Taking the Stage

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Taking the Stage Page 11

by Paige Parsons

  Roby had her head turned and tucked into the bend of her left arm, and although she’d been crying prior to the start, she was in full sobbing mode now. Hitching, gasping breaths came out in gulps as tears drenched her arm and the sofa cushion beneath her. At some point, she had surrendered to the spanking so much that the entire process became about the feelings it was stirring versus the physical pain. Oh, sure, it stung plenty, and the heat rising from her flaming hind end would be quite the reminder well into tomorrow, but there was a release taking place in her that ran much deeper. It would be on the list of things she wanted to ask Joseph about. The spankings in his office for her tardiness were quick punishments for repeat offenses. This was different, and she could feel it.

  She could feel him slip her lacy boy shorts back up, the temporary discomfort quickly replaced by the soothing of his rubbing hand. The spanking hadn’t been one of the quickie office kinds, and Roby realized how long she spent dripping tears and lying prone over her boyfriend’s lap. They hadn’t discussed it, but that was what he was to her, and the fact that they didn’t address it outright didn’t make it any less so. She had to face her feelings about him, and she was going to need to make sure they came to some agreement. For now, though, she just wanted to snuggle into his embrace.

  Joseph rested back on the couch once he had her pulled her up into a sitting position cradled on his lap, with her head on his chest and tucked under his chin. One of his paddle-like hands gently rubbed her thigh while the other ran up and down her arm. There was a brief moment when she glanced down and saw the black of her pants from the knee down. She felt exposed and a bit embarrassed, but the longer she was there, taking in his scent and his touch, the further the embarrassment slipped away, and she was left only with the warmth of their closeness.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Roby loved being against his chest when he spoke, because every vibration went through her, and she felt a part of every breath. “Yes.”

  “You were almost crying harder before the spanking than you were during or after it. What was that about?”

  “I was just reacting to what you were saying. Isn’t that the whole point of the lecture?” She didn’t want to be mean or to sound snippy, but even she could hear the tone in her voice.

  “Is there a point to your tone? Because we are definitely in the position for an attitude adjustment.” He patted her butt.

  “Not necessary. I’m sorry, Joseph. It’s just when you started talking about putting the show in my hands, all I could focus on was the fact that you’d be leaving. The closer we get to it, the more I hate the idea. I don’t want you to go back to New York.”

  She also hated the fact that saying it out loud made her sound God-awful needy and clingy. She had yet to meet a man those attributes appealed to. Even her husband apparently tired of her neediness. Suddenly, the urge to extricate from his arms was overwhelming. There were generations of woman in her family probably rolling over in their graves. Between the spanking and the comment, she was single-handedly setting the feminist movement back several decades.

  Squeezing her closer to him, he cooed and shushed at her while he let the impact of her confession wash over him. They did have a lot to talk about.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They had dinner and the elephant-in-the-room talk. For the first time since either of them acknowledged the feelings they had for one another, Roby felt like they were on the same page.

  After enjoying a delicious meal, which he insisted she partake of sitting on her tender backside, they put in a few hours of work on the rehearsal schedule, and Robyn called Elaine to schedule and confirm the private fitting for Katharine. Although done begrudgingly, Roby knew it was the right thing, and that her earlier, less helpful attitude was completely unacceptable.

  Once all of the catch up work was behind them, she somehow got Joseph to agree to watch a movie with her. He had no interest in going to a movie theater, but had quite the collection on his own shelf. His claim was that theaters weren’t made for men who were six feet five inches tall. They agreed on a comedy, much to her delight. It honestly hadn’t mattered what it was, as long as the chance to snuggle up in his arms was included. It had shaped up to be a wonderful evening, considering how the day had begun. She would have to work hard to stay out of the fire over the next few weeks, but if she reminded herself of how good this moment was, she was sure she would be highly motivated.

  She neither remembered drifting off to sleep or being transferred to his bed, but when she woke up, it was like she had taken one of her sleeping pills. Her rest had truly been restorative. Roby was completely prepared to tackle the day. The smells coming from the kitchen had her hopping out of the bed, taking no notice of her state of mostly undress, nor how she had got that way. When her feet hit the floor, they weren’t cold, and she was more than grateful. Popping into the bathroom, she used the toilet, washed her hands, brushed her teeth, and splashed her face with the coldest water she could handle. Looking in the mirror, she thanked the Goddess once again for the ease of her braids. Shaking them out one good time, she was done. The air was fragrant with the smell of bacon and the sweetness of cinnamon, vanilla, and maple syrup goodness. She practically jogged toward the kitchen.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” Joseph looked up from his laptop screen. He’d already worked out, showered, and cooked, and was now making notes on design questions from the technical director and the scenic painter.

  “Um, morning! This place smells magnificent. What are we having?”

  “How about a good morning kiss first?”

  Walking straight toward him without hesitation Roby got on tiptoes to reach his lips, because, even seated, he was a head above her. Reaching for her waist, he pulled her up a bit closer, leaving her feet dangling above the tile. When they pulled apart for the necessity of breath, she rubbed her hand across his cheek, taking in his well-groomed appearance as compared to her just rolled out of bed state.

