King's Mate: An Alpha Shifter Romance

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King's Mate: An Alpha Shifter Romance Page 7

by Piper Stone

  No beast had been responsible for the bloodshed.

  I took another deep whiff, catching the odors of several humans, including the two that had been killed.

  “Be careful, sire. I smell humans on the horizon.” Ranger inched beside me, snarling as he shifted his gaze from right to left.

  I could also detect the arrival of law enforcement, the bastards likely prepared for a hunt of their own. “We need to verify a lion wasn’t responsible.” The second I was able to detect Clarise, another round of electricity soared through me.

  “And you know the truth,” Ranger added.

  “And what truth is that?” I growled.

  “That we are ceremoniously being hunted. The bastards responsible for making us into vile specimens will stop at nothing to destroy the demons they have created.”

  While Ranger’s statements weren’t implausible, I found it difficult to believe that whatever information our lives had provided suddenly had no worth.

  Unless more than a single mistake had been made.

  I could feel the utter discomfort as well as the increasing anger of the other three. Ranger had become a problem, a loose cannon in an already explosive environment. I would soon need to deal with his indiscretions in a more permanent way.

  “You will do as I say.” I made my way toward the house, cognizant that we would have mere minutes to do our own investigation. The air around us was dense from the horrific stink that permeated everything, blood and gore mixing together. While the house was enshrouded in darkness, I was able to see horrific stains covering the walls of the living room in coagulated strings. Whatever had occurred within the household had been violent and sudden.

  The rear door stood ajar, although the whir as the mechanisms continued to try to work added to the damning ambiance. Dents had almost punctured the steel shell, what appeared to be claw marks covering a significant portion of the surface. Even the twisting metal indicated the force used hadn’t been of human form.

  As I padded into the shadows, other sounds trickled into my ears including noise from some form of entertainment. Whoever the victims, they’d been caught off guard. The stench became overpowering, the kill obviously occurring within the last two hours. While it was necessary to see to understand what we were dealing with, I was uncertain what kind of response the others would have.

  After all, we’d been forbidden to kill or eat fresh meat for some time.

  Rounding a corner, the glow of a Netscape screen gave off an eerie blue hue, shadows of figures from whatever program the humans had been watching forming on the walls. I was also able to see the front door was in the same condition, as if beasts had entered in two ways. There’d been no way for the couple to get away. Very cautiously I padded inside the room, drinking in the sight of the extreme carnage. Instantly, a growl formed in my belly, the horror of the kill creating a wave of emotions as well as hunger deep inside.

  As the others formed a semi-circle around me, I let off a series of snarls.

  “This wasn’t a lion,” Kane offered.

  “Or any of the Breeds,” Jonas added.

  Both beasts were correct. The murders had been performed by the most heinous of monsters on the earth.


  Only they’d taken great pains to ensure our Pride would be blamed.

  Rage boiled from deep within, the need for revenge stronger than ever. The humans were preparing to exterminate us. I inched closer, studying the wounds, disturbed at the efforts someone had gone to in order to alter the scene. What the fuck was going on?

  “We need to leave this place,” Jonas snarled, his entire system rattled.

  “Not yet,” I huffed, encircling the two victims, unable to take my gaze off their open and haunted eyes.

  “It’s not safe here,” Becca added, obvious fear in her voice.

  “They’re coming, sire,” Ranger barked. “They will kill us if we are found here.”

  I snapped my head in his direction, baring my sharp canines. “We will leave when I say.”

  I took a deep whiff, allowing the various fragrances to fill my nostrils, confirming what I’d already suspected. Clarise was here.

  My mate.

  What the fuck? Why was she at a murder scene? I knew exactly where she’d been assigned. This didn’t make any sense unless the assholes responsible for destroying our lives were attempting to perpetuate their lies. They were using her.

  I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “Go. Go now,” I instructed.

  Kane threw a glance out the window, able to see the blue lights of the approaching vehicle. “And what the hell are you doing?”

  “Gathering more information,” I answered then shot him a nasty glare.

  When Ranger tipped his head back, taking an exaggerated breath, I bared my canines again. “You’ve lost sight of your kingdom. Sire. All over a human woman. She means nothing to us. At least she shouldn’t.”

  “Leave now!”

  He growled several times before nodding to the others. “When you’re gone, I’ll be there to take your place, picking up the pieces of our lives. Something you seemed to have forgotten about.”

  I rushed toward him, prepared to fight to the death. Then I heard her voice, the lilting sound filtering into my ears. I was stricken by the same desire that had roared through me the first time I’d seen her. My attraction had been off the charts and given our connection the night before, I knew she felt the same.

  Then why did I have a terrible feeling everything had been orchestrated? I snapped my head toward the front door, issuing a series of low-slung growls not only as a warning to the others, but out of frustration. My longing for her was clouding my judgment, something that couldn’t happen.

  Every synapse stood on end, my heart thudding against my chest. The mating call was more ferocious than the night before, my need to fill her, fuck her dangerous.


  I had to maintain control, or all would be lost.

  After taking a deep whiff, Ranger dragged his tongue across his canines then padded away with the others, moving silently into the night.

