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by Georg Feuerstein

  ———. Living with Kundalînî. Boston and London: Shambhala, 1993.

  Kulärnava Tantra. Text with English translation by Râm Kumar Rai. Varanasi, India: Prachya Prâkâshan, 1983.

  Kulärnava Tantra. Edited by Täränätha Vidyâratna and translated by M. P. Pandit. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1984.

  Kumar, Pushpendra. Sakti Cult in Ancient India. Varanasi, India: Bharatiya Publishing House, 1974.

  Kuppanna Sastry, T. S., trans. Vedanga Jyotish ofLagadha. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy, 1985.

  Lannoy, Richard. The Speaking Tree: A Study of Indian Culture and Society. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.

  Larson, Gerald James. Classical Sämkhya. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1969.

  ———, and Râm Shankar Bhattacharya, eds. Sämkhya: A Dualist Tradition in Indian Philosophy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1987.

  Lasater, Judith. Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times. Berkeley, Calif.: Rodmell Press, 1995.

  Laski, Marghanita. Ecstasy: A Study of Some Secular and Religious Experiences. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1990.

  Lata, Prem. Mystic Saints of India: Shankaracharya. Delhi: Sumit Publications, 1982.

  Leggett, Trevor. The Complete Commentary by Śankara on the Yoga Sûtras: A Full Translation of the Newly Discovered Text. London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1990.

  Leidy, Denise Patry, and Robert A. F. Thurman. Mandala: The Architecture of Enlightenment. Boston, Mass.: Shambhala, 1998.

  LePage, Victoria. Shambhala: The Fascinating Truth Behind the Myth of Shangri-La. Wheaton, Hl.: Quest Books, 1996.

  Lessing, F. D., and Alex Wayman. Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems. New York: Weiser, 1980.

  Lester, Robert C. Rämänuja on the Yoga. Adyar, India: Adyar Library and Research Centre, 1976.

  Lingapuräna. Translated by Board of Scholars. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1973. 2 vols.

  Lipner, Julius. The Face of Truth: A Study of Meaning and Metaphysics in the Vedäntic Theology of Rämänuja. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1986. Lorenzen, D. N. The Käpälikas and Kälämukhas, Two Lost Saivite Sects. New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1972.

  Lozowick, Lee. The Alchemy of Love and Sex. Foreword by G. Feuerstein. Prescott, Ariz.: Hohm Press, 1996.

  ———. Hohm Sahaj Mandir Study Manual: A Handbook for Practitioners of Every Spiritual andlor Transformational Path. Prescott, Ariz.: Hohm Press, 1996. 2 vols.

  M. [Mahendranath Gupta], The Gospel of Sri Râmakrishna. Translated by Swami Nikhilânanda. New York: Râmakrishna-Vivekânanda Center, 1942. Macdonell, A. A. Vedic Mythology. Varanasi, India: Indological Book House, 1963. 2 vols. First published 1912.

  Mackay, Emest. The Indus Civilization. London: AMS Press, repr. 1983.

  Madhavânanda, Swami. Uddhâva Gîtâ, or the Last Message ofShrî Krishna. Calcutta: Advaitashrama, 1971.

  Mani, Vettam. Puränic Encyclopaedia. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1993.

  Mantramahodadhi ofMahidhâra. Translated by a Board of Scholars. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1984.

  Mantra-Yoga Samhitä. Edited text with English translation by Ramkumar Rai. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1982.

  Marshall, Sir John. Mohenjo-daro and the Indus Civilization. London: Arthur Probsthain, 1931. 3 vols.

  Maslow, Abraham. Towards a Psychology of Being. Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1962.

  Matsya-Puränam. Translated by ATaluqdar of Oudh. Allahabad, India: Sudhindra Nath Vasu, 1916.

  Matus, Thomas. Yoga and the Jesus Prayer Tradition. Ramsey, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1984.

  Mayeda, Sengaku. A Thousand Teachings: The Upadesasasähasri of Śankara. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1982.

  McDaniel, June. The Madness of the Saints: Ecstatic Religion in Bengal. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1989.

  McLeod, W. H. Sikhism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

  Metha, Mohan Lai. Jaina Philosophy. Varanasi, India: P. V. Research Institute, 1971.

  Michell, George. The Hindu Temple: An Introduction to Its Meaning and Forms. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1988.

  Miller, Barbara Stoler, trans. Love Song of the Dark Lord: Jayâdeva’s Gîtâgovinda. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.

  Miller, Jeanine. The Vedas: Harmony, Meditation and Fulfillment. London: Rider, 1974.

