Arrogant Arrival: A Hero Club Novel

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Arrogant Arrival: A Hero Club Novel Page 2

by Gail Haris

  Luckily, my waitress arrives with my plate. Their food arrives as well. I grab a fry and nod to the three women. “Enjoy your meal, ladies.” I take a bite of the fry I’m holding and try to focus on my meal and ignore them shooting daggers my way.

  The ladies then lower their voices to a whisper as they continue their conversation. I watch a couple struggle to get through the airport with a rowdy toddler. I can’t help but smile remembering family vacations with my parents because that was me, I used to always run off. I couldn’t get to the planes fast enough. I loved flying. I’ve always wanted to be a pilot for as long as I can remember.

  I look through my phone messages for my next flights I have booked. I’m twenty-five and a self-employed contract pilot, but I work for another private company part time. They pay me a monthly salary to be available certain days to fly their employees and CEOs here and there. Then I work for myself taking on jobs that interest me. Today, I was delivering a plane from New York to Miami for a friend of my cousin’s husband, Mr. Moneybags, Dex Truitt. Her name for him, not mine. Anyway, it’s a pretty sweet gig, and even though I’m rarely home, my schedule is pretty much my own.

  Just then, I notice two of the ladies stand up. One of them pats the one still sitting on the shoulder. “We have to catch our flight. I wish we were working this leg together, Jo.”

  The one who’s remained seated smiles. It’s a beautiful smile, even if it is weak. Something about her tugs at my heart strings. I want to see a genuine smile from her. She keeps her attempted, obviously fake smile in place as she watches her friends gather their belongings. “Me too. You girls try not to get into any trouble.”

  The one standing across from her smirks. “A layover in Vegas, what trouble could we possibly get into? Can you say strip clubs?”

  “Oh my God, you wouldn’t?” Her smile stretches a little more right before she buries her face in her hands. “Oh, you definitely would, you trollop.”

  They all three burst into fits of giggles, and I can’t help but nod in agreement. That does sound like a good time. The other two make their exit, leaving the beauty sitting alone. I know I should keep my mouth shut, but it’s not in my nature to be silent.

  “Rough flight?”

  She looks up and I’m floored by those gorgeous, big brown eyes. I take a moment to examine the beauty before me—no, more like complete knockout. Her lips are slightly full, midnight black hair, sharp cheekbones, and beautiful golden skin. She has a long, slender neck and dainty fingers. Her eyes are so dark, but there’s a fire burning behind them. Her face appears so stern, but I can see through her mask. She’s hurting. She needs to laugh, let loose, most assuredly get laid.

  “I don’t know. Ever been asked by someone to have a threesome?” I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows. I mean…before I can answer, she continues. “With an older man and his wife?”

  “Oh…this happened while in flight?” I can’t help but grin as I ask. She purses her lips and nods. “That’s one kinky mile high club you’re involved in. What airline is this? I may need to change my flight.”

  She gives a half-hearted chuckle. “Well, to be honest, I said they offered. I didn’t say I obliged.”

  “That’s funny.” When she continues to frown, I sigh. “C’mon. You’re not letting one pervy couple get you down.”

  “Technically, I don’t know if the wife was game. She was asleep.”

  “So you asked if you could get him anything and he…”

  “Basically, yeah. With his wife’s head asleep on his shoulder. Zero shame in his game, I guess.”

  “Can you blame a guy for fantasizing? I shrug and take a bite of my burger.

  “You know what, I’m done. I can see right now what kind of guy you are.” She goes back to focusing on her food. It was a joke. This woman is wound up way too tight. The overwhelming need to do something about this has me picking up my plate of food and milkshake and going over to her table. Her eyes widened as I sit across from her and slurp my milkshake. She scoffs and holds her hand out. “Yes, by all means, please join me after I said I was done speaking with you.”

  “I take offense at that little remark. But since you asked so nicely.” I take a long slurp from my straw. “I believe everyone deserves a second chance at redemption, so here’s me giving you yours.” I wink.