  But I knew what he was thinking and what he hungered for.

  There was no time for retaliation, especially against a member of my own Pride. Clarise had been brought here for a reason.

  Entirely on edge, I eased out of the room, hiding in the shadows. While I was well aware of who and what Clarise was, I also knew from the night before that she was a friend to the Breeds, a woman I hoped I could trust. Mate or no mate, she would learn to obey my rules.

  My commands.

  “Jesus Christ,” the male human stated as he climbed in through the twisted door, his service weapon planted firmly in his hand. Almost immediately I could tell he wasn’t who he purported himself to be, his skin reeking of excesses and greed.

  As Clarise followed him inside, I sensed her hackles had risen almost instantly. Her breathing had changed the second she’d walked in, her heart racing. While she carried her weapon, it was lowered below her waist, her eyes scanning the remains, horror written all over her face.

  “What in God’s name happened?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

  “A slaughter. Isn’t that evident?” the male asked, half chuckling as he stood over the bodies, peering down with significant interest, as if critiquing the kill method.

  “Who could have done this?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” he snorted. “Fucking animals. They should never have been allowed to shift into human form. I hate the fucking Breeds.”

  I could tell she was pissed, her hatred of the man I assumed was her partner evident. Even her blood pressure was increasing. After walking closer, she covered her mouth in an obvious attempt to keep from retching.

  “Breeds don’t kill unless they are provoked. You know that or at least you would if you remembered your training,” she snapped, coughing then turning away.

  “What’s wrong, a little blood bother you, partner
?” he said, laughing again. “And don’t you dare try and tell me what I should or shouldn’t know, Officer Bastille. I am the senior officer here.” He knelt down, pulling a light-stick from his pocket and shining it over the first victim, wincing. “Motherfucker ate half his face off.”

  “Fuck you,” she whispered under her breath, looking away for several seconds then catching her breath. As she knelt down beside one of the bodies, examining the wounds, she shook her head. “This wasn’t caused by a Breed. Those aren’t claw marks. If I had to guess, I’d say they were created by a metal weapon of some kind.”

  He twisted his hateful look in her direction. “Yeah? You’re no expert in weapons.”

  “You might be surprised what expertise I have, Robert.”

  Robert... I repeated his name in my mind, my rage increasing. His stench was riddled with testosterone. The fucker hungered for her. Every part of longed to lunge out of hiding and sink my canines into his neck. I fought the natural urges, realizing the longer I stayed around, the more likely I’d be discovered. That couldn’t happen at this point.

  “I’m going to give you a warning that you need to listen to, Bastille. The Breeds are heinous creatures and nothing more. They are walking, talking monsters and if you’re not careful, your love of them will get you killed. I’m calling this in and I’m labeling it Breed kill.” Robert’s tone was nasty, incensed.

  She uttered a series of curse words then withdrew, covering her mouth with her fingers once again. When she stiffened, lowering her hand and taking a deep breath, I knew without a doubt that she was aware of my presence.

  God, I wanted her. To feast.

  To fuck.

  To claim.

  I dared to ease out of the shadows a few inches, trying to make a mental tether. I needed to know what she was thinking. More important, what she was planning. “Can you hear me?”

  She snapped her head in my direction, taking several shallow breaths. Once again placing her hand over her mouth but for an entirely different reason, she scanned the area carefully, as if afraid to draw Robert’s attention. Merely nodding, her entire body was shaking. She opened her mouth then bit her lower lip, walking a few inches closer.

  “Stay where you are,” I commanded.

  She stopped short, blinking several times. “Where are you? How can I hear you?”

  “Because we are connected. Because you belong to me.”

  “What?” she said audibly, catching herself then shooting Robert a look.

  The asshole merely gave her a nasty glance, continuing to speak into the console he was holding.

  “Close your eyes, Clarise. Remember that things aren’t always as they seem. We are being hunted. You must stop them.” While I could offer no more at this time, not without terrifying her, I inched even closer until I was able to feel her energy, to taste her aura. I was on fire, my entire body aching, my cock leaking pre-cum. Everything about her excited me, but I would need to wait until it was safe.

  “Stop who?”

  “You will find out. This is your destiny. And I am your king.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The cleanup crew is on the way. I’ve put out an APB on every Breed. Anyone walking the streets will be captured. The bastards couldn’t have gone far. The shit stinks of their disgusting smell.” Robert huffed then walked closer, narrowing his eyes as he studied her.

  And the way she was staring into the shadows.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” Robert demanded.

  “Nothing,” she retorted, giving a slight shake of her head. “Talk to me.”

  “I will see you soon, Clarise.” I shifted further into the shadows, prepared to leave when I sensed exactly what Robert was doing.

  Raising his weapon, he let out an intense snarl as he shifted closer, trying to shove Clarise out of the way. She fought back, attempting to disarm him. “Die, you fucker,” Robert yelled before elbowing her in the face.

  “No!” she screamed.

  As the shot rang out, I lunged forward.

  In those glorious seconds, I realized how much I missed the taste of human flesh.

  Chapter Six



  Everything seemed out of sorts, the images of the horrific murders remaining in my mind.

