Just Neighbors

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Just Neighbors Page 7

by Charity Ferrell

  “Hi, honey,” she says on the other line. “Can you pick up a few things for me at the store before coming over tonight?”

  I stop walking on my journey to my desk at the station. “Tonight?”

  “Yes, for your sister’s birthday dinner.”

  I frown and pull my phone away to check my Calendar app. “Her birthday isn’t for another three days.”

  “She has plans with Devin, so we’re doing it tonight.”

  Devin the Douchebag.

  My younger sister lives for dating the wrong dudes. They’re not even the bad boys, more along the lines of fuck boys who wear sweaters with cardigans over their shoulders—which is surprising. She’s the wild child out of the bunch.

  “I’ll be there. Send me a list of what you want me to pick up. Seven?”

  “Yes, seven. I’ll see you then.”

  I need to tell Chloe about our change of plans. I open the database and find her phone number—perk of being in law enforcement.

  If texting doesn’t work, I can persuade her better in person; I wouldn’t mind stopping by her office for a quick visit.



  I grab my phone from my desk when it beeps with a text.

  Unknown: Hey, gorgeous.

  I hit reply.

  Me: Who is this?

  I’m certain I know the answer to my question.

  Unknown: Your favorite neighbor.

  Me: Mrs. Davis?

  Unknown: Let me elaborate. The neighbor who made you come last night.

  Me: Mr. Davis?

  The Davises are my eighty-year-old neighbors.

  Unknown: Hmm … seems you need to be reminded of who your orgasms belong to. A do-over is in the works.

  I sigh. I’d love for a do-over, but I’m not sure if sleeping with him would get in the way of my job. Not to mention, what it would do to my heart. I vowed to never let Kyle in my heart, and here I am, practically handing it over to him on a platter, ready for him to shatter it.

  Me: What do you want, Kyle?

  Kyle: This is a reminder of our dinner plans tonight.

  Me: I don’t need a reminder. I’ve been dreading it since this morning.

  Kyle: Aw. I’m looking forward to it, too. I’ll pick you up at 6:30.

  Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

  Me: Pick me up? You’re coming to my house, remember?

  Kyle: Change of plans, sweetheart.

  Me: I’m not going to your house or anywhere in public with you.

  Kyle: What about my parents’?


  I wait for his response but nothing.

  Melanie groaning drags my attention from the phone to her as she staggers into my office with her hands filled with file folders.

  “Hey, here are the documents you asked for,” she says.

  I stand to gather some from her hands and settle them down on my desk while she does the same with hers. “Thank you.”

  Her green eyes study me in interest. “Damn, you look hot this morning. You’re sporting a special glow. Did you finally bang Kyle?” She winks and places one hand in a circular motion before putting her finger through it.

  I came in early, so she lost her chance to interrogate me this morning.

  “God, why do I like and employ you?”

  “Because I’m awesome … and my stalking skills are legit.”

  She leaves when my phone rings, and I pick it up, expecting it to be Kyle, but it’s someone I’d rather not talk to more than him. I roll my eyes before accepting the call.

  “Hey, I need you to babysit,” Claudia says as soon as I answer. “I’ll drop the kids off at five.”

  “I have plans.”

  “Seriously? I need you, Chloe. I need to work to make money to take care of my family like you’ve lectured me about.”

  I scoff. “Quit lying. Your boss sent me your schedule.”

  “That motherfucker,” she hisses. “Fine, I have a date.”

  “So do I,” I lie. I have to hang out with Kyle.

  “With who?”

  My tone turns sharp. “None of your business. Maybe you should spend time with your kids for a change.”

  “Oh, here she goes again, Ms. I’m Better Than You.”

  “Never said that.”

  “Fuck you! I won’t ask for your help again.”

  The line goes dead.

  Doubt it will happen.

  “Hello, dearest neighbor.”

  My heart races, and I jump up from my chair. I was so preoccupied with my work that I didn’t hear my office door open.

