Dragon's Royal Guard (Dragons Of Charok: Shifters Between Worlds)

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Dragon's Royal Guard (Dragons Of Charok: Shifters Between Worlds) Page 13

by Meg Ripley

  “You’re right,” she said, tears and laughter mixing in her throat. “You’re absolutely right.”

  After contemplating the choice for a time, both dragons knew they’d be much happier on Earth, but decided to spend one last day on Charok together. The following day, they’d recite the spell that would send them back to Earth forever.


  Kaylee looked in the mirror, shocked at the transformation. She was used to the version of herself that was ready for an expedition, with her hair barely tamed by an elastic band, a clean face, and practical clothing. But when Lucia and Naomi stepped back and finally let her see herself, it was like a completely different person stood there.

  “I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” Lucia remarked, her eyes sparkling. “You look like a Queen.”

  Kaylee blushed. “No, I don’t.”

  “Yes, you do,” Naomi argued, straightening the short train of the brilliant white dress. “You always have, even when you’ve tried to hide it. I think we’ve got you all ready physically, but how are you? Are you ready for this?”

  Leave it to her mother to be focused on how she felt. That was one of the many things she loved about Naomi. “More ready than I thought I could be. Everyone always says they’re so nervous, but I’m really not.” She hadn’t been nervous about any of it, not when she went to pick out a gown, not when they settled on a venue, and not even as the day approached.

  Naomi winked. “That just means you’ve found the right one.”

  A knock sounded on the door. Naomi cracked it open to make sure the groom wasn’t trying to sneak a peek at the bride, and then she held it wide to admit Julian.

  “If you ladies don’t mind, I’d like to have a word with my daughter.”

  Naomi, Lucia and the bridesmaids cleared the room, adjusting their shoes and giggling. Kaylee looked to her father expectantly.

  Julian kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She ran her hands down over her dress. “I hope Archard likes it. I know he thinks this whole ceremony is a little over-the-top and too human, but he’s humored me so far. I can’t help that all these Earth traditions rubbed off on me.”

  Her father sat down in one of the numerous chairs in the bride’s dressing room. “You don’t have anything to worry about, dear. I’m pretty certain Archard would do anything for you. I mean, he did travel to another planet and back for you.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “I’m glad you approve. It’s all happened so fast, but I’m so happy. I love him so much.”

  “I know you do. Listen, I know we don’t have a whole lot of time before the wedding starts, but I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. This whole thing about your lineage was a lot to take in, and—”

  “Dad, don’t. We’ve been over this.” Julian had explained that he and his friends had each taken the last of the Queen’s eggs and crossed over to Earth to keep them safe with Varhan’s help. Once they’d come to Earth and the eggs had hatched, they’d each raised their dragonlings as their own children.

  “I know we have, but it’s bothered me so much. You were so upset when you got back. I’d been horrified once I realized you’d left, and then I thought I was going to lose you for good because I hadn’t told you the truth. I only did it because I thought it would be best. I didn’t think we’d ever really have a chance to go back to Charok, and I wanted you to have the most normal life possible.”

  She smiled at the old dragon. “Thanks to you, I’ll never be normal. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. There is one thing I’ve been curious about, though.”

  He watched her expectantly. “What’s that?”

  “Do you think my heritage has anything to do with my gift for languages? Was the Queen that way?” It was something she’d thought about off and on ever since she’d first seen and understood that prophecy in the royal cave.

  “I don’t suppose we’ll ever know. It could be that, or it could be simply that you were born with bit more brains than the rest of us. Is there anything else?”

  “No.” And she meant it. Kaylee had spent plenty of time thinking about her true mother and where she belonged in the world, and she would think about it plenty in the future. But for now, she was happy to set it aside. “Not today.”

  “Very well.” He took her hand. “Let’s get you down that aisle.”

  * * *

  The wedding was just as beautiful as she’d hoped, and perhaps even more so. Kaylee felt like a glowing haze had descended over her eyes, showing everything in its best light as she and Archard exchanged their vows. The peach and lavender roses she carried and that had stood proudly in centerpieces on white tablecloths were breathtaking. Her maid of honor, Nora, and her bridesmaids were the epitome of style and grace. Her parents and honorary uncles were noble and distinguished. Even her brother was on his best behavior, and since Kaylee had found out about his threat to Archard, she was watching him closely.

  Most of all, her new husband was the same strong, caring soul she’d come to know better over the last six months.

  Only her feet ached from being on them so much, and she kicked her shoes off under the table as they finally sat down to eat. “You look hot in a tux. I’ll have to find ways to get you in one more often.”

  Archard raked his eyes down to her dress and back up again. “You look incredible, but I think you look best wearing nothing at all.” The deep blue of his eyes was a sea of mischief, but it was one she could swim in for all of eternity.

  She touched his thigh suggestively. “Keep talking like that and we’re going to have to cut the party short.”

  “Is that a challenge? Now that the champagne has been uncorked, I don’t think anyone’s paying much attention to us.”

