snarl, closer than the first, carried across the silent jungle.

  Help was on the way.

  Currently off-duty, Kersen knew the other security force members would handle the interlopers. The shifters would destroy the opium rather than allowing it to reach the city streets. He was free to concentrate on Jarita.

  Kersen peered through the branches and intercepted Jarita’s gaze. Her golden eyes focused on him, unblinking. Heat seared his groin. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

  Once the spooked men were no longer within hearing distance, Kersen crawled along the tree branch and leapt to the ground. Jarita followed suit, prowling over the mud caused by yesterday’s rain and leaf litter to rub against him. Her head nudged his shoulder and her soft purr vibrated along his side. Once again his thoughts jumped to sex despite his worries. He backed away to shift, needing to talk to her. Why was she out here on her own? Hell, if she intended to meet another man…

  Fuck, he couldn’t let that happen. Refused to stand aside and let another male steal her away. His, dammit. She belonged to him or at least she would by the time he was finished.

  Fully changed to a man again, Kersen frowned down at her. She rubbed against his legs, showing affection like a damned housecat. “Shift,” he ordered. “I want to talk.”

  Jarita grunted, an unhappy sound, but stepped back to transform. “You want to talk?” she purred, her breasts heaving under the tight turquoise blouse. He couldn’t help but notice the hard tips of her nipples pressing against the cotton fabric. “You didn’t wish to talk during my cousin’s party. All you did was flirt with that stupid Rani and her sisters.”

  Kersen’s brows rose at her tone. Interesting. “Were you jealous?”

  “No!” The word exploded from her in a snarl. “Why would I be jealous about you making a fool of yourself?” Delicate pink shaded her coffee-colored cheeks, her dark brows lifting until they resembled thin slashes of displeasure.

  Damn, she was beautiful. His palms itched with the need to touch and his gaze wandered to full pink lips. Unconsciously he took a step forward. The dark-haired princess backed up until a broad tree trunk halted her retreat.

  “Maybe you wanted me to kiss you like I kissed her?” Kersen picked up a strand of her long straight hair, winding it around his finger. “I could kiss you now, if that was what you wanted.”

  She swallowed, the slender column of her throat moving in a telltale sign of her unease. “Why would I want to take Rani’s leavings?”

  Kersen chuckled at the hint of jealousy in her words, feeling more confident. Maybe not another man. He dipped his head, savoring the tart scent of her, the hint of green leaves and the underlying sandalwood. It wasn’t the normal flowery scent of the other women and he liked the note of originality. “Because I tempt you?” He brushed his lips over the corner of her mouth, savoring her sharp intake of air. She wasn’t immune to him. His lips touched the tip of her nose, the curve of her cheekbone while his hands wandered across her shoulders, drawing her closer until her breasts brushed his chest. “I do tempt you, don’t I, Jarita?”

  “Let me go.”

  To his relief her body spoke an opposing language, leaning into him, silently daring him to take what he desired. Her family was pleased with the idea of the match because it gave a clear signal they supported the move for the clans to join forces. Not that Jarita knew. Originally he’d intended to court her, woo her until she gave in to the powerful force between them. Recognized it as readily as he. Maybe a more immediate approach would work better.

  “You’re very beautiful.” He smoothed a lock of hair away from her face, his fingers tracing the whorls of her ear, tugging lightly at the ruby stud piercing the lobe. He fingered it carefully while his lips nibbled at her chin. The ruby necklace he intended to design for her would look stunning when draped around her neck. “No wonder all the males want you.” He felt her shiver when his fingers traced along her collarbone to the spot where his ruby necklace would lie just above her cleavage.

  “I thought you were going to kiss me?”

  “I thought you wanted me to let you go?” He confused her—that was obvious. It was good to keep her off balance. His lips brushed the corner of her mouth again, this time letting her feel the smooth tip of his tongue. She trembled, a gasp escaping. Although she didn’t say anything, Jarita angled her body closer, pressing her high breasts more firmly against his bare chest. The beginnings of a satisfied smile twitched at his mouth. It would be good between them.

  “I…what if they come back? They might catch us unawares.”