  ———. The Vision of Cosmic Order in the Vedas. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.

  Mishra, Kamalâkar. Kashmir Saivism: The Central Philosophy of Tantrism. Cambridge, Mass.: Rudra Press, 1993.

  Mishra, Rammurti S. The Textbook of Yoga Psychology. New York: Julian Press, 1987.

  Mitchener, John E. Traditions of the Seven Rsis. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1982.

  Mitra, V. Education in Ancient India. Delhi: Arya Book Depot, 1964.

  Mitra, Vihäri-Läla, trans. The Yoga-Väsishtha-Maharämäyana ofVälmiki. Varanasi: Bharatiya Publishing House, 1976.4 vols.

  Monro, Robin, A. K. Ghosh, and Daniel Kâlîsh, eds. Yoga Research Bibliography: Scientific Studies on Yoga and Meditation. Cambridge, England: Yoga Biomedical Trust, 1989.

  Mookeijee, Ajit. Tantra Art: Its Philosophy and Physics. Basel, Switzerland: Ravi Kumar, 1971.

  ———. Kundalînî: The Arousal of the Inner Energy. New York: Destiny Books, 1982.

  ———. Kâlî: The Feminine Force. New York: Destiny Books, 1988.

  ———, and Madhû Khanna. The Tantric Way: Art, Science, Ritual. London: Thames and Hudson, 1977.

  Motoyama, Hiroshi. Toward a Superconsciousness: Meditational Theory and Practice. Berkeley, Calif.: Asian Humanities Press, 1990. Muktananda, Swami. Play of Consciousness (Chitshakti Vilas). San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978.

  ———. Secret of the Siddhas. South Fallsburg, N.Y.: SYDA Foundation, 1983.

  Muktibodhânanda Sâraswati, Swami. Swara Yoga: The Tantric Science of Brain Breathing. Munger, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 1984.

  Müller, Max. Chips from a German Workshop. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1867,1875, 1880, 1907.4 vols.

  ———. Râmakrishna: His Life and Sayings. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898.

  ———. The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. London: Longmans, Green & Co., repr. 1928.

  Muller-Ortega, Paul Eduardo. The Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1989.

  Mumford, Jonn. Psychosomatic Yoga. London: Thorsons, 1962.

  ———. Ecstasy Through Tantra. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 1988.

  Murphy, Michael. The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1992.

  ———, and Steven Donovan. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Review of Contemporary Research with a Comprehensive

  Bibliography 1931-1996. Edited with an introduction by Eugene Taylor. Sausalito, Calif.: Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1997.

  Murti, Tirûpattur R. V. The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Mädhyamika System. London: Unwin Hyman, 1980.

  Narain, K. An Outline ofMadhva’s Philosophy. Allahabad, India: Udayana Publications, 1962.

  Naranjo, Claudio, and Robert E. Omstein. On the Psychology of Meditation. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1972.

  Neevel, Walter G., Jr. Yamunâ’s Vedânta and Pâncarâtra: Integrating the Classical and the Popular. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1977. Neufeldt, Ronald W., ed. Karma & Rebirth: Post Classical Developments. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1986.

  Nikhilânanda, Swami, trans. The Gospel of Sri Râmakrishna. New York: Râmakrishna Vivekânanda Center, 1942.

  ———. Hinduism: Its Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit. New York: Harper & Bros., 1958.

  Niranjânanda, Paramahamsa. Dhâranâ Darshan: A Panoramic View of the Yogic, Tantric and Upanishadic Practices of Concentration and Visualization. Deoghar, India: Sri Panchadashnam Paramahamsa Alakh Bara
, 1993.

  Nowotny, Fausta. Eine durch Miniaturen erleuterte Doctrina Mystica aus Srinagar. The Hague: Mouton, 1958.

  Oberhammer, Gerhard. Strukturen yogischer Meditation. Vienna: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1977.

  O’Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. Asceticism and Eroticism in the Mythology of Siva. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1973.

  ———. The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976.

  ———. The Rig Veda. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.

  ———, ed. Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

  Olivelle, Patrick. Samnyâsa Upanisads: Hindu Scriptures on Asceticism and Renunciation. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

  ———. Upanisads. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

  Osborne, Arthur, ed. The Teachings ofRâmana Maharshi. York Beach, Maine: Weiser, 1995.

  ———. Râmana Maharshi and the Path of Knowledge. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1995.

  Pabongka Rinpoche. Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand: A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment. Edited by Trijang Rinpoche.