  “Melanie! You’re fired!” I yell when I recover.

  “Melanie is going out for lunch and has seen nothing,” she yells from the reception area. “You kids have fun! I’ll be back in one hour, so make it quick.”

  I cross my arms and settle down in my chair. “What are you doing here? We’ve been seeing each other more than necessary, and I’m not a fan.”

  Kyle smirks, shuts the door, and stands at the head of my desk. Earlier, his demeanor was carefree. Now, he looks determined with his eyes on me.

  “You’re not a fan of having lunch with someone?” he asks.

  I gulp but hold myself together. Why does him looming over me like this make me nervous? “I prefer to eat solo, like I did throughout high school.”

  He shrugs off my response. “Good thing we’re not in high school anymore.”

  “I’m not hungry for your food or your games, Kyle. I have work to do.”

  “So selfish,” he says, casually strolling around my desk. “What if I’m hungry?”

  I tense up but keep my voice level. “Go feed yourself then. I’m not your mom who will bake chicken whenever you ask. Go find yourself a nice Martha Stewart to hang out with because it will not be me.”

  “Now, why would I want a woman who cooks when I can have that smart-ass mouth of yours? Keep throwing the attitude at me. It makes me want you more.”

  I gulp. “The feeling is not mutual.”

  I hold in a gasp when he grabs the chair and turns me to face him.

  “What time do you want me to pick you up? Dinner is at seven, but we can spend time together beforehand if you’d like. Maybe a quickie in my backseat?”

  “Never o’clock.”

  “Come on, Chloe. You loved my mother’s food along with some other perks I won’t specify in your workplace. Don’t you want more of that?”

  What’s disturbing is, I do want more, and him standing in front of me with his crotch practically in my face isn’t helping the matter.

  “What is wrong with you?” I ask, irritated. “You want me to go to the house of the man who proposed moving city lines, so the neighborhood I grew up in wouldn’t be in it? He called us scums of the sewer.”

  “My father won’t be there. He doesn’t show up to family functions.”

  “Still not happening.”

  Heat spreads through my chest when he drops to his knees and glances up at me with a grin. My skin flushes when he grabs the hem of my skirt, and a chill hits me when he yanks it up. He’s keeping a slight distance between us—most likely in case I kick him in the face.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I hiss. My stomach tightens, and instead of kicking him in the face, I want it between my legs.

  I’m frozen in place when his hands splay across my bare thighs, leading my breathing to rise while I await his next move.

  “I told you, I’m hungry,” he mutters. He shoves my skirt until it’s scrunched around my waist, and he settles himself closer. His mouth is so close to my core that I feel his breath against it. He groans. “And no panties. I love it when you leave my snack unwrapped.”

  I hold in a breath when he tilts his head forward to flick his tongue up my slit.

  “Oh my God,” I moan.

  “Spread them wider,” he demands before sucking on my clit.

  He grips my waist to lift me enough to adjust my skirt, settling it underneath my ass an
d against my back, until I’m exposed for him.

  “Good girl,” he praises.

  His attention sets on my core before he buries his face there. I throw my head back when he dips his tongue inside me.

  “How do you like me tasting your pussy?”

  I answer by rocking my hips forward to meet his tongue and can tell he approves of my response when he slides a finger inside me, causing me to lose a breath.

  He caresses me a few times with that single finger before dragging it out and glancing up at me. “Tell me, sweet Chloe, if I reward you with my mouth, will you come with me tonight?”

  “Reward me?” I raise a brow. “You came into my office. It seems like I’m doing you a favor, Officer.”

  He chuckles, his finger running along the seam of my opening but not pushing inside, teasing me. “Oh, trust me; you’re definitely doing me a favor by letting me lick this pussy. But I’m not asking for anything sexual in return. Like last night, I’ll deal with my blue balls. All I’m asking for is your company tonight.”

  “My company, so you won’t end up with blue balls again?”

