My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12)

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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Page 21

by Alanea Alder

  Rex rubbed the side of his nose. "Meryn, most squires become known for one or two dishes. For example, Sebastian has his Vanilla Parfait…"

  "Magic Pudding," Meryn interrupted.

  Rex inclined his head at her correction. "My apologies, Magic Pudding. Cord has two specialties. His Cinnamon Scones and his Vegetable Medley, which consists of grilled garden vegetables and vegetable tempura. Leo, on the other hand, is known for his meat based dishes. Being a lion and serving a lion household, that makes a lot of sense. One is his London Broil, the other is his Venison Stew."

  Meryn licked her lips and stumbled a bit, causing both Ryuu and Aiden to lurch forward to steady her. "Damn, they both sound good." She looked up at her squire. "What do you do?"

  Ryuu's eyes widened, his cheeks turned pink, and he coughed into his fist. "I do it all, denka."

  Meryn came to a complete stop. "Ex-squeeze me?"

  Ryuu sighed. "Meryn, I can cook anything."

  She nodded. "Yeah, I knew that, but what's your specialty?"

  Rex stared. "Meryn, I think what he's saying is that whatever he cooks, it is to the level that most squires aspire to master when they use the term specialty."

  "So, I totally lucked out when I got you as my squire, huh?" She rubbed her hands together evilly. "I get to eat all da foods."

  Ryuu's eyes softened. "I have the power to submerge this world in chaos and ruin, and all she cares about is food."

  Kendrick clapped his friend on the back. "That's our Meryn."

  "My Meryn," Aiden growled.

  Ryuu eyed the commander. "She's my charge."

  "And my baby sister-cousin," Kendrick pointed out.

  "And our sister!" Nigel and Neil added.

  Meryn blushed and resumed her backward march. "I have lots of family now."

  Ari nudged Brie's side. "Five bucks Aiden won't be able to eat when we get there; his stomach will be in knots from watching her walk backward."

  Brie shook her head. She knew better. She had watched men like Aiden eat their weight in food when they were nervous. "I bet you ten he puts a serious dent into whatever meat platter Leo puts out."

  Ari grinned. "Deal."

  Declan looped his arm through hers. On his other side Kari walked with her phone in her hand as she scrolled with her thumb. "You both speak to each other like fellow unit brothers," Declan observed.

  Brie exchanged looks with Ari who shrugged before she turned back to Declan. "Ari is my mate, both are close bonds, of course it would sound similar."

  Ari squeezed her hand. "Fate gave me someone that would walk beside me, and I couldn't be more thankful," he said, nuzzling her temple.

  Brie swallowed hard. "I got someone that accepted me no matter what. To me, that's priceless."

  Declan pointed to his mate. "She tells me what to do and keeps us moving forward. Without her, I didn't have much of a life at all."

  Kari looked up from her phone. "He became the home I always craved, a place to come back to."

  Aiden, his face somewhat pinched, smiled. "Meryn gave my life purpose and helped me to see things differently, expanding my world."

  Meryn stared up into Pip's parasol. "Aiden is my world. I had nothing before him, and I'd have nothing without him."

  Brie heard a curse then a muffled exclamation. They all turned to see that at Meryn's declaration, Aiden had stumbled, taking out Ryuu and Pierce when he went down.

  Meryn smiled down at her mate. "Remember how you feel right now, because whenever you get that expression, my world gets thoroughly rocked that night in bed."

  Laughing, Kendrick, Rex, and Ari helped the other men stand. Aiden immediately swept Meryn up in his arms. The second he turned like he was going to head back to the palace, her little fists bopped him about the chest.

  "Hell no! Food first, then sex. I need that London Broil in my life!"

  Aiden pouted. "But baby…"

  For a moment, Meryn looked like she was about to relent.

  "It's not just London Broil," Ari said, looking down at the small woman. "He also serves it with the most delicately prepared caramelized onions on earth," Ari added, a wicked look in his eye. "The potatoes have just enough garlic, and I think he makes the butter himself," he continued.

  Meryn licked her lips. "Definitely food first."

  Aiden shot Ari a death glare, and her mate only laughed. "Serves you right."