  Translated by Michael Richards. Boston, Mass.: Wisdom, 1991.

  Pandey, Kanti Chandra. Abhinavagupta: An Historical and Philosophical Study. Varanasi, India: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1963.

  ———. An Outline of the History of Saiva Philosophy. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1986.

  Panikkar, Raimundo. The Vedic Experience—Mantramanjari: An Anthology of the Vedas for Modern Man and Contemporary Celebration. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1977.

  Parab, B. A. The Miraculous and Mysterious in Vedic Literature. Bombay: Popular Book Depot, 1952.

  Pargiter, F. E. The Märkandeya Puräna. Delhi: Indological Books House, repr. 1969. First published 1904.

  ———. Ancient Indian Historical Tradition. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1972. First published 1922.

  Pathak, P. The Heyapaksha of Yoga. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1932.

  Peo [Peo Olsen]. Medical & Psychological Scientific Research on Yoga & Meditation. Copenhagen: Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, 1978.

  Piggott, Stuart. Prehistoric India. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1950.

  Pope, G. U., ed. and trans. The Tiruvâcagam or ‘Sacred Utterances’ of the Tamil Poet, Saint and Sage Mânikka-Vâcagar. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900.

  Potdar, K. R. Sacrifice in the Rgveda. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidyâ Bhavan, 1953.

  Pott, P. H. Yoga and Yantra: Their Interrelation and Their Significance for Indian Archeology. The Hague: E. J. Brill, 1966.

  Powers, John. Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1995.

  Prabhavânanda, Swami. The Spiritual Heritage of India. Hollywood, Calif.: Vedânta Press, 1979.

  Pradhan, V. G. Jnâneshvarî. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1967. 2 vols.

  Pratyagâtmânanda Sâraswati, Swami. The Fundamentals of Vedânta Philosophy. Madras: Ganesh, 1961.

  Prem, Krishna. The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gîtâ. London: Watkins, 1969; Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1973.

  ———. The Yoga of the Kathopanishad. Allahabad, India: nanda Publishing House, n.d.

  Prem Prakash. The Yoga of Spiritual Devotion: A Modern Translation of the Nârada Bhakti Sûtras. Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions International, 1998.

  Pusalker, A. D. Studies in the Epics and Puränas. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidyâ Bhavan, 1963.

  Râdhâkrishnân, Sarvepalli. Indian Philosophy. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1923. 2 vols.

  ———. Idealist View of Life. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1932.

  ———. The Principal Upanisads. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1953.

  ———, trans. The Bhagavadgitä. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960.

  Râghavâchar, S. S. Vedärtha-Sangraha of Sri Rämänujäcärya. Mysore: Sri Râmakrishna shrama, 1978.

  Raghunathan, N., trans. Srimad-Bhägavatam. Madras: Vighnesvara, 1976. 2 vols.

  Rai, Râm Kumar. Encyclopedia of Yoga. Varanasi, India: Prachya Prâkâshan, 1975.

  ———. Shiva Svarodaya. Varanasi, India: Prachya Prâkâshan, 1980.

  ———. Mantra-Yoga-Samhitä. Varanasi, India: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1982.

  Raju, P. T. Structural Depths of Indian Thought. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1985.

  Râma, Swami. Sukhamani Sahib: Fountain of Eternal Joy. Honesdale, Penn.: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the U.S.A., 1988.

  ———, Rudolf Ballentine, and Swami Ajaya (Allan Weinstock). Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness. Glenview, 111.: Himalayan Institute, 1976.

  Râmânuja. Vedärthasangraha. Edited and translated by V. Krishnâmacharya and M. B. Narasimha Ayyangar. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1953.

  Râmânujan, A. K. Speaking of Siva. Baltimore, Md.: Penguin, 1973.

  ———, trans. Hymns for the Drowning: Poems for Visnu by Nammälvär. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981.

  Ranade, R. D. Mysticism in Maharashtra: Indian Mysticism. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, repr. 1982.

  Rao, K. B. Râmakrishna. Theism of Pre-Classical Sämkhya. Mysore: Prasaranga, University of Mysore, 1966.

  Rao, S. K. R. The Yantras. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1988.

  Rastogi, N. Krama Tantricism of Kashmir: Historical and General Sources, vol. 1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1981.

  Ravindra, Ravi. Whispers from the Other Shore: A Spiritual Search—East and West. Wheaton, 111.: Quest Books, 1984.

  Rawlinson, Andrew. The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions. Chicago and La Salle, 111.: Open Court, 1997. Rawson, Phillip. Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy. New York: Avon Books, 1973.

