Incubus Inc.: Book 2

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Incubus Inc.: Book 2 Page 29

by Randi Darren

  Irene gestured at the man who was still completely glamoured by Sam.

  “Indeed,” Stacia said with a nod.

  “Then Mistress Jena,” Irene said, taking a mocking tone with the name. “Won’t know what to do with her little self. Is it an Elemental problem or an Imp problem?”

  Clicking her tongue, Irene gave her head a shake and flipped her hair to one side. It was a mirror image of almost the last thing Caer had done as a whole person.

  Sam had noticed several mannerisms in Irene that hadn’t been there previously.

  She was clearly the dominant personality. Completely and absolutely in control without a question.

  But there were times, here and there, where he could see that Caer may not be “living” anymore, but some of her might have snuck over.

  It wasn’t anything Sam had to worry about, but it was worth at least noting in case Irene noticed it as well. He was positive that she while she was not at risk of losing herself, she was certainly at risk of doubting herself.

  “Perfect, Irene. Though…,” Stacia agreed then frowned, looking at the two Imps. “What were you supposed to do here? What was your goal?”

  “To… to sign the contract and negotiate for our best rates. Frank, my boss, told me we’re signing one way or the other,” Imp-Two said.

  “Yes, we’re supposed to sign,” Imp-One agreed.

  “And you?” Sam asked, still holding the eyes of the Elemental.

  “Sign the contract, lowest rate, take charge of the project,” said the man in flat emotionless tone.

  “Uh huh. And the Imps?” Sam asked.

  “Mine. My property,” said the Elemental. “My reward for getting this contract pushed through.”

  “But… I got the contract,” Inese complained, shaking her head.

  The Elemental didn’t say anything that.

  “Inese got the contract, not you,” said Sam. “Why are you getting the Imps?”

  “I took credit,” the man said. “Inese will also be my property and then the building will be cleared.”

  “Seems like Mistress Jena is really laying into her Imp pool,” Irene muttered. “We’ll definitely put the blame on the Elementals then for this. Maybe they’ll break out at the same time that others help them escape.”

  “None of them are yours,” Sam countermanded the Elemental. “They’re mine. You will do everything in your power to protect them, and every other Imp you can protect as well. You’ll bring them here when Inese commands you to, so I can collect them. Do you understand?”

  “I understand,” said the man.

  “Great. Now go to sleep and do not wake up until I command you to,” Sam dictated.

  The man laid down on the ground right there, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

  “Well, Imp-One, Imp-Two,” Sam said, looking at the two women.

  “I’m all yours,” Imp-Two said quickly.

  “Likewise,” Imp-One agreed.

  “Great. You report to Inese,” Sam said then permanently modified their brands. Matching the brand Inese and all his of his Imps wore. “And we can begin our plans.”

  Twenty-Seven - Too Deep -

  Thrusting deep into Inese one last time, Sam leaned over the top of the beautiful amazon-like Imp.

  “Ahh,” Inese got out. Her hands held tightly to Sam’s shoulders. Her legs slowly lowered, her feet dangling down past the edge of his desk.

  Shuddering a bit with each breath, Inese looked spent and then some.

  Sam let out a quick puff of breath, then leaned down and kissed Inese once. He sat back down in Inese’s office chair, leaving the Imp sprawled out across her own desk.

  “That was amazing,” groaned Inese, not moving or getting up. Breathing hard, she seemed unwilling to do much other than just enjoy the afterglow. “Gets better every time.”

  “Glad you liked it. And of course, it does. The more we do it, the closer we sync up,” Sam murmured with a grin. Looking at Imp-One and Imp-Two, Sam was gratified to see they both looked like they wanted a turn on the desk.

  Not to mention, they were well-fed for possibly the first time in their lives. He’d split off some of the Essence he was generating with Inese to feed all three Imps. Sitting in chairs in each corner, the two Imps looked extremely sleepy.

  Just like Inese had been the first time he’d fed her.

  “Now. That’s what it’s like to be fed,” Sam said and held up his hands. “And while I can’t feed everyone, I’m going to take on quite a few Imps personally. Most will be fed from themselves as I generate it, but… I’m sure we can come to arrangements for certain individuals to be fed by others, from those I feed. You two owe Inese for your first meal.”

