Coming Full Circle

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Coming Full Circle Page 19

by Kian Rhodes

  I followed along as he tailed a scent for an hour or so and then lost interest, turning and making my way back to the jeep. Kade must have been right on my tail, because I’d barely finished dressing when he walked up beside me, human and naked.

  “Hey, Ralph,” he greeted, clapping my shoulder. “I heard you were out of the hospital. How are you healing?”

  I shrugged and nodded. “Good, they say.” I stretched, rolling my shoulders. “What are you up to?”

  Kade shook his head. “Still trying to track down that bail jumper I was looking for the last time we ran into each other in this neck of the woods.” He sighed. “At first, I thought it would be a snap. A pregnant Omega on his own, scared and helpless or so they said.” Kade snorted. “He’s proving quite the challenge.”

  We laughed and spent a few more minutes trading small talk before Sonny’s truck began to crunch up the gravel drive. All thoughts of the wanted Omega fled as I began to fill my longtime friend in on the current situation.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  After a long morning spent bringing myself up to speed on the new cases that had been shifted to my desk when I’d been removed from the Hydra prosecution team, I was looking forward to curling up at home with my mate and the kids, but, once again, fucking fate intervened the minute I walked through the front door.

  “Hey, baby,” I sighed as Colby wrapped his arms around me, grabbing my ass in his strong hands. “Missed you today.”

  “Mm,” my Omega groaned into my neck, stoking the fire that had smoldered in my gut since the day I met him. “Me, too,” he agreed, grabbing my wrists to stop me from unbuckling his belt. “But that’s gonna have to wait for a minute.”

  “What? But the kids will be home from Vlad’s soon!” I huffed. “What can possibly be more important than my dick in your ass?”

  Colby’s eyes flared, reminding me how much he loved dirty talk, but, still, he shook his head. “Casen called. Ralph’s missing.”

  “Missing?” I parroted, startled. “What do you mean missing?”

  Colby rolled his eyes and nudged me back to the door, buckling his belt as we walked. “Vlad is going to keep the kids until we get back.”

  “Seriously, Colby, what do you mean?” I demanded. “Does he think Ralph was grabbed?” I could understand why Colby might think I was overreacting, but, it was still possible that there were bad guys out there that we hadn’t accounted for.

  “No, nothing like that,” Colby assured me as he threw a leg over his Harley and cranked it. “At least, I don’t think so. It sounds more like Ralph just took off on him.”

  We rode mostly in silence, the Harleys rumbling down the highway as they ate up the miles of blacktop between our territory and the small townhouse that Ralph kept on the outskirts of Wolfsrudel. When we finally arrived, Casen was nearly frantic.

  “He was here and then he’s gone and there was a swear jar, but he doesn’t swear! When I asked, he said you couldn’t tell me but now he’s gone and I’m scared!”

  I stared at Casen for a long moment, trying to sort through the alphabet soup he’d just verbally flung in my direction.

  “Rafe, please, you have to do something,” he begged, thrusting a piece of paper at me.

  Taking it, I skimmed the neat handwriting and frowned.

  Dear Cass,

  I appreciate the time you’ve spent taking care of me, but I’ve healed pretty well and it’s time to let you return to your own life. You’re welcome to stay in the townhouse as long as you like. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and, if there’s any way that I can repay the favor, please let me know.



  I read through the note two more times, growing more confused with each pass.

  “This doesn’t make any sense, Casen.” I spoke quietly, letting the Alpha control creep in. “I need you to calm down and talk to me. What happened?”

  The Omega shook his head sadly. “Like I told you earlier, things have been different. But that’s not why I’m worried, I never expected him to stay with me. But to just leave the townhouse and tell me I can use it? That doesn’t seem normal. And I went to the fishing cottage, just to be sure he was okay, he isn’t there, either.” Casen’s worried eyes filled with tears. “And he’s not answering his phone. Rafe, I have an awful feeling about this.”

  Colby had waited patiently as Casen rambled through the reasons for his concern, but, when the other Omega was done talking, he decided that was enough.