  ———. The Art of Tantra. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978.

  Reat, N. Ross. Origins of Indian Psychology. Berkeley, Calif.: Asian Humanities Press, 1990.

  Reddy, M. Venkata. Hatharatnavali of Srinivasa Bhatta Mahayogindra. Secunderabad, India: Vemana Yoga Research Institute, 1982.

  Renou, Louis. Religions of Ancient India. New York: Schocken Books, 1968.

  Reymond, Lizelle. To Live Within: A Woman’s Spiritual Pilgrimage in a Himalayan Hermitage. Portland, Oreg.: Rudra Press, 1995.

  Rhie, Marilyn, and Robert A. F. Thurman. Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet. New York: Tibet House, 1996.

  Rhys Davids, C. A. F. The Birth of Indian Psychology and Its Development in Buddhism. London: Luzac, 1936.

  Rhys Davids, T. W., trans. Dialogues of the Buddha. London: The Pali Text Society, 1971-1973. 3 vols.

  Richman, Paula, ed. Many Rämäyanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. Rieker, Hans-Ulrich. The Yoga of Light. Translated by Elsy Becherer. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.

  Robinson, Richard H. Early Mädhyamika in India and China. Madison, Milwaukee, and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.

  Rukmani, T. S. Yogavarttika ofVijnânabhiksu. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1989. 4 vols.

  ———. A Critical Study of the Bhdgavata Purâna. Varanasi, India: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1970.

  Sakhare, M. R. History and Philosophy ofLingayat Religion. Darwad, India: Kamatak University, 1978.

  Sangharakshita, Bhikshu. A Survey of Buddhism. Boulder, Colo.: Shambhal a/London: Windhorse, 1980.

  ———. The Three Jewels: An Introduction to Buddhism. Glasgow: Windhorse, 1991.

  Sannella, Lee. The Kundalînî Experience: Psychosis or Transcendence? Lower Lake, Calif.: Integral Publishing, rev. ed., 1992.

  Sargeant, Winthrop, trans. The Bhagavad Gîtâ. Edited by Christopher Chappie. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, rev. ed. 1984.

  Satkarmasangrahah. Edited and translated by R. G. Harshe. Lonavla, India: Yoga-Mîmâmsâ Prakâsana, 1970.
r />   Satprakashânanda, Swami. Methods of Knowledge According toAdvaita Vedânta. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965.

  Satyânanda Sâraswati, Swami. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha. Monghyr, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 1973.

  .A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga andKriyâ. Monghyr, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 1981.

  ■ Taming the Kundalînî. Munger, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 4th ed.,1982.

  ———. Kundalînî Tantra. Munger, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 1996.

  Satyasangânanda Sâraswati, Swami. Tattwa Shuddhi: The Tantric Practice of Inner Purification. Munger, India: Bihar School of Yoga, 1984. Saunders, E. Dale. Mudra: A Study of Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985. Schiffmann, Erich. Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness. New York: Pocket Books, 1996.

  Schoterman, J. A. The Yonitantra. New Delhi: Manohar Publications, 1980. [Sanskrit text with English translation.]

  Schrader, F. Otto. Introduction to the Pâncarâtra and the Ahirbudhnya Samhitâ. Adyar, India: Adyar Library, 1916.

  Schubring, Walther. The Doctrine of the Jainas. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1912.

  Schumann, Hans Wolfgang. Buddhism: An Outline of Its Teachings and Schools. Translated by Georg Feuerstein. London: Rider, 1973.

  Scott, Mary. Kundalînî in the Physical World. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983.

  SenSharma, Deba Brata. The Philosophy ofSâdhana, With Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1990. Sethi, V. K. Kabîr: The Weaver of God’s Name. Dera Baba Jaimal Sing, India: Râdhâ Soami Satsang Beas, 1984.

  Shamdasani, Sonu, ed. The Psychology of Kundalînî Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932 by C. G. Jung. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996.

  Sharma, Arvind. The Hindu Gîtâ: Ancient and Classical Interpretations of the Bhagavadgîtâ. LaSalle, 111.: Open Court, 1986.

  Sharma, B. N. K. A History of the Dvaita School of Vedânta and Its Literature. Bombay: Bookseller’s Publishing Co., 1960.

  Sharma, C. A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy. London: Rider, 1960.

  Sharma, Narendra Nath. Yoga Karnikâ of Nath Aghorânanda: An Ancient Treatise on Yoga. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1981.


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