Incubus Inc.: Book 2

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Incubus Inc.: Book 2 Page 36

by Randi Darren

  Otherwise it was like dealing with a mannequin. There simply was no response and no cares from the god in any way, shape or form.

  “I’ll build up a massive army and wait for him to come back,” Eugenia said, then she sighed softly. “And I’ll wait for him in the Throne of Creation.”

  Blinking twice at that, Sam wasn’t sure if he’d heard her correctly.

  “Yes, it’s real. Yes, it exists. Yes, I’ve known where it is since the beginning. I’d just never gone there,” Eugenia said, getting ahead of his questions. “Father… father had invited me to leave with him. Even after my betrayal he still… tried to take me out of here.”

  Eugenia let her eyes slowly fall to the ground in front of her.

  “As you know, he isn’t really my Father. Not really. He created me though. Twice,” Eugenia said then laughed to herself. “And both times he made me rather special. Something far above the norm. And both times I managed to fail him. He told me to call him Father. Me and… and Retribution. We were different than all the others, Father said. Well, other than Miles. Miles is what Miles is and has ever been.”

  Standing there, Sam really wasn’t sure how to respond. Reaching out, he did all that he could think of. He wrapped the armor clad Judge up in a hug and drew her into himself.

  Eugenia didn’t pull away, but she didn’t release her hold on her sword and shield either. Instead she tucked into Sam and stood there in his arms.

  “And so I shall go to the place where Father made the universe. The last bastion that the Silent One could never penetrate. To speak to the Last Guardian and see if she’ll relay my messages to father,” Eugenia murmured. “Because that’s the only way I can communicate with him.”

  “Last Guardian?” asked Sam, somewhat curious about that.

  The Throne of Creation was a legendary thing all on its own. The tales of it were wondrous and fantastical.

  The “Last Guardian” was something altogether unheard of. He’d never heard of it in any way.

  “Mmm. She’s… strange,” Eugenia muttered. “But not unfeeling. I get the impression she forced Father to respond to me. I will barter with her, host my army in the Throne, build, and wait. That’s all I can do.”

  “Makes sense,” Sam said. Then he leaned his head in against her helmet and tried to whisper into her ear. “Does that mean I’ll be visiting you in the Throne to turn your insides to liquid?”

  Eugenia pushed in closer to him, then let out a slow breath.

  “Possibly. I think it best if you take me to your plane going forward, though,” Eugenia murmured. “To your own bed. I think I should begin normal communications with your wife, Irma, and your Branded, as well.”

  “Delightful,” whispered Sam. Then he started to take the sword and shield from her hands. “Let’s take you to my bed now then. I’m sure I can help you relax.”

  With a clang, the angelic shield hit the turf, a moment later followed by the sword, before Sam could take them from her.

  “Yes, please,” said the Judge, a soft sob following her words.


  Sitting next to Imp-Three, Sam watched the monitors with something akin to dislike.

  It was boring.



  Staring at monitors which revealed nothing had changed in any way, all day, every day, for the last week. Because the simple truth was that as long as Joe was one of the higher-ups here, and Imp-Three remained in the security room, Sam could use those two to his advantage and remain here.

  And it was the best place for him. He could keep up to date on everything without risking anyone or anything.

  The only mildly amusing part of his day was having his way with Imp-Three on Joe’s desk repeatedly throughout the day.

  Much to Imp-Three’s delight and Joe’s continued dislike. His constant complaint was his office smelled like a frat house now.

  Unfortunately though, Sam had already taken his last break for the day. Which meant he wouldn’t be able to kill some time with Imp-Three for the rest of the work day.

  Then again, I could always make up an excuse and go see Abigail. She’s all by herself in the IT room right now. Isn’t she?

  Leaning to one side, Sam put his elbow up on the console and morosely gazed at the monitor that showed the entry lobby.

  Hurrying in from the side door which led back out into the facility was someone Sam hadn’t ever seen before.

  It was a male Elemental that looked to be rather old.

  Very old.

  Which was very strange given Elementals were creatures that technically weren’t mortal.

  Aster was more a collection of electrical current than an actual person. Her “body” was just the presentation she preferred to utilize and had invested in heavily to empower.

  “Hello! I need your assistance,” said the man, puffing slightly. His gray hair and brown eyes looked worn and fading. “The Mistress is going to be here shortly and—”

  A swarm of people rushed in through the front lobby doors. Each and every one carrying a sub-machine gun, a rifle, or some type of magically enhanced melee weapon.

  Sam couldn’t see the magic through the monitor but he had no doubt that the whole area was absolutely glowing with power.

  He imagined that it would likely be blinding for anyone not used to it.

  The older man rushed into the back offices, scooting past Sam as if he didn’t exist.

  All the people watching the monitors were actively talking to defensive checkpoints or just sitting there wondering what was about to happen.

  Being in the latter group, Sam just sat there with his hands in his lap, staring at the door. Waiting to see if Jenaphila would actually show up.

  Imp-Three sat next him, demanding something from the security group she oversaw. Whatever their response was, it clearly didn’t match what she wanted them to do.

