Surprised Daddy

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Surprised Daddy Page 4

by Liam Kingsley

  “Paco has a crush on LuLu,” Cole said.

  I noticed Shawn look up in surprise at the sight of our pure white husky approaching his corgi, and then relaxed as LuLu reacted with excitement. Shawn glanced over at us, probably to check out the owner of the husky, and I caught another look of surprise as he recognized me. I took a deep breath and caught a hint of his scent on the breeze. I let out a pleased moan and made my way over to him.

  “Hey,” I said, laughing. “Twice in one day!”

  “Hi there. “What a coincidence.”

  “Crazy, huh? It's Shawn, right?” I asked, as if I could forget.

  “Right.” He nodded, a shy smile spreading across his face. “And you’re…Linc?”

  “Yes. And this is Paco.”

  “The infamous Paco.” Shawn watched as the husky licked LuLu's face. “Uh, well, this is LuLu.”

  “Hi, LuLu!” Cole and Liam said way too loudly as they started playing with the two dogs, distracting them from annoying Shawn and me. I had to admit—the kids were proving to be good wingmen.

  “So, nice park,” I said, and then grimaced at my own awkwardness. I licked my lips and wondered what the hell I was thinking, turning up here like this. This was maybe my second time in the dog park—for good reason. Apart from Paco and LuLu, every dog in the place was on high alert, ears raised and eyes looking at me, waiting for some kind of command. I just prayed that Shawn wouldn't notice.

  “It's not bad,” he said, and then sighed. “Well… I'm kind of sick of it, honestly.”

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “Hm, we walk here every day. I think LuLu still likes it, but I could use some variety.”

  “Huh… You ever go hiking in the woods with her?” I asked, scratching my head.

  “The woods?” Shawn raised his eyebrows. “With that little bear-snack? I don't think so.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Well if you ever want to come with us, I'm sure Paco would protect her.”

  “And what about me?”

  I glanced at Shawn and caught a glimmer of cheekiness in his eye.

  “Oh, I’d be happy to protect you.” I smiled and watched as Shawn struggled to meet my eyes. That got his attention. “So, we're going to grab some pizza later, would you like to join us?” I asked, crossing my fingers.

  Shawn didn’t react. He was non-expressively gazing at LuLu who was romping around the park with Paco chasing her, and the kids chasing after him. I didn’t know whether to repeat myself or change the subject when he cleared his throat. I waited for a moment, but there was still no answer. Oh geez, had I scared him off already?

  “Not a date,” I said, if that was what he was worried about. “Just hanging out with me and the boys. Sorry, I should have said that in the first place. Just… It's nice to meet someone new who has an interest in dogs and…space.”

  “You're into space?” he asked.

  “Well, I'm trying to be,” I said. “Cole's obsessed and I don't want to get left behind. He'll be talking about quasars and interstellar light waves, and I'll just be sitting there wondering when my eight-year-old became smarter than me.”

  To my surprise, Shawn let out a laugh before he quickly regained his composure.

  “I could point you in the right direction. Some online tutorials, some cool videos. Enough to get you speaking the same language, at least.”

  “Well, that'd be great,” I said, genuinely appreciative for his offer.

  “How about tonight?”

  I raised my eyebrows and a sly grin spread across his face.

  “Maybe over pizza?” he added.

  “Hm…” I pretended to consider his offer. I looked up at the sky and pursed my lips until he laughed and playfully slapped my stomach with the back of his hand.

  “Very funny,” he said sarcastically.

  I smiled at him, but the contact had sent a thrill all over my body and I still felt it reverberating through me. “Can we pick you up at seven?”

  “Make it six.” He smiled warmly. “I have an early shift tomorrow, and I need my beauty sleep.”

  “Ew!” Cole exclaimed from the backseat, quickly cranking down the back window.

  “Paco farted,” Liam complained as he covered his nose with his jacket.

  “Remind me to spray some air freshener in here before we pick up Shawn,” I mumbled, bracing myself against the cold wind that rushed through the car.