  “How long have you been up?”

  “A couple of hours. You were snuggled in so deep, I decided to let you sleep in while I ran through my mundane morning routines.”

  “I don’t see anything mundane about you.”

  “All this even before your coffee.”

  “Imagine how sweet I’ll be after a cup of that delicious brew.”

  “You haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “I smell cinnamon, so I know you made it to my particular specifications.”

  “Well, I’ve become a sucker for your cute smiling face.”

  Joseph walked her to the far counter where the coffee maker sat. There was no using the quickie, single serve machine that Roby thought was a gift from above. Joseph ground his own beans and brewed a pot on a contraption Roby could barely find the power button on. The first time she tried to get it going, when they worked late one night, she almost shorted out the entire machine. She was subsequently banned from further usage until there was time for a full lesson.

  “Question?” She asked leaning on the counter watching him use the confounded machine with complete ease.

  “What’s that?”

  “Why don’t I remember getting ready for bed? Did I ask to sleep over?”

  He handed her a plate covered in foil and motioned for her to sit down. Placing a cup of hot java at her place, he sat down beside her and, with ease, placed his hand on her lower back, gently massaging as she dug into bacon, French toast, warm maple syrup, and one perfectly made, lightly scrambled egg.

  “I’m not surprised you don’t remember getting ready. You didn’t do a thing to help. I didn’t know you crashed that hard. I would’ve been scared that you’d taken something, if I hadn’t been with you the entire time.”

  “I guess I was more exhausted than I thought or felt.”

  “So, you put together my little ensemble. Thanks for the socks. I hate—”

  “Having cold feet. I remembered. You look very cozy and comfortable in all my oversized clothing.”

  “I’m sorry if my staying over and you having to sort me out made things uncomfortable for you.”

  “I wasn’t uncomfortable at all. This is a big house, Roby. If I hadn’t wanted you in my bed, I would have put you in the guest room. I think we both slept better than we have in weeks, and I, for one, would like to keep doing so. I was wrong.”

  It was the first time Roby could remember seeing him less than a thousand percent certain of his words or actions. It would be much more comfortable to just assume the details, but she didn’t want to shove either of them back into an emotional closet.

  “About what exactly?”

  “About us and about not being together fully. Forcing us to stay separate, and to deny what’s in our heads and hearts, is worse than anything that could result from someone finding out we’re a couple. Don’t get that look in your eye. It doesn’t mean I want you shouting it from the top of the Superstitions.”

  “I only shout in bed, and then only if you’re really good.”

  He gave her bottom a squeeze, kissed her forehead, and stepped away. “Finish your breakfast so I can get you home to change, and we can get to the theater before our actors.”

  “Yes. I’d hate to have to spank you for making me late.”

  “Never going to happen!”

  “Spoil sport.” She watched him over the rim of her mug and smiled. There wasn’t a single place she would rather be in this moment.


  Things moved along wonderfully over the next few weeks. There were a few incidents with Katharine. Every few days, someone would corner Robyn in the hallway and explain why they simply couldn’t work with the insufferable woman any longer. Top-notch performer that she was, Roby, Sean, and Joseph could never catch her being negligent, but nasty was a whole other story. She could slice and dice you with just a sentence. Her words had their own life, and she set them off on missions of degradation whenever she could. There were crying chorus girls and boys, a seamstress who had to be coaxed back with money, three designers who refused contact with the woman without a third party. The meltdown over the program had been epic, and two shouting matches and a hallway tussle with Roby were severe enough to bring Sean into the conversation. There was also a spanking for the latter that required two stints of corner standing before remotely civil conversation could be had.

  Oh, no, you’re not getting off with a lap nap and then everything is okay! Using a civil tongue, please tell me what the hell I walked up on.”

  “I really don’t want to rehash it, Joseph. I’ve calmed down, and it’s over. Tech will be fine, because now she knows I’m not the one to keep fucking with around these parts. I have a few blonde strands still under my nails as proof that I made my point.”

  She really shouldn’t have been surprised by the echoing pop that landed on her thigh.


  “Up! You go and stick your sassy tail in that corner, and don’t even think about moving. We have exactly forty-five minutes to deal with this, and you better believe I will have harmony restored.”

  Roby took a little jump farther into her designated corner when Joseph let the door slam behind him.

  He’d left the room to call Sean, because he knew there was no way he was able to deal with Kat. All he’d end up wanting to do was take a layer off her hide, and since that wasn’t an option, he needed to turn the whole fiasco over to a higher power—The Producer.

  Sean finally picked up on the third attempt. There was only the span of about twelve minutes, and Joseph appropriately used the time to cool off.

  “Hey Sean! We have a problem. Oh, she called you. I’m betting there’s more to the story. Yes, of course I know she’s the one in charge and has to handle things better. Look, I just wanted you to know and to deal with Kat. We’re on break, but if this isn’t resolved, going into tech week will be a nightmare. I will deal with Roby. Who wasn’t there? I don’t want to run a dragnet, but, yeah, I guess we need an impartial version. Roby wouldn’t lie to me, or you, for that matter, not even to save her own behind, but Kat, on the other hand. Yeah, I need to get back. Call Josh. I’m sure he’ll confirm things.