  The older Elemental and everyone in the offices rushed out behind him. In a flash, they were gone through the security room.

  Hm. Hopefully Joe doesn’t get too much attention from Jena if she actually shows up. If she looks closely, she’ll spot the difference in his brand.

  Suddenly, a woman walked into the lobby.

  Sam didn’t need to look hard to know that it was Jenaphila.

  The way she carried herself, the way she dressed, and even the fact that she looked incredibly bored, were all the hallmarks of who she was.

  From the expensive clothes, to the dreadful-looking thick fur coat, to the shoes and bag on her arm, she was wearing several people’s annual salary as casual as could be.

  Her blue eyes moved from person to person behind the lobby desk before she reached back and lightly flicked her brown hair over a shoulder.

  Sighing softly, Sam couldn’t deny there was something in him that couldn’t shake what they’d had at one point.

  She was brutal, blunt, and to the point. With her at his side, he’d accomplished a great many things. Expanded himself into an underground empire that would have lasted untold centuries.

  Right up until she personally ended it and took it over for herself.

  Because he fell into some sort of puppy love and didn’t know any better and she’d taken him for everything.

  As cool and as dull as a glass of water left out overnight, she left the lobby. Walking behind the desk and heading straight into the secured areas.

  Following along the red line paths she went deep into the facility. Passing through the resource generation rooms and into a side door at the back of the Succubus and Incubus room.

  Vanishing from view entirely and going outside of all camera range.

  “Huh?” Sam mumbled.

  As far as he knew that room was nothing more than a broom closet. He’d even seen people go into it and come out with cleaning supplies. Typically a mop for some type of accidental spray of body fluids.

  Lifting his head, Sam glanced at the nearby security members to see what they made of the situat

  Everyone in the security room was sitting perfectly still, staring ahead at nothing.

  No one moved, no one stirred, and no one said anything.

  All the monitors were active and recording as Jenaphila’s group piled up around outside of the door.

  Looking around more closely, Sam could see that everyone in the room was under some type of deep-set compulsion.

  Even Imp-Three was. Her eyes unfocused and looking dully at her screen as if it were the entirety of her existence.

  Spinning up a micro-thin filament of Essence, Sam stuck it into the side of Imp-Three’s head and scoured her mind of any type of active spellwork.

  Blinking once, Imp-Three slowly woke up from the stupor she was in. Sitting up in her chair.

  “What?” she asked no one, turning her head one way and then the other, taking in the scene around her.

  Leaning in close to the woman, Sam pressed his lips to her ear.

  “Jenaphila walked into a room and vanished from the cameras. Everyone went weird and blank as soon as she did it, even you. What’s going on?” Sam asked as quietly as he could manage. “It’s just a broom closet on the map.”

  Imp-Three shook her head slightly and looked at the monitor where Jena’s forces were gathering.

  “That… yeah. That’s a broom closet,” Imp-Three said quietly. “But… everyone else is behaving normally?”

  Looking from monitor to monitor, Sam and Imp-Three confirmed quickly that everything appeared to be normal.

  Other than the blank stares.

  “I cleared a spell from your mind,” Sam said, his eyes drifting to the security point outside the area Jenaphila was in. All the leaders and the older Elemental were moving through it and toward Jena’s current position. “It would seem… you’re not supposed to know about that room being a location for Jena’s visits. And that means I really want to get in there and see what’s going on.”

  Sighing, Sam shook his head. It was another objective that they needed to take care of. Another amongst quite a few.

  For now, Sam needed to make sure he kept an eye on Jena.

  The last thing he needed was for her to find him sitting in her security room.

  There was no way she’d not see through his disguise. If Sam was visible to her, she’d recognize him without any effort at all.

  She was the holder of his old brand and would instantly see him as that.

  Given the amount of Essence sorcery and magic floating around, it was very unlikely he’d be able to escape under magical camouflage either.

  The anti-portal magic was in full effect and there wouldn’t be an escape for him that wouldn’t be instantly noticed.

  Sitting there, Sam could only watch, and wait. Hoping that he wouldn’t have to hide under a desk in a back office.

  Thirty-Four - Planar Lord -

  Unmoving, Sam remained in the security office, staring at the group of people standing around.

  Everyone throughout the facility seemed to be waiting for Jenaphila in one way or another.

  All throughout this damnable waiting period, Imp-Three had been busy sorting through everything she could to figure out what that room was.

  Going through offices, cabinets, security files in computers, raiding peoples’ briefcases.

  Nothing was off limits to her as she figured that no one would even remember this.

  “Nothing,” Imp-Three said, sitting down heavily in her seat.

  Sam looked up from the monitor that displayed the administrative side of the building. He’d been watching Hillary and Irene. They were working through security protocol changes with a number of people for the security update that they’d been paid to carry out.

  “Then… I suppose all we can do is ask Joe when he comes back,” Sam murmured. “If he doesn’t know, and Zach never mentioned it before his end, then I’d say this is something that’s beyond the paygrade of everyone here.

  “And makes me incredibly curious as to what it is. If she’s taking this much security to try and hide it, then I really want it. To destroy it or take it. Either works.”

