My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Page 14

by Alanea Alder

  "Brie, darling, don't you want your own space outside the unit estate? When I mated with Jedrek, I couldn't wait to leave my parents estate so that I could finally set up my kitchen the way I wanted," his mother asked.

  Brie gave a one shoulder shrug. "I'm not really domestic. I live with my dad, so he's the one that cooks and does laundry." She smiled. "I kinda liked waking up at the warrior villa. The guys are great."

  Leo looked crestfallen. "I was looking forward to cooking for you."

  Brie turned to Ari. "What if we made your quarters at the warrior villa our work space. It's where we'll keep our guns, gear, and investigation notes. But on the weekends we leave all that behind and come here. You could maintain your connection with House Lionhart, and we get to eat Leo's food every weekend."

  Her words seemed to resonate within him. He knew that she had just laid out exactly what would work best for them. "If Mother and Father don't mind us invading every weekend," he looked over at his parents.

  "Of course, we don't mind!" His mother practically screeched before sniffling a little. "I thought we'd lose you for sure once you mated." She dabbed at her eyes with her napkin. "We not only get to keep seeing you, but it was your mate that suggested it."

  Brie smiled at her. "You're family now." She paused. "We also need to work in some time to spend with my dad and my new dad."

  Rex's mouth dropped. "I completely forgot you're Doran's daughter now, making you the queen's niece."

  "I don't begrudge my dad finding a mate, but I do not want to be there for their honeymoon phase. Trust me. My dad has little to no filter; the less I hear the better," she shuddered at the thought of too much information.

  "My poor mate," Ari laughed. He thought back to the way her dad came up with the prank to tell everyone he was neutered. "It might be best to give them some space," he agreed.

  "Mother was the serious one of the two," she said, finishing her soup.

  "How long has it been?" his mother asked gently.

  "Coming up on fifteen years, but some days, I pick up my phone excited to tell her something only to realize all over again that she's gone." Brie stared into her lap.

  "You said she got sick," Ari said, reaching over to take one of her hands.

  She nodded. "Yup. Cancer. It spread like a forest fire in high winds. It seemed like one day she was fine and the next she wasn't."

  "I'm sure she's looking out for you even now. I mean, what are the odds that both you and your father found happiness here in Éire Danu?" his mother pointed out.

  Brie seemed to brighten at his mother's words. "You really think so?"

  "Absolutely. Those that move on ahead of us are never truly gone. Just a bit out of touch for a while," his father said gently.

  "Think of all the things you'll get to tell her the next time you see her," Leo added, bringing out their main course.

  "It would take years to go over everything," Brie said smiling.

  "At that point, darling, you'll have all the time in the world," his mother said.

  Leo placed a plate of perfectly grilled fish down in front of them. By this time, his lion wanted a bit more than soup. He cut the filet in half and shoved the other half in his mouth. He sighed happily at the flavor.

  "Ari! That was half a damn fish!" Brie exclaimed.

  "Hmm umm," he agreed.

  Leo placed a hand on her shoulder. "I always cook at least triple the amount for Ari."

  "He's a growing boy," his mother added.

  Brie looked his way, and her eyes raked him up and down. "Yum."

  Ari winked at her and continued to eat his fish.

  "Mayhap we should expect another grandchild sooner rather than later," his mother said, sounding excited.

  Brie shook her head. "Not anytime soon."

  Ari couldn't help but agree. "As much as I love kids, I want to enjoy getting to know my mate more. Maybe after the initial mating heat dies down in a century or two, we can try for one."

  Catherine arched a brow. "What makes you think it dies down?" She looked at Jedrek, who winked back at her.

  Ari stared. "I knew that there would always be a pull, but you're telling me that this clawing need never goes away? That it's not some 'honeymoon' period?"

  Rex, Jedrek, Leo, and Catherine shook their heads.

  Brie turned to him. "We need some sort of birth control. If this heat or whatever doesn't die down, I'll be pregnant for the next century." She looked up and down his body. "Because I'll probably be jumping you every chance I get," she admitted.

