The SOHMER Pianos are used in the following Institutions:
Convent of the Sacred Heart, Manhattanville, N. Y. Vogt's Conservatory of Music. Arnold's Conservatory of Music, Brooklyn. Philadelphia Conservatory of Music. Villa de Sales Convent, Long Island. N. Y. Normal Conservatory of Music. Villa Maria Convent, Montreal. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. And most all of the leading first-class theatres in New York and Brooklyn.
(lately patented) by =SOHMER= & CO., the Smallest Grand evermanufactured (length only 5 feet), has created a sensation, amongmusicians and artists. The music-loving public will find it in theirinterest to call at the warerooms of =SOHMER= & CO. and examine thevarious Styles of Grand, Upright, and Square Pianos. The original andbeautiful designs and improvements in Grand and Upright Pianos deservespecial attention.
_Received First Prize Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876._
_Received First Prize at Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, 1881 and 1882._
* * * * *
Transcriber's Notes:
Throughout this work many end-of-line hyphens, either omitted inprinting or no longer visible, were assumed to be present and thecorresponding word-halves rejoined, without further note.
Many punctuation marks that were mistyped in printing or unreadablehave been changed, without further note.
Aide-de-camp and Aid-de-camp both used by the author, as areAmherstburgh and Amherstburg, along with Girty and Girtie.
It's and its used interchangeably by author; this usage retained.
Several compound and hyphenated words appear in varying form, forexample "artillery men" and "artillerymen"; "bear skin" and"bear-skin"; "mid-day" and "midday"; etc. Usage retained.
Spelling, including possible typographical errors, has been retainedas it appears in the original publication except as follows:
Page 009: Typo "lappel" changed to "lapel" (button of the lapel) Page 011: Typo "oppposite" changed to "opposite" (from the opposite extremity) Page 014: Typo "Graham" changed to "Grantham" (question, Mr. Grantham) Page 015: Typo "Molinex" changed to "Molineux" (Molineux, had so pained) Page 015: Duplicate "in" removed (as in the former) Page 016: Typo "ln" changed to "in" (confidence in his young) Page 018: Typo "aparent" changed to "apparent" (apparent a single shot) Page 021: Extra space in "young ladyyour niece" removed. Space may have indicated omitted comma Page 030: Typo "narrration" changed to "narration" (narration of the anecdote) Page 049: Punctuation after "coolly observed Grantham" unclear in the text Page 052: Typo "padler" changed to "paddler" (paddler, and prostrated) Page 053: Typo "he" changed to "the" (fortunate for the former) Page 056: Typo "unproarious" changed to "uproarious" (because his least uproarious, mood) Page 056: Typo "inbibed" changed to "imbibed" (imbibed enough of his favorite) Page 063: Usage of punctuation by author intentionally retained (asked Captain Molineux?) Page 064: Typo "coroborate" changed to "corroborate" (Villiers can corroborate) Page 074: Typo "Desboroug" changed to "Desborough" (Desborough, I continued) Page 075: Typo "no" changed to "do" (displeasure, "I do not) Page 076: Typo "momentry" changed to "momentary"(however momentary--a) Page 083: Typo "neice" changed to "niece" (his niece, the parties in) Page 084: Typo "were" changed to "where" (where the General still) Page 093: Typo "disposess" changed to "dispossess" (may dispossess of homage,) Page 094: Typo "anticipiatory" changed to "anticipatory" (so anticipatory of coming) Page 094: Typo "shrapnell" changed to "shrapnel" (with shrapnel and grape.) Page 098: Typo "idependently" changed to "independently" (mistaken, for, independently, of) Page 099: Typo "aparently" changed to "apparently" (apparently much greater) Page 100: Typo "mattrass" changed to "mattress" (mattress, lay the form) Page 105: Usage of punctuation by author intentionally retained (in the same breath?) Page 106: Typo "teminated" changed to "terminated" (where the river terminated) Page 106: Typo "depatched" changed to "despatched" (prisoners been despatched) Page 112: Typo "preceeded" changed to "proceeded" (proceeded, while her breathing) Page 112: Typo "inacessibility" changed to "inaccessibility" (wonted inaccessibility