  I’d tried the light several times since arriving home, every one of the apparatuses working properly. I still had no understanding of why I’d had an interruption in service. Then again, nothing made any good sense.

  So here I was, huddled in the darkness as if fear had consumed me, thinking about everything I’d learned, the images of the attack horrific. I couldn’t believe the Breeds had done something brutal, tearing Dr. Porter apart. Yes, I’d learned from the various behavioral classes that some couldn’t handle the requirement for humanity, preferring to retreat into their natural predatory state, but that was rare.

  Or maybe it wasn’t.

  Was it possible the initial toxic chemical reactions were wearing off, altering their DNA once again? Is that why Dr. Porter had worked with them? There was very little information regarding the experiments, more like a glorified polished marketing piece meant for the upper echelon of government when requested. What I also didn’t find on the drive were his notes. The doctor always kept notes, thoughts and observations written in longhand, something that almost no one participated in any longer.

  Why the hell did they really want me? What was I going to be able to do that a team of trained scientists hadn’t? My mind was foggy from trying to figure it all out.

  I’d seen a lion. Jesus Christ. A fucking lion. I’d caught a single glimpse of his magnificence the moment Robert had tried to kill him. Everything had been such a horrific blur, but there was no doubt what I’d seen.

  A stunning large white lion, massive in size, a creature who should have terrified me, but he hadn’t.

  I’d felt close to him, drawn in a manner that held no explanation.

  I shuddered from the thought, chuckling since Robert had been shoved against the wall, unable to do anything but stare the beast in the eyes. Luca...

  My God, I really believed lions existed. Thank God the creature had merely terrified my partner, licking his face then disappearing into the night. I would have never expected to see Robert cowering for five minutes afterwards, holding his head in his hands.

  I knew the bastard would stop at nothing to hunt Luca down, using whatever tactics it took. I refused to allow that to happen. I rubbed my arms, taking several deep breaths as a bolt of lightning flashed in my periphery of vision.

  Another storm had appeared out of nowhere, lightning crisscrossing the sky.

  I leaned up against the headboard, folding my knees as the storm raged on. I’d become consumed by the information, ignoring Emily’s calls. I knew she’d be pissed, but what I’d seen earlier had prevented me from doing anything but poring through what little information I’d been provided. I knew that the Breeds were kept sequestered, the most privileged and well behaved allowed to work jobs but very few wanted anything to do with humans. Maybe I was beginning to understand why.

  I’d obviously lived a sequestered life, never really understanding the plight of the Breeds. Even my time spent with Dr. Porter hadn’t opened my eyes enough.

  Huffing, I allowed my thoughts to drift to Robert. What a pig. I was on duty with him once again tomorrow afternoon and it was the last thing I wanted to endure. I needed to get to the science ward so I could understand what really went on. At least the majority of Dr. Porter’s staff had been left unharmed. Maybe I could find his notes in the lab.

  I glanced at the Netscape screen again, my eyes watering from the lack of sleep as well as the tension I’d felt for several days. Thank goodness it would be morning soon. Maybe I’d fall asleep at that point, able to push aside the horrors I’d seen during the night.

  Or maybe another set of terrorizing events would unfold.

  I shoved the computer aside, ready to
claim at least a couple of hours of sleep.

  Or so I hoped.


  There was no actual sound, nothing that should cause my body’s reaction, but as my chest tightened, I knew there was a presence outside. I could feel him. Taste him.

  Hunger for him.

  Even though I tried desperately to shove aside the raging desires fueling the insanity of my thirst, it was impossible to ignore. He was here.

  And he was calling me.

  A shudder tore through me, the lightning-fast quivers pulsing into every vein and muscle, stealing my breath. I was no longer able to resist the call, the monster lurking in the ever-present shadows. He was everywhere, his hulking form presenting vile and filthy images in my mind.

  I clung to the sheets in a desperate attempt to will away his beckoning roar, every inch of my skin on fire. As my eyesight blurred, the hunger increasing to the point my blood was boiling, I let out an intense moan. I couldn’t understand my reaction or comprehend what was happening. While a part of me remained the same, longing to flee the forces holding me there, another more powerful draw infused my senses.

  Nothing seemed real, my arms and legs shaking as I seemed forced off the bed. As another bolt of lightning flashed across the windows, everything in my house seemed to shake. I raced toward the door, struggling with the lock before bolting outside. It didn’t matter that rain was falling, soaking into my skin. My instinct was to flee, to find a way to ignore the burning feeling ripping at my soul.

  Run. Run!

  At first, my legs refused to obey, fighting me as I stumbled in the darkness, a chill rushing down my spine. When I was finally able to control my actions, I forged my way through the forest, blinded by the pelting rain as well as the tree branches that snagged my clothes, tangling in my hair. My clothes hung limply, shredded from the ragged tree limbs, my legs and feet numb from the cold. The sounds of night creatures were just as horrifying, their clicks and slithers creating wretched images dancing in my mind.

  Yet I still felt him. He refused to leave me alone, his needs greater than mine. The sound of limbs being crushed under his power wafted into my ears, louder than the claps of thunder, surreal and terrifying.


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