  “It’s on me,” Inese said, waving a limp wrist lightly. Before it thumped back down to her desk. The very naked and large Imp wasn’t used to sex at all yet. Which wasn’t surprising since he’d given her her first time not long ago. “They’re my subordinates. Least I can do.”

  “Hm. Lucky girls then. Whatever,” Sam said with a chuckle. Leaning to one side in his chair, he put his free hand on Inese’s thigh and began to gently stroke her skin with his fingertips. “Imp-One, Imp-Two. I have plans for you. I need you to start bringing every Imp you come into contact with here.

  “But only if you think they’d be worth having in our organization. As I said, I can’t feed them all, there’s only so much of me and so much time I can invest into simply tumbling Imps. We need to be selective. You two got in by virtue of simply being on hand. Which means you need to earn your places. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” Imp-One said immediately.

  “I’ll do anything for you and you can do anything to me,” murmured Imp-Two.

  “Ha. Well, I’ve got a large feed harem, that’s not how you’ll earn your way. Support Imp-One and Inese as your boss,” Sam countered. Though he couldn’t deny he liked the look of Imp-Two. More so because he could actually smell the virginity on both her and Imp-One.

  Too many mouths to feed though. Just like Irma said.

  “Start going through all the Imps in the country. Figure out who’s got the right stuff that they’d be worth feeding. Work your way down from the top to the bottom,” Sam said, moving his hand across Inese’s thigh and up to her pubic mound. Tenderly, he caressed her smooth and warm skin there.

  He was a fan of this time period’s grooming habits. He almost never encountered anyone with hair down there anymore.

  “I understand,” Inese murmured, still not moving. “I’ll start arranging meetings. What if they say no to your offer?”

  “I brand them anyways then turn them back to where they were with a few compulsions. It’ll protect us but give them the chance to not be part of this,” Sam said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Best I can do. For those who want to join, they’ll have to arrange their feedings, or to be fed by other Imps”

  “Who do you want to arrange that?” Imp-One asked.

  “You,” Sam said, glancing over to Imp-One. She seemed to be the more driven between herself and Imp-Two. She’d serve better in this role. “You’re my Feeder. Schedule it out and arrange it. I’m available from twelve-to-five Monday through Friday. Then again midnight to five in the morning.

  “Ten minutes a session. That’s five to eight minutes for the feeding and the rest to recover and dress. Have Inese approve everything. I’m serious when I’m telling you she’s your boss. She reports directly to Irma, my First Imp. She’ll know how many I can support in full, so look to her for totals. Is that all understood?”

  “Yes,” was the chorus response he got from the two Imps.

  “Great. Have everyone brought here. We’ll just use this office as the recruitment center. When we get the new office at the facility tomorrow you can schedule them at either location. I’ll hold a portal open here since I actually can. Now we ne—”

  Sam felt a gentle tug on one of the portals he kept open at all times.

  “One second,” Sam murmure
d then turned his senses inward. Looking toward his Essence draw and trailing it back to his plane, and then to his portals, Sam waited.

  Whoever had pulled, would pull again. That was simply how this went. Then he’d know who was asking to see him.

  Another pull came. It came from the portal leading to Retribution’s fort.

  Raising his eyebrows at the realization that it was Eugenia, Sam brought his mind back into himself.

  “Well, I have to cut this short,” Sam said, standing up. Perched between Inese’s legs again he looked down to the tousled Imp. “You good? Need anything, Inese?”

  “More sex,” moaned the Imp, her eyes still closed.

  “Later,” Sam promised, patting her hip. Then he stepped out from behind Inese’s desk and pulled up his pants. “I’ll check back in after this meeting. Start scheduling my meetings for tomorrow. I expect to have at least one an hour to start with until you can fill my calendar.”

  “I understand,” Imp-One said.

  “I’ll make sure we get only the right ones,” Imp-Two added.

  Sam opened a portal to his plane and stepped through. Moving to where he kept all the active portals, he moved through the one Eugenia had been pulling on.