  Kersen laughed. “We’re shifters. We’ll hear them long before they see us. No, you’re worried about what punishment I might exact after finding you in the forbidden territory. What are you doing here?”

  “I…I don’t have to tell you.” She refused to meet his gaze, studying the surrounding trees instead.

  “Are you meeting with a lover?”

  “No!” Her attention snapped back to him. “I…my lovers are none of your business.”

  Anger bloomed, swift and dark. Of course she’d have previous lovers, no doubt when she’d worked in Europe. They were a modern society, many of their people traveling to the West for their education and to work or live. He’d had lovers while abroad, but it didn’t counteract the wash of jealousy curling through him. “I don’t wish to hear about your former lovers.”

  “Then don’t flirt with Rani and her sisters in front of me.”

  Ah, the resentment worked both ways. Relief replaced his anger, the knowledge she’d at least wondered about him enough to experience jealousy soothing his angst and possessiveness. He pressed a swift kiss to her lips, desperately wanting more but knowing this wasn’t the time. That would come later tonight.

  “Then what are you doing out here alone?”

  A flash of unease crossed her face replaced immediately by enigmatic and mysterious. “I don’t have to tell.” Her mouth flattened into a sullen pout and she concentrated on her sandal-shod feet.

  “It’s dangerous out here. Those men are ruthless, and they’re not above taking women and selling them into slavery. Do you want to end up in a brothel in Thailand? Paying for board by offering your body to any man with money to pay? Or were you meeting with the men?”

  “Of course not!” She shoved at his chest, but he refused to back off. He wanted to frighten her, to keep his woman safe. “I would never betray our clans. Never! Those men are scum.”

  “Then what were you doing out here?”

  “None of your business.”

  He frowned, going back to thoughts of another man, even though she’d denied it already. Had he miscalculated and left things too long? “We can’t stay here. Come.” Kersen grasped her left hand and led her swiftly through the jungle, following a path forged by deer. Around them the jungle came to life again, the insects and birds resuming their song, the upper canopy alive with music caused by a mischievous breeze.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Why does it matter?” he countered, suspicions rising again.

  “I…um…” She trailed off, chewin
g the plump cushion of her bottom lip between sharp, white teeth. Her eyes looked everywhere except at him.

  The woman looked guilty as hell. “Do I have to beat the truth out of you?”

  “You wouldn’t hit me.” The words rang with conviction, but unease spilled through in her body language.

  “Try me,” he muttered. “I’ll place you over my lap, pull up your longyi and slap your backside until it goes bright pink.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she said, sounding shocked.

  “You’ll see.” He took pleasure in her harsh inhalation followed by rapid breathing. She wasn’t as scandalized as she made out. Intrigued—maybe—but shock didn’t come into it.

  Kersen headed unerringly for the tiny clearing he and three friends had discovered while searching for rubies. The spot was a concealed jewel and unknown to opium-workers. A small stream ran through and the nearby cave was his destination. He knew he’d find the perfect stones for his bride price here. Traditionally the bride price needed to come from a private source, preferably discovered by the male offering it. A formerly unknown stone was considered a good omen.

  By the time the sun rose again, Jarita would know she belonged to him and feel confident that he was hers. She’d help him choose the rubies she’d wear to proclaim she belonged to him. Jarita would want to display them with pride.

  * * * * *

  Jarita stumbled after Kersen, her thoughts in turmoil. Despite the danger, she’d thought a visit to the temple in the forbidden territory was worth the risk. She’d wanted to make an offering and ask for a chance with Kersen. Instead, the man had ambushed her and she wasn’t quite sure what to make of this turn of events.

  He’d kissed her like a child and threatened to punish her, except the way he’d described it made her body prickle with pleasure, her breasts swell with longing. Even now each step made her nipples brush against her blouse. The calloused touch of his hand, clasping her fingers as he dragged her along, sent tingles of pleasure galloping up her arm. Kersen was so strong, yet he had a gentle and patient side, taking time to teach the small shifter boys how to whittle figures from teak. It was this that had attracted her despite his fearsome reputation as a warrior.


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