  “Let’s sit down,” he suggested, dropping onto the plush sofa with an oomph!.”Rafe, why don’t you take your phone outside and see if he’ll answer from your number?”

  “Okay,” I agreed, curious as to why Colby was trying to get rid of me. “Back in a few.”

  I tapped on Ralph’s cellphone number and wandered out to the middle of the townhome complex parking lot while it rang.

  One ring. Two. On the third, there was a click and Ralph’s familiar voice greeted me.

  “Hey, Rafe. What’s up?”

  He sounded fine, unrushed and relaxed.

  Thank the Gods.

  “Oh, you know,” I said, trying to match his casual tone. “Just doing some preliminary legwork on a report of a missing Alpha.”

  “Yeah?” Ralph sounded interested. “That’s odd. We really don’t have that many Alphas go missing..” he trailed off as he realized what I’d said. “Oh, crap. You mean me?”

  “I mean you,” I confirmed agreeably. “You wanna tell me what’s up?”

  Ralph’s sigh carried through the phone. “I’m fine, Rafe. There’s nothing to investigate.”

  “Maybe,” I said calmly, “but you know that isn’t how this works. You’re on medical leave, which means that you haven’t been cleared by the doctor as recovered,” I reminded him.

  “I know that, Rafael,” a warning note was creeping into Ralph’s voice, but I ignored it.

  “Of course, you do,” I agreed. “You also know that I’m going to have to see you in person before I can close the complaint.”

  The string of curses that rang through the receiver made me grin.

  “I guess it’s a good thing you invested in a swear jar, huh?” I said, unable to keep the amusement out of my tone. “You coming in or you want me to come to you?”

  “I’m at Sonny’s place up in Sharon Hill,” Ralph growled. “Just tell Casen that I’m fine.”

  “Sorry,” I refused. “I can’t do that. You need to get your fuzzy ass down here and deal with this like an adult.”

  Ralph hissed at the insult, but after a moment of silence, he huffed. “Fine. Do you want me to turn myself in up here and have them extradite?”

  I laughed. “Wow, you are seriously pissy. We’re already at the townhouse, so, why not just meet us there?”

  “Make yourself comfortable. It’ll be a few hours.”

  Then, the line went dead.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  When Rafe walked back in and calmly explained that Ralph was fine, I sighed in relief. That relief fled when he continued on, telling Colby and I that he’d insisted that Ralph return to town so I could see for myself.

  “What?” I whined, dismayed. “Oh my God! He’s never going to forgive me!”

  “You sure that was the right call, Alpha?” Colby questioned, his brow raised.

  I nodded. “Yeah. There’s a bunch of shit I forgot to tell you, but, trust me. It’ll be fine.” He yawned. “How about we order some food while we’re waiting,” he asked, rubbing his stomach. “I’m starved.”

  After choking down as much of the Kung Pao chicken as I could, I’d flitted around the townhouse, tidying things that weren’t out of place and inventorying the larder, hoping that I had the necessary ingredients to make one of Ralph’s favorite meals in a blatant peace offering.

  After all, it was bad enough that he’d felt like he had to abandon his own home to get away from me, but to be dragged back
because a needy former rent-boy cried wolf? He was going to be pissed and justifiably so.

  “Casen?” Colby’s voice snapped me out of my head. “Man, would you sit down and relax? You’re wearing me out and all I’m doing is watching you!”

  “Sorry.” I swallowed hard and forced myself to set down the stack of books I’d been rearranging for the umpteenth time. “It’s just..he’s going to be so mad.”

  “Ralph?” Colby sounded surprised. “Naw. By the time he gets back, he’ll be fine. He’s not the kind to hold a grudge about someone worrying about him.” He studied me for a minute. “When was the last time you slept?”

  “Yesterday,” I said quickly. Maybe too quickly, based on the doubting look Colby responded with. “I did,” I insisted weakly. “I mean, I didn’t sleep really well, but I did sleep.”

  “Uh-huh.” Colby looked over at his Alpha who nodded in response to the unasked question.

  “Why don’t you lie down, Casen?” Rafe suggested, the Alpha control in his voice making it more of an order. “I can help you get to sleep.”

