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Blush for Me

Page 19

by Kristen Proby

  “Shit, we’re dead in the water.”

  “Maybe use a different idiom,” Sue says. She’s wringing her hands and biting her lip, exactly the same way Kat does.

  I walk to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. “She’s going to be fine.”

  “Okay,” she replies just as my own phone rings. “Maybe that’s her!”

  I glance at the caller ID and roll my eyes, declining the call. “No, it’s my dad. I barely hear from him for years, and all of a sudden he’s become super chatty.”

  “He’s called me a few times too,” Chase says with a frown.

  “I think he’s lonely,” Mom replies. “But that’s not my fault.”

  Chase and I both smile, share a look, and nod. “No, it’s not your fault,” I say.

  “There he is again,” Chase says as his phone rings. “Hi, Dad.”

  I watch Chase’s face as Dad talks. I wish I could hear what he’s saying.

  “No, Dad, I really don’t have time to talk right now. Kat is missing, and we’re trying to figure out where she is.”

  Chase rolls his eyes.

  “Kat is Mac’s girlfriend. No, I’m sure you haven’t heard about her because we’ve all been too busy worrying about you to tell you what’s going on with us.”

  “Don’t scold him,” Mom says, but Chase waves her off.

  “We don’t know,” Chase continues. “Mac took her to a concert tonight, and when she went to the restroom, she never came back. We can’t find her.”

  I pace away, not wanting to listen to Chase talk to Dad anymore. I don’t want to listen to anyone talk anymore, unless it’s Kat saying “I’m home.”

  I wander back to the bedroom and just stand in the middle of the room, looking around. Her space is feminine, but not overdone. It smells like her. The heels she wore last night are on the floor at the end of the bed. There are dirty clothes on the chair by the window.

  It looks like she’s going to walk out of the bathroom and smile at me in that way she does when she’s looking to get laid.

  I fucking love that look.

  I love her.

  I need her back. Jesus, I’m a fucking mess. I wander back into the main living area in time to see Chase scowl and say, “What? My God, Dad, what the fuck did you do?”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Something smells horrible.

  I’m slowly coming awake. Damn, I must have partied way too hard last night because my head feels like I went a round or two with a boxer. My mouth is so dry.

  I’m just . . . sore.

  I open one eye and frown. I’m not in my condo. I’m not in my bed.

  Where the fuck am I?

  And then it all comes flooding back. Meeting my parents for lunch and the concert. Being led away by Preston and his buddy.

  Oh fuck, I’ve been kidnapped.

  “Don’t panic,” I whisper to myself, and glance around the room. I’m the only one here. “This is quite the storm, Kat. What are you going to do to get yourself out of here?”

  I don’t know why I’m here. I have no idea what they want. They refused to tell me as they dragged me to the car, and then they knocked me the fuck out.

  I rub the back of my head as I sit up on the old couch they dumped me on. It’s lumpy, and probably infested with . . . stuff I don’t want to know about.

  With a shiver, I pull my knees up to my chest. The door opens and here comes Preston, the guy who helped him nab me, and some guy I’ve never seen before.

  “You’re awake,” the stranger says.

  “Where am I?”

  He just shakes his head and sits behind the old, metal desk, resting his hands on his large belly. “You don’t get to ask the questions, honey. I do.”

  “Told you she’s a talker,” Preston says with a smirk.

  I bite my lip and glare at all three of them. There has to be some kind of mistake. Surely, I don’t have any information that they could want.

  “I’ll answer your questions,” I say at last.

  “Great.” The stranger smiles, revealing a gold tooth in the front. His hair is slicked back. He has gold rings on almost every finger.

  He’s the stereotypical bad guy.

  If I wasn’t so scared, I’d laugh.

  “I’m owed a very large sum of money,” he says, leaning forward. “I’ve been a patient man, Kat.”

  “I’m quite sure that I don’t owe you any money,” I reply, and feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  Mac’s dad.