  Rex and Jedrek dropped their forks, and Catherine raised her napkin to hide her smile.

  Ari simply stared into her chocolate-brown eyes. She wanted him that badly? "I'm yours Brie, mind, body, and soul. Just let me know when and where, and I'm there," he promised.

  Leo came up behind them and ladled extra-large portions of pasta on to both of their plates. "For energy," he said, winking.

  She pointed her fork at him. "See what I mean! We need some sort of contraceptive; I only have so many eggs."

  Catherine smiled openly. "I'll arrange for an amulet to be delivered tomorrow. It will halt your ovulation so that you will be able to have children centuries from now."

  Brie exhaled. "Good." She perked up. "Does that mean no cycles while I'm wearing it?"

  His mother nodded. Brie smiled wide. "That's amazing." She wiggled happily in her chair.

  "You have to keep it on for it to work," he reminded her.

  She gave him a flat expression. "If that amulet keeps cramps away, I'll have it welded to my arm."

  Ari stared. "Are human female cycles that bad?"

  She nodded emphatically. "Medical science has yet to accurately gauge how painful women's cramps can be. Some women say that their monthly cramps were worse than childbirth."

  His mother shuddered. "I cannot imagine."

  Jedrek rubbed his chin. "No wonder little Meryn is able to keep up with her mate. She must be extraordinarily strong."

  "She is half-fae," Rex reminded him.

  Jedrek nodded at him. "Yes, but I think that the reproductive side of things must be human, since she became pregnant out of season."

  Catherine turned to her mate. "She's not some sort of robot made of specific parts, Jedrek, honestly."

  His father had the grace to blush. "We had three sons, my dear. I'm lucky I know the very little I do regarding cycles."

  Catherine sipped her wine. "You might want to pick up a book or two. We have daughters now and a possible grand-daughter on the way. You wouldn't want to be ignorant of any pain they may experience would you?"

  Jedrek scowled. "I won't allow them to be in pain."

  Brie chuckled. "Nature doesn't give us a choice."

  Jedrek huffed. "That isn't acceptable."

  Brie looked between Jedrek and Rex. "I see where he gets it from."

  Ari nodded. "Only Rex seemed to inherit father's indomitable will. Declan and I are too laid back to truly pull it off."

  "Where did you get your super lion from?" she asked.

  Ari winced. He had been hoping that wouldn't come up.

  Both his mother and father leaned forward. "What's this?" his father asked.

  Rex sat back with his wine glass, smiling. "Ari shifted to third form when Tyrien insulted House Lionhart."

  His mother gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands—his father simply stared. He shook his head in wonder. "Ever since you were a cub, you'd attack anyone that insulted your family, but you've never shifted to third form before."

  Leo buzzed around the table, happily refilling wine glasses. "The Lionhart line is truly blessed! Once this gets around, no one will be able to question his strength or capabilities again."

  "Family? It wasn't insulting the Lionharts that had him angry." Brie clarified. "He lost his shit when Tyrien insulted his brothers. It was sexy as hell too."

  Catherine turned to him. "What changed?"

  Ari glanced down at Brie and his mother nod
ded. "Of course. Any insult to your family would be perceived as a threat to your home and mate. As you were always sensitive to such things, having a mate at your side would escalate the scenario.” She dabbed at her eyes. "What a marvelous discovery."

  Brie turned to him. "Why wouldn't anyone question you now? How come Tyrien still brought up your age at Tribunal?"

  Ari gave a half shrug. "He's fae, not a shifter, so he may not be aware of the implications surrounding such a thing." He chuckled. "I imagine he ignored the entire scene where I shifted, since it resulted in him running for his life. As for Tribunal…" He looked from his father to his brother for assistance.