  Imp-Three threw her hands up in clear anger.

  “It’s just idiotic. Why would you blank an entire security room like this? What if something actually happened?” Imp-Three asked.

  “I’m afraid Jena’s strong suit was never really thinking ahead. For better or worse, that’s the absolute truth of her,” Sam said with a dark chuckle. “Though realistically what are the—”

  There was a sudden commotion on the lobby monitor as someone walked in through the front door.

  It looked like a man in a duster and some type of a cowboy hat. In his right hand was a staff.

  The fuck is this? Cosplay?

  Probably some idiot wizard who’s survived by luck and happenstance.

  The men in the lobby who were working security didn’t even bother. Anyone entering this facility was invited, an accident, or had poor intentions.

  Lifting their guns up, they began unloading into the idiot who had brazenly stepped inside.

  Almost immediately, six different weapons ran dry as all their ammo was expended in seconds.

  Crumpling to the ground, the mortal trembled as his blood quickly pooled around him.

  “Well that was stupid,” Sam murmured. “Though I wonder how often that happens?”

  “Never. I’ve never seen it happen,” Imp-Three said. “And—”

  A massive detonation shook the compound. Dust rained down from the ceiling tiles and the lights flickered for a moment.

  One of the monitors went dark for several seconds before it began to clear up. Bits of things fluttered and floated through the view, making it hard to see what was going on despite the dust having cleared.

  There was a massive hole in one wall and people were streaming in through it.

  Armed with swords, staves, wands, and guns, they seemed to be a mish-mash of mortals from all walks of life.

  The light above the entry door into the security room changed from a glowing green to a dark red. A second after that, the sound of a heavy bolt slamming into place echoed dully in the room.

  Things just got locked down, I suppose.

  “See, now that’s much more intelligent,” Sam said, pointing at the force in question. Questions and concerns were being sent up through radios and walkie-talkies to the security room. People demanding answers to what was going on. “They’ll be able to rapidly deploy and hold that area. Add to that their timing and it’s unlikely any guards will make it over there in time.”

  Pausing, Sam motioned to the statue like security officers all around them.

  “I mean… really. They’re not going to say anything,” Sam said with a chuckle. “They’ll certainly not do anything or react to this.”

  “That means it’s up to us!” Imp-Three declared, reaching down to grab her microphone with one hand.

  Sam knocked her hand away before she could begin transmitting.

  “No, that means we need to get our people and hunker down,” countered Sam. “Once the smoke clears, we go get all those ‘resources’ set free and see what’s in the broom closet. This is our chance to move freely without being the one to take the blame.”

  Standing up, Sam turned to look at the monitor where Hillary and Irene would be.

  They were looking around in every direction, talking to one another, trying to figure out what was going on.

  Someone from Jenaphila’s security team was angrily shouting into a headset, glaring into the camera.

  A new group of people burst into the lobby. They were wearing body armor, carrying SMGs and looked like everything was bought on their own dime. Nothing was the consistent for any of them, giving them an eclectic look.

  Four from that group of nine went down under the return fire of the security guards. The remainder managing to eliminate the guards at the same time that they took losses.

  Another group ran into the lobby behind the first.

Goodness. They’re really going all out on this,” muttered Sam. “If the security room was working though, this wouldn’t amount to much. It looks like you were right to worry about the security concerns. I wonder who ratted Jena out, and to whom.”

  In seconds, the group that’d entered the lobby stormed the administration side of the building. Several people who resisted were gunned down, even as everyone else was rounded up into a group.

  Curious, Sam watched.

  He hadn’t expected these people to simply gun down anyone who stood in their way. Innocent or not.

  It meant that they had much deeper convictions than he’d originally suspected of them.

  Much deeper.

  Hillary, Irene, Imp-One, and Imp-Two were cornered in the part of the building they were working out of and forced at gunpoint to start moving into the larger work area in the middle of it.

  A woman wearing a long robe of blues and purples flicked her hand out and slammed the entirety of the cubicle setup to one side of the room. Creating a vast, empty open space.

  There was no sound for the area, just video, but Sam knew without hearing that everyone was being ordered to line up, get their hands bound behind their back, then go sit in that space.

  His thoughts were quickly confirmed as that exact sequence of events began to occur.

  “Well. Maybe this isn’t going to happen as quickly as I suspected,” said Sam. “They’re not moving like a smash and grab. They’re settling in and taking hostages. I wonder if that means… that they expect Jena will be coming back out soon.”

  “Or she can’t come back,” Imp-Three offered.

  “Hm. Indeed. Well. I think… I think maybe you should remain here,” decided Sam. Reaching over to the security person next to Imp-Three’s position, Sam took their headset. Flicking the boxed radio portion of it to Imp-Three’s channel, he stuffed it into his pocket. Then he wound the earpiece up over his shoulder and stuffed it into his ear. “Because with their current tactics and power, me going in and slaughtering them all isn’t ideal. Because I’m not sure I could do it without opening up a lot of power in the form of Essence sorcery. And with Jenaphila right there… well… we’re still trying to avoid announcing my presence to her.”


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