  Stepping through, he found himself standing next to the Scales.

  Eugenia wasn’t far off, waiting patiently with her hands behind her back. She was wearing a blouse, dress, and a light coat. She looked like any number of women Sam met on the street amongst the mortals.

  “Judge,” Sam said respectfully. While she technically wasn’t the Judge right now, she still retained all the powers and jurisdiction that were given to her. She simply couldn’t exercise most of them because she was not on her throne. “You look lovely.”

  “What? Oh. Oh! Thank you,” Eugenia said, looking down at herself. Shifting one way then the other, she made the dress flap lightly as if she were admiring herself. “You know, the fashion has certainly changed, but it’s rather lovely all the same.”

  Changed? Changed from what?

  Errr… wait.

  Could… could the Judge be like Miles?

  For a long while, Sam had suspected that this wasn’t the first existence. The first universe.

  There were times when Miles let slip a story that didn’t really match anything Sam had ever experienced.

  “Oh?” Sam asked, feeling somewhat emboldened. “Was that fashion before this universe? And if so, what was the time period?”

  Freezing in place, the Judge slowly lifted her head and met Sam’s eyes directly.

  “You know?” she asked softly, her voice like brittle glass.

  “Suspected it for a very long time,” Sam said with a wide smile. “Though you just confirmed it for me. I assumed you and Miles were both mortal at one point. Must have been quite a while ago though.”

  Eugenia’s mouth became a flat line, her lips hard pressed together.

  “You must never speak of it to anyone. Ever. Do you understand? Only Miles, Seville, Leena, and I know. And now you. No one. Ever. Swear it to me,” Eugenia begged. Her eyes were wide and her skin pale as bleached sheets.

  “Sure. I swear it. But only because it’s you,” Sam said, then moved in close to Eugenia. Dipping his head, he kissed her, and then began trailing kisses down from her mouth to her neck. “I swear it to you, my sweet and dark Judge, my Eugenia. I’ll speak of it to no one other than those you listed.”

  The tense and practically immobile Judge slowly loosened up under Sam’s assault on her face and neck. Her hands came up to rest on his shoulders.

  “Yours, hm?” Eugenia said after several seconds, tilting her head to one side and exposing her neck fully to him.

  “Mine. All mine. Admit it. Tell me you’re all mine, Eugenia,” Sam demanded. Then he bit down into Eugenia’s neck. Slowly increasing the pressure and force, he was determined to leave a visible mark on her. He was feeling slightly possessive of the incredibly powerful woman right now.

  “Nnn!” squealed Eugenia, her hands digging into him, but not pulling away from him.

  Not willing to stop until she played his game, Sam began to suck on her flesh. She was going to get a hickie as well as a bite mark since she was resisting.

  “All yours, Sameerixis. I’m yours,” Eugenia moaned, leaning into him. “I’m your Judge. Yours. Your Eugenia.”

  Satisfied with that, Sam released her neck and then stood up. Smiling down at her, he raised his eyebrows.

  “And what does my Eugenia need of me?” Sam asked.

  Panting softly, Eugenia glared up at him. Then she smacked his shoulder with the bottom of her fist.

  “I’m the Judge. Respect me,” Eugenia growled.

  “I do respect you. I also know you’re mine. Shall I mark the other side of your neck?” Sam asked.

  Wrinkling her nose, Eugenia looked to be thinking about that.

  “Yes, you should. But later,” she said, surprising him. “I need a favor. From my lover.”

  Sam owed her a rather large number of favors considering she’d swooped in and saved him. Let alone as her lover.

  Nodding his head, Sam waited.

  “We’ve started our war early with the Silent One,” Eugenia said, a grim look taking over her visage. “It’s not exactly the way I wanted it, but… it’s what had to be done. Seville doesn’t seem particularly interested, he never really was, but Leena and the rest of the Silent One’s forces are moving.”

  “Leena?” Sam asked, laying his hands to Eugenia’s hips.

  “You don’t know who—whatever. Leena. Seville’s curse. The Elf,” Eugenia said. “She’s been with him as far back as we’ve ever known of Seville. I’ve killed her personally twice. She just… comes back. Somehow. Every time.