  I sighed, dropping my chin to my chest in defeat. “There’s only one bed,” I tried to argue.

  “No one else needs it,” Rafe said firmly, standing up and gesturing for me to walk ahead of him down the hall.

  “Fine,” I groaned, kicking off my shoes and crawling into the bed fully dressed. No sense in having to search for my clothes when Ralph kicked me out.

  Rafe watched in amusement, but didn’t say anything until I was lying under the top blanket. “Roll over so I can reach your neck,” he directed, wrapping his fingers around the back of my neck when I complied. “Now, close your eyes and breathe with me.”

  “In and out,” Rafe murmured, releasing a blanket of comforting Alpha pheromones as I drew in a breath. “That’s right. Keep breathing.”

  The next thing I remember, there was a warm body pressed up behind me in the bed. Strong arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me tight, and soft lips were trailing lightly over the sensitive skin on my neck.

  Even better, the comforting Alpha scent surrounding me wasn’t the one that I’d fallen asleep to.

  “Ralph?” I muttered, pretty sure I was still asleep. “I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.”

  His low laugh rumbled through his chest, vibrating through my body. “That would never happen, Cass.” Another light kiss fell on my neck, just below my ear, and made me shudder. “I’m sorry I scared you, baby. I just thought we needed some space, it never occurred to me that you might think something had happened to me.”

  “Don’t want space,” I sighed, wriggling back against the warm body behind me. “I want you.” I groaned, burying my face in the pillow. “Can’t have you.”

  “You can’t?” Ralph’s voice did sound upset, just, well, curious. “Why not?”

  I smiled into the pillow, picturing that confused look he got sometimes. “You’re smart and sexy and everything and I’m just a whore. You can’t be with a whore.” I yawned and stretched, still refusing to open my eyes. “It’s too bad cuz I love you.”

  “Then maybe you should let me worry about who I can and can’t be with,” my dream Alpha chastised me gently. “Shouldn’t that be up to me?”

  My sleep-addled brain was trying to figure out the best response to that when a sharp rapping came at the bedroom door.

  “Boss? We’re gonna head out,” Rafe’s voice called out loudly. “Holler at me when you’re up and about, okay?”

  I froze. If Rafe was yelling at Ralph through the bedroom door, that meant…

  “Will do,” the man behind me called back, flipping me over onto my back and rising over me on one elbow. “Good evening, gorgeous. Sleep well?”

  I felt my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, but no sound came out.

  Ralph smirked. “I was wondering if you were actually awake.”

  I gulped and shook my head, suddenly wide awake. “I..I..”

  “It’s okay, Cass,” Ralph leaned over me, pressing his chest to mine as he brushed our lips together. “I think it’s time that you and I get a few things straight.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  The shocked, wide-eyed look on Cass’s face as he stared up at me quickly morphed into fear. He started to shift in the bed, seemingly trying to burrow through the mattress to get away from me.

  I reached to brush the tousled hair out of his eyes, immediately regretting my heavy-handed approach when he flinched and began to shake.

  “Whoa, there,” I pulled my hand back, dismay flooding me. “You know I’d never hit you, right?”

  “I’m so sorry that I got you in trouble,” he said quickly. “I didn’t mean for them to make you come back. I really didn’t,” Cass babbled, the fear in his expression tearing at my heart.

  “Cass,” I said his name softly, waiting until he met my eyes to continue. “Baby, I’m not mad at you, and, even if I was, I’d never strike you.”

  “But..” my Omega swallowed hard. “I called Colby..and..”

  “Yeah, I know,” I assured him. “And Rafe tracked me down and told me to stop acting like a butthurt child and get back here to resolve things.” I shrugged. “He wasn’t wrong.”

  Cass slowly stopped shaking, but his body was still stiff. “You’re forgiving me?”

  I sighed, stretching out on my side facing Cass so I wasn’t looming over him. “Cass, honestly, there is nothing to forgive. I swear.” I waited in silence for several long moments until the smell of fear began to dissipate, but Cass still seemed to be trying to creep as far from me as possible. “Would you rather we talked in the other room?”