  “You’re right. But your boyfriend’s father does. He’s stopped making payments on his debt. He’s stopped taking my calls.”

  I wouldn’t answer your calls either.

  “Why—” I begin, but he cuts me off.

  “Stop talking.” He glares at me and I bite my lip again. “His kid stopped giving him money.”


  “But he’s going to pay up when he finds out that I have you.”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “You’re not good at taking orders, are you, princess?”

  I almost laugh at the princess reference, but think twice about it. This guy doesn’t seem to have much of a sense of humor.

  Plus, he’s a little scary. And he’s holding me for ransom.

  Seriously? I’m being held for ransom? Is this a movie? I had no idea this actually happened in real life.

  “In fact,” he continues, “I think I’ll call him now.”

  I close my eyes. I’m breaking out in a sweat from panic, but I won’t let them see my fear. No way will they get that satisfaction.

  Instead, I stay silent and watch as he punches numbers in his phone. His dark, evil eyes are on mine as he waits for Mac to pick up.

  “I have her,” he simply says when Mac answers. “And if you don’t want me to hurt her, you’ll pay me the quarter of a million that your father owes me.”


  “If you don’t,” he replies, “she’ll work it off until it’s paid in full.”

  I’m going to throw up. I swallow hard, but I can’t control the way my stomach rolls. Work it off? Just how does he think I’ll do that?

  I don’t want to know.

  “No, you can’t talk to her.”

  “Please,” I whisper.

  “Ten seconds,” he growls, and passes me the phone.


  “Kat, are you hurt? Can you tell me where you are?”

  “I’m not hurt,” I reply. God, I want to tell him I love him. I might not get another chance. But I don’t want it to be over the fucking phone. “Please find me.”

  “Hang tight, baby. We’re going to find you.”

  “That’s enough.” The phone is ripped from my hand. “You have three hours to get the money together. I don’t give two shits that it’s the middle of the night. Get the fucking money.”

  He ends the call and glares at me. “If you try to get out of this room, I’ll kill you. If you try to use this phone”—he points at the landline on his desk—“I’ll kill you. You stay on the couch until I tell you to move.”

  I don’t reply.

  “Do you fucking understand me?”

  I nod once, and the three men leave, locking the door from the outside. I blow out a deep breath and will the tears to dry up. I can’t fall apart now. I take another look around and frown. I think I’m in a warehouse. Could I be somewhere in the Pearl District?

  Let’s be honest, I could be anywhere. There are warehouses all over Portland.

  “Okay, Kat, think,” I whisper. “There has to be a way to get out of here. He can’t kill you if he can’t find you. Mac has to be worried sick. I can’t imagine what he must have thought when I didn’t return.

  “Plus, I missed Adele and that just pisses me right off. Fuckers.”

  I glare at the men through the door.

  “What did he mean that I’d work off the money? Is he going to whore me out? Oh, hell no.” I shake my head and
feel the panic start to work its way up again. I’m not sure if I can hold it at bay much longer.

  I stand and walk to the door they locked, press my ear against it, and listen. It’s quiet for a moment, but then someone else must walk in because they start to talk. I can’t make out everything.

  “. . . trying to get it to you.”

  “. . . hard enough. You’re a piece of shit.”

  They must be walking around the room because the voices ebb and flow in volume.

  “. . . by the end of . . .”

  “. . . fuck that . . .”

  Suddenly there’s a scuffle and a loud bang. I run back to the couch and hide behind it just as I hear, “Hands up! You’re all under arrest!”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  I stay huddled in the corner, in case there is more gunfire. Everything seems to be in slow motion. The noises, the voices, and then the door to the office is flung open and an older version of Mac comes running inside.

  “You must be Kat,” he says. His eyes are kind, but scared. “I’m Mac’s father, Eric. You’re safe now, sweetheart. I am so sorry.”

  “Oh my God,” I reply. It’s all I can say. He pulls me to him and hugs me hard. “Where’s Mac?”