  Archard grabbed her hand and rose from his chair, bringing her with him as he made an escape from the grandiose hotel ballroom. He slipped into the stairwell across the hall and pushed her up against the wall. “I’ve been dying to get a hold of you all day. I haven’t seen you since last night, and I don’t think I ever want to be away from you that long again.” He kissed her deeply, his fingers exploring her body through the soft material of her gown.

  “I’d tell you that you’ll get your wish, but you might not. Dr. Morrick has invited me to another dig. I leave in two months.” She kissed him back, delighting in that warm, strong body. She hadn’t been able to get enough of him, even knowing they would be permanently bound for the rest of their lives. He’d been so completely right when he’d come after her on Charok. It wasn’t simply his duty to be with her, it was their destiny to be together.

  Her husband squinted one eye while he calculated the dates in his head. “Sounds to me like it’ll just be an extension of our honeymoon.”

  “I haven’t even told you where it is yet,” Kaylee laughed, wiggling her fingers under the jacket of his tux and absorbing the heat that came through his shirt.

  “I don’t care,” Archard replied. “It could be an island, the mountains, or the desert,” he continued, kissing her after he listed each location. “I’ll explore the world with you if you want, as long as you’re willing to take me with you.”

  Her heart melted for the millionth time. He had a way of doing that to her. “Sounds wonderful.”

  “For now, though, let’s see if we can sneak up to the room and back down again before anyone notices.” Archard swept her up into his arms and trotted up the stairs to their hotel room.

  She knew many languages, and now she knew the language of love.

  * * *

  Experience The First Four Dragons Of Charok Finding Their Mates!

  Daddy Dragon Guardians: The Complete Series Box Set

  When a devastating war threatens their planet’s existence, four heroic dragon shifters flee Charok with their slain queen’s eggs to ensure the survival of their race. But will they manage to find their mates in this strange new place called Earth?

  Grab Your Copy HERE

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  Preview Of Elijah’s Mate

  Shifter Nation: Werebears Of Big Bend



  I stood at the edge of the small crowd, wringing my shaking hands as I looked out over the familiar faces of my father’s closest friends and relatives, and drew in a deep breath before I began.

  “Today is a very sad day indeed, but the many happy ones I spent with my father will forever live on in my memory. We shared so many laughs over the years, and his heart was full of love, always. I’ll never forget the tears I caught in his eye when he had to put down his favorite horse. Or the way he would still carry me to bed when I was tired. Yes, even at 24.” I chuckled through my tears and many in the crowd did the same.

  “He loved what he did, and he loved his crew; his brothers.” I let my gaze fall on the weathered faces of Los Osos Demonios, my father’s fire crew. “He worked so hard for my mother, my siblings and for this ranch. He was devoted to making sure people in our village and along the border were safe. His final mission wasn’t one he would have ever wanted to do, but he did it, protecting us with all he had to give: his life.”

  My throat grew too thick to continue, and I looked at the ground for a moment to gather my thoughts. “Thank you all for being here to celebrate my father and his life. Your presence shows just how loved and special he was.”

  I stepped back into my place at the edge of the crowd and looked to the priest to continue the service. I felt several hands on my back and shoulders, trying to comfort me. I appreciated their gestures, but little would comfort me that day. Unfathomable sorrow and despair collided with the fiery rage within my soul, making for an unstable and volatile combination of emotions.

  When the service had ended, I shook the hands of the Los Osos Demonios crew. Time and time again, the guys had told me, “Valentina, your father saved my life.”

  If only he could have saved his own.

  When Oscar, the leader of the Demonios crew, offered his condolences, something he’d mentioned sparked a glimmer of hope among the darkness. “Such a terrible loss. He did so much for us; I’m so sorry I couldn’t do anything to save him. I don’t know how we’ll ever fill the hole he’s left behind in the crew.”

  “Thank you, Oscar. He thought so highly of you.” As he continued to talk about my father, an idea began to swirl in my grief-stricken mind, and in an instant, I knew it was the right choice for me to make. Cutting him off mid-sentence, I blurted my decision: “I want to take his place on the crew.”

  Oscar stopped talking and his mouth hung open. “Valentina… That’s very admirable of you to say, but—”

  “I know the dangers.” I sent him a look that told him I needed no further warning aside from my father’s death.

  “I can’t guarantee that Los Aulladores will leave you be. They may not take kindly to a female being around.”

  “Then I’ll have to be an extra good fighter, won’t I?” My inner bear roared from within. I would avenge my father’s death. Even if I died trying.

  Oscar rubbed his forehead. “I’ll need to talk to your mother first.”

  I glared at him. “I’m a grown woman. I’m more than capable of making my own decisions.”

  “Yes, but your mother might slice my throat in my sleep if I let anything happen to one of her children.”

  “Miguel manages just fine.”

  “Miguel is her son, not her youngest daughter. He can defend himself.”

  “And so can I.” The rage bubbled up and made my words hard. “Oscar, I want to honor my father’s memory, and taking his place in the Demonios crew is the best way I can right now.”

  He gave me a long look-over. “Alright, Val. I’m willing to give you a chance. But you’ll have to deal with your mother. And I expect you to work every bit as hard as my men do. No special treatment for the little lady.”