  I was careful to hide my disappointment when he quickly nodded.

  “Okay.” I slid out from under the covers and reached for the jeans I’d discarded on the floor. Shaking my head when he appeared fully clothed and immediately reached for his shoes. “Cass, why were you sleeping dressed?”

  Cass didn’t answer, instead shooting a panicked look past me at the door, almost as if he was deciding if he should make a break for it and I still had no idea why he was so upset.

  “Let’s go to the living room,” I suggested, leading the way and mentally crossing my fingers that he would follow. When Cas walked slowly to sit on the sofa beside me instead of choosing a chair or bolting out the front door, I counted it a win.

  “Thank you.” I placed a careful hand on his knee. “Now, will you tell me what has you so freaked out?”

  When Cass just sighed and stared at the floor, I tried again.

  “Okay. Why don’t I start?” I waited for Cass to look at me. “Rafe said you spoke to him today, that you had some concerns about not being good enough for me.” Cass swallowed. “Then, you kind of said the same thing when I was waking you up.” I traced a circle on the rough denim covering his leg. “You couldn’t be more wrong.”

  Surprise flashed in his amber eyes. “But..”

  “Still my turn.” I shushed him with a finger to his lips. “I left because I thought you were pulling away.”

  “I wasn’t, though,” Cass said weakly. “I mean, I didn’t want to.”

  “Are you familiar with Stockholm Syndrome?”

  Cass shook his head.

  “In the most basic terms, it’s a sort of a stress reaction where, when you’re in a life or death situation, you kind of grab onto anyone who you think will protect you,” I tried to explain. “When you started pulling away from me, I started to suspect that maybe you’d been suffering from it in the moment and, once we were safe, you were staying because you felt guilty I was injured.”

  “But I don’t!” Cass blurted out before biting his lip. “I mean, I do, of course, because you were hurt saving me,” he stumbled over his words. “But that’s not why I was taking care of you, I swear.”

  “I believe you,” I told him gently. “Or we wouldn’t still be talking.”

  “You do?” Cass sounded like he wasn’t sure he could believe

  I laughed. “You talk in your sleep, baby,” I teased him. “Or were you dreaming of someone else a little bit ago when you said you love me?”

  “Oh.” Cass blushed a brilliant red but managed to keep talking. “No, Alpha. I..I was talking to you.” He peeked up through those gorgeous sable lashes. “I do love you.”

  I huffed a relieved sigh and reached for my Omega, pulling him onto my lap and hugging him close. “I love you, too, Cass. I don’t know where we’re going from here, but I want us to make the journey together, baby.”

  “Really?” Cass’s words were muffled against my throat.

  “Really,” I confirmed. “And, if you aren’t on board, you need to tell me pretty quickly.” Cass cocked his head in confusion. My voice might have sounded a little sheepish when I explained, “Ah, there’s a good chance that I sent Rafe and Colby over to the motel to pack up your stuff when I found out that you actually live there.”

  My Omega’s jaw dropped. “You what?”

  I shrugged. “Remember when you said you wondered what my dominant side looked like?”

  Cass stared at me for a minute and burst out laughing. “So you just decided I was going to move in with you, no questions asked?”

  “Not exactly,” I admitted, brushing a kiss along the soft skin of his neck. “There’s definitely one question that I want to ask you, but I think it might be just a little too soon,” I whispered in his ear. “Besides, I haven’t really had time to shop for a ring.”

  From the full-body shiver that ran through Cass’s body just before he smashed our lips together in a desperate kiss, I was pretty sure what the answer would be when the time came.


  Houston, Texas

  Six months later


  The defense had requested a change of venue, claiming that Carol Daulton couldn’t get a fair trial in any of the states her crimes were associated with. They were probably right, and the trial was moved to Texas.

  On the morning of the sentencing hearing for Carol Daulton, an entire section of seats in the courtroom gallery had been reserved for the victims of the Hydra crimes. In the end, Carol had accepted a plea bargain that, while it took the death penalty off of the table, would still mean she died in prison.


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