to impressions) Page 112: Typo "rediculous" changed to "ridiculous" (guilty of a ridiculous) Page 117: Typo "day" changed to "days" (A few days) Page 122: Typo "add" changed to "and" (from thence, and he) Page 123: Typo "litttle" changed to "little" (the little dependence) Page 123: Typo "asumed" changed to "assumed" (her voice assumed) Page 125: Typo "piqant" changed to "piquant" (piquant a seduction) Page 125: Typo "contibuted" changed to "contributed" (water--all contributed) Page 128: Typo "Manwhile" changed to "Meanwhile" (Meanwhile, although nothing) Page 130: Typo "grangway" changed to "gangway" (gangway, from which, however) Page 132: Typo "eaaliest" changed to "earliest" (One of the earliest) Page 136: Typo "Desborrough" changed to "Desborough" (for Desborough to avow) Page 143: Typo "posess" corrected to "possess" (property I possess) Page 144: Typo "ascessory" changed to "accessory" (some degree accessory) Page 157: Typo "onrselves" changed to "ourselves" (solemnly pledged ourselves) Page 158: Typo "she" changed to "he" ("Henry," he said) Page 164: Typo "wit" changed to "with" (fast quitting, with) Page 164: Typo "oject" changed to "object" (siege. The object) Page 164: Typo "situate" changed to "situated" (the Americans situated) Page 166: Typo "morover" changed to "moreover" (He had moreover) Page 167: Typo "prsceed" changed to "proceed" (the latter to proceed) Page 168: Typo "alloted" changed to "allotted" (to the task allotted) Page 171: Omitted word "a" changed to "was a man" Page 172: Typo "dis" changed to "his" (Gentlemen," addressing his) Page 173: Typo "Kildeer" changed to "Killdeer" (Killdeer I confess) Page 174: Typo "since" changed to "Since" (Gerald said, "Since) Page 174: Typo "your" changed to "you" (to know, but you) Page 177: Duplicate "what" removed (snivelling, as "what) Page 178: Typo "accelarated" changed to "accelerated" (vain, as to any accelerated) Page 179: Typo "prssive" changed to "passive" (passive assent to the) Page 181: Typo "posssible" changed to "possible" (possible to himself,) Page 184: Typo "deperate" changed to "desperate" (desperate grudge--the) Page 185: Typo "grapling" changed to "grappling" (his enemy grappling) Page 186: Typo "resistence" changed to "resistance" (the power of resistance) Page 186: Typo "trottled" changed to "throttled" (throttled, maddened with pain) Page 186: Typo "uncontrolable" changed to "uncontrollable" (uncontrollable, until his anxiety) Page 186: Typo "assassssin" changed to "assassin" (assassin-like in the) Page 187: Typo "beqind" changed to "behind" (behind his back,) Page 192: Typo "indistnct" changed to "indistinct" (indistinct outline, which) Page 192: Typo "exhibted" changed to "exhibited" (who thus exhibited) Page 193: Typo "Gereld" changed to "Gerald" (noise made by Gerald) Page 194: Typo "aentence" changed to "sentence" (uttered the last sentence) Page 197: Typo "fierceet" changed to "fiercest" (arm you with the fiercest) Page 201: Duplicate word "an" removed (an hour too advanced) Page 203: Typo "admited" changed to "admitted" (admitted as an excuse) Page 204: Typo "coo" changed to "cool" (myself to a cool) Page 208: Typo "faught" changed to "fought" (fought with determined bravery,) Page 218: Typo "acuse" changed to "accuse" (to accuse the woman) Page 219: Typo "Tenessee" changed to "Tennessee"; although "Tenessee" is an historical spelling variation, author uses modern spelling in all other instances. (Tennessee man, bred and born,) Page 220: Typo "prefering" changed to "preferring" (this comes of preferring) Page 220: Typo "Fankfort" changed to "Frankfort" (Frankfort--before sunrise!") Page 220: Typo "fight" changed to "flight" (very fact of my flight) Page 221: Typo "massage" changed to "message" (with this parting message,) Page 222: Typo "Quee
nstown" changed to "Queenston" (stationed at Queenston) Page 224: Typo "Bt" changed to "But" (But oh, Henry!) Page 226: Typo "efferts" changed to "efforts" (by his previous efforts) Page 227: Address at bottom of "47 4th Avenue changed to "74 4th Avenue"; this matches usage in a previous paragraph, and 19th century news articles. Page 235: Typo "Fortune" changed to "Fortune" (Fortune Du Boisgobey)
Matilda Montgomerie; Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled Page 41