  “I would never want that.”

  “Well, we can start training as soon as you feel ready.”

  “My father has already—”

  “Hearing stories is not the same as living them, Val. As I said, you can start training as soon as you’re ready.”

  “Gracias.” As he hugged me in parting, I told him with gritted teeth, “No one else will die running Javier’s errands, Oscar; I refuse to just stand by and let another family lose a father for nothing. Mark my words: I don’t know how yet, but Javier and the rest of Los Aulladores will pay for what they’ve done to my family.”

  It wasn’t unusual for Javier to force someone to run drugs across the border for him as a mule—or for them to never return. Some made their way back to do the next mission out of fear, and some without families saw it as an opportunity to stay in the US once they successfully crossed over. Others were caught or killed, like my father.

  He was taken out by another gang who wanted the drugs Javier was sending before he’d even reached the border. A pointless death. He’d only gone through with the mission because Javier had threatened us. I hoped I could one day live up to that sort of sacrifice; to make him proud and one day protect my family as he had.

  * * *

  Having a passport and a legal way into the US was a major benefit to anyone working near the border. Few of the people in our village had the necessary documentation, and I doubted most had even tried to apply for it.

  The day after my father’s burial, I took the first step toward joining Los Osos Demonios. After signing my passport application, I tucked it into my bag, throwing it over my shoulder before walking outside. The day was dry hot, as it always was in Boquillas. Even with the mighty Rio Grande so close, the air was too hot to hold much moisture.

  Pulling down the brim of my hat, I covered my eyes in shadow. My horse, Cariño, waited for me in the stables and stood proudly, her dapple-gray coat shining in the dusty light.

  “Hola, chica.” I reached up to pat her neck and ran my hand along her sleek body as I walked beside her. Tossing my leather saddle over her back, I tightened the straps before mounting her.

  We took off at a casual trot, but I sped to a canter until we neared the edge of the village. Anxious to get my application turned in, I rode to the customs office and tied up Cariño before entering and dropping it off.

  I walked out of the stuffy building feeling a semblance of peace. I’d done something my father would have been proud of.

  Looking up to the sky, squinting in the bright light, I hoped he saw me somehow.

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this preview of Elijah’s Mate, you can check out the remainder of the story HERE. Available with Kindle Unlimited.

  Preview Of Damien’s Nanny

  Beverly Hills Dragons



  Damien Van Buren tipped back in his black leather chair to look at his daughter. Stephanie was playing peacefully in the corner of his home office, her toys scattered around her on the beige carpet. He might just get away with making a phone call, and he certainly had plenty to do. He picked up the receiver and dialed.

  “Mike, it’s Damien. How are we today?”

  “The Damien-meister!” Mike was always a little too casual, no matter what was happening. “I’m fantastic, man!”

  “Great.” Damien cast another quick glance at Stephanie, happy to see that his sweet dragonling was still occupied. “I just wanted to check with you and see if you have that demo recorded for me yet. I’m anxious to see what this band can do.” Damien had recently been turned onto a band that he thought might have a great new sound for his label. As director of A&R, it was Damien’s job to find new talent. As thirsty as society seemed to be for music those days, it was a continuous job.

  “Dude, they just wrapped up a couple of hours ago, and they’re awesome! I should have the tape ready in a couple of days.”

  “Wonderful. I’m glad to hear it.” And he truly was. Even if his personal life was in shambles, at least his professional life was still going strong. He had a go
od feeling about this band.

  “Hey, are you free tonight? Me and a few other guys are heading out to see Red Dawn.”

  Damien pressed his lips together and glanced over his shoulder at Stephanie again. At one time, it would have been easy for him to slip out to the theater with his coworkers. But there was no chance of it happening tonight, and he was surprised to find that he actually didn’t mind. The only thing he really wanted was quality time with his daughter. “I really can’t, but thanks. Just make sure you send that tape over as soon as you can. Have the courier bring it to my house, since I’ll be out of the office for a few days.” Damien winced and looked down as he felt something hard smash into his knee. Stephanie was standing next to his chair, holding onto the arm with one hand and putting her toys on his lap with the other. She grinned at him.

  “Yeah, I heard. Phew, that’s rough. Divorce is tough on anybody, but I always thought you and Linda were the ultimate power couple.”

  Damien swiped a hand down over his face. It seemed that no matter who he talked to or what they were supposed to be talking about, the conversation always turned to his divorce. With both he and Linda being involved in the entertainment industry, it had been somewhat of a high-profile affair. That was only exacerbated by the fact that Linda had been sleeping around with every man—and every coke dealer—in Hollywood. “It’s fine. I’m adjusting to it.”

  “Well, my condolences, anyway. I’m never going to get married. I’ll just be single for the rest of my life, and then I’ll always be happy.”

  Stephanie was trying to leverage her way into Damien’s lap. “Good luck with that, Mike. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up the phone and hoisted his daughter up easily, smiling as she patted his cheeks with her little hands. “I guess you’ve decided it’s time for me to call it quits for the day, huh?”


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