  When Joseph got back into the room, Robyn Renee was where he’d left her.

  “Come here, please.”

  “Oh, look who decided to come back!”

  “Seriously?” She wasn’t completely in his reach before he took hold of her wrist and spun her around to deliver some clearly necessary warning swats. “Stop running your smart mouth, plant yourself in that chair, and tell me what happened. You better not skip a single detail.”

  “Fine, Joseph!” A cross look and raised brow from him took a little of the wind out of her sails, and she settled back to relay the events he’d come upon. “We were doing parade of some of the costumes, so Elaine could see how they looked beside one another. Things were going smoothly, and I planned on being done and breaking early so we could have a longer lunch. Josh was helping in the back, while Elaine and I took notes. Kat kept delaying coming out. Finally, I sent Andrea to get her, and she sent her back to me with a message that if I wanted her, I could bring my lazy ass back there and get her myself. So I did!”

  “Stay on track with facts only, please.”

  “I am! What the hell? Am I supposed to pretend I wasn’t pissed?”


  “Fine. I went back and asked, as nicely as I could through a closed door, what she wanted to see me about. She wouldn’t answer. I kept talking, and kept getting no response. So I opened the door, and the psycho hurls a water bottle at my head. I picked it up and walked it over to her, told her she was being unacceptably unprofessional, and she shoved me!”

  Joseph’s jaw was practically dragging the floor. Kat could get riled up with the best of them, but getting physical with someone seemed outside her norm. “Exactly how did you walk it over to her? Did you get in her face, Robyn?

  “Look, I can’t be too specific, but I was pissed that she had the balls to throw something at me! We must’ve been yelling, because Josh, Elaine, Andrea, Kyle, and Bosch all came running.”

  “That’s what I walked up on. Damn it!”

  His phone vibrated in his pocket, and the text he read from Sean confirmed the story. Sean was coming in to speak to the company in general, and Kat in particular. The plan was to release them for the day and regroup for tomorrow. A few more texts exchanged, and Joseph put his phone away. Roby was pacing behind the chair. He watched for a moment before calling her to heel.

  “Look, I’m sorry,” Roby said. “I know this is bad. She’s probably already called Sean, and he’s going to kill whatever’s left when you’re done with me. She’s so fu—”

  “I’ve heard all the f-bombs I’m willing to from you today, missy. Yes, he knows everything, and is coming in to hold a company meeting. We’re losing the rest of the day’s rehearsal time.”

  “And, what? This is my fault? I can tell you right now, I don’t feel one ounce of guilt! If he thinks he’s just going give me a public tongue-lashing, and I’m going to take it, he can just think again. I can’t believe you won’t defend me!”

  “You done?”

  “Not even close!”

  Without saying a word, he simply pointed back to the corner. She was far too gone for the non-verbal acceptance he would’ve preferred.

  “March, or so help me, Roby, I’ll march you with a hand to your butt every step of the way.”

  As soon as her body unclenched and her shoulders relaxed, he called her back over.

  “You know Sean isn’t even thinking about giving you any sort of public dressing down,” he said. “Hell, he wouldn’t do that to anyone, no matter the level of guilt. Too many people witnessed this, Roby, and he has to contain it. God help us if there’s video.”

  “No such thing as bad publicity,” she muttered.

  “Way too soon! Come here.”

  “Oh, come on! I was just lightening the mood. Fine!”

  Taking her ha
nds in his much larger ones, Joseph looked her in the eyes and held it a moment. As she began to inch closer from the intensity, he broke it.

  “I adore you, my beautiful morsel, but you have to get your temper under control. There were at least three different choices you could’ve made. Nope, no interruptions. I grant you, her behavior was outrageous. She would’ve been one hundred percent wrong, and we’d be having a meeting with Sean over lunch about how to deal with her. Instead, we’re here.”

  His hands dropped hers and went to the waistband of her yoga pants. Roby grabbed for his wrist.

  “Wrong move.”

  “This isn’t fair. I didn’t do anything to provoke the attack, and I was defending myself.”

  “I’ve heard your case and the evidence, and your sentence stands. Let’s not drag this out. We are down to thirty minutes.”

  Scooting back on the desk a bit, he drew her across his lap and wasted no time pulling her panties down to meet the yoga pants. There were no pre-baring swats for his little brawler. Determined aim was the only way to describe his delivery. His large hand covered a fair amount of cheek with each landing.

  “Ow! No! Too hard, Joseph. Ow. Stop that! Wait! Ugh!”

  “Hush, before the cavalry comes charging down this hall again. You don’t let anyone push your buttons like that, ever. You’re entitled to your feelings, but you damn well better get that temper of yours under control. Relationship or not, if something like this gets out, neither Sean nor I could get you another job anywhere!”

  Hearing her breath hitch and her tears increase, Joseph knew he finally hit on the thing that would drive his message home. No more needed to be said, and with a dozen further spanks to her curvy backend, he brought the lesson to a close. He did the only rubbing she’d get, before righting her clothes.


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