  “He’s here. I’ll take you to him.”

  “Mr. MacKenzie, you’ll need to come with us,” a man in uniform says from the doorway. “We still need your official statement.”

  “Can I walk her out to my son first? I’ll be right back.”

  “We’ll need your statement too, miss.” The policeman nods. “But let’s get you checked out first. We’ve got the men in custody. You’re safe.”

  Eric wraps his arm around my shoulder and guides me outside. Mac is pacing the sidewalk across the street, being held back from coming in the building by more police.

  I break away from Eric and run toward Mac. I can’t wait to be in his arms.

  Fuck, I need him.

  “Kat!” He catches me in his arms, holding me tight, kissing my head and cheek. “Are you hurt? Did they touch you?”

  “I’m fine,” I reply, and bury my face in his neck. He smells so damn good. “I’m fine now.”

  “Fuck, Kat.”

  “I know.” We’re clinging to each other, neither of us wanting to let go despite people swarming around us. I’ve completely lost my composure, crying and clinging to Mac as if my life depends on it. Policemen are trying to ask me questions, but all that matters is that I’m in Mac’s arms again. “I’m so sorry that I worried you.”

  “Stop,” he says, cupping my cheeks in his hands, brushing my tears away. “Not one bit of this is your fault. The important thing is that you’re safe. God, Kat, I want to fucking kill them with my bare hands.”

  “I don’t want to have to arrest you too.”

  My head comes up at the familiar voice. “Owen?”

  He’s dressed in his uniform and watching me grimly.

  “Are you okay?”

  I nod, then cringe. My head is killing me. “They knocked me out at the concert. I have a bit of a headache.”

  “The ambulance is pulling in now,” Owen replies.

  “I don’t need an ambulance,” I reply, and Mac scowls at me.

  “Of course you do. You’re going to the hospital,” he says.

  “No. I’m not.” I shake my head stubbornly. “I’m fine.”

  “Kat—” Mac begins, but Owen cuts him off.

  “You were knocked unconscious. You’re going to the hospital. Then you’re going to rest, and come see me first thing Monday morning to give me your statement.”

  “I don’t have to do it today?” I ask in relief.

  “It’s the weekend. These douchebags will sit in jail until Monday, when they can lawyer up anyway. I want you to rest.”

  “I’ll see that she does,” Mac says. “Thank you.”

  Owen nods and leads us to the ambulance.

  “Can you climb in, or do you need a gurney?” the paramedic asks.

  “I can climb in,” I reply. “But I’m telling you I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

  “You’re so fucking stubborn,” Mac says in exasperation. “Are you going to be this stubborn for the rest of our lives? I might need to mentally prepare for that.”

  I get settled on the gurney and the paramedic begins hooking me up to wires and tubes, and then Mac’s words hit me.

  “The rest of our lives?”

  “If you think you’re breaking up with me now, you’ve got another thing coming,” he says, and takes my hand in his, kissing my knuckles. “God, I was scared, Kat. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared.”

  “Me too,” I reply, and drag my fingers down his cheek. “What a mess. How did they find me?”

  “My dad,” he replies. “He kept calling, checking in to see if Chase, Mom, and I were safe. Finally, Chase told him that you were missing, and we didn’t have time for idle chitchat. Dad freaked out. He was worried that they were going to take one of us; he had no idea that I have been seeing you. He knew where their offices were, and led the cops right to you. They had him go in first to talk, then followed him in to arrest them. They had to admit that they had you.”

  “Your dad didn’t mean for this to happen,” I say softly. Mac nods.

  “I know. But he needs to get help. I’ll talk to him after I know you’re okay.”

  “I’m telling you, I’m okay.”

  “Great. We’ll have a doctor confirm that.”

  I pout, sticking my lower lip out, and Mac grins. “Oh! I’d better call Mia.”

  “It’s the middle of the night,” I remind him.