  Aiden blinked then looked at Brie before he got a sheepish expression. "I suppose so."

  Brie couldn't help but laugh. Ari had cockblocked his commander for getting in the way of his blow jobs earlier.

  Meryn wiggled out of Aiden's arms and caught up to the boys. "I need foods for energy!" she announced to the world.

  Aiden brightened. "Sounds like a great idea, baby," he said walking behind her.

  Ryuu shook his head. "I better get with Leo so I can make sure I have the seasonings at home for this meal. I have a feeling they both will request it."

  Rex walked next to Kari. "How the units get anything done is a miracle to me."

  She held up her phone. "Counteroffer on the warehouse," she said, handing it over to him.

  Rex took her phone and scrolled quickly. "Offer two-percent more if they leave the building as is and if we can have access to it immediately. Tell them we have merchandise we need to store and time is of the essence."

  "I figured as much," Kari took back the phone then pressed a few buttons. "I had a counter-offer prepared. We offered three-percent though."

  Rex nodded. "That's acceptable."

  Brie leaned across Rex to eye the phone. "You got all that done since he called?"

  Kari smiled. "It is what I do."

  "I shoot shit," Brie said, pointing to her tac belt.

  Kari eyed her guns. "I would love to be able to shoot. Could you teach me?"

  Declan and Rex paled. Declan wrapped an arm around his mate's shoulders. "Babe, you don't have to worry about that. You have me."

  Kari just met Brie's eye, and Brie understood. She couldn't imagine living in this world, with a warrior as a mate and not know how to shoot. The desire to help Ari was overwhelming at times. Plus, with a baby on the way, Kari would have a driving need to protect her baby. "Anytime you want, come see me. I'll start you with a Glock. It's a bit heavier, but that helps with kickback."

  Kari's relief was visible. "Thanks."

  Declan looked hurt. "Why didn't you ask me?"

  Kari wheeled on her mate. "Because by the time you would actually let me touch a gun, our son or daughter would be grown." She shuddered. "Gods, I cannot even imagine you and me at a range."

  Ari grinned. "Don't worry, little sister, we have a shooting range at the Lionhart estate, Brie can show you as early as tomorrow."

  "I wanna shoot shit!" Meryn added.

  "Meryn, no."

  "Come on, you know I was black ops now. I can shoot," Meryn protested.

  Aiden's eyes narrowed. "That's right, we haven't talked about that yet. Someone distracted me." He gave her a flat look.

  "Shit," she exhaled.

  The twins and Pip stared. Neil spoke first. "Black ops?"

  Meryn brightened. "Yup! From when I worked with Law."

  "Badass," Nigel whispered.

  "Badass," Pip echoed.

  "You'll have to save that conversation for later," Rex said smiling. He pointed up. "Welcome to the Lionhart estate."

  They made their way inside, and Brie could see from the coy expressions Meryn was shooting her mate that the li'l shit was trying to talk her way out of that covert ops discussion.

  Just as Brie was about to take a step toward the stairs, a jubilant screech bounced off the walls around them.

  "Declan!" Catherine launched herself at her second born who caught her easily and held her tight. "Good evening, Mother."

  Catherine looked from Declan, to Ari, then to Rex before she simply burst into tears. "Oh! Oh!" she said over and over again.

  Jedrek stormed in at the sound of his ma
te's tears only to be brought up short at the sight of his three sons standing shoulder to shoulder in the foyer. "Declan," his father whispered.

  "I hope you don't mind me stopping in?" Declan said gruffly.

  "We may have some dinner prepared for you, boy," his father replied in a similarly gruff tone.

  Catherine had one arm wrapped around Declan's neck, and she was reaching for Ari with her other hand. Both Ari and Rex stepped close enough to hug their mother between the three of them.

  "They really love their boys," a voice observed, coming up behind her.

  "Dad!" she ran to her father and buried her face in his shoulder. "I missed you."

  "I know, baby girl, I know. You've had a rough couple days, haven't you?" he asked.

  She looked up and sniffled. "Yeah."

  A strong arm pulled them both close. She looked up into Doran's face. "We should have been there for you," he said contritely.