  “Hey, Dad,” Cole said quietly as I drove us up to Nicole's driveway.

  “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Remember to spray some air freshener in here before we pick up Shawn!” Cole fell about laughing, and I rolled my eyes, wondering if there was ever going to be a moment of genuine emotion between us again, now he was growing into a rambunctious pre-teen.

  “Thanks, Cole,” I replied, deadpan, as I shut off the car. We tumbled out and the boys ran into the house with Paco on their heels and me not far behind. I found Nicole in the kitchen, brewing up a pot of stew.

  “Did he do the job?” she asked without taking her eyes off the pot.


  “Paco—did he land you the date?”

  “I think… Yeah… I think he did,” I said, sighing and resting my head in my hands as I stood at the kitchen island.

  Nicole spun around and squinted at me. “You think? Are you going on a date or not?”

  “Well… We're going for pizza at Tony's tonight.”


  “But I'm taking the boys with me…”

  “Excuse me? Come again?” She craned her head as though she hadn’t heard.

  “I mean, if you're fine with me taking our son to hang out with a guy you've never met,” I said.

  “Please, it's fine, you know I trust you completely. But uh… Just one question… What the hell were you thinking? Cole's a cool kid, but he's doesn't exactly set the mood for romance.” She lowered the spoon in her hand in disappointment.

  “I was thinking about how I could get this incredible guy who I've just met to hang out with me, and how I could get him to think I'm a normal person and not a creepy stalker.”

  “He's a human, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I grabbed a stick of celery off the counter and took a bite out of it.

  “And you're sure he's your fated mate?” she asked quietly, glancing around to make sure Cole was out of earshot.

  “Certain. Completely. The way he smells is one thing, but when we touched…” I sighed again and took another bite as I gazed sadly at the island. Nicole let out a high-pitched noise and I looked up to find her face squeezed up in an excited expression, like she was about to burst.

  “Fated love!” She clapped her hands excitedly, sending a spray of soup off the spoon all across the kitchen. I laughed and scooped up a dollop that had landed on the counter in front of me.

  “Yes, and I'm still in shock. I can't believe this is happening to me at last. But how am I supposed to show him that we're fated? Humans don't get the whole fated mate thing, they just have relationships. There’s no real magic involved, no absolutes. They don’t know that for a shifter to find his fated mate is to love forever.” I sighed, then moaned as the flavor of oregano and bay leaf hit my tongue. “Damn, this is a good stew.”

  “Too bad you're having pizza, or I'd invite you to stay for dinner.” Nicole grinned then turned back to stir the pot.

  “Oh shit, did you make this for the boys? Sorry. I should have asked you about dinner plans before I set up the date, but I didn’t know I was going to drag them along with me.”

  Nicole shook her head. “Don't be silly, the stew won't go to waste. I'll take some to the hospital before the run tonight. Bryce has been complaining about the sandwiches…”

  After herding the boys back into the truck, we drove to my place and got ready. While the kids were upstairs fighting over whether to wear identical or complementary t-shirts, I stepped out into the cold to call Jaxon. I filled him in on the plan and asked if it was fine to take Liam. Another t
hing I should have done first, but how was I to know Shawn wouldn’t accept my invitation without the boys as a buffer.

  “Of course. Cute idea for a date. And we really appreciate you taking care of him while Bryce is in hospital,” he said.

  The sun was setting and I paced up and down my porch to keep warm. I realized I hadn’t told him anything more about Shawn being my fated mate. Everyone in the hospital room had known there was something going on, but I hadn’t confirmed the extent of who Shawn was to me. It was an odd thing to keep from my alpha pack leader, and I decided it was because I was more than a little nervous about blowing it.

  “Is everything still good there? Lori sleeping?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Yep, she’s resting up and so is Bryce. The two of them are dozing in and out, and to be honest, so am I. It’s the most relaxed I’ve felt in a long time.”