  “Blue balls and I will become great friends the more I hang out with you.” His head lowers again to suck on my slit while his finger continues to torture me. “Say you’ll come with me tonight, Chloe.” His mouth moves to my thigh, raining it with light kisses while refusing me what I want.

  “It’s not a good idea,” I stutter. I reach down and wrap my fingers around his neck, sinking my fingernails into his skin, attempting to push his face closer.

  Instead of giving in, he retreats more.

  Well, that sure backfired on me.

  “But you think me giving you an orgasm is a good idea?”

  “Obviously.” I snort. “Why else would I allow your face in my lap?”

  “Then, say you’ll come with me, and I’ll give you an orgasm.”

  I dig my nails harder into his skin. “Not fair. You can’t extort me to go to dinner with you by orgasm.”

  “I can convince you to do anything I want with my fingers.” He pushes his finger inside me again. “With my tongue.” He licks the inside of my thigh. “And with my cock when the time comes. I can do whatever I want, Chloe. It’s the first thing you need to accept in our relationship.”

  “We don’t have a relationship.” I cannot believe we’re having this conversation with his head between my legs. What is really going on?

  “I’m about to eat your pussy. Do you not have a relationship with other people who stick their tongue in your pussy?”

  “Please,” I whisper. No! What am I doing? I do not beg Kyle for anything.

  “You want me to finish what I started? Then, say you’ll come to dinner at my parents’ tonight.”


  I grip his neck, and this time, he allows me to pull him in closer.

  I might hate the man, but I love his mouth between my legs. His mouth goes straight to my opening, his tongue diving in and out, before he slips two fingers … then three into me. He rotates them to the side when he knows I’m about to come. The pad of his thumb goes straight to my clit, massaging it. He’s everywhere, touching me in all the right places. Seconds later, I cover my mouth when I come apart.

  He waits until I stop shaking before placing a single kiss to my clit while I collapse in my chair. He stands, and I fight to control my breathing. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. When my arms are no longer shaking, I hastily pull down my skirt in embarrassment, like he didn’t just have his face buried between my thighs.

  He watches me pull myself together as if I were his favorite show. I catch my breath as he licks his lips.

  “Thank you for lunch. I enjoyed it.”

  My gaze drops down his body, and I notice the bulge between his legs. This time, I lick my lips as my mouth salivates for him.

  He drops a kiss onto my forehead, his crotch nearly shoved in my face. “See you tonight.” The erection in my view leaves when he turns away.

  I grab his hand to stop him. “Wait.”

  He stares at me with interest.

  “Don’t you want me to …” I nod to his waist.

  “Return the favor?” he clarifies.

  “Yeah … I mean, I know you said blue balls and you would become friends, but …” I lower my gaze while the words stutter from my lips, as if I were twelve and had never seen a cock before.

  He shrugs casually, as if he were asked the question daily. “I won’t stop you, but it’s not why I came. I had a craving for your pussy. If you have a craving for some dick-sucking, mine is all yours.”

  My gaze slightly moves up, and I bite into the edge of my lip when I notice his handcuffs. If we ever have sex, I want us to use them. I shut my eyes and imagine the things he’d do with me.

  I rest my eyes on Kyle’s lap as if it were my favorite meal.

  I stand up, surprised I can support my weight after the mind-blowing orgasm he gave me, and his eyes widen in interest as I take the small step to him. They turn hungry when I sink down to my knees, and they harden while he watches me unbuckle his duty belt.

  His hand folds over mine, stopping me, and I peek up at him as he drags the belt off—along with his gun—and carefully sets it on the corner of my desk. This gives me better access to unzip his pants, and I easily tug them down along with his briefs until they hit his knees. My mouth falls open when his cock comes level with my face.

  The asshole has a perfect cock, too.

  Go figure.

  He’s huge and engorged, the tip of it red and glistening with pre-cum.

  I settle my knees on his boots to give me better height and wrap my fingers around his dick. It jerks under my palm. When I glance up, his wild eyes meet mine.