  “He despises her and she loves him. It’s… we just call her his curse.”

  Sam immediately knew who Eugenia was talking about.

  “Alright. I’m kinda launching an operation against Jenaphila right now but—” Sam leaned in close to Eugenia and kissed her heavily, sliding his arms closed around her hips. Several seconds later, he broke away. “For my lover, for my Eugenia, my pretty little Judge, I’ll do what I can. What do you need? By the way, that dress really is lovely on you.”

  Letting out a nearly breathless whimper, Eugenia gazed up at him.

  I’m indeed the Torment of Lust. Just as strong as ever.

  Didn’t even use Essence.

  Seduced the Judge herself.

  Pretty sure she’s falling in love with me.

  “We’re going to attack an armory of the Silent One’s,” Eugenia said softly. “It’s almost entirely guarded by mortals and maybe one or two of his Angels.

  “At the same time, we’ll be attacking his launching area. That’ll be where he has all of his Elementals, Planars, Arch-Angels, and other heavy hitters.”

  Sam nodded at that.

  He didn’t actually understand what she meant by launching area, but there was a lot going on here he only had assumptions about.

  “We’re not going to actually attack it directly or head on. Just enough to keep all his forces there and penned up,” Eugenia explained. “We don’t have the manpower or the weaponry to truly take him on. At this point, we’re more like… more like the French resistance during the occupation.”

  “I wasn’t around when that war happened. Was locked up,” Sam said. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  Eugenia clicked her tongue at that, her brows pressing together.

  “That man was the worst. He single-handedly unbalanced the afterlife for fifty years. Necromancers shouldn’t be allowed to live,” Eugenia complained. “Almost as bad as a Lich. And speaking of, whatever happened to Caer? My scouts told me they saw you talking to her before we got there, but she wasn’t there when we arrived.”

  “Oh, uh… my Witch killed her. Kind of,” Sam murmured. “Caer’s soul was subsumed by my Witch, Irene, while Caer melded Irene’s body with her own. Irene ended up with the body, and Caer’s pow
ers, while Caer ended up becoming little better than a passenger.”

  “What?” Eugenia gasped, peering at Sam with absolute shock.

  “Caer’s dead. Or mostly dead? Mostly dead, yeah,” Sam said, nodding his head. “Irene controls her and her powers. Just consider her gone.”

  Eugenia opened her mouth, then closed it.

  “I need you to lead the mission for the armory,” Eugenia finally said. “Probably need to be a pretty small team though. Four really. Five if you don’t mind being crammed in. And it would last for a few days. It’s a break-in, really.”

  “What kind of armory? What’re you after exactly?” Sam asked. He was curious now. Curious and interested. “And what exactly would you need from us?”

  “Planar armory. And… and something else. Weapons that don’t belong here on this plane that the Silent One collects. From… other… locations,” Eugenia explained. It was obvious she didn’t want to explain more than that and Sam wasn’t sure he could push her. “As for what I need from you… well, violence, I suppose. It’s a break-in, but the insertion part of it is already taken care of. That’s all on my end. I just need someone who can wipe out the guards, steal everything, and get out. Wiping out the guards won’t exactly be quick or easy either. You’ll probably end up having a rolling gun battle while you empty the place at the same time.”

  “Right… ah… hm. And where exactly would this take place?” inquired Sam. “Would I be expecting to have the police show up?”

  “So deep underground that the only way in or out is the way I’ll be getting you there. And out,” Eugenia admitted. “There’ll be no reinforcements for you or them. There’s no way to contact anyone. And no way out. Once you’re in, you’re in.”

  That’s somewhat… difficult.

  I’m right in the middle of this Op on Jenaphila. I can’t just walk away from it.

  “It’d only be three days. Two at most. You’d load up on a Thursday, start twelve or so hours later, and be done by Monday. It’s on a set schedule that no one can change,” said Eugenia. “It’d have to happen this week. This Thursday. I’d consider us even as far as me saving you and if you clear out the armory completely… I’ll owe you a favor instead. A big one.”


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