  I laughed. “Like a resort, huh?”

  “Yeah. Have a great night. Take it slow if you can manage it, but remember, he’s human. Make sure to keep the boys from spilling every secret about the pack.”

  “God knows I’ll try.”

  Shawn's place was in town, across from the dog park, and I followed the directions he'd given me but still managed to get lost on the way.

  “Number ten!” Cole yelled from the backseat when we drove past for the second time.

  “Are you excited we're have dinner with Shawn?” I asked tentatively as I parked just down the block from the terrace house at number ten.

  “Yeah!” they said in unison, and then Cole added, “We're getting pizza, right?”

  I chuckled and nodded. “Yes, we’re getting pizza. And what are the rules at Tony’s Pizza?”

  “Eat all the pizza,” Liam said, setting Cole off into a set of giggles.

  “Talk loudly about wolves!” Cole cried.

  “No, eat pizza, howl and shift into wolves.” Liam also collapsed into a fit of giggles, and then both of them were laughing so hard I thought I might have to turn around and take them both home.

  By the time I’d calmed them down and reminded them of the real rules, Shawn was standing outside his house, glancing down the street nervously. My stomach tightened and my heart fluttered. I felt my wolf whimpering and yearning to get closer to him, so I gave him what he wanted.



  Standing at the front of my yard, I glanced down Pack Lane, looking for any sign of them. It was already dark out, but the street lights shone on a truck parked just down the block. Realizing it might be him, I felt anxiety kick in all over again. I sighed, trying to ignore the equal measure of excitement and nervousness making my hands shake. I’d already gone through a bout of nerves earlier while getting dressed.

  I’d never had an alpha pursue me so quickly and aggressively as Linc. Normally if someone happened to see me twice in one day, I'd think they just had full moon fever and wanted to have some quick sex. Which I actually wouldn't mind, if I was being honest. Linc was hot. I loved his dark hair and short crew cut, his striking jaw that gave him an air of rugged masculinity. He was brawny with huge biceps and had a set of wide shoulders that could possibly carry a Great Dane in an emergency.

  His unambiguous desire to get to know me was a little intimidating, but only because it felt there was more going on than appeared on the surface. For a start, I’d wondered why he invited me out with two little kids because that was the quickest way to cockblock himself, if all he was after was sex. However, if he was after more… I let out a sigh and scolded myself for overthinking things, and for putting high expectations on the night.

  The door of the truck opened, and out stepped Linc. I took a deep breath as my heart started jackhammering and I felt myself getting way too enthusiastic for a not-date. He spotted me and smiled, waving and making his way up the street.

  “Play it cool,” I mumbled to myself as I wrapped my scarf tightly around my neck and walked toward him.

  “Hey.” He smiled warmly as he brought me into a hug. “Nice to see you.”

  “Mm, you too,” I replied, lingering a little too long as I enjoyed the feel of his strong arms around me.

  “Ready to help these kids eat way too much pizza?” he asked, offering me his arm. I hesitated for just a moment. It was an old-fashioned gesture, and this combination of his chivalry, straightforwardness and family-oriented approach was a heady mix. He definitely seemed like the single-minded type, even more so than most alphas I knew. Something I found incredibly sexy.

  I took a deep breath and nodded, and then slipped my arm in his, letting him lead me to his truck. I wasn’t surprised when he held open the door for me.

  “Hi boys,” I said, smiling at the kids in the backseat. “What are you gonna get at Tony’s?”

  “Lots of pizza,” Cole replied, grabbing at his face and acting like it was being eaten by a monster.

  “One pizza,” Linc insisted as he jumped into the truck and turned on the engine.

  “One pizza,” Cole and Liam responded together sadly.

  As I buckled up, I stole a glance at Linc and felt myself being drawn to him even more than before. I guess I should have been a little more guarded because I knew running into him at the park couldn't have been an accident. It seemed perhaps too intentional, but right then I decided I didn’t care.