  She shook her head. "No, you both needed time to yourselves." She wiped her nose on her sleeve. "I'm a grown woman, after all."

  Her father eyed her sleeve. "A grown woman that hasn't learned how to use a tissue?"

  "There's been no time, Dad."

  His face fell, and he pulled he close again. "I would give anything to save you from the horrors you've seen over the past few days."

  She sagged against her father, knowing Doran was supporting them both. "I wouldn't change a thing," she murmured. "Yes, I saw some truly horrible things, but I found Ari, and he's perfect for me. He has this light about him that helps me face the dark. I wouldn't trade finding his love for anything."

  Doran rubbed her back soothingly. "You have us now. My brother filled us in on everything we've missed. I'm so proud of you, baby girl. I know your mother would be too."

  Brie pulled back in surprise. "He told you about Momma?"

  Doran looked confused. "Of course he did. She played a huge part in both of your lives; I owe her much."

  "I ran home since Doran could open a portal for us. I packed us both quite a few things and I brought your laptop bag and work duffel." Her father pointed to the second floor. "Leo had everything put into Ari's room."

  "Leo! We have to make Declan's favorite!" Catherine called out.

  “It’s ready to be served, my dear," the squire responded.

  She eyed her squire. "You knew?"

  He simply placed his fist over his chest. "Dinner will be served within the hour. Boys, your rooms have been prepared for you." He smiled at Aiden. "We have also arranged for guest rooms and baths for the Alpha members," he said, indicating Aiden and Kendrick. He sighed and looked at Catherine. "Might I suggest you release your stranglehold and let the poor boys freshen up. They did participate in an important mission today."

  Catherine huffed. "I finally have all my boys home; I don't want to let them go."

  Jedrek peeled her away from Declan. "Go ahead, boys, we'll be waiting for you in your mother's parlor."

  "Jedrek! Honestly!" Catherine protested.

  Jedrek winced. "Do make it quick," he added.

  Ryuu looked to Meryn. "I will assist in the kitchen. Is there anything else you're craving?"

  "Those mushy, smelly, soggy green leaves Cord served the other night. When you added vinegar, they were amazing."

  He nodded then turned to Leo. "Have you any collards I could prepare?"

  Leo raised his arm, pointing the way to the kitchen. "As luck would have it, I have some cleaned and cooking. All you have to do is season them to her tastes."

  Ryuu bowed. "My thanks."

  "Yes!" Meryn said excitedly.

  Catherine looked past Jedrek and noticed the twins and Pip hanging back. "Who are these adorable boys?"

  Meryn pulled them forward. "These are my brothers! Nigel and Neil Morninglory are warriors from Noctem Falls. And Pip Maverick, he is super important because he helps me smile."

  Catherine clucked and pulled the boys toward the parlor. "Leo, I think these boys look hungry. Is there anything we can serve them before dinner?"

  Obviously having her own boys home had awakened every maternal instinct in the lioness.

  Nigel gave Meryn a thumbs up as they were led away.

  "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for a shower." Brie stepped away from her dads and kissed each on the cheek, causing her dad to smile and Doran to blush. "We'll see you in just a bit," she promised, before she took Ari's hand to lead him up the stairs. The other couples trailed behind them with Rex bringing up the rear.

  "Meat and soggy leaves!" Meryn eyed her mate. "If we could manage shower sex without breaking my leg, this could be a perfect night."

  Aiden's eyes darkened. "I'm sure we'll be all right."

  "First door on the right," Rex advised. He turned to Kendrick. "Third door on the right."

  Giggling, Meryn bolted from her mate, causing him to give chase.

  Kendrick eyed his mate, who shook her head. "If I run, I won't have any energy for sex."

  Kendrick frowned and scooped her up so she didn't have to walk. "We can't have that." They too disappeared down the hall.

  "Here's where we get off," Ari said pointing to his door. "See you at dinner."

  Declan leered at his mate, then winked at him. "See you at dinner."

  They walked into the room, and she started stripping off her gear. She wanted to let it drop to the floor but knew the weapons needed to be secured. When faced with all she had to do, she felt tears spring to her eyes, she was becoming overwhelmed and quickly.

  "Start from the top and hand me your stuff," Ari said, pushing her toward the closet.