  “You’re too kind.” She deadpans.

  “I know.” I take my straw and stir my milkshake, ignoring her obvious sarcasm while doing my damndest to try and make her smile. I wiggle my eyebrows and smirk.

  “And humble.” She mocks surprise.

  “I won’t argue that. Next, are you going to say handsome?”

  “Nope.” She says that while popping the P for emphasis. “I’d planned on skipping right over that lil’ gem and diving straight into arrogant,” she clips.

  “Hey!” I sit up straighter, my hand across my chest as I feign hurt.

  “Are you going to argue that assessment?” She smirks. It’s not the genuine smile I was going for, but it’s definitely a genuine smirk. And fuck me, do I love it.

  “Nope. But I most certainly don’t have to like it. By the way, when’s your next flight?”

  “In two hours.” She goes back to eating her salad, and I can’t help but admire how her lips wrap around her fork.

  “Fate is on your side, then.” I pick up my burger and smile widely at her before I take a bite and say, “My flight doesn’t leave for another two-and-a-half hours so I’m all yours.”

  “You’re right. Fate is most assuredly on my side. That extra half hour means that we’re not on the same flight. I couldn’t imagine what I’d have had to do in a previous life to get two shitty flights back to back.”

  “Ouch.” I chuckle. “You definitely don’t hold back, huh?” I like this woman. She’s feisty. But she’s clearly still upset, and I’m thinking it’s not because of anything I’ve said or done. “I was just thinking… you’re clearly upset over something bigger than just a guy propositioning you. I mean, let’s be honest, you’re gorgeous. This can’t be the first time, and it won’t be the last. In fact, I bet you’ll be propositioned again real soon.” I give her a crooked smile, still trying to get a smile out of her.

  “Real soon?” She fights back a smile. Almost. I see her fighting it.

  I lean back in my chair and grin. Lowering my voice, I promise. “Real soon.”

  “Well, if I didn’t accept that one, it’s not likely I’m going to accept the next one.”

  “Ah,” I hold up a finger. “Hear me out on this. What if fate has brought you here for a reason? Think about it? What are the odds that you’d be sitting right here with me with time to kill? Time to help you get over whatever it is that’s bothering you. And,” I place my elbows on the table and lean forward, “I guarantee you’ll get over whatever it is. In fact, I bet you’ll have a damn good connecting flight because you’ll still be sore in the best way from getting over it – or under it.”

  A surprised chuckle escapes her. “I don’t even know what to say to that!”

  “Say yes, I mean, it’s really the only answer.” I cross my arms, hoping my bulging biceps and the way my button-up shirt stretches will seal the deal.

  “Wow. Let me see if I get what you’re offering?” The way she squints her eyes at me tells me I may not have, in fact, won her over…and now I’m a bit scared. “You’re offering to solve my problems with sex?” Basically. “Pretty sure everyone knows—correction, every female knows—that that doesn’t solve any problems. Sex complicates more than it helps.”

  “Well, aren’t you in a sour mood. What I’m proposing is that a few minutes with me and you’ll be higher than any flight you’ve ever been on.” I stretch out my hands, and give a one-shoulder shrug. “Your solution has arrived.” I spread my arms out farther for her to feast her eyes on all that is the miracle named Jimmy.

  “All I can say is wouldn’t that be a very arrogant arrival.”

  “I prefer confident.” She shak
es her head, so I continue as I let my arms fall and challenge her. “Only one way to prove me wrong?” I tilt my head with a smile.

  “That’s not going to work. I’m not worried about proving you wrong because that would insinuate that I care…when I don’t.” And with that, she stands up and sashays away.

  I pick up my milkshake and sulk as I take a long slurp. I watch her hips sway in her fitted uniform. I call out, “Now who’s being arrogant?”


  Despite myself, I silently giggle as I walk away from the gorgeous yet ridiculous man at my table. I’m definitely adding an extra sway to my stride for good measure. If I was on a layover, I might actually take the cocky stranger up on his offer. I wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt because I’d never see him again. No fears of getting attached. Best of all, he’s not a pilot, so I don’t run the risk of getting hurt again or having to look him in the face anytime in the near future.