  “Everyone is at your condo. They’ve been there since I couldn’t find you.” He dials the phone. “Hi, it’s me. Yes, I have her, and we’re on our way to Emanuel Hospital now. She seems to be okay, but we’re going to have a doctor check her out. Okay, sounds good. See you soon.”


  “Now they’re all headed to the hospital too.”

  I feel more tears threaten. I love all of those people so much, and to know they love me just as much is overwhelming and humbling and such a fucking relief.

  “Hey, don’t cry, baby.”

  “It’s the adrenaline,” I reply, and accept a tissue from the paramedic. “It’s a chemical reaction to a severely stressful stimulus.”

  “And she says she’s not a scientist,” he says with a smile, holding my hand. I glance down to see that I’m white-knuckling his fingers.

  “Please don’t let go,” I whisper. He leans in and kisses me gently, then hooks a piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Never. You’re stuck with me, Red.”

  Chapter Twenty


  She’s safe.

  My God, I think the past twenty-four hours took ten years off my life, but I’d gladly trade them again for the same outcome. Kat is safe.

  We’re waiting for the doctor to come discharge her, and then we can go home.

  “They don’t have to wait,” she says, shaking her head. “They know I’m fine; they should go home.”

  “They love you,” I reply simply. “They want to see you with their own eyes before they go.”

  The whole gang moved from her place to the hospital, and have been waiting here for three hours to see her. It’s almost time for the sun to come up, and I know that I’m ready to take Kat home, curl around her as she sleeps, and never let her out of my sight again.

  “Excuse us,” Sue says as she pokes her head in the doorway. “Can we come in and say hi?”

  “Hi, Mom,” Kat replies with a tired smile.

  “Of course.” I kiss Kat’s cheek, then stand back as her parents shuffle into the small room. “While you sit with her, I’ll go give everyone an update.”

  “Good idea,” Stu says, shaking my hand. “Thank you for taking care of her.”

  I nod and hear Kat say, “We’re just waiting for the discharge papers,” as I leave the room and walk down the hallway to the waiting
room. Landon and Cami are snuggled up in a corner, and Addie and Jake are sitting opposite them. Addie is rubbing circles over her belly. Mom, Mia, and Riley are chatting and Chase is pacing the room.

  “How is she?” Chase asks.

  “She’s fine. Minor concussion is all, and they just gave her something for the headache. We’re just waiting for the discharge papers.”

  “Thank God,” Mia says as Riley and Addie both break down in tears. “What a fucking nightmare.”

  “It’s over,” I reply, and pull Mia in for a big hug. “She’s just fine, and she’s safe. I hope they have a solid case on the fuckers who took her.”

  “They do.” My head whips around at the sound of my dad’s voice. “They’ll be in jail for a very long time.”

  “Good, because otherwise I’d have to go kick their asses myself,” Kat says as she and her parents join us. “I can’t believe you’re all still here. Seriously, somebody should be getting some sleep.” Despite the sarcastic words, her eyes are full of tears as her friends and family rush to envelop her in hugs and love.

  While she’s surrounded by those she loves the most, I pull my dad to the side. “Since you’re here, I assume they didn’t press charges against you for illegal gambling.”

  He shakes his head. “No. They cut a deal with me in exchange for the information I gave them.”

  I nod. “Thank you for helping us find her.”

  “Fuck, Mac, I’m the reason they took her! You shouldn’t me thanking me, you should be kicking my ass. I’m so sorry this happened.”

  “Oh, trust me, I’ve wanted to kick your ass more times than I can count over the past ten years.”

  “I’m a disappointment,” he says, hanging his head.

  “You don’t have to be,” I reply with irritation. “We’ve been telling you for years to get help, Dad. Jesus, Mom left you and you didn’t even notice she was gone for almost two weeks! I mean, who does that?”

  “I know.” He scrubs his hand over his face. His eyes are tired and just . . . defeated.

  “Dad, you have to go to treatment.”

  “Treatment isn’t free, son.”


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