  Rex cleared his throat. "In our world, amongst shifters especially, shifting to third form is seen as a blessed event. For the shifter to have the strength and will to house both his human and animal emotions with equal intensity to the point both are able to merge as one, well, it's said to be a blessing from the gods and a sign that their house is meant for great things. Ari shifting to third form will more than likely secure him an Elder seat later in life, if he so chooses." He grinned at him. "Possibly at a younger age than me."

  Ari groaned. "No, thank you. Two Elders in the family are plenty." He lifted his fork. "Now, if that 'blessing' could secure me my current unit leader position for centuries to come, that'd be a different story."

  "Oh, so that third form isn't all the time?" Brie asked, sounding disappointed.

  Ari swung to her. "Didn't I terrify you?"

  A shudder swept through her body as she stared up at him. Her tongue darted out and licked her lower lip. "I knew you wouldn't hurt me." She swallowed. "You were radiating pure power. It was…"

  Her cheeks tinted pink, and she looked back down at her plate.

  No man alive would be able to resist this. His mate was looking at him like he was some sort of god on earth. He stood. "Mother, Father, Rex, Leo. Goodnight." He reached down and took her hand.

  Her mouth formed a little 'o' before she stood, smiling. "Goodnight, everyone."

  He swept her up into his arms, causing her to giggle.

  Behind them, he heard his father and brother laughing uproariously. Ignoring them, his mother called out.

  "I'll look into getting that amulet first thing tomorrow!”


  He carried her up the stairs. Each step seemed to take an eternity.

  "I can't believe you just did that."

  He paused at the top of the stairs. "Did I go too far?"

  She shook her head. "No, it's just…" She pointed to the way he was carrying her. "No other guy I've dated has ever treated me like you do. You respect my job and trust in my abilities, yet, still know when to treat me like a woman."

  Ari walked over to his door and somehow managed to swing it open. "I think I understand what you're saying, Brie, but I feel like I have to correct something." He kicked the door shut and set her down on the bed. She looked so vulnerable looking up at him. "I think in your world women are treated like men when they do a 'man's' job, which somehow translates into treating them like men as the standard. You're not a man, Brie; you're a beautiful woman. A strong woman. Why would I treat you like a man?" He couldn't fathom treating her any differently.

  He wanted to gut himself when he saw tears begin to spill down her cheeks. "I am a woman," she repeated softly.

  He blinked, unsure of what to do. "Yes, you are." She was repeating the obvious.

  She wiped away her tears and smiled up at him. "If the men in my life didn't know how to accept that, then that's on them."

  "Damn right," he agreed.

  She took his hand. "I'm a woman," she said again. He gave her hand a squeeze. "An amazing one."

  "I'm your woman," she repeated softly.

  "Godsdamn right you are!" He pulled her to her feet and went to the hem of her robe. In one fluid motion he pulled it off over her head. "What does my woman want?" he asked as she stood in her silken underthings before him.

  "I trust you, Ari." She exhaled and removed the rest of her clothes. "I trust you with my body." She hesitated before voicing her desires. "I don't want to be in charge anymore. I don't want you to assume that because I'm capable that I don't need your strength." She twisted her hands before her.

  Ari knew exactly what she needed, and he was the perfect one to give it to her. She was his mate, and he would fulfill her in ways she only dreamed of.

  "Get on the bed, kitten. Hand and knees," he ordered.

  She looked so relieved he thought she'd faint. She quickly climbed onto the bed and crawled to the center on all fours. "Like this?" she asked.

  He stared at the exquisite picture she had created. Her heart shaped ass curved perfectly, and at the center, a small, dark slit beckoned to him.

  He removed his shirt, then his shoes. "Stay just like that, kitten. Do you like being on display for me?"

  "Ari," she whimpered.

  "Do you?"


  "Good girl."

  He stilled so that the sound of his belt clearing the loops echoed through the room. He was shocked to see the effect on his sweet mate. Clear liquid began to seep down one thigh.

  He quickly removed the rest of his clothes but kept his belt in hand. When he climbed on the bed, her heart rate increased.