  Exhaustion and the high emotions she had felt at seeing her father had tears leaking down her cheeks. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  Ari nipped her lips. "Why?"

  She just waved her hand about, indicating to what he was doing.

  "Love, if I didn't do this for you, who would?"

  "No one," she responded. There hadn't been anyone there for her, except for her dad in so long. But not even her dad saw her like this; it would worry him.

  "Now, you have me." Ari pulled her into the walk-in closet and sat her down on a long white leather bench. He went to one wall and placed his hand on the side mirror. The wall slid to one side, revealing the huge gun safe. He walked back to her. "You'll get you own side of course," he pointed to the dark cherry wood shelves and gleaming silver accents. Slowly, piece by piece she took off her gear. With each item she handed him, he kissed her softly and told her how much he loved her and how proud he was to be her mate.

  Once they were both naked, and the clothing part of their uniform in the hamper for Leo to take care of, he closed up the safe.

  He had undone her with his absolute acceptance of who and what she was. It was less the words of love and more his actions that shattered the tiny pieces of the wall around her heart. He stored her gear, emptied her gun, gave her space in his gun safe as if every man on earth did the same for the woman in their life.

  "Ari, I love you so much it actually hurts," she whispered, clutching her chest.

  Ari scooped her up, much in the same way Aiden had Meryn, but she was no Meryn. She was probably twice the woman's size, yet her mate held her with no problem. "The moment I saw you, you were branded to my soul, Brie. Every day, looking at you, breathing in your scent, it simply carves that brand deeper into my being. It's a pain I welcome, because it ties me to you."

  Brie laid her head on his shoulder. "Do you think we could have shower sex without breaking my leg?"

  Ari laughed and kissed the top of her head. "As athletic as we both are, I'm sure that it won't be a problem."

  She leaned back to look up at him. "Trade you those two blow jobs for a savage pounding under your rain head."

  "Deal!" he accepted eagerly.

  He practically ran for the bathroom and set her down gently on the counter. She yelped a bit when her ass hit the cold marble, but watching her naked mate walk around the bathroom had her dist
racted soon enough. Unlike both of his brothers, he wore his hair short. She stared, entranced at the muscles of his neck as they transitioned into his wide shoulders. Everything from his square jawline to his perfectly tight ass screamed of strength and power, and it was all hers.

  She hopped off the counter and walked up behind him as he held a hand under the water stream testing its warmth. Wordlessly, she stepped up behind him and pressed her breasts to his back and wrapped her arms around his torso. He inhaled sharply but let her hands roam. Grinning, she trailed a finger down either side of his hips and was rewarded with a throaty groan. She peeked around his body to see that his cock was straining against his stomach, clear glistening liquid already seeping from the head. "My poor baby has been wanting this all day, hasn't he?" she whispered, moving her right hand into the water. It felt warm enough to her.

  "Gods, yes," he whispered.

  She stepped around him and let the water sluice down her body. Reaching up, she placed her hand over his heart, marveling at their different skin tones. Hers gleamed like darkened bronze, and his glowed like gold. Side by side, they were beautiful.

  "Join me."

  He took a step and bent slightly in front of her. She had no idea what he was doing until both of his hands came up to cup her ass. Moments later he had her lifted and wrapped around his body. With her full weight supported by him, her hands were free. She ran them over the tightened tendons of his neck and shoulders before she leaned down and captured his lips with her own.

  They took their time. Each of them exploring and memorizing the other. Ari leaned back, breathing heavily. "Gods, I hate to admit this, but if we keep going, the show will be over before it starts," he warned.

  "You could come, just from kissing me?" she asked, feeling like a goddess.

  "Brie, baby, I could come just looking at you," he admitted.

  "Then this will be even better," she said, using her thighs to support some of her weight as she lifted herself up. Reaching down, she searched for him and wasn't disappointed to find he was hot and hard for her. Ever so slowly, she lowered herself down until he was seated inside of her. They both exhaled in physical relief at being connected once again. And that's what it felt like to her. In the long hours since he had last been inside of her, she felt as if she had been dying of thirst. Only now, being joined with him, could she drink deeply.


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