  When we got to Tony's Pizza, Linc held the door for me again, and he even pulled out a chair for me when we got to the table. I could tell he wanted to ensure I was enjoying myself, which helped me relax even more. Plus I felt more than a little flattered by his attention. Toward the end of my relationship with Phillip, he wouldn't even say “good morning” to me, let alone do little things to make me feel desired. Then he dumped me as unceremoniously as a bowl of leftovers he had forgotten in the back of the fridge.

  I took a deep breath and focused on the menu and the conversation going on around me, instead of delving deep into my traumatic past.

  “Do you like olives?” Cole asked, swinging his legs under the table as he looked at the menu.

  “I love olives,” I replied.

  “Do you like peppers?” Liam asked in a quieter voice.

  “I love peppers,” I said, giving him a warm smile. I caught Linc’s eye and saw that he was practically beaming at me. I looked away quickly and tried to ignore how excited it had made me feel.

  “Olive and pepper pizza please!” Cole cried out, a little too loudly.

  “Shh.” Linc scolded him, and his son made a theatrical show of zipping his lip. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle and gave Linc an apologetic smile.

  “Can we have garlic bread?” Cole asked me.

  “Uh, better ask your dad,” I said, diverting to the man in charge.

  “One large pie will be enough for us, kiddo,” Linc said.

  “Please, Dad.”

  “If you’re still hungry after the pizza, we’ll get some,” he declared.

  “Dad! Please!”.

  Linc looked at me, exasperated, and I guessed that in any other circumstances Linc wouldn’t have allowed his son to act that way, but he didn’t want to cause a scene.

  “Hey, Cole, have you ever seen a meteor through your telescope?” I asked, not quite believing the diversion tactic would work. But it did—like a charm. Cole sat upright and looked at me with wide eyes.

  “No! Have you? Really?” he asked, his jaw practically on the floor.

  “I sure have. Completely by accident, of course. I was looking at Saturn when it came zooming past. Just incredible. We're pretty lucky to see so many stars around here.”

  “Yeah, and I can see even more now because I have a real telescope,” Cole said.

  “That's cool! What do you see through the telescope?”

  “Lots of stuff. I have an astronomy coloring book, so I'm working my way through its pages and trying to find all the stars in the book. Last night I saw Orion, and the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper!”

  “I like looking for constellations too.�


  “Mm. I have a telescope that can take photos. Would you like to see some photos I took last week?”

  “Yeah!” Cole said, scooting his chair closer to me and leaning over to look at my phone as I opened my album of stargazing photos. As I swiped through some photos of the constellations I saw during a clear night the week before, Linc and Liam leaned over the table to also get a look.

  “Wow, those are really hi-def photos!” Liam exclaimed.

  “He can take photos with his telescope!” Cole explained.

  “That’s pretty neat,” Liam said as I zoomed in on a photo of Venus. “It looks like a star… But it's a planet?”

  “Yeah, sometimes it shines really bright, but if you look closer you can see that it's got a blue tinge to it. I took that photo from the beach. There's less light pollution down there so it's a great spot for stargazing.”

  “That's so cool. I wish I had a telescope like that,” Cole said, sounding a little forlorn.

  “Well, maybe next time I’m going down to the beach you guys can come meet me and try it out,” I offered.

  “Really?” Cole asked with the biggest smile I’d ever seen. It was like Christmas had come early.

  “Yeah, of course,” I said, then glanced at Linc to gauge whether I’d gone too far with the introduction. I was shocked to find that he was beaming at me, just as enraptured as the kids were.

  “Well, when is the next time you're going?” he asked.

  “Yeah, when?” Cole demanded.

  “I don't know yet. It depends on the weather and my work schedule. Sometimes I have to work night shifts at the hospital.”

  “That stinks,” Cole said, looking back at the photo of Venus with more than a little disappointment.

  “Cole, Shawn has a very important job. Sometimes babies are born at night. Nothing can be done about it.”

  “Hmph,” Cole replied.


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