  Slowly, he knelt behind her. He placed a hand at the small of her back before tracing a finger across her beautifully rounded ass to tease her opening.

  "Ari!"she yelled.

  "Shush, baby, we've barely started."

  She lowered her chest to the mattress, further presenting herself to him. "Good girl."

  Using the belt in his right hand, he swung, placing the leather across her cheeks and grazing her slit. He paused, gauging her reaction.

  "Oh god!"

  He swung twice more, leaving a pretty pink stripe across her bottom. "Good girls get treats."

  He scooted back and leaned down. Using his thumbs, he opened her like a flower, parting her petals. Without warning, he shoved his tongue as deep as he could inside of her. He alternated between tongue fucking her and thrusting two fingers deep inside.

  She cried out in ecstasy as he lapped up her sweetness.

  "Please!" she cried.

  He sat back on his knees. "Please, what?"

  He was curious. Would she say sir, master? What would she choose for the next part of their game?

  "Please, my mate!" she wailed.

  Ari felt something inside of him snap at her begging. She had called out to him as her mate!

  He reached down and lined up his cock with her opening and plunged deep.


  "Mine, my mate!" he growled. No one would take her from him. Her beauty and strength belonged to him alone.

  Over and over again, he thrust and thrust deep. He would leave no inch of her untouched.

  Within, he felt his lion pacing restlessly. It was past time to make her his. Leaning down, he covered her body with his and pulled her up so that her back was flush against his chest. He eyed her neck before sinking his canines into her tender flesh.

  "Ari!" Brie screamed his name as she shuddered under him.

  His lip nicked his canine as he threw his head back. He and his lion roared in unison. Her unshakeable strength wrapped around his heart. He could feel her surrounding his lion and his soul, soothing them both.

  He thrust a final time before filling her with his seed. Neither wanted children just yet, but his lion demanded they claim her in this way, and he agreed. He wanted to be inside her every way possible.

  Breathing heavily, he reached down and gently tilted her head back to look up at him. Her eyes were unfocused, and she smiled softly.

  He kissed her. The flavors of her sweetness and their mixed blood created a heady combination. When he pulled back, he could tell she was on the verge of sleep.

  "I love you, Brie. I always will," he promised. Her answering exhale was long, as if she was finally able to relax after years of struggle.

bsp; He carefully pulled from her body and shuddered at the painful pleasure it caused after such an intense experience. On wobbly legs, he made it to the bathroom and returned with a warm wash cloth. He gently cleaned his mate then felt around the bed. They had lucked out. Her being on all fours had kept the mess to a minimum.

  He aimed and threw the cloth at the bathroom door. He'd pick it up in the morning. Right now, all he wanted was to sleep with his mate.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning, Brie stretched and felt tiny aches that reminded her of the night before. She vaguely remembered Ari kissing her forehead and saying something about checking in with the men earlier this morning. She had grunted, then gone back to sleep. He had thoroughly worn her out. Blinking drowsily, she took inventory of her body. Never before had sex been so hot and fulfilling. In the moment, it had felt liberating handing over control, but now she was nervous that he would think less of her. It seemed like he was changing everything, and her world was topsy turvy.

  She rolled over until she lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Ari was a part of her now; she could feel him in her soul. She was equal parts happy that she had found someone so perfect for her and terrified at how much he meant to her.

  Both of their professions were dangerous ones, and she knew there was a real possibility that she could lose him. She swung her legs over and climbed out of bed. She quickly freshened up then looked around for her clothes. She slipped on the soft, pink robe that Leo had left her the night before and opened the door to Ari's quarters.

  Hanging outside the door on a rolling clothing rack was her uniform. It had been laundered and pressed to perfection.

  "I freaking love having a squire," she whispered to herself and grabbed the clothes. Once inside, she got dressed, took her weapon out of the safe Ari had shown her, and headed downstairs. Following her nose, she found Ari's parents sitting at the small table in a sunny parlor.

  "Good morning," she said in greeting. Jedrek stood and motioned to the empty chair.


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