  “This never happened. Do you hear me?”

  His cock twitches.

  He holds his hands up. “Chloe never had her hand wrapped around my cock; got it. Can we also act like your lips around my cock didn’t happen either?”

  Instead of answering him, I take him fully in my mouth, causing him to gasp. I nearly choke when the tip of him hits the back of my throat. I try to stop myself from gagging, and before it happens, his cock slowly moves out until the tip is at my lips.

  “Shit, Chloe,” Kyle croaks out. “You don’t have to swallow my cock. Make yourself comfortable. Relax your jaw. Do it the way you want to.”

  It’s like he read my mind. I shut my eyes and do as he said, slowly sliding my mouth up and down his length. With every stroke, I grow more comfortable. His hand dives into my hair, but he lets me keep my pace. I pray to God Melanie or anyone else doesn’t walk in. The door is closed, but not everyone is polite enough to knock.

  I know he’s close by his breathing and the shaking of his legs.

  “Fuck, Chloe,” he hisses. “Let me fuck you. Please, let me fuck you.” His pleading turns me on more.

  I shake my head, and his cock slips from my lips. “No.” I return to the task at hand.

  I want to have sex with him. But I can’t.

  “Your mouth is amazing.” He winces when I take him deeper. “We’ve already crossed a line. What’s one more?” He groans. “We can say it never happened.”

  That awful idea turns into a good one at the sound of his moaning.

  I keep sucking him without answering and smile in satisfaction when he releases in my mouth.

  I’m forming a relationship with Kyle, but it’s only sexual.

  We have a relationship based on oral sex.

  We’re oral sex buddies.

  And I intend to keep it that way.

  What harm can a few shared orgasms do?

  “Are you sure me coming is a good idea?” I ask from the passenger seat of Kyle’s truck. “Your father despises me.”

  He glances over at me and raises a brow. “My father doesn’t know you. How could he hate you?”

  I run my hand up and down the seat belt. “Correction: he hates everyone like me.”

  “No, he do

  “He refers to us as scum of the city. Dirtbags. Cockroaches. Along with some other choice words.”

  He winces at his father’s comments. “He won’t be there. My mom said he’s attending a work event.”

  I deviate the conversation to one I’ve been wondering about after hearing the gossip around town. “Was he mad when you didn’t go into the line of work he wanted you to?”

  Everyone knows Kyle had been groomed to go into law and politics like his father. He went as far as attending law school before dropping out his first year.

  “How did you go from future attorney to a police officer?”

  “Because it’s what I wanted to do, and I won’t allow anyone else to declare my future. Was he happy about it? No. But I am, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Your father seems like an asshole who always gets his way.”

  He chuckles. “You must know my father.”

  Everyone has their opinion of Michael Lane. Some glowing. Some distasteful.

  In my opinion, Michael Lane is trash.

  But most of Blue Beech practically worships their beloved mayor.

  “I’ve heard rumors. How mad was he when you dropped out of law school?”

  “We barely speak,” he answers, rubbing the back of his neck.

  My face falls. “I’m sorry.”

  He’s not upset—annoyed if anything. “Don’t be. Hearing less of my dad’s voice is a goddamn blessing.”

  I chuckle to lighten the mood. “I take it, you aren’t a daddy’s boy?”

  “Never have been. Never will be.”

  I can’t stop the grin playing at my lips. “So, you’re a mama’s boy?”

  His voice turns humorless, surprising me. “I love my mother more than anything. If it classifies me as a mama’s boy, so be it. She doesn’t pay my bills, but I will damn sure always protect her.”

  All right then.

  Let’s add protective and sweet to Kyle’s Pros.

  We pull into the nicest neighborhood in Blue Beech, and he rounds a corner before parking in a circular drive of the largest home on the block.

  “This is it.”

  I eyeball my surroundings before glimpsing his way. “Why don’t you live in this neighborhood?”


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