Making His Way; Or, Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward

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Making His Way; Or, Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward Page 15

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  "You will be willing to swear to this in court?"

  "Yes, sir, if you will guarantee the sum you proposed."

  "I will. I shall wish you to find a boarding place in the village, andremain here for the present, so as to be ready when needed. I will beresponsible for your board."

  As Jonas Barton was leaving the house, one of the servants came in withimportant news, in which Frank was strongly interested.



  The news was that Mr. Manning and Mark had just arrived at the Cedars.They had come by the last evening train. Why they had come back sounexpectedly no one knew, but the servant had heard that Mark was inpoor health. This was true.

  Mark, in Europe, had proved uncontrollable. He had given way to hisnatural love of drink, had kept late hours, and had seriously injuredhis constitution. In consequence of these excesses, he had contracted afever, which alarmed him father and induced him to take the firststeamer home.

  "We won't call upon your stepfather this evening, Frank," said Col.Vincent; "but early Monday morning we will bring matters to a crisis."

  Mr. Manning did not hear of Frank's presence in the village. He wasfatigued with his rapid travel and kept at home. Besides, Mark wasprostrated by his journey and didn't wish to be left alone.

  It was, therefore, a surprise to Mr. Manning when on Monday morning,Col. Vincent was ushered into his presence, accompanied by Frank.

  "Really, colonel," he said, recovering his composure, "you are very kindto call so soon. I hope you are well, Frank? Are you staying with thecolonel? You must come back to your old home."

  "Thank you, Mr. Manning, but I am living in New York. I am only passinga day or two with the colonel."

  "It is very friendly in you to call, Col. Vincent."

  "Mr. Manning," said Col. Vincent, gravely, "I am not willing to receiveundeserved credit. Let me say, therefore, that this is a business, not afriendly, call."

  "Indeed," said Manning, uneasily.

  "The business is connected with my young friend Frank."

  "I am ready to listen," said Mr. Manning. "If Frank wants a largerallowance, I am ready to give it."

  "I venture to say for him that he will not be satisfied with that. Letme come to the point at once, Mr. Manning. Mrs. Manning's will has beenfound."

  Mr. Manning started perceptibly, and his glance involuntarily wanderedto that part of the wall behind which the will was discovered, for theywere sitting in the very apartment where Mrs. Noonan had stumbled uponit.

  "What do you mean, sir?"

  "A will has been found, leaving the bulk of the property to Frank."

  "Indeed! I am surprised. Is it a later will than the one whichbequeathed the estate to me?" asked Mr. Manning, pointedly.

  "It is Mrs. Manning's latest genuine will," said Col. Vincent,emphatically.

  Mr. Manning started to his feet. He could not help understanding thecolonel's meaning. It would have been idle to pretend it.

  "What do you mean, Col. Vincent?" he asked, in a tone which he tried tomake one of dignified resentment.

  "I mean that Mrs. Manning made but one will, and that this bequeaths theproperty to Frank."

  "How, then, do you account for the later will which was admitted toprobate?"

  "In this way. It was not what it purported to be."

  Mr. Manning's sallow face flushed.

  "What do you mean to insinuate?" he asked.

  "That the last will was forged!" said Col. Vincent, bluntly.

  "This is a very serious charge," said Mr. Manning, unable to repress hisagitation. "You must allow me to say that I shall pay no attention toit. When you furnish proof of what you assert, it will be time enough tomeet it. And now, gentlemen, if you have nothing further to say, I willbid you good-morning."

  "I think you will find it best not to be in a hurry, Mr. Manning," saidCol. Vincent. "The charge must be met here and now. I charge you withinstigating and being cognizant of the fraud that has been perpetrated!"

  "On what grounds, sir? Do you know I can sue you for libel?"

  "You are welcome to do so, Mr. Manning. I have a witness who will clearme."

  "Who is he?"

  "Jonas Barton!"

  If a bombshell had exploded in the room, Mr. Manning could not havelooked paler or more thoroughly dismayed. Yet he tried to keep up alittle longer.

  "I don't know any man of that name," he answered, faintly.

  "Your looks show that you do. I may as well tell you, Mr. Manning, thatresistance is useless. We can overwhelm you with proof if we take thematter before the courts. But we do not care to do so. We have somethingto propose."

  "What is it?" said Mr. Manning, faintly.

  "The genuine will must be substituted for the fraudulent one. By it youwill receive ten thousand dollars, and Frank will consent that you shallreceive it. He will not ask you to account for the sums you havewrongfully spent during the last year, and will promise not to prosecuteyou, provided you leave this neighborhood and never return to it, or inany way interfere with him. To insure this, we shall have Jonas Barton'swritten confession, attested before a justice of the peace, ready foruse, if needful. Do you accept?"

  "I must," said Mr. Manning, despondently. "But I shall be a poor man."

  "No man who has health and the use of his facilities is poor with tenthousand dollars," answered the colonel.

  "Mark alone will spend more than the interest of this sum."

  "Then you must prevent him. He will be better off if he has to earn hisliving, as Frank has done for the last year."

  In less than a week the transfer was made, and Frank recovered hispatrimony.

  Mr. Manning and Mark went to Chicago, and perhaps further West; butnothing has been heard from them for years.

  Frank didn't return to the Cedars. The place was let until he shouldwish to return to it.

  By the advice of Col. Vincent, he resumed his preparation for college,and, graduating in due time, commenced the study of law.

  Though rich enough to do without a profession, he felt that he shouldnot be content to lead an aimless life.

  He obtained for his school friend, Herbert Grant, the post of privatesecretary to Mr. Percival, and Herbert became nearly as great a favoriteas himself.

  Through Mr. Percival's kindness, Herbert was enabled, while still livingat his house and attending to his duties as secretary, to enter ColumbiaCollege, and complete his course there, graduating with honor.

  Herbert selected the medical profession, and, when he has completed hisstudies, will go abroad for a year with Frank, at the latter's expense,and, returning, open an office in New York.

  While he is waiting for the patients and Frank for clients, the twowill live together, and their common expenses will be defrayed by Frank.

  "If I didn't like you so well, Frank," said Herbert, "I would not acceptthis great favor at your hands--"

  "But since we are dear friends," interrupts Frank, with a smile.

  "I know that you enjoy giving even more than I do the receiving."

  "Enough, Herbert. We understand each other. I have no brother, Herbert,and if I had, I could not care more for him than I do for you. Withoutyou, I should feel alone in the world."

  Frank does not regret the year in which he was thrown upon his ownresources. It gave him strength and self-reliance; and however long hemay live, he will not cease to remember with pleasure the year in whichhe was "Making His Way."



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