  I’m halfway to my gate when my phone dings with a text message. That’s never a good sign when you get messaged while you are in an airport. Standing at the gate, I swipe the screen and curse. A bad storm is approaching so my flight has been canceled. I’m stuck in Miami until tomorrow morning for my next shift. Damn. I turn around to make my way toward arrivals and baggage claim. My next order of business is to find a cab and check in at one of the hotels the airline provides for us.

  I’ve just stepped on the escalator when I feel someone step on behind me. A low voice leans down and speaks in my ear as the escalator descends. “Now you can’t deny that this is fate.”

  A gasp escapes me as I turn my neck to look up. “I’m sure that’s every stalker’s favorite line.”

  His deep chuckle causes me to have butterflies in my stomach. I watch as he stands up straighter. “Stalker? Me? I bet you heard that my flight was canceled so you were rushing to transportation in hopes of finding me. You knew I’d need to have a room for the night and that rooms were going to be few and far between with all flights being grounded and were most likely planning to offer to keep me company.” The mischievous gleam in his blue eyes is so playful yet heated. His perfectly straight white smile screams of naughty promises. I allow my eyes to take in my sexy stranger as we ride down the escalator—medium build, black hair, blue eyes that have a hint of green, straight nose, dark facial hair that’s trimmed close, providing the makings for a very nice five o’clock shadow, and olive skin. No wedding ring or indentation where one used to be…that’s a good sign, at least. And to complete the package, he’s wearing a white button up and navy slacks.

  “Do I pass your inspection?”

  I fight back a smile at being caught sizing him up. “Just barely.”

  “As long as I pass.” We step off the escalator and he falls in step with me.

  I side-eye him and ask, “Do you have any baggage?”

  “Whoa, you don’t mess around, little lady. Oddly enough, I like it. Come clean from the get go. I mean, usually I wait to see if there’s going to be a second date because I like to discuss these matters in private.”

  “And by in private you mean not in baggage claim?” I can’t help smiling at him.

  “Huh? Oh!” He gives me a sheepish smile and that’s it, I’m done for. “No, I don’t have any baggage. You?”

  “I have everything with me.” I take a step closer to him and lower my voice. “I think I have everything I’ll need for the night.”

  He takes a step closer toward me, erasing any space there was between us. “Then let’s go? I booked a room as soon as they announced my flight was canceled. Will you at least join me for dinner?”

  I lick my bottom lip and don’t miss how his eyes darken watching me. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Hello, Jo, my name is Jim.”

  My eyes widen and I take a step back. “You really are a stalker. How’d you know my name?”

  “I was eavesdropping, remember?” He takes another step forward, leaving no space between us again. “Your friend said Jo.”

  “It’s actually Jolene.”

  “Well, I want us to be friendly, so I’ll call you Jo.” He takes my hand in his. “I want to get to know you a lot better…Jo.” His eyes search mine. I bite my bottom lip trying to fight the smile. When I see his goofy, mega-watt smile, I lose the battle. “There it is. No matter what else happens, for the rest of the night I’ll be a satisfied man. I’ve been wanting to see you actually smile and mean it since I first saw you.”

  I roll my eyes and look off. This guy is laying it on thick. He tugs my hand to get my full attention back on him. “You have the most beautiful smile. And that’s not just a line. It was worth chasing you through an airport.”

  “You’re such a stalker. Do you hear yourself?”

  “Nobody’s perfect.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Nobody’s perfect? Not sure I should leave the building with a stalker, Jim.”

  “Probably not the safest and best decision. Let’s just share a cab…to the same place…and maybe go to the same restaurant, sit at the same table and eat dinner together? We already shared part of a lunch together. That you didn’t even finish.”

  I study him. I’ve been around a lot of people with my job. I’ve learned a lot about people as well. He honestly seems like a good guy. I don’t have to sleep with him, but I already know I might. I can study him some more over dinner.


  He smiles and gently tugs me toward the automatic doors. He tells me he’ll order us a ride through the app on his phone, and then we’re quiet. I should be worried about getting into a strange vehicle with a strange man, hell, possibly two strange men if the driver of the car is male. I’m pulled from my worry by the sounds of taxis honking and people talking around us. I’ve already made up my mind. I’m about to have a one-night stand with this complete stranger I picked up in the airport. Or did he pick me up? This is crazy! And reckless! Sure, I’ve had hookups with coworkers, but I knew them. Okay…some I didn’t know that well. I’m certifiably insane. I decide to leave a text for Lana and Renee. They’re working so they may not get it, but at least there will be a trail of evidence should I go missing.

  Me: If I die or come up missing, this is the man I was last with.

  Discreetly, I take a photo of Jim standing there. He doesn’t look like a Jim, honestly. I don’t know what a Jim looks like, but he seems like he should have a more interesting name. Something exotic. Like Phoenix or Lachlan or some other multi-syllabic concoction of letters.

  Me: His name is Jim.

  Renee: OMFG! He is HOTT!

  Lana: WAIT! Is that the guy from the restaurant?

  Me: Yes. Aren’t y’all up in the air yet?

  Renee: I guess things got interesting after we left…

  Lana: We have a connecting flight in Atlanta. What’s his last name? First name and a pic won’t help if you go missing.

  “Jim?” He turns to look at me. “What’s your last name?”


  What? “Georg-a-what-po-los? Hold on. Your name is Jim, which is like the most average name compared to John, and your last name is a complete mouthful.”

  He tilts his head and smirks. “You’re right, I am a complete mouthful. At least from what I’ve been told. In that area, I guarantee my inspection will pass with flying colors.”

  I roll my eyes but continue to check him out. He does seem rather promising. I clear my throat and ask, “What kind of last name is that?”


  “Greek? You’re Jim the Greek?” He does look Greek now that he mentions it. Tan complexion, strong straight nose, sexy wavy black hair and thick eyebrows. His eyelashes are so dark that he looks like he’s wearing mascara. Lucky bastard. Those stunning blue eyes pop against the dark contrasting colors. I bet he wakes up looking this fantastic. One way to find out…

  Where Jim seems like such a simple name, his last name makes up for it the lack of intrigue in the first-name department
. Maybe his parents felt sorry for him having to learn to spell that last name, so they wanted to keep his first name short and sweet.

  “Or Jimmy the Greek.” He smiles and I almost wonder if he’s playing me. I narrow my eyes because he has that mischievous look again. He lets out a low chuckle and explains, “My real name is Dimitrios.”

  Whoa. He has an accent when he pronounces his name. Holy. Mother. Of. God… Where the hell did that come from? I’m ready to drop my panties right now, right outside of airport transportation!

  “Jim comes from that. It’s like James, in English.” He speaks with an American accent now. How does he switch so easily back and forth and so casual? Would it be weird for me to ask him to only speak with the Greek accent for the rest of our time together? Too creepy? All I know is that my handsome stranger is bilingual…and it’s sexy as fuck. I need to get a grip though and pretend to display a certain amount of dignity.

  “Ummm, I don’t hear how Jim comes from Dimitrios.”

  “True and I don’t hear how it comes from James.” Point made. He smiles. “In Greek it’s Jimmy.” The way he pronounces the ‘J’ has more of a ‘G’ sound, and with that intonation I can hear the similarity more. My phone buzzes again.

  Renee: Hello?

  Me: Sorry. He goes by Jim but his full name is Dimitrios Georgakopolous.

  Lana: Oh shit. Did you take off with a sexy Greek god?

  Me: Apparently.

  Renee: Let us know if he really is a god in the bedroom!

  “Here’s our ride.” Jim tells me and gently places a hand on the small of my back.

  Me: I’ve got to go! I’ll text you what hotel we’re staying at.

  Renee: I want more details than that!

  Lana: Be safe!

  I plan to be safe, with my life and my heart. But I also plan to have